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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Wave Form Display Direction - Page: 4.05

This part of topic is old and might contain outdated or incorrect information

SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Personally I have no problem with people making feature requests, however...

1. This is the bug report forum, and this is not a bug. We have a forum specifically dedicated for requesting new features.
2. There are no plans at this time to implement a change to the waveform direction.
3. Please remain polite and civil when posting on our forums.

Posted Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 12:54 pm
Surfs up 🏄

Don't let the rip tide get ya 👌

Posted Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 1:42 pm
danydjPRO InfinityMember since 2003
beatbreaker1 wrote :
All of this over a silly ass waveform, wonder how this would if went if it something of REAL importance 😳

You not mix old sound, 70's or 80's funk, In that case you better understand why the need

Posted Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 2:08 pm
First off you have no clue what your talking about, please tell me how a waveform is gonna help me mix when I mix by ear?? 2nd I didn't need waves to mix then and I don't need them now.

If you wanna ride waves 🏄, cool, I have no problem with that.

In my opinion this has been a complete waste of time including what I myself have added.

So I'm done with this thread and again if your gonna surf watch out for the rip tide, it'll get ya 👍

Posted Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 3:02 pm

Maybe this helps to see why most all prefer the waveform direction as it is .. Its the way it makes sense to most all .
Not saying there might not be a 1% population that have a different wired logic/brain, and could prefer other way around ..

But the waveform on top is a kinda a zoomed in view of the cursor on top of the song position waveforms that "moves" into the future of the song.. (aka follow the cursor on top of the smaller song position wavefrom). As a magnifier - that follows the songs position ..
Hopefully the above image helps to show how most people see it ;)

Posted Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 4:22 pm
Yeah, we've already tried pointing out the logic of that. He's not having any of it.


Posted Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 5:02 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I must say I'm very disappointed in your lack of custom buttons Norman :-)

Posted Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 5:09 pm
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
Is it going forward or backward?

Look, there are 10 types of people. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.


Posted Thu 05 Mar 15 @ 5:18 pm
Adion wrote :
The needle indeed moves from the outside to the inside, however I would say this relates more to the song position / waveform overview than to the scratch or rhythm waves.

richmond wrote :
That does not relate to anything at all which is displayed or represented on the VDJ GUI.

Adion, I have to apologize for the above statement. I'm pressed for time, and didn't give it sufficient thought at the moment. Truthfully, I actually had not contemplated the static wave from that particular angle (re. physical, lateral needle travel) before. However, after more through consideration... this part of what you said is exactly right. The needle line on the static wave is precisely analogous to the tone arms movement across the record.

When I move my finger across my V7 search strips, which simulates tone arm movement and the needle drop, the needle line on the static wave moves accordingly. However, after having said that, if one is to look at it from that point of view, then it is important to note that the static waveform is obviously backward also, in comparison with the real world.


Posted Fri 06 Mar 15 @ 2:17 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Had a long reply, had a moment of clarity.

Applying linear logic to a circular motion has no universally excepted answer, but let's sort out crashes first.

You are in the minority, you've made your argument to completion , this is now in "wishes" given enough +1's it will happen. Further argument, you'll only be repeating yourself.

Posted Fri 06 Mar 15 @ 3:39 pm
SBDJ wrote :
[...]1. This is the bug report forum, and this is not a bug. We have a forum specifically dedicated for requesting new features. 2. There are no plans at this time to implement a change to the waveform direction.

SBDJ, you and other staffers have repeatedly stated that this is not a "bug". It would be a lot smarter to just claim it as an oversight, and simply deal with the issue. Here's why:

It should be obvious to all of you that the reason people were reporting it as a bug, was because they had become accustomed to, and were actually using this feature. In other words, they expected it to be there. It wasn't, so they figured it was a bug! It's not something "new", as you say. Mark my words; Atomix will lose customers over this failing, if they continue to stonewall. Let me give you a small example as to how this relates to human nature:

My business is a tough one. Most people just can't hack it for one reason or another, so I go through a lot of help in comparison to most other companies. Naturally, the question arises... how to fire all these non productive workers, without all the problems that usually follow?

Well... I've found a foolproof way, that works every time. What I do, is I give them a raise! That's right... then I wait 30 days... and after that time, if they haven't picked up their pace, and/or still aren't taking an interest... I'll take the raise back! Now... here's where you should be paying attention: They will always get mad and quit, usually that same week... but they never work over two more weeks!

The moral to this story is: You cannot give someone something, and then, take it back! Not, that is, without suffering negative consequences.

When you guys finally get V8 straightened out so that it is reliable enough for all the old V7 diehards to switch over to. you will undoubtedly be hearing a lot more complaints at that time. Why not just do the right thing now, and avoid all the bad press?

Posted Tue 10 Mar 15 @ 11:43 am
sorry to get off topic, but the train looks like its looping backwards and forwards to me, or I can decide which way it's going.

Posted Tue 10 Mar 15 @ 12:23 pm
dj-in-norway wrote :
Maybe this helps to see why most all prefer the waveform direction as it is .. Its the way it makes sense to most all .
Not saying there might not be a 1% population that have a different wired logic/brain, and could prefer other way around ..

If you are trying to say that the current configuration is "logical", then I totally disagree. I don't think it makes "sense" to anyone who actually IS logical, and/or has actually taken the time to think it all out.

The only reason anyone accepts this, is because that has been the only thing available, and it's "always been that way" . Your "logic" is based on the same kind of "reasoning" that ones sees in religious believers. Many, many people have killed, and have been killed, over beliefs and reasonings which have no basis in fact or logic. But they were raised that way, it's all they'd ever known, so rather than actually use the brain that god provided them, they choose to kill and even die.

People in England drive on the left side of the road. They think we are doing it backward over here in the States. Which one is right? I think we are, because I (like most) am right-handed, and my right arm is better suited to shifting gears and hunting the dash knobs. But more to the point; if you are an automobile manufacturer, and you chose to build all your cars as left-hand drive, ...you will certainly lose 99% of your sales potential in the United States.

dj-in-norway wrote :
But the waveform on top is a kinda a zoomed in view of the cursor on top of the song position waveforms that "moves" into the future of the song.. (aka follow the cursor on top of the smaller song position wavefrom). As a magnifier - that follows the songs position ..
Hopefully the above image helps to show how most people see it ;)

Look... I can't imagine where you guys came up with the idea that DJ software, just because it is a category of "audio software", should be configured the same as audio editing software, or DAWs...

Thanks just the same, but I don't need a picture to help me understand the "zoomed up" nature of the "needle line" vs waveform on the "rhythm view". I doubt there is anyone at all who's using this software that doesn't understand such elementary facts.

However ...what you-all need to understand, is that it is NOT the needle that is moving into the track, in our situation. Rather, the track, moves under the needle. I'll say it again for clairity: The track, is what we are controlling in this view, and it is doing all the moving. Not ...the needle.

It is ridiculous to make comparisons between DJ apps, and editors/DAWs. In every one of those I have seen, it is the now-line or "needle" that does all the actual moving. In these programs, when you zoom up on a section, as you have suggested, it is still the needle moving, not the track. If and when the needle runs out of track, the track shifts back to allow the needle to once again traverse the viewable area. This is not the case in VDJ. (thankfully)

In DJ programs, there is no way for a rational mind to even IMAGINE the needle (now-line) to be moving... Why..? Because there are multiple tracks, which are NOT static... but in dynamic play! You can not move a track while playing, in any editor I have ever seen. Here though, each track is moving against that line at a different velocity, and all are independently controlled by the operator (DJ). The biggest difference here, is that unlike the other class of programs, they are doing so, in REAL TIME. It's like driving a train. You can't steer a train, you must accomplish that by adjusting the tracks and their intersections.

Think about it. You'll figure it out...


Posted Tue 10 Mar 15 @ 12:45 pm
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and you have made you points very clear.

I do not think you need to demonstrate your reasoning any longer. The development team are well aware of this request as many of them have commented themselves.
If the feature makes a return then so be it, but to continue to argue with others opinions isn't taking this post in a helpful or useful direction.

Just because your opinion may not be the same as someone elses does make either opinion wrong.

Posted Tue 10 Mar 15 @ 1:30 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Let me try one more time:

As you see, the needle is stationary, both on the turntable and on the waveform.
And on both, the music moves underneath the needle. The part of the groove that has passed is on the left side of the needle.
The part of the groove that is about to play is at the right side of the needle.

Posted Tue 10 Mar 15 @ 10:53 pm
Quick Quiz:

Spot the differences:

Posted Wed 11 Mar 15 @ 2:20 am
And BTW:
It's the vinyl that moves under the needle in this pic, right ???

Posted Wed 11 Mar 15 @ 2:21 am
Guys... are you deliberately trying to get me booted off this forum ??? Nice pictures, especially yours George. But I already knew exactly what you meant.

It's a fallacious argument, and I'd be very happy to demonstrate just how many ways that is so. However:

(a) It appears to me that you both are much more interested in being "right", than in the actual real-world logic involved, and/or the wants & needs of your product's users where this is concerned. And so... really, if everything I've already said, has failed to even sway your position at all, then really it seems very doubtful that any amount of further instruction would produce any appreciable effect! And...

(b) As you already know, someone important there who would apparently like to remain anonymous, has officially relegated everything I say to a mere "opinion", and placed a figurative gun to my head, strictly warning me against any further attempts at your enlightenment. I quote:

"Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and you have made you points very clear. I do not think you need to demonstrate your reasoning any longer. ".

So yeah... my hands are tied now, and therefore I am helpless to counter your errant claims. Plus... There are other things which you do know, that can help me. I will need your and the forum's assistance in getting V8 to function properly throughout the near future. (For instance, it won't run on my laptop at all)

Thus... I'd rather not lose my forum privileges just yet, if that's okay with you two?

Posted Wed 11 Mar 15 @ 2:45 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Ok accept that we think you're wrong and move on.

Posted Wed 11 Mar 15 @ 3:17 pm
1. No-one is going to take your forum privileges away.
2. Help has always been provided to those who ask for it.

Now, the whole thing started because repeatedly you have said that there's no logic, or that is against logic to have the waves move like this.
We tried to prove you that there is logic for SEVERAL reasons.
We don't argue the fact that you don't like this logic and you have a different view on things...
But your wording was as if we are all wrong. And that's like accusing us that we didn't think of it when we implemented the waves to move this way.
I believe we have proved that there is a lot of logic behind the direction of the waveforms.
We DO respect your view and your wish, but that's a different story as I already told you some posts ago.
What you ask for may or may not come in the future. The devs have heard you, and there's no point to argue any further. If they decide to bring the option back I'm sure you'll notice it right away :)

I hope we can all calm down now...

PS: At some point this thread went completely the wrong way... I would like to please all of you to NOT make it personal and avoid flaming... We don't like to lock threads, and we wouldn't want to lock this one either.
Thank you!

Posted Wed 11 Mar 15 @ 3:29 pm