Bought a new Dell Venue 8 pro on sale from Microsoft for $199. Got this as my walk around computer/media player and gig backup machine. Since it has a full version of windows 8.1 (not RT) I am able to run full desktop applications including Virtual DJ. You can judge the size by the memory card beside it.
Here it is in action running VDJ...
Here it is in action running VDJ...

Posted Sun 15 Dec 13 @ 5:21 pm
Nice! Let us know how well it performs.
Posted Sun 15 Dec 13 @ 6:33 pm
This is awesome, I also got it for the same deal (tried getting it for $99 but people were lined up since 3-4AM). I also installed VirtualDJ and tried connecting it to my NS7 but didn't work (I think it was because of low battery) but I will give it another try and see if I can actually use the NS7 with this because that would be pretty cool... This tablet is so awesome! I will also try to plug in my Discovery DJ controller that I have (this may work but since it needs to be powered by the computer I doubt it unless I get a powered USB hub). I can post pictures on later on if things work out lol. Crazy how technology just keep advancing.
Posted Mon 16 Dec 13 @ 7:22 am
Was able to get the NS7 running on the tablet and it runs pretty smooth. I'm very impressed by this little thing!


Posted Mon 16 Dec 13 @ 8:40 pm
That is sweet!
Posted Mon 16 Dec 13 @ 8:50 pm
how long can you gig on it before it has an issue?
Posted Tue 17 Dec 13 @ 1:41 pm
my curiosity wants pics of how you have it hooked up. thinking about getting one.
Posted Sun 05 Jan 14 @ 10:48 pm
I bought one also from M$ for $199, I haven't tried it yet with VDJ but the tablet has definitely impressed me for the price I paid. Little tablet runs smooth.
Posted Mon 06 Jan 14 @ 3:17 am
I also got a Lenovo mix 2 8' with windows 8.1 pro. Vdj run really smooth. Only problem is that my hercules 4mx is not working due to USB 3.0 drivers from Microsoft. Also I find that we need a special skin to use because text is too small
Another issue is that we need to charge and send data to the controller from the same same USB port (there is only 1).
Another issue is that we need to charge and send data to the controller from the same same USB port (there is only 1).
Posted Mon 06 Jan 14 @ 3:21 am
use a USB hub or splitter?
Posted Mon 06 Jan 14 @ 3:39 am
Usb hub works perfectly so my tablet charge and send data from the same usb port. The only problem i have is that there is an issue with hercules 4mx drivers and Intel USB 3.0 Extensible Host controller drivers. It seems that there is an incompatibility because i get a yellow ! in device manager for 4mx drivers
Posted Tue 07 Jan 14 @ 6:15 am
I've read online that it won't charge and use USB at the same time - apparently the two data pins on the USB port need to be shorted before it will go into charging mode - how have you managed this then?
Posted Tue 07 Jan 14 @ 3:41 pm
Lenovo Miix 2 does not have this issue. My setup is Plug-->USB CABLE-->HUB-->Tablet. This allows me to charge and use other usb devices without any problem.
Posted Tue 07 Jan 14 @ 3:54 pm
pambos78 wrote :
Usb hub works perfectly so my tablet charge and send data from the same usb port. The only problem i have is that there is an issue with hercules 4mx drivers and Intel USB 3.0 Extensible Host controller drivers. It seems that there is an incompatibility because i get a yellow ! in device manager for 4mx drivers
Have you looked at this?
Posted Tue 07 Jan 14 @ 5:08 pm
pambos78 wrote :
Lenovo Miix 2 does not have this issue. My setup is Plug-->USB CABLE-->HUB-->Tablet. This allows me to charge and use other usb devices without any problem.
My bad, got you mixed up with the original poster! It's the Dell that has the issue, although apparently there is a workaround for it by dismantling the usb cable and adding a switch to short out the data pins. You only have to short them briefly, then the tablet continues to accept a charge while stilll allowing use of the usb port. Dunno, sounds a bit dodgy to me! How's that Lenovo working out for you then? I'm quite tempted to get one of these little Win8 tablets, but unsure which to go for at the moment.
Posted Wed 08 Jan 14 @ 12:47 pm
Ok i solved all of my problems now. even the extensible USB 3.p host problem. My solution was to go into bios where i found somewhere an option Debuh USB Y/N (I Selected Yes). After i reboot problem dissappeared.
So now i have a fully functional tablet with virtual dj 7.4 and hercules 4mx. It is amazing that the tablet can power the 4mx even without a powered usb hub straight from the battery!!!. My suggestion for tablet would be the new Lenovo Miix 2 10'' coming out this February as i found a bit small the 8" for vdj. I wish that there could be a customized version of Multitouch skin from djdad (1200x800) as it is the only that is suitable for my tablet
So now i have a fully functional tablet with virtual dj 7.4 and hercules 4mx. It is amazing that the tablet can power the 4mx even without a powered usb hub straight from the battery!!!. My suggestion for tablet would be the new Lenovo Miix 2 10'' coming out this February as i found a bit small the 8" for vdj. I wish that there could be a customized version of Multitouch skin from djdad (1200x800) as it is the only that is suitable for my tablet
Posted Wed 08 Jan 14 @ 1:43 pm

Hi guys! I am using Windows 8.1 Tablet, too. (Asus VivoTab Smart ME400c) There is an OTG cable that is able to use & charge at the same time. I am using it.
Posted Mon 20 Jan 14 @ 2:54 am
Has anyone been able to use an external HD with this set up? Or or are you using music stored only on your tablet?
Posted Sat 01 Mar 14 @ 3:34 pm
xochili71 wrote :
Has anyone been able to use an external HD with this set up? Or or are you using music stored only on your tablet?
If your tablet has an USB port you should be able to use ext. drives.
Posted Mon 03 Mar 14 @ 5:05 am
I'm specifically addressing the Dell model. It has one port out, but I'm wondering has had success in integrating an external HD into this setup.
Posted Mon 03 Mar 14 @ 1:06 pm