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Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: i need a plug-in, and i can't write code...

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my boss wants a way to put up on the screens a changeable countdown for shot specials with graphics. thought about some of the plug-ins that already exist but not sure they'll work. thought about a clipbank option but to be honest unless a graphics wiz made the graphic and had the timer exactly right then it would just look cheesy. and i am not a graphics wiz.

so anyone want to take a swing at it or point me in the right direction?

Posted Sun 02 Dec 12 @ 10:29 pm
I'm not sure since I don't use these kind of plug-ins, but you should check the Firetext plug-in. I have the impression that it does anything you need ATM. :)

Posted Mon 03 Dec 12 @ 1:20 am
if it does i havent been able to find it. checked the pangolin plug-in too and it doesnt have a timer i can find.

Posted Tue 04 Dec 12 @ 3:58 am
Then you should also check with SBDJ plug-ins

I know there's a count-down plug-in I just can't remember it...

Posted Tue 04 Dec 12 @ 4:39 am
nothing in can find can do what i need.

a simple countdown that can be used with variable entry times 15 minute, 10 minute, 5 minutes, etc. countdown plug-in useful if i can get it to work but doesnt have features i need, specifically being able to program it for time directly. am thinking maybe i should try to make graphic and put countdown clock on it with variable lengths stored in clipbank? dunno. figured there were others who could use plug-in as well if they had places with times specials

Posted Thu 06 Dec 12 @ 3:33 pm

Posted Fri 07 Dec 12 @ 12:18 pm

Posted Sat 08 Dec 12 @ 7:49 pm
i started reading and my eyes glazed over after a minute as my brain could not process. and when i got to the EPOCH time converter page my brain shut completly down and i had to go play MW3 for an hour.

this is why i love the K.I.S.S. Principle so much. and why i let others who know how to use and understand these things try to fix.

Posted Sun 09 Dec 12 @ 4:31 am

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