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Topic: 8thWonder/Videotoolz - Page: 5

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It's almost as if they are reading our posts. lol

So apparently they took everyones money to create a blog site? that offers no music videos as promised.

No doubt I'm not happy with their delivery methods since the (bogus) site went "down", I'm only paying $9.99 a month. Yes I have to download some files I later delete (dirty). But (for me) it's worth $10. And I've already found other sources for video downloads. I think it's only a matter of time until I cancel though. But I have gotten many videos each week. Worth it for me, although a PITA to download...

Everyone go here, and just send email after email asking what the hell is going on. Dont stop until you get an answer..............

Now they have a login screen and no way to sign up. Hahahahaha.

I got this email this morning (yawn):
I'm guessing "beta testing" will take another year?

To all the Dj's who stuck it out with us..We are FINALLY HERE…YES
Sometime next week we are going to get almost everybody if not
everybody online…Our credit card processor
should be ready next monday but even if it is not we will still let you
use the site..It will still be in beta testing
but we want everyone on the site already….We had a few different issues
and had to do a complete change just 5 weeks ago
as our new membership software was giving all our programmers a hard
time….We had a dozen programmers looking at it
and everyone said it did not work like it should of so we had to do
something different but I think it was for the better,
only thing is it has taken a lot longer than expected,and for the members
who stayed with us during this time we will not forget
that and you will be rewarded in due time…For the members who left I
totally understand,downloading from an email I am sure
was not the easiest but we tried our best…we just hope everybody is
ready…..below is this weeks files……


I might sign up with Ultimix again. They have videos now...but just the headliner tracks.

You posted that exact same email a week ago ;)

Haha, I was gonna say the same thing. Anyways Here's this weeks,

We are finally here,between tomorrow and friday everyone will be testing the site,it is still in beta but it's a start.I will also introduce to everyone the new President of videotoolz2.0.I will keep this short because I will be talking to everyone over the next couple of days.

SBDJ wrote :
You posted that exact same email a week ago ;)

oh crap, sorry I did! Wait, it all sounds the same though! LOL.

dj city pool is decent mostly EDM and hiphop though , I'm looking for an all around pool that goes as far back as maybe 70's . Sorry to high jack the thread lol. for videos every video is free i'm surprised you haven't heard about it (not at djcity pool obviously) lol

Here's the email from yesterday. Pretty much the same lol

We are finally here,between tomorrow and friday everyone will be testing
the site,it is still in beta but it's a start….I will also introduce to
everyone the new President of videotoolz2.0.I will keep this short because
I will be talking to everyone over the next couple of days,
you weekly joints are below….


I stuck it out and got the email today with the link to the new site. Its HORRIBLE! Basically, only about 20 videos, and the site loads as if I was on a 14k dial up modem using AOL and Windows 95. lol I wont post the link publicly because I dont know if thats allowed. Right now, you dont have to be registered in order to download stuff. These are the emails that were sent....

Yesterdays email
Quote :
Look for an email tomorrow early afternoon with information on logging in to the new site.Please remember it is still in BETA testing there are a few things that still need to be changed or added but we are working on it but figured let our members use it while we are working on it.We are finally here,it has taken a lot longer than expected but we promise we were doing what ever we can to get it back online as fast as we could...

If you see anything not working correct please email one of the contacts in the new site....My new email will be there as well...



Todays email
Quote :
There is no log in for the beta version,just use the site with no log in and download...
If you encounter any issues contect the EMAIL address's or the form on the site,NOT the old emails....

Here it is ENJOY..

The new president will send everyone a message later in the week to introduce him self...

Again the site is

No log in while in BETA mode...


I have been very patient, and sent this email, after the pathetic link to the new site.

Use the site for what, to look at pictures? Beta means testing, how are we testing, if we can't login or download? This a joke. You told us you were testing months ago, with hundreds of members each week. It sounds like bullshit to me. You have been lying to us for some time. Why are we looking at pictures, after you said thousands of users were testing, credit cards and PayPal being tested? You have not lived up to your agreement with me, I send you money, and I can search and download music videos at your site, with ease and simplicity, from one site. You have been stringing us along for months, with a bunch of excuses. Building a website to provide music and videos for DJs, is not brain surgery, you do not have to reinvent the wheel. You keep blaming others, for your setbacks. This turned me off right away, because you failed to take responsibility, for your failures. If you have inept people working on your site, then you are inept. If you have a new CEO, or whatever you want to call them, why have we not heard from them? Why the secrecy, are they under sedation, drunk, fake or what. Why is it always next week, that we are going to hear from them? Any CEO with half a brain, would want to come out immediately, to quiet the massive amount of discord among it's paying customers. The new site is an insult to us. What purpose does it serve us or you? I want to download content that I have paid for, not look at the pretty pictures. The contact us does not work, how simple is that to get right? Or, maybe you do not want to hear from us. So what I want from you right now, is to answer the questions that I have put forth, in this email. You know how to reach me, as you take my money every month, and send me these silly emails every week. Also Cindy, if you want to be taken seriously, use a spell checker when you send out these emails. If English is not your native language, get some help with these emails, if you are going to send them in English. If you are going to do anything, do it well, I hate mediocre. This is my first response to your failure to live up to your agreement, and I have stopped downloading from those weekly emails, as that is not what I signed up for. What you should have done, was stop collecting dues, when you could not live up to your agreement, with your customers. However, that would have called for some integrity.

Nice AMAHM!!! You spoke for all of us. I am happy to say that I stopped using them months ago and was able to get 3 months returned to my card. I am also happy with my new service, Promo Only, whom 8thWonder themselves have been steeling from. I also use Franchise Record Pool and DJ City which runs circles around 8thWonder even without videos. Promo Only has taken care of me like you wouldn't believe and I can't even get a reply from Cindy or anyone else from that "wonder" of a company. I wonder if Cindy is a foreigner or better yet if there is actually a Cindy.

They have lied to us over and over for months and all we got was a half ass blog. Such a joke. I feel sorry for the people who have no idea and are still paying.

A Man and His Music wrote :
I have been very patient, and sent this email, after the pathetic link to the new site.

Use the site for what, to look at pictures? Beta means testing, how are we testing, if we can't login or download? This a joke. You told us you were testing months ago, with hundreds of members each week. It sounds like bullshit to me. You have been lying to us for some time. Why are we looking at pictures, after you said thousands of users were testing, credit cards and PayPal being tested? You have not lived up to your agreement with me, I send you money, and I can search and download music videos at your site, with ease and simplicity, from one site. You have been stringing us along for months, with a bunch of excuses. Building a website to provide music and videos for DJs, is not brain surgery, you do not have to reinvent the wheel. You keep blaming others, for your setbacks. This turned me off right away, because you failed to take responsibility, for your failures. If you have inept people working on your site, then you are inept. If you have a new CEO, or whatever you want to call them, why have we not heard from them? Why the secrecy, are they under sedation, drunk, fake or what. Why is it always next week, that we are going to hear from them? Any CEO with half a brain, would want to come out immediately, to quiet the massive amount of discord among it's paying customers. The new site is an insult to us. What purpose does it serve us or you? I want to download content that I have paid for, not look at the pretty pictures. The contact us does not work, how simple is that to get right? Or, maybe you do not want to hear from us. So what I want from you right now, is to answer the questions that I have put forth, in this email. You know how to reach me, as you take my money every month, and send me these silly emails every week. Also Cindy, if you want to be taken seriously, use a spell checker when you send out these emails. If English is not your native language, get some help with these emails, if you are going to send them in English. If you are going to do anything, do it well, I hate mediocre. This is my first response to your failure to live up to your agreement, and I have stopped downloading from those weekly emails, as that is not what I signed up for. What you should have done, was stop collecting dues, when you could not live up to your agreement, with your customers. However, that would have called for some integrity.

Preach on! I was about to jump on the site myself, I tell you that Cindy girl has gotten on my last nerve with her dumbass emails calling out people for talking crap about their service.

I feel so upset with myself for being suckered into this sham for MONTHS. I never once downloaded a video off their emails. Not with that sendspace one-at-a-time download crap.
Honestly, the only thing that saved me from keeping my music current was VDJ Premium Membership and the Netsearch. Wow. Why had I not spent my money on this months before Cindy kept sucking my bank account? Thank you Virtual DJ, for saving me from losing out on fresh music. I'll never stop my membership.

AMAHM You just said what we have all been thinking!

And as fast as it was is as fast as it came down.......... site is no longer available, imagine that. What a joke!!

I called it!! I knew it! Haha
