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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Denon SC2900 Coming soon - Page: 3

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beatbreaker1 wrote :
your preaching to the wrong choir

I'm not preaching, I'm responding to posts that people here have made about the SC2900.

As for the Denon forum, I've posted many times there - but there's only so much you can say before they censor your posts, edit parts out, refuse to post them at all, send you warning messages, ban you from posting for a month.......

Maybe we should do that here...........

beatbreaker1 wrote :
Maybe we should do that here...........

well played Huey LMAO!

Play nice people....

Lol, I got banned on my first post so I know what you mean. I didn't go back.

Let's all stay friends here despite of preferences, I think we can all relate to not have that piece of equipment we really really want because they won't give it to us.

It was a short post as I was on my mobile, but yes everyone is entitled to their opinion and what suits one person won't always suit the next. Every piece of equipment at the moment seems to have a shortcoming in one way or another.

groovindj wrote :

As for the Denon forum, I've posted many times there - but there's only so much you can say before they censor your posts, edit parts out, refuse to post them at all, send you warning messages, ban you from posting for a month.......

Ha ha..... I have been banned and had run-ins with the mods several times. They won't accept any sort of criticism whatsoever. Problem is the forum is not officially Denon and it's moderated by people with no understanding of what consumers actually think the products should be!
A lot if people really care about Denon gear but that forum is not the place to express an opinion unfortunately.



Last I knew it wasnt even a offical Denon run forum, its just a group of people who claim to be from Denon but really arent. So I stand by my statement...........Go straight to DENON (not some lame forum) and voice your opinions there. We can debt about this all day but does it really matter in the end?? I dont think so cause VDJ only makes the software not the hardware we use...........

If your gonna cry about screen size go to the company who makes whatever hardware it might be about not the software cause as we all can see this is like kicking a dead horse............

I know it's not strictly a Denon (owned) forum, but it is manned by people who are either from Denon or are associated with them in some way, and it is run like an official forum (product announcements, firmware announcements and so on).

It's the closest thing there is to an official forum.

Anyway, I see now that DJ Delboy (Delimentary) has been recruited by Denon (and was apparently involved with the SC2900 prior to release) so I can go via him if they won't listen to me!

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