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Topic: SBDJ Video Transitions - Page: 1

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Following on from my Video Effect thread, I'm starting a dedicated thread for my future video transitions. I've just uploaded 5 simple ones that are all a variation on the same theme:

http://www.virtualdj.com/addons/14732/SBDJ_Cut_Logo.html - Standard cut video transition, but displays your image file whilst transitioning.

http://www.virtualdj.com/addons/14733/SBDJ_Slide_Logo.html - Standard slide video transition, but displays your image file whilst transitioning.

http://www.virtualdj.com/addons/14729/SBDJ_LogoSlide_Cut.html - Standard cut video transition, but slides your image file whilst transitioning.

http://www.virtualdj.com/addons/14730/SBDJ_LogoSlide.html - Standard slide video transition, but slides your image file whilst transitioning.

http://www.virtualdj.com/addons/14731/SBDJ_LogoSlide_Opposite.html - Standard slide video transition, but slides your image file in the opposite direction whilst transitioning.

They all use the same image file - Logo.png (supports transparancy) which you need to place in Documents\VirtualDJ\Plugins\VideoTransition

Whilst they are all similar I didn't want to done them as options on a single transition because it makes it difficult to choose which transition effect you want on the fly - and obviously you get no variation with random video transition either.

Mac versions to follow soon.



Posted Mon 07 May 12 @ 6:20 pm
Thank you, very cool :)

On an update would it be possible to add sizing for the logo? (ex. fill, stretch, center)
& transparency?

Thanks again,

Yup, I can add more options.

Next up is SBDJ Mask.

This transition allows you to create your own transition!

This plugin uses a TGA file called "SBDJ Mask.tga" in your Documents\VirtualDJ\Plugins\VideoTransition\pictures folder. If you edit this file you will see that it uses Red & Black as the mask definition colours - red sections will contain one video, black sections the other.


It's still a bit rough around the edges and needs some tweaks but I decided to release it as it, especially as it was demo'd at Mobile Beat!

If you rename the plugin, then it will use it's new name for the mask too, so you can have multiple presets:

SBDJ Mask.dll -> SBDJ Mask.tga
My Logo Mask.dll -> My Logo Mask.tga


Regards, beforehand, thank you very much for these new fxs, but I fail to display my logo in PNG. Place it in the folder of video transitions and picture, however is not my logo when I make the transition, which might be?

@samirdj21: Put Logo.png in Transitions and not in pictures.

@SBDJ - Mask is great! :)

Indeed - I will publish an update to the transitions to use the pictures folder instead as it's cleaner.

Glad you like the mask - like I say it needs a bit more work but is usable as is IMHO.

djBAV wrote :
@samirdj21: Put Logo.png in Transitions and not in pictures.

@SBDJ - Mask is great! :)

Sorry, but as I put the logo in the transitions?
Just put my logo. Png in the location C: \ Documents and Settings \ user \ My Documents \ VirtualDJ \ Plugins \ VideoTransition, but I can not, it then when I make the transition ... Thanks for any help ...

^^ I the same thing. I've put my logo in that folder but nothing shows up. Any tips or advice to get this working?

Nice work Scott oMcEnroe I get it working, been for this for a couple of years now...

Which plugin - the first group? This next bit applies to them all except SBDJ Mask.

I've just this minute updated them all to v1.01.

Just to confirm they now use the file: C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\VirtualDJ\Plugins\VideoTransition\pictures\Logo.png

They will also report any errors with loading said logo file now too - before they just silently failed.

OK got em both working and their great!!
One question about the mask, can I just have copies of the .DLL and rename them and have multiple pictures ready or will that not work??


beatbreaker1 wrote :
OK got em both working and their great!!
One question about the mask, can I just have copies of the .DLL and rename them and have multiple pictures ready or will that not work??

"If you rename the plugin, then it will use it's new name for the mask too, so you can have multiple presets."
Whatever you name the SBDJ Mask.dll you have to give the same name to the .tga in picture folder.

Works Great! I am working on all standard holidays first...A Bat and other spooky things for Halloween, Shamrock, Cupid, Champagne glass, etc.


Thanks for the feedback DJBAV!!

And many THANKS Scott, these are great!!

YOU ARE MY HERO!!!! :) Love the new transitions man AWESOME WORK!!!!

Absolutely awesome Scott.

Even added a shadow to my logo, at 50% transparency, and guess what, the video shows through the shadow!!

Now to play with mask.

Excuse my ignorance, but how to use SBDJ Mask?

Edit the TGA file in something like Paint.NET.

Red = one video
Black = other video

Simples :)

SBDJ wrote :
Edit the TGA file in something like Paint.NET.

Red = one video
Black = other video

Simples :)

Sorry, no how, install paint.net, but nose like putting a video on the red and black on the other video, it looks like this:



If you rename the plugin, then it will use it's new name for the mask too, so you can have multiple presets:

SBDJ Mask.dll -> SBDJ Mask.tga
My Logo Mask.dll -> My Logo Mask.tga

work for the 5 logo slide ect Logo.png file?

Not at the moment...

Hey Scott,
I know you have this feature planned for Scroll Text (trigger an audio (sample) bump), but I think also having this feature with Logo Transitions would be really great!

