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Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: New Video effect please

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Im sorry, I posted my original post in the wrong place (under Wishes and new features) however. With regards to that previous post about the muppet movie led around the screen effect, I found a link for the film clip I was referring to. Watch and Enjoy. Please can one of you fantastic programmers copy this led effect to go around the screen? Btw, you all do a fantastic job making VDJ the best DJing software out there.
Enjoy this muppet scene!

Posted Sun 11 Mar 12 @ 6:48 pm
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
I would say that is more of a visual effect you would apply yourself than an actual plugin Rob.

Posted Sun 11 Mar 12 @ 8:33 pm
I wonder how this could be done? I visualised playing music videos and then clicking on 'led effect' under video effects tab and it would put a border of dancing led tiles around the outside of the screen? And this could be switched on and off like turning text on and off?
Are you suggesting it wouldn't be possible to make this as a plugin video effect? If so, any ideas how else this could be achieved? I think it's a fantastic effect!

Posted Mon 12 Mar 12 @ 4:24 pm
djBAVPRO InfinityMember since 2011
It was actually really easy!
I Googled "animated gif marquee' found one I liked, then loaded it as a background in Essential Visuals and adjusted the Alpha level.
You can create your own with a Gif animation program.
My test came from this page: http://www.freewebs.com/midmichfamilytheatre/graphics.htm

Posted Mon 12 Mar 12 @ 11:51 pm
djBAVPRO InfinityMember since 2011


Posted Wed 14 Mar 12 @ 8:55 am
Thanks DJBav, I will have a look at the link. I've never programmed a gif before but hey, let's have a crack at it!
Happy DJing.

Posted Thu 15 Mar 12 @ 2:35 pm
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Rob, been a bit busy the last few days to make a tutorial for you, you don't need to make gifs actually but you can use them if you convert to swf/flash and use the Firetext plugin or Pangolins.

Actually I'll try and make something tonight for you if I get the chance.

Posted Thu 15 Mar 12 @ 4:29 pm
Thank you very much Tayla. I wait in anticipation!

Posted Sat 17 Mar 12 @ 4:25 pm
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Sorry Rob it's taken this long to get round to doing this for you, anyway, you need to make your files in swf/flash format to get the window to show the video below your border.

Anything is just about possible, here are a couple I put together one with a gif file manipulated to sit on all four sides the other was just a visual I made with the window in the middle.

If you want an original copy of these go to http://visualshed.forumotion.co.uk/ and head to the custom visual section, there is download links for both files. You will have to sign in though to see the download links.

The forum is just starting up and is there specifically for VDJ, Firetext and Pangolin users to get help and give help to everyone, all files are totally free.


Posted Wed 18 Apr 12 @ 5:10 am

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