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Topic: [NAMM 2011] Numark NS6 - Page: 5

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@Jeremy - you have a GUY for a product that is not released yet? Sounds like you might need a pair of oven mitts to handle that controller.

@ Jeremy G. The case hasn't been listed yet.

I want one....

superaceman wrote :
@Jeremy - you have a GUY for a product that is not released yet? Sounds like you might need a pair of oven mitts to handle that controller.

If you read my post I said a PRE-ORDER. . .

I realize it's pre-order. But pre-order price should be pretty standard across the board. So you're not ordering this from a reputable online dealer is what I was saying.

Jeremy, if I were your attorney, I would tell you that you do not have to answer that.

Ok dude, grow the F up.

I spend thousands of dollars a year at this one company. . . I don't purchase anything from anyone else. The OWNER of the company and I are friends now and he gives me deals way better than a schmo like you could get. . . BUT, his prices are very good for the random guy buying gear.

Say what you want. . . I came on here trying to get a good deal for everyone else. . I was going to do a group order through them to see what kind of prices I could get everyone. . . but you sir, F-ed it up for everyone. I listed my contact. . .good luck everyone.

Release after Frankfurt in middle of april.
Regards Tjeck

@Jeremy - I didn't mean to offend you. "Schmos" like me also spend thousands of dollars a year as this is not only my passion but my living. I feed my family with the money I make from DJing professionally. So please take it easy with the name calling.

It's fairly petty to play the hero card by saying that you we're going to work a "group deal" and then blame one person for 'F'ing it all up. That's not fair to the rest of the community, or maybe that was your attempt to turn me into the villain and turn the community against me. Whatever the case, it was unnecessary and tasteless.

Above all else, get your panties out of a bunch and learn how to take a joke. Life's too short to have no fuse.

Fellas calm it down, no need for name calling. That's the problem with computers, I could be lmao when typing something out but when someone else reads they take offense. The screen can't show emotions. Lets play nice.

Good Day


+1 Caliente

They are awesome at Pro Audio Star! Best prices and ship all over the world at a reasonable rate!

I dont know exactly how much they will ask but if i were to guess, I wouild say around 900 dollars usd.

Guitar Center is the Wal-Mart of our industry. Go talk and make a friend with a manager....Then get it preordered for $850. They are paying $600 for it so they are still making ok R.O.I.

Did the NS7 ever get worked out to fully function with VDJ? The FX bar for NS7? Just wondering how functional this thing is going to be? Did the strip search get worked out?

I would know this if I had been around and I am sorry but I was in an accident and have been down for most of the winter months.

Thanks for answering if you get a chance.

i've heard NS6 could be for $700 not $999 but can't be sure until its released.

Dj-Milz.Assam wrote :
i've heard NS6 could be for $700 not $999 but can't be sure until its released.

Now that price is up my ally, too bad the small store that use to be around me is no longer here. I knew the owner and he have me all the gear I wanted at cost just so he could bring in the minimum gear that he had to. That would have been sweet, maybe that is why he went out of business, lol

I just want them to release it and get the case squared away! That way I can offer G.C. their sticker price but a free coffin.

Oddessy Makes the case use the word flight in your search. 245 US.

I want to by the NS6 by Numark would this machine use Virtual Software and play my music video?

Yes, it is compatible with virtualdj now. And yes about video mixing.
