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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: V-Mix v1.0 (Video Mix - Power User) 1024x768 - Page: 1

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I have built a 1024x768 skin, based on Apopsis' TimeCode Power skin, but with Video in mind. The skin supports VDJ 3.0, containing Full Video Preview Panels or a Panel with just the Video and Audio Crossfaders. I have moved the Text and Video Transistion buttons out to the main layer of the skin.

I have supplied 3 colors, the Blue from the TimeCode Power skin, a Pea Green and a Plum. I know you maybe saying WTF, but take a look! They are very soothing to the eye, plus they are different.

As the title says it is a Power Users skin. Those of you that have the TCVs, TCCDs, DACs, DMCs, XP10s, etc. may find this skin very useful if you want to do video.

You comments are appreciated, and hopefully the skin will be available in the Downloads shortly. I just uploaded it, before this post.


Posted Fri 10 Jun 05 @ 7:00 am
Great work CS!

Thanks cstoll.


I really like your skin. Good job with this one. Simple and leaves lots of room for what we need with tcv.


be looking out for more team effort skins, CS has got xml skills :)

Thanks for all the props. As, Cyderhouse said; there is another in the works.


good work cstoll

Thanks to cstoll and all of you who have the ability to create and understand c++.

This baby is right up my alley, love the viewing area of the browser/recordcase and waitlist.

A couple of things for developing:
Is there a pitch reset button somewhere?
I right click on the clock and it resets immediately instead of gradually.
Can we have a larger 12 hr clock?
Can you make the cue markers/bar a bit larger larger?
Is there a way to put the vu's beside each other and a little wider?

Never realized how much I struggled with the wave form colors in the Pioneer 700.
The orange/green sort of grew on me from using the default 3.0 skin, much easier to see.

Thank you all.

From mp3rick-- A couple of things for developing:

Is there a pitch reset button somewhere?
-- Yes, right click on the pitch percentage read-out.

I right click on the clock and it resets immediately instead of gradually.
-- What are you asking for? I am unsure of what you mean?

Can we have a larger 12 hr clock?
-- Where would you like it?

Can you make the cue markers/bar a bit larger larger?
-- Not by much in the current confiuration. But will try.

Is there a way to put the vu's beside each other and a little wider?
-- Th reasoning for the edge is to have the entire space across the top for the wave graph.
-- I think you will like the next skin I am going to be building as they will be side-by-side.

Thanks for the comments.

After using it all day today, I wouldn't change a thing.
It is so clean and uncluttered, much easier on the eyes.

The RC visibility is 100% better, I can see twice the amount of tracks now.

With MT activated you hardly notice the immediate reset, I never go more than 10 anyway.

However, I found that if you left click on the % it will take you to -33% RIGHT NOW!
Note to self, never left click on %.....

Thanks for the feedback. And I will post a fix to the -left click- issue.


Ok, just sent up an update to Automix fixing the Pitch issue.

Left click on the Pitch % will adjust the pitch to set bpm to same of the opposite deck.
DblClick and RightClick will reset pitch to 0%

Hope this helps in not getting those massive drops of -33% for Rick.

Anyhow, this seems to be actually a bug or just undocumented function, because it seems that if you create a button for pitch and you don't code for a Left, Dbl or Right click then the reaction to one of the choices is to set Value to Zero (0), which in my opinion is not good.
The reaction should be 'nothing', don't change. Anyhow, spilling my beans here and I should be posting it in the bug forum.

Glad you all are enjoying the skin.

Hey Rick, you said about the orange colour...
It took me many.. hours of "try and error" (and zip and reload the skin) until i achieve this orange colour for the timers... (V-mix skin is based on "apopsis-TC power" skin)
It was one of the most tricky parts.. Here is the orange color in xml: color="#F78E0F"
How many possibilities one has in a 6-digit (hexadecimal) number to find the right value....?

Btw., Cstoll if you (or anyone else) has a kind of a "map" for colours in the xml,
i'd like to see it.



I hope you didn't misunderstand me, I like the colors in the waveform MORE than what I was used to in the 700 skin.

Thanks for addressing that so quickly.
Again, this is a great skin, thanks for the effort.



Can we get an autoplay option say on a right click menu?
I dont want it on the main interface either, trust me.
Hate the sight of it, but it is necessary for dinner and when I want to load up some at home and just listen.
Changing the skin to do that, is what I had to do.

Is there a way?
Or is it here and I am missing it?


Maybe putting in a panel that you can open up whenever you need it? What do you think?

Hey, i'll take it anyway I can get it....

Why not hit the 'star' in the Playlist panel??

I have never understood the 'AutoMix' button on the Default skin, I mean - not only does it Mix two tunes but it Beat Locks them, with the STAR (Playlist AutoMix) at least it just mixes the tracks at the BMP they are, which for easy listening (dinner music) is perfect.

