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Topic: American Audio VMS4 Discussions - Page: 20

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Hey cstoll, any word on the full mapping for the VMS4?

Can someone please explain how to set the VMS4 up with VDJ7 with 4 decks?????

Thank you!


Wow I guess I won't be using 4 decks tomorrow night.

Was wondering the same. Wanted to give it a go over the weekend

Sometimes other things in life creep up that take time and priority away from other things ... I will not have anything done by this evening, but by the end of the weekend I will have something available.

Hope everything is ok cstoll. Thanks for letting us know.

Hi everyone. I have the same question about mapping the vsm 4 so I can use 4 decks on the 4 individual channel faders. Right now, I can get decks 1 and 3 on Channel 2 fader and decks 2 and 4 on Channel 3 fader. It would be great to seperate them so that they each have their own volume fader (1-4). I switched channels 1 through 4 on the front of the unit to USB and then turned the unit off and on again so the changes take effect. I went into the config/sound set up window and used the advanced configuration and have decks 1 and 3 set to output channels 1 and 2 and then set decks 2 and 4 to output channels 3 & 4. So for now I have decks 1 and 3 on channel fader 2 and decks 2 and 4 on channel fader 3. I can't figure out how to seperate all four channels onto their own fader. It's a real distraction trying to cue up deck 3 when I hear deck 1 in the headphones. Cstoll, does the mapper your developing address this issue or if not, do you know how to seperate the decks onto 4 seperate channels?

On another and seperate note, does VDJ7 support the mic in the American Audio DP2 yet? One of my DJ's has that unit right now, so I can't hook it up nto test.

Hi Guys

Heres how you setup the VMS4 for 4 decks/four vms4 channnels (this is only for using all digitial files from your computer, no other inputs)

To start off have VDJ and the VMS4 off

1) On the VMS4 switch both CF Assigns to A and B to off. This will shut the crossfader ability off. This is want you want so you can control the volume of the 4 decks individually with the 4 Volume sliders

2) On the front of the VMS4 right above the CF Assigns A/B you have 4 usb/analog switches. Switch all of these to USB

3) Switch the VMS4 to 8-out instead of 4-out. This is located on the front as well in-between the CG Assign switches.

4) Turn on the VMS4

5) Open Up VDJ

6) Select a 4-deck Skin

7) Go to the Sound Set up, select Outputs - Advanced Config,

Heres what it should look like. If it doesnt you can add new lines with the plus sign

Deck 1 VMS4 Audio Midi Device Output 1 & 2
Deck 2 VMS4 Audio Midi Device Output 3 & 4
Deck 3 VMS4 Audio Midi Device Output 5 & 6
Deck 4 VMS4 Audio Midi Device Output 7 & 8

Now you can load all 4 decks and remember dont use the crossfader, you just need to use the volume from each line.

Happy Mixing

DJ Dusty

I get error in the sound driver (Direct X/WDM).

Hmmm Im on a Mac so I didnt get any errors. It worked fine

but that sounds like it may be a windows registry error. Did you recently install something new to your machine? If so it may have changed the registry entries in windows.

DJ Dusty

Just what i need for the VSM4


I think I got it.

Instead of VMS4 Audio Midi Device I selected ADJ ASIO Driver.

Cstoll please confirm this is right please.

Smanari, You got it all except for one thing on PC based machines, the sound card you choose should be American DJ asio driver not the speakers VSM4. Works like a charm. Now the next thing I personally want to learn is can I map the pitch bend buttons (which I never use) to select which deck the transport buttons and jog wheel controls for each deck so I don't have to use the mouse pad to click each decks #. To clarify, the - and + buttons on the left deck would be used to select either deck 1 or 3 when using the left side play, cue and jog wheel and the right side deck - & + buttons would choose either decks 2 or 4 when using the right side Jog Wheel and play cue buttons. I had tried mapping these buttons before to control the video cross fader with absolutely no results. I'll try mapping these right now to the decks.....................

Well, that didn't go so well. I went into the mapper, clicked key lear, pressed the - pitch bend button on the VMS4, then clicked Action and clicked on the #1 button on the VDJ 4 deck skin. Repeated this proceedure with the + pitch bend button and #3 deck, clicked ok to save and then tried it and nothing happened. Then I figured, maybe the pitch bend buttons aren't midi mappable, so I tried the same proceedure with the 4 hot cue button located right under the sync/range button and again, nothing., Is what I'm attempting to do possible or am, I just not correctly mapping the buttons? It would be so much quicker to have 4 buttons (preferably the pitch bend buttons) to switch the shuttle controls between decks. Anyone have any suggestions or has anyone successfully accomplished what I'm trying to do yet?

By the way the Microphone Impendance Transformer works like a charm.

DJ Dusty, thanks for the info. It helped me realize how it should be set up.

Maybe cstoll has some more tricks for us!

Yes you guys are probably right about using the ASIO driver for the PC version. I havent messed around with my pc setup, just the mac one

In regards to mapping the pitch buttons for switching decks, I believe ccstoll is in the middle of making these mapping for us.

I thinks he's been super busy though with work and life in general it sounds like....Hope everything is ok

DJ Dusty

I already got the +- buttons mapped to change decks. Got my mic adaptors and all 4 decks set up right - well at least I think I do. Gotta get used to the 4 decks now. Wanted 3 decks but 4 will come in handy.

Patiently waiting on what cstoll has for us and waiting on the iPhone app.

Thanks to Atomix and everyone on this board who help as much as they can.


You wanna piston the mappings.for the pitch bend buttons so others can set it up too....?
