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Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: an ACTIVE SCREEN !! on the VDJ's output.!! - Page: 1

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O.K. ! After trying to get the winamp wrapper to work (AND I Did! sort of..) I got it passed that 2nd screen popup (No crashin or Freeze up!) And too where it wants me to click on the screen too load a plugin by hitting the middle mouse button. but the screen dont respond to this.so i put this aside and went messing with skins for a week (ha ha Lol too all you guys!!)then i decided to check the Original last beta version of SONIQUE media player,had only 2 svp effects in it SO i dropped the entire Visual Pack v.2 in it. sure enough it played many of the efx that wouldnt in VDJ! in the other hand it also crashed with a few,so i endup having to sort and delete and check them all out. turns out that some svp's are activated by clickin on the screen so they wouldnt start in Vdj. that brought me to the conclussion that whats needed here its a Plugin that would mimic this comands when we click on the output screen ( or ? ) THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES!!(he,he) More control ,more effects, more Goodies !!So How about it guys? Sounds like another one for you Scott ! ;-) I would do it if you tell me how...he,he

Posted Tue 22 Jun 10 @ 8:17 pm
What..too complex for you's?...ha,ha

It would require the person taking it on to create a new VDJ Sonique plugin host. It would be easier for Atomix to implement a shortcut function to pass a simulated window click than for someone to waste time creating a host for a dead plugin platform.

Thanks Scott, i think i understand...wheres the DEV TEAM?...We require your presence !!

Just a thought... wouldn't it be easier to make a some kind of support for Windows Media Player visualizations? There's a lot of vis's on MS and WMP support pages and it's obvious that there'll be more. And most of them are really good...

Does anyone know how to create your own Sonique Visual?? Can I like take a picture and turn that into a "SVP." that will work with the Sonique player we have now? Or can someone point me in the right direction...........

Thanks for your time

You use the Sonique SDK but it's not simply a case of converting a picture - each Sonique SVP is actually a library, so programming experience is required.

yeap! figured u say that scott,whats up walter!.humm dont have the time to learn coding.not that i would'nt like to jump into it!..was messing with ones with bitmaps and thought it would be nice to have your Logo as a svp,ready in one click...

SBDJ wrote :
You use the Sonique SDK but it's not simply a case of converting a picture - each Sonique SVP is actually a library, so programming experience is required.

Well there goes that idea, lol!! Program Experience=NONE
Well thanks for the info

did'nt say i was giving up! ;-)

hey guys--rookie in the house--which is better?
vinyls with a turntable or a controller
or a cdj-400????????????????????????????????

O.k. Rookie ....No jumping Threads !! if you need help you click that little notepad logo on the bottom of the forum page and post a new topic..thank you !! (VDJ Rule #9,897). Huh I would say a controller with Time coded vinyl.and you need a licence for Vdj pro,you pay money and you practice like Hell !! O.K? ;-)

@Tracker - Morphyre could do that logo thing for you... just type in Google...

wallter wrote :
@Tracker - Morphyre could do that logo thing for you... just type in Google...

Will it work with VDJ? I've checked it out (havent dl it) but I see it works with other programs which doesnt mean it will work with VDJ. But if it does just might have to buy it. Let me know.

Thanks for your time

Well, it works within WMP and Winamp, that's why I mentioned creating support for WMP visualizations. Winamp wrapper for VDJ is still wishful thinking, but vis like Morphyre could replace all Sonique visualizations, it's just stunning, even beter than AVS... and it's cheap.

Walter we're talking about the same thing?(Oops were posting at the same time!!) taking our own image,pic etc (Like my Logo) and writing it to work with a Sonique SVP file? in any case i just figure a way around it and huey's got the scoop from me allready.I"m looking at my own Images which i simply replaced from the ones on coded BMP's.Same thing i did when making my own slipmats on Huey's Killer skin (was lazy so i did'nt want to map on the SKin Creator But end up doing so anyways when i wanted more than 5 mats ,Im Greedy need 7 !!Lol )I pasted the new Image over the old with windows paint!! Re-painting some them is cool too...HA,ha... Scott dont underastimate me!! they once told me I could'nt make a Doubleneck Strat out of two guitars But I did!!...he,he same thing here...yeah walter I'll check that morphyre,sounds cool.

I don't understand why you insist on Soniques, most of them are so ugly and bad looking on big screen. Personally, I did a few flash visualizations responding to beat and it looks much, much better, believe me. I would make swf compilation in autumn and send it to Paul, right now I'm on Croatian island Pag, VJing with XYNTH (don't crucify me ;-), and I'm not even thinking of programming anything (a few remixes, maybe...) What I'm trying to say is: VDJ dev team should think about future and make a support for WMP (not winamp, windows media player) visualizations, cause when we all pass away, Microsoft will still be there :-)))

@Walter, ok but that is all we have to work with, so until there is something eles were gonna have to tweak what we have. Everybody keeps saying Soniques are so bad and there old as shit and just all around look bad but yet theres no NEW options being brought to the table sooooooooooo................and no I havent gotten around to using firetext so thats not an option (for me anyways). So in the mean time what eles can we use and how do I get flash to work with VDJ (in plain english please)??

Hope to hear from you soon

what island is that? IBISA BABY!! Or at least MIAMI !! he,he

I'm not working for Firetext guys, just did a few researches about flash and what it can do with FT, placed everything on their Facebook pages, you should check it out... There can be several reasons for your failure with FT instalation, but it's always one little thing unknown... have you Flash installed on your system... ;-) About that Sonique thing, you should mix them with clipbanks (transparency 50%) and you will have a bunch of new Soniques... Who will know ;-)
