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Forum: Old versions

Topic: You guys suck! JK, [Hyjacked]

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Posted Wed 16 Dec 09 @ 3:40 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
I've edit your post to remove the abusive language.

Unfortunately your post contains no other info to let anyone help you.

Posted Wed 16 Dec 09 @ 3:45 pm
What a comment. I get posts up that are answered within 10 minutes.

I guess some people don't realize. As for me, I don't really care. I'm just gunna continue helping out. But yo what was the problem that you had for you to be saying this?

Make a post and I'll try to help you out.

Posted Wed 16 Dec 09 @ 6:08 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Nb tickets opened: 0

Makes you wonder what he is mad about.

Posted Wed 16 Dec 09 @ 6:18 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
Sorry to be this way, but look at my open ticket. Ticket opened September 2, I last posted a reply September 21, VDJ next reply was November 30, apologizing and asking if I still needed help and requesting a reply! I responded Dec 4 and it is still unanswered to date. It has been a long time. No choice words here, but it is certainly not a model of efficiency.

I am in tech support for barcode scanner PDAs, wireless computer networks and inventory software. My customers are furious if they have to wait more than 1 day. I understand you have a much bigger customer base than I do. But come on, let’s be real now. I would honestly be fired over that kind of response time. I have seen many others post similar complaints about not getting responses at all.

Plus sombody just locked my thread for a crash report: http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/120307/PC_Version_Technical_Support/6_0_4_crash_report__FIXED_.html

I understand your "FIXED" stamp was clearly put in the title, but I was answering DJ Cel's questions in hopes to further help you guys out. It was not out of control at all, in fact, it was right in line and on topic.

I just saw a thread that pointed out the increasing amount of threads needlessly being locked here. It is certainly a rude way of cutting people off when they are trying to help your community.

Posted Wed 16 Dec 09 @ 9:23 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
DHoude ... The thread that got locked did you read the thread and see who posted in the thread and what the thread says??? It is fixed in the next version .. and everyone that posted in there was told thank you for helping.

And I was the one that last gave you info about your CUSTOM BUTTON assignment desires ... and gave you the limitations. Prior to that you were asked to post your issue in the forums because it was beyond the basics of supporting the CUSTOMIZATION of the controllers buttons.

And lastly ... how many people do you think run support and handle support for the hundreds of thousands of users we have world-wide? And where to you think the greatest BRAIN power is regarding VirtualDJ? Support? Or, the Community on the Forum? Remember, VirtualDJ is GLOBALLY used.

As for this guy that started the thread... to bad you only have the courage to say we suck ... because I could do the same on any other sight and never of used their product ... at least post what your issues are and then maybe we can help.


Posted Wed 16 Dec 09 @ 11:32 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
Look, I expect some flak from you guys for outing you like that. But you never said it was not the truth.

I did read the posts and what was said, Discobrain24 was trying to clarify a point I was trying to understand. The only other post just identified that he had the same issue. I am not looking for thanks or to keep it going, I just wanted clarification on the point that I did not understand. There really was no need to lock it.

You were the last one to respond with the button customizations and when that did not work, I told you the result I got, and got no response back. However, in 6.03, you did fix the DJC button effect from erasing itself if you click off the list (to get it to go away). Now, if the list did not pop up all the time OR you put my loop options back in the effect menu, I would not have a problem. Do you really think it is a reasonable option to remap your controller during a show to be able to prevent the list from popping up AND still get the loop controls? I don't and so do many others here.

I admitted that you have a big support job and I understand that you are global. But I am a paying client and as a paying client I expect some sort of feedback when I tell you that something does not work. Not silence and 2 months later an apology, and then silence again. If there was nothing wrong, then why apologize. That was a clear admission of guilt that was the wright thing to do. I own it when I am wrong.

I never said anything derogatory towards you, your company or any of your staff. Please respect that if you allow free speech on a forum and request that users post their issues, you may get this from time to time. I am giving you my personal experience with your company, when I saw the opportunity. I am sorry I have to publically post it to get you to listen to me, but I have been ignored up to now. SO, I intelligently laid out my facts when the opportunity presented itself. I am sorry you are not happy with the facts in this case.

I am not being irrational and would still just like a solution, maybe some effort if a solution is not currently possible. I apparently slipped through a crack in your organization somewhere, I am not claiming that you intentionally ignored me. The judge of character now is, can you admit it and can you finally help me?

Posted Thu 17 Dec 09 @ 2:43 pm
Thats cause your wrong. What the heck, I get stuff answered within a couple minutes. Once in a while we might over look some things and I guess this happens. Now your trying to get all professional about your approach. I was at that point too.. I seen my posts being deleted and shit but I don't go create another account and cuss my ass off LMAO.

Now whats your problem. Or is it the crash thing?

If it is than I don't know anything about it all I can say is hopefully someone can come and help.

Posted Thu 17 Dec 09 @ 3:18 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
I got responses in this forum fast too, on the crash I had. The crash thing is "FIXED" as you see in the post and I trust it will come out soon like they say. Don't worry about it man, I have said my piece and I have no intention of ganging up on them. They know my problem, they just need to answer thier support tickets. I just don't like people acting like there is nothing wrong when there is (if it is the truth).

I just realize that you think I created another account. I did not make this thread or another bogus accout. VDJ staff can verify, I know they have ways (as if it matters). I just saw an opertunity to present my case when sombody else could not. Did I hijack this thread, yes. That is the only thing I am guilty of. But a no license user, giving no facts and blanket insults does not really have a shot. He was probably pissed that his cracked version did not work. I am not hiding, I am right here with a legitimate Pro license, real facts and a still un answered support ticket.

How do you know so much about VDJ if you are a no license user?

I think this form is great but they can't help with my problem in the support ticket, unless a forum user can rewrite the gripe I have with VDJ. Trust me

Posted Thu 17 Dec 09 @ 6:58 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Sometimes requests we get go beyond the realm of software support as Chris said, "customizing"
The software now hosts a universe of options providing you figure out the right script string to do so.
This is not always easy and takes time to learn the "language" when creating compound script strings.

I was one of those that first responded to your ticket and referred you to the forum because there are normally other users running across things that are in common with problems or experiences you have specific to a controller or setting.

This did not sit well with you then and Chris took over and now you are using this ticket to draw attention to your wishes rather than starting your own.
If what I get out of the ticket contents is correct, you prefer to have the ability to assign the 1-6 buttons on the console with the menu rather than having to use the mapping technique that is present in v6.
This is actually contrary to public demand in as much as the settings in console v5 are not saved and have to be set up each and every time the program starts.
Now v6 Pro has the ability to map these buttons permanently and because you have lost the ability to change these on the fly you are upset.

This is a hard coding design issue for which we in support do not have the answer for if I am understanding this correctly.
I will be the first to admit that at times I run out of answers which presents a "can't answer" situation which you are experiencing.
If this is not the problem feel free to clarify and maybe other users can help figure this out which is why I asked you to post in the forum, not to blow you off.

If the answer is to change the software in this manner, I would suggest adding it to the "new features and wishes" forum where development will see it.

As you know, development has been very focused on bigger problems within the software and has not been adding new features lately.
So, I wouldn't expect this right away or say no, but if more people agree with you in the new features forum, it may be a consideration in a future release.


Posted Fri 18 Dec 09 @ 6:25 am
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
Funny note at the top, I thought that is what you mods call it. I was not trying to be funny.

I understand your stand point, but I still don't think you understand my problem as you are not correctly describing it back to me. I also completely understand why you told me to post my problem in the Mapping thread. I disagreed with you because the problem happens with the defaulted RMX mapper, this is why I believe you are misinterpreting me. I however had not considered asking for my changes in the "wishes and new features" area, I will do so shortly.

Now that this is public, please read my description 1 more time because I think you are missing a very important detail in my issue.

With my defaulted RMX mapper file (NO MODIFICATIONS AT ALL), it is set to "DJC button #". If I hold any one of those DJC buttons 1-6, when I release that button, the DJC menu pops up every time. Forcing me to reselect my effect so that the DJC list will go away (disappear from the screen and not cover screen information up). If I did not select the effect that I was using, in previous versions before 6.03, and I clicked anywhere but on the DJC menu to get the list to go away. VDJ would erase the effect from that slot and replace it with "?????".

That part is fixed in 6.03, 2 months after I started my ticket and this was half of my origional problem. BUT, the menu still pops up when I hold a DJC button (again, with a defaulted mapper). Which I understand is a new feature to help people configure those buttons without a skin that has those slots. This is 1 of 2 reasons why I believe VDJ would need to be re written to fix this issue. I just don't believe the "while_pressed" option has been considered when using DJC buttons, there for it is easy to miss in the software QA process and the millions of instructions that I am sure your program has.

What I like to do, is make some effects apply for a short time. So rather than select the button to turn the effect on and then hit the same button again to turn it off, I add a "while_pressed" so I can just hold the button until I no longer want the effect on, then just release it (this is when the DJC menu pops up). When mapped this way, it gives the exact same result as the defaulted mapper. The DJC menu also pops up. IF I use Chris's suggestion, made in a public form post like you requested here:

http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/114349/Hardware_Technical_Support/Setting_up_the_RMX_effects_buttons_on_VDJ_6_0_1.html?search=down ? DJC button# while_pressed : nothing&page=1

We talked about making it "down ? DJC button # while_pressed : nothing". This string makes VDJ ignore the "while pressed" part and now the DJC buttons work exactly the same as the default RMX mapper command, press to turn on and press again to turn off. I responded with that result and he must not have looked at that thread, which happens, we are all human. BUT, this is why I made a ticket, so that I don't have to worry about my replies being overlooked among millions of thread/posts!

Now the old "effect select" method is great, it does exactly what it should, EXCEPT, in VDJ 6, you removed the Pitch, loop and other commands from the Effect menu. Because, as Chris said "And you are absolutely right the djc_button command is a dedicated function with a single purpose and that is the default functionality". I take this to also mean, the loop and Pitch functions are only meant for controller users that have DJC buttons? Does that sound right?

Either way, with "Effect select" method, there is no menu popping up when I hold any of the 6x6 buttons, with or without the "while_pressed" command. The "while_pressed" works to temporarily enable an effect, with no other complicated scripting (perfect! right?). But if I use the "Effect select" method, I am stuck with the Effect menu options that are on that list and I have lost options that were removed from the effect list (Loop and Pitch were there in VDJ 5) and only added to the new DJC menu (in VDJ 6). I do not like to use the DJC buttons and menus for above mentioned reasons. This is the other or second reason that VDJ needs programming to fix my issue. No forum user (aside from maybe mods) can add the Pitch, Loop and other options back to the Effect menu (list) in your program, like they were in VDJ 5. This is also my preferred method of repair.

Other people have noticed this limitation and contacted me. Why? Because I publically posted (like you asked) that this was a problem many times. People saw it and contacted me because I understood their issue completely and I was trying to communicate it to your company. Until now, I have not been successful as email, forums posts and tickets are sometimes slow, unreliable (missed) or both. Plus, it is hard to accentuate the right parts of the conversation to get my point across when typing. Emotion, inflection and the ability to ask for clarification in the middle of conversation, is lost in this manner of support. Also, when writing long winded posts (like this one) and tickets, people tend to skim through it and sum up conversation. Missing valuable information when jumpping to conclusions. This is where I think our communication issue is. I have no other way to say this so I had to draw it out and deliberately phrase everything so that it will not be misunderstood. Making me long winded, which I was trying not to be.

This is as clear as I can be: My request is that you make the Effect menu (list) have all of the same options that the DJC menu (list) has. It should be easy, fast and this will solve my problem. But recoding VDJ is beyond 99% of any forum user's capability, hence the ticket.

I will also post this in the wishes and new features if you still feel this is where that request belongs. Hopefully now you can see I did what you asked and was not just being lazy, my posts were being overlooked and so was my ticket. I just wish I did not have to prove it to you, I was hopeing that when I had your attention, you would just answer me. Instead I feel like I got the run around, this is why I am upset.

Posted Fri 18 Dec 09 @ 8:14 pm
I got responses in this forum fast too, on the crash I had. The crash thing is "FIXED" as you see in the post and I trust it will come out soon like they say. Don't worry about it man, I have said my piece and I have no intention of ganging up on them. They know my problem, they just need to answer thier support tickets. I just don't like people acting like there is nothing wrong when there is (if it is the truth).

I just realize that you think I created another account. I did not make this thread or another bogus accout. VDJ staff can verify, I know they have ways (as if it matters). I just saw an opertunity to present my case when sombody else could not. Did I hijack this thread, yes. That is the only thing I am guilty of. But a no license user, giving no facts and blanket insults does not really have a shot. He was probably pissed that his cracked version did not work. I am not hiding, I am right here with a legitimate Pro license, real facts and a still un answered support ticket.

How do you know so much about VDJ if you are a no license user?

I think this form is great but they can't help with my problem in the support ticket, unless a forum user can rewrite the gripe I have with VDJ. Trust me


I like that question, I like it alot. HEy just cuz imma no license doesnt mean I dont know about vdj bro. And my fault for assuming that account was yours. Sorry.

But I got knowledge too . Its just i cant afford the software. It just seemed as if you DID do it. Sorry again.

But yo, I still have knowledge about the software and I can really help you out. I've helped alot of Professional users and sometimes experienced users! I'm making my own skin, programming my own midi controllers and everytthing so things arent what they seem.

Posted Fri 18 Dec 09 @ 9:04 pm
DHoudePRO InfinityMember since 2009
I would keep that quiet dude, do you realize what you just admitted?

Please read my last post carefully, you will see that the program is what I want changed. I am very clear on where the fault is. Thanks for the offer, maybe you can help me show the mods? Maybe I can offer to show this in a webex or remote desktop session with Atomix?

I want VDJ to be the best and it does kill the competition. I never said otherwise. I don't jump ship fast, I stick through problems, I just don't like being ignored. I can help, trust me I am tech savy. I currently support computers, servers, networks (wireless and wired) and software on our level 3 staff (engineering). Hell I wrote most of our manuals! My spelling may be bad sometimes but I do know what I am trying to say.

Posted Fri 18 Dec 09 @ 9:07 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
One of the topics that comes up often, when I talk bout NLU's and VDJ with the Team is this. Non Licensed Users are very knowledgeable about VDJ. Often understanding more than Pro users, if for no other reason than they need to figure things out for themselves. Don, do not under estimate any NLU.....

Posted Fri 18 Dec 09 @ 9:56 pm
Yes i realize what i just admitted and im not ashamed of it. but its okay. the conversation we are having isnt going anywhere. we are just bragging about our knowledge, and thats not what the forum is for. sorry i offended you

Posted Fri 18 Dec 09 @ 11:56 pm
magova1104 wrote :

And you don't even OWN the program, "like the rest of us"?

Posted Sat 19 Dec 09 @ 2:21 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Yes I understood a little bit of what your problem was/is, but still have the same reply.
This pop up feature is going to have to change in the software coding as Chris told you already.
It is not a user changeable feature and should be added to the new features and wished forum.

Where as this thread is taking so many different turns and the problem has been identified with advice given, I am closing it.

Posted Sat 19 Dec 09 @ 5:57 am

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