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Hi everybody :D ! I'm trance/progressive begginer dj and i will ask you some basic questions.Please answer :D
The first one is-the terms.Like the controller for example.What is controller?(is controller=cd player=midi cont.=table top cont...? whats the diffference?

Posted Tue 10 Nov 09 @ 8:51 am
djcityPRO InfinityMember since 2005
A controller is a piece of equipment that "controles" your DJ Program.

Example...M Audoi Xponent is a controller.
Hercules RMX is a controller.
Hercules Steel is a controller.
Numark Stealth is a controller.

Pioneer CDJ 400 is a controller and a CD player all in one. It's midi so it can control aspects of your DJ program but it can also play cd's.
Numark NS7 is an all in one controller that has two decks and a mixer all in one unit.

Hope this helps.

Posted Tue 10 Nov 09 @ 9:33 am
Thanks man. So,Controller is anything that works with software:CD player,mixer...solo or all-in-one combination depending of product,design,price....Am i right?

Posted Tue 10 Nov 09 @ 2:23 pm

yes, a controller , is anything that controls the software so to speak :)

Midi console, CD player with timecode CD or midi, turntable with timecode etc etc..

In daily posts at this and other dj forums, a "controller" is usually referring to a midi console... Such as for example Hercules RMX.

Examples of controllers/hardware that controls VirtualDJ

Posted Tue 10 Nov 09 @ 2:29 pm
OK man :D
Next question: Can i (as VDJ couple of months user) skip that "ordinary flat piece of metal called herculles" :D and use some more advanced stuff ? Like some mid price pioneer set for example. I mean,as i can see the difference is in some extra buttons :D (and shape and price od course). But the basic buttons are there,so when i "grow up" as a DJ i dont have to buy another set,just starting to use those advanced buttons. Good plan,right? :D

Posted Tue 10 Nov 09 @ 2:52 pm
DazmaxPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Hi mate

Its realy up to you but the one thing most people would suggest is try before you buy.

To give maximum flexibiity you would be looking at either a transport controller DMC2 (example) or a CD player/controller DN3700(example) or even Vinyl decks SL1200(example) , a sound card which provides 4 inputs and 4 outputs and a mixer Pioneer DJM800 (example).

If you are looking at spending this sort of money you owe it to yourself to go to your nearest retailer and get your hands on the kit. Don't buy blind. Use other peoples recomendations as a place to start looking.



Posted Tue 10 Nov 09 @ 3:14 pm

Most do start on a "simpler" midi controller... and some "outgrow" them over time, want something bigger and "better.." :)

Djs are gear fanatics, so hard to say really ... You can use that "plastic" hercules for life really.. But down the line you might want something more "real", like a setup you see djs traditionally use at clubs..

And yes, if you got the money, and already feel for more pro gear, you can totally skip the "all in one" controllers, and go the the big league.

My recommendation for a more pro league gear would for example be 2x Pioneer CDJ 400 (hid controller, plug and play with VDJ), + a mixer, such as DJM400 from pioneer.

A VERY sexy setup to control VDJ, but then again, the hercules controller is FAR cheaper ;) so its really up to you


Posted Tue 10 Nov 09 @ 3:28 pm
I knew it! Its all about price! Ok,thanx :)
Next Q: That wheel/circle for mixing in the key in users guide. It isnt matching with VDJ keys. VDJ has C#,G#minors and doesnt have B#,E#minors,but that wheel has B#,E#minors and doesnt have C# and G#minors. their number values are matching. They have both A# and D# minors but they are in different places(different number values).Help?
How precision is VDJ in determing the key?Maybe additional software?

Posted Tue 10 Nov 09 @ 4:03 pm

Posted Wed 11 Nov 09 @ 11:13 am

It doesnt really matter ... thats why the wheel is there... To make things easier for you :)

If you mix as song in 2A, it will go harmonic well with songs in same keycode, or +/-1 keycode
So a song in 2A , harmonically same will be 1A, 2A and 3A

VDJ is very good at key detection.
But the MAIN THING is that you use SAME program to analyze your keys...

No program is dead accurate, but if you are using same software, the chances are better that the keycodes are harmonically, even if wrong key detected.


Posted Wed 11 Nov 09 @ 11:18 am
DazmaxPRO InfinityMember since 2007
hi mate

Never realy use the key function. Only realy use the keylock. It is a major plus for beatmatching.


Posted Wed 11 Nov 09 @ 11:18 am
Ok, the numbers are important, it doesnt matter what are the letters,right?
Next Q: I have a problem with VDJ 5 & 6. In VDJ 5,when i hit the crossfade-equalizers a grunting noise appears.Same with all volume controls. Push any volume butonns up or down and there it is-grrrrbrrrrrrrrr.Its ruining my mixes !
In VDJ6 -the same problem! PLUS if you try to "crossfade" with bass eq from deck1 on deck2 and deck 1 is selected(blue colour is brighter than red :) it is working fine. But,when the deck2 is selected(red is brighter than blue) and you try to crossfade with bass eq from deck1 to deck2-it wont work. Why? Some help?

Posted Wed 11 Nov 09 @ 11:47 am

Sounds like you have a latency problem at your PC.

What is your setup that you use with VDJ?

To avoid this "brummin" sound, go to Performance tab and adjust slider to Faster..
And also try with OverClock on, and latency drop down to Auto (both at performance tab).

If all fails, turn SafeMode on (performance tab)


Posted Wed 11 Nov 09 @ 12:09 pm
Thanx a lot man :D !
I dechecked safe mode and that's it! I can't believe ! Grunting's gone
can u help me with VDJ6 problem?

Posted Wed 11 Nov 09 @ 4:54 pm
haloperidol wrote :

can u help me with VDJ6 problem?

what problem was that?

Posted Wed 11 Nov 09 @ 5:32 pm
djranes wrote :
Key Mixing/matching is like adding toppings to your favorite pizza.
It will add harmony to your mixes.
And it will boast the rhythm feel of the crowd.
Those Beatmatching plus key mixing equals perfection!
Better set your master tempo though in Advance if want to really feel the difference.
For me it become an obsession already, thus, making my facelift of my CDJ400 in Camelot wheel!

Tell me about it, and VDJ even helps you with that too. When you have a track playing try using the "Compatible Songs" Filter.

I've even built more custom ones from this to limit the searches back like "Compiaible Chart Songs" where I add filepath starts with "f:\charts\" so I only get me chart stuff back if I wanna keep the mix current...


Posted Thu 12 Nov 09 @ 11:56 am
haloperidol wrote :

can u help me with VDJ6 problem?

what problem was that?

In VDJ6 - if i try to "crossfade" with bass eq from deck1 on deck2 and deck 1 is selected(blue colour is brighter than red :) it is working fine. But,when the deck2 is selected(red is brighter than blue) and you try to crossfade with bass eq from deck1 to deck2-it wont work. Why? Some help?

Posted Fri 13 Nov 09 @ 3:03 pm
Never mind the VDJ6,i have again problem with VDJ5. "brewing" noise has gone,but SOMETHIMES,not always i don't know why,when crossfading with eqs there's some short"crackling" sound. the sound appears when crossing the middle of the eq bar.

Posted Sun 15 Nov 09 @ 7:45 am
Try turning off CONFIG -> Performances -> Safe Mode

Posted Sun 15 Nov 09 @ 1:49 pm
I have tried,it is not helping.

Posted Wed 18 Nov 09 @ 5:50 am