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Forum: Old versions

Topic: ASIO with Audigy 2 ZS

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I have a problems to setup VDJ in ASIO mode with this sound card (Audigy 2 ZS Platinum). It has ASIO 2.0 support, and many other things that make me buy it, but it doesn't work.

With ASIO I get an error (Sound ASIO Driver Error) and then nothing. No signal to configure... In Remote Control 2 (without ASIO) I get -8 pitch in VDJ with my turntables in 0 pitch (SL-1210 MK2) and have many problems. With a Sound Blaster Live 5.1 I have no problems setting up in Remote Control 2 Option.

I haved install the original drivers from Creative Labs, then update all the drivers (one by one by date of release) probe it and nothing. Even do it also with all product updates for the software, still not work...

Help me please!!!


Posted Tue 03 May 05 @ 8:05 pm
Can anyone help?, someone... ?. Anything about it? (I'm still looking)

wait for the new upcomming version (very soon)

then use the asio4all drivers

I update VDJ from 2.06 to 2.1. Again and again I get "ASIO Driver error" at the open of VDJ and in selection of Low latency mode in Card config in VDJ. I try with asio4ALL, with asio for Adigy 2ZS [SB:800], with ASIO Creative... I still not found how to resolve with this card... I have 2 mic inputs, 2 aux inputs, 2 line inputs, 2 SPDIF inputs, 1 TAD input and 8 outputs and in some moment the VDJ tells me that theres not enough channels...

just posted this elsewhere - check your asio settings for the rate 48khz, and try to get this to 41.1khz, i don't believe VDJ supports the 48khz mode.


Yes, Virtual DJ only works in 44100Hz=44.1kHz

Thanks for your responses!.
With VDJ 2.06 in "Remote Controler 2" option I could operate my Audigy 2 sound card in 48KHz (even with ASIO SB drivers).
In ASIO mode from the Sound Card Menu of the VDJ is imposible. And now with the ver 2.1 I couldn't make it work. I try with ASIO4ALL controls and with 44-48KHz options and nothing. I only get "Error in Sound Driver ASIO: Not enough channels" (THis with ASIO4ALL selected) and "Error in ASIO Driver" for SB Audigy 2 ZS ASIO Driver. I have 4 stereo inputs at a time for this with a total of 6 stereo analog inputs plus midi, Spdif and TAD and 8 stereo analog outputs plus 2 digital.

I wonder how many people use Sound Blaster and it's amazing VDJ dont work with it. I'm in México and it's difficult to own a Maya 44 in here. The common stuff is Sound Blaster.


Audigy 2 only support 48KHz and 96KHz. I use ASIO4ALL 2.6 but it don't let me config all inputs of my sound card. I find a 48KHz to 44KHz option in ASIO4ALL but it's useless; still don't work with ASIO and TCVs. I'll wait for the next version, I don't work with TCVs for now and I really want to.

Anyone known how is this going? any updates? I still stuck with this issue. thanks!.

Hi guys,

With the VDJ 3.0 the Audigy 2 cards are working. Thanks to Atomix Productions. Only I have an issue.

The BPMs and the current pitch are displayed from VDJ with -8 pitch. The songs are playing just fine at the pitch that is on the turntable, but VDJ is displaying wrong (-8). I have to mix with out using BPM or Pitch tools in VDJ, at the old school way (Without PC software).

not sure, but I had same problem when using 48 kHz output settings instead od 44.1 in my hercules drivers the song was faster and pitched up because of this.

Are you using asio mode ? if there is no option for conversion, try asio4all there should be an option to convert 44.1 to 48

With the VDJ 3 it seems not to need the ASIO4ALL drivers, but I already have it installed. It's the same history. My songs are playing good, the real pitch is good. VDJ is displaying my pitch at -8 low (And this because I have set my pitch controler to +- 8% pitch controls and not +-34%). The BPM displayed are also minor than it realy is (-8 pitch equivalent).

48 kHz support is all new in vdj 3.0

It might still need some work :)

Report at bug forum, for dev team to take actions for improvement

did you try 44.1 to 48 khz coversion in asio4all ?


I put this bug into the bug forum then... Thanks!


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