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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: Please help with Key Lock

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I am using 6.0.2 and the Overflow skin. One deck is key locked and one is not. It's driving me crazy because I can't find how to have both decks key locked. Deck 1 seems Not to be key locked and deck 2 is.

I am trying to have both deck one and deck two to be locked into the proper (original) key on loading the track no matter what the pitch is set to.

Please help.

Posted Mon 05 Oct 09 @ 4:02 pm
I think you have missunderstood the meaning of the keylock. Keylock locks the key of ONE song so even if you are moving pitch up or down the key of the particular song remains the same. The same thing happens to the other deck if you press keylock to that deck.

Lets say you load a song to deck A which has original key Am. If you press keylock on the deck A ,no matter if you move the pitch slider or not ,the key remains Am. Now lets say you load to deck B another song that has different key for example Fm. If you press keylock to that deck too, the key remains to Fm no matter if you move the pitch slider and of course the key to deck A remains Am.

If you want to match the key to both decks use the command ... match_key

I understand how keylock works. I have been using keylock on 3.4 for years.

My issue is that I can't find the keylock for deck 1. I was under the impression that keylock affects both decks, not just one of them. For whatever reason, deck 2 is keylocked the way it's supposed to be but deck 1 is not keylocked.

I am used to loading a track onto either deck and not having to worry at all about the key because I had keylock turned on in 3.4.

In 6.0.2 for some reason, only deck 2 (the right side deck) is keylocked. No matter what I do with the pitch, the song remains in the correct key even if it's loaded when the pitch is not at zero. That is what I want it to do.

On deck 1 (the left side deck) the keylockis NOT on. If the track is put to a higher (faster) pitch, I get the infamous "chipmunk" sound.

I want deck 1 and deck 2 to both have the keylock on as I had it in v3.4 and as it is on deck 2.

I'm not familiar with that skin but if it was coded under the old skin script I believe keylock would activate both decks together by default. With the new script they can act independently.

Either way if you want to use that skin in 6.02 a simple edit can solve the problem.

PM me and i can see if i have time to fix it for you later.


i am dj shahar - the designer of overflow

:: key lock ::
key lock was an annoying feature that that would simply switch the pitch slider between [pitch] and [pitch and key]
so i got frustraed enough. removed it all together and created one slider for pitch and one slider for key. that's 2 independent sliders.
a set of 2 sliders for the right deck and a set of 2 sliders for the left deck.

:: overflow update ::
while changing mixstation to overflow and virtual dj creating new methods of creating / reading skins, problems were developed with in the skin. someone mentioned it, and it was fixed to the best of my ability.

you may be talking about an older version of overflow. to make sure we're both on the same ground here, download the latest verion of overflow and respond here if you still have a problem with it. if so, describe it as best you can and if i can, i'll fix it as soon as i get a chance.

DJ Shahar - Los Angeles DJ

ok, good job.

i've identified another problem

the pitch matching button

both buttons always match deck 2.

i'll fix that later on today.

got to go to work now.


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