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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: V-mix 6.0 beta - Page: 1

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Hello has all, I make a first attempt for the skin v-mix 6.0 of DJ FORMAT. I have to work quite some time above. If there is an error or a lack which you would see fit to have without modifying (too much) the bmp, made the I to know about this post

The skin is available under the image.



Posted Thu 10 Sep 09 @ 5:32 pm
It does not show.

New Beta 1.1 will be available soon.


I hope you can add a "scratch" panel. At present this version does not exploit new features of Vdj 6.

im working for a new scratch pannel


mmmhh...why orizzantol position?

not better to be in the mixer zone?
I think that 2 waveform must be near to make better comparisons.

yes i work for a center pannel

watch update

beta 1.2

version beta. need your help for suggestion
beta 1.0 - first test
beta 1.1 - 4 corrections
beta 1.2 - ad skratch pannel
- new option with automix button



in my opinion it is unnecessary to have a waveform in deck zone....

I understand, but as I had already created him, I decided to leave them.
If it can be of use to somebody, then...

But if you has the other ideas, lets you go.

Do you like the skin at the moment??

good work pasco !!!

@hackid: nel + ci stà il -


good work pasco123

hey!! hi format you are here???

thanks for compliment

I love this skin.


that is ok m8

I have a special request :

I would like see name of cue points featured and not just the passage of mouse on.

This is very important for me....

I use cue point to know intro and outro of all my videos. I named all cue point 1 for example "loop 8" or "voice" or "instrumental".... and same thing with cue point 2 set at the end of the video...

sorry for my bad english :(

Yes, saddened, it is an oversight. had modified him on the panel center plant. Now, wait for the nex updated beta 1.3, panels are ready


No pasco...

I no want change pannels to have other info...I would like to have all most important info on only one screen....

an example of my idea :

