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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: Black is Back!!! Updated: JN-Black v2.06 - Page: 1

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I just submitted an updated version of JN-Black (v2.06).


- Split rhythm-window option
Rhythm wave is split into two for better viewing.
(Pannels 1 & 2)

- Pro-mode
For people with external mixers. There is no Crossfaders, EQs, and volume-sliders.
(Pannels 3 & 4).

- Scratch-mode for each deck
For people that use scratch; each deck now has its own scratch zone like other skins.
(Pannels 5 & 6 for deck A and pannels 7 & 8 for deck B)

- New Cue-window (14 cues)
This new pannel lets you set, goto, rename, and view times to up to 14 cues (default Deck). Press the cue-times to see time-difference between current position and cue.
Precise Cue-points can be set using a "knob".
VDJ does not support text-info for more than 9 cue-points.
(Pannel 9)

Suggestions and comments are welcome.


- Jim Nordic

Posted Sat 05 Mar 05 @ 8:17 am
Thanks Jim we'll check

Oh man!! I had the honor of being the first to try this one out! Great Job Jim! It's now available for download.
I have to get this one on my laptop right away!

This new version is terrific. A lot of good ideas !!
Everything is well thought, at the good place. It's very clean, clear and professional.

Maybe (only to find something ;-) ) artist and title inverted for the deck B and if you can add visual of the level below the crossfader as on the Mix Station... but otherwise great

Could you make this in 1024x768?

Good skin

Great work Jim!!

I must thank you for implementing some of my wishes there - I am very impressed!
Maybe two more suggestions to perfection: 1/ I still think it would be better if Artist & Title would be below the waveform window (on top of the "player"). 2/ Maybe put the CUE button (currently between sample and rec) right under the PRO button, since a user can switch between theese two options (they exclude one another - if that is the word?).

A very interesting idea with that SPLIT WAVEFORM!! A very helpful solution for those who are color-blind (I remember one user had a problem with that)! Well done!

Oh yeah, a grabzone is still welcome ;) (for example, upper-left corner and somewhere in the middle).

Otherwise, a great great skin from you!

Best regards,

:-) DJ Rick is the color blind one.

Another request:
could you add on the pro pannel, between the two synchro button, the button master tempo (time strech) please, very useful for me as i switch on/off very often. Otherwise i do it personnaly...

And i agree with the fact to put together the buttons pro and cue

Hi guys! Thanks for your comments and suggestions.

1. Grabzone.

I forgot to change this part, and I'll add it to the next update.
(I'll use the areas outside the "control-areas" as grab-zones. I don't want to put it in a specific area, because if that area is somehow pushed outside the screen, you have no way of moving the VDJ-window.)

2. Master Tempo Button?

DJcel: I don't believe there is an action (in the skin-engine) for switching time stretch on and off. But if there is... what is the name of the action.

3. Pro, Cue, and Normal

I'll place the 3 buttons together for easier access to the different pannels.

4. Artist & Title info for deck B

I'll rearrange these, so it will have the same layout as deck A.

5. Volume visuals below the crossfader.

Ok. I'll see what I can do.

6. Title & Artist below rhythm-window?

I'll see what I can do. (In my opinion it looks good as it is.)

Anybody disagree with these changes... speak up now. I don't want to please one user and then displease ten others.

- Jim Nordic

For time strech, the action is "master_tempo" in part "system" with value 0 to switch

You can have a look in cdj100s or mix station

For your changes, I'm OK

For visual under the crossfader, have a look in Obsidian

fully agree :)


Maybe 1 more thing about the split screen. Wouldn't it be clearer, if deck A would always be under the deck B (or other way around), just the colors would change depending on active on/off? If it's possible.

I do think it's natural for a deck to stay at it's position, not move from left to right, when using the other one ;)

A thought. Regards.

Will have a look, sounds impressive thought :)

I wasn't certain how I would like the split screen for the wav display. After an hour or so of test firing here in the office I must say, it's great! Thanks Jim. (no need for me to use photoshop to re-color the display!)

A couple of very small ideas if you don't mind. The skin is very cool and quite functional as is.
It would be cool if possible to make the time remaining display larger. It would also be cool if the song title and artist could be a bit larger. (scrolling would be OK.)


I understand what you are saying. I tried to make this happen, but it seems that the rhythm-element displays the wave-form in terms of active and default deck (Not deck A or B). For Example, you can't make a rhythm-window that only displays deck A, regardless of what deck is active or default. But you can make a rhythm-window that only displays the default or active deck.

How the split Rhythm-screen works, is that you actually have two Rhythm-elements. But you tweak them so that one rhythm-element only displays the active deck (red) and the other the default (green).

So to my knowledge, your request is not possible at this time.

DJ Rick:
I forgot about you. Again. :) Sorry. I'm programmed to think that red and green are the two best contrasting colors. What colors do you prefer to use instead of red&green?

I'll try and make the time remaining and song&title display (text) larger.


- Jim Nordic


Glad it helps you Rick!

Jim, about this color use problem: For better color choice (in order to help color-blind), do a grayscale filter in photoshop, so you'll have a similar view as color-blind, where only color intensity is visible. You can than choose colors with greater intensity difference.

About that split screen issue: I see what the problem is. But I have an idea: what if you use the background image for deck A on upper screen, and BG image for deck B on lower screen (whether it's active or not)? This way, both decks would be renderd by VDJ on both windows, but one wouldn't be visible, because of same background image! Would that work?

I wish I had time, to test it myself. By the way, I'm not asking you to do it (well if you have time), just wondering if it's possible ;)

Again, thanks for your time Jim! Regards.

For information we have in plugins the values
0 for Active desk
1 for left desk
2 for right desk
and for default desk

VDJ automatically give the value (1 or 2) to active desk and the default desk is so the other one

When I recolor the wav, I use a red, and a blue, with the overlap as white.

The colors that you use, I can tell them apart, but they seem very close to each other. When they are running together, sometimes I can't tell weather to speed up or slow down just by looking. However, I always have my headphone on one ear, so it really hasn't been a huge problem.
Jim, I really like this skin. It's definately your all time best effort! I'll bet you like it too :-)



You just explained the split-screen concept. :) The only problem is that the rhythm-element does not display the decks in terms of A and B. Only if they are active or default. In the rhythm-element definition, you're asked to specify the coordinates to desk1 and desk2. It should say activedesk and defaultdesk, because desk1 specifies what graphics to be shown for the active rhythm-wave, and desk2 for the default rhythm-wave. So you still have the same problem...

- Jim Nordic
