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Topic: Harmonic Mixing - Page: 1

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Posted Wed 02 Mar 05 @ 3:02 am
Couldn't get to the site.



I wish we could have this detected when analyzing a track. It would be SWEET!!!!!!! Then we wouldnt have to find other ways (like paying for a database). I would pay extra for this feature....Oh well, maybe in a future upgrade.

Its hard for me since I dont know how to tell what key the songs are as Im sure most other dj's dont either. I play it by ear. That wastes time also though, but thats the way it is.



No problem Killabee44 you can use mixmeister pro 6 this baby will give you all the keys and keycodes.Even BPMs

dj Maddsound:Try again copy/paste.....ctrlc/ctrlv......

Maybe VDJ 3.0 will have a similar key feature and more…


Here’s a Comparision chart on mixmeister products:


I like the info stated for MixMeister Studio 6, “When you can already hear the perfect mix in your head, and just need a tool to bring it out into the world, Studio can do it.” Now that’s what I’m talking about; consequently, I’m going to download the demo. It also has key detection and shifting for $100 less than the Pro version.


Don’t forget to “Take the Tour>>.” I liked how it illustrated beats being aligned.

Thanks for the info Andre.


Terrific Post Andre. Very informative, thanks. Does anyone know of sources to get the keys of current tunes? Or, past tunes?

Mixmeister pro 6 will analyse any folder or song that you have in your computer.
thanks to DJ Raz for this info

It takes a while to enter the right key in the comment box for every song so make sure to save your database to another folder or even better to an external drive.(vdj xml database)
Once your have your songs analysed this will open a new world of mixing.
Harmonics are sweet...
Would be nice to have this in vdj like double 0 said!

A Fine ear can easilly do this although its not the simplest of tasks to do. All I can recommend is a LOT of practice. To make it easier on most DJs it would be a nice feature to add but I guess these are things I learned to do the hard way (I'm sure most of you learned this the same way I did).

DJ White Devil


It would be nice if, along with the BPM column in the recordcase, there was a column for key/bpm. You could click on that column to align tracks by closest bpm/key combo. Maybe use some reference colors in the "key" data space for each track (like the graph you showed) or color the text for each track according to key. Now THAT would be sweet. Being able to do that across different folders would be even better.


With key codes also included it would make the whole program harmonically perfect.
If you still have doubt about this or think people dont hear the difference well
try Tribal dance 2004 and illusion (bb)you can practically ride the whole song.
Never clash and the mix feels so good

I agree with DJ_whiteDVL, most DJs that are good at beatmixing perform harmonic mixing instinctively because they have developed a "fine ear" for what sounds good together.


Now I wouldn't go with instinctivly although if you know your music very well it seems to come naturally with experience. I get moments where when listening to a song I can find another song that will go great with the current one. This happens often when shopping with the familly.

I have to say though that when you hear many mixed compilations they are just that, "compilations." I have some friends who believe they are DJs when using programs like Acid Pro to create a masterpiece with no physical mixing involved(someone correctly setting the pitch of each song...). Many of these professional compilations are done purelly by PC applications. I refer people to DJing as someone who is actually working at "creating" a mix "live" using any utilities available (ie:VDJ, turntables, CDs...)

When I first started to DJ I practiced a good year and a half before I did clubs and such just to have that slight advantage of knowing my music and knowing how to beat match quickly enough to not have songs playing too long, etc.

its been 9 years since I've started and I must say that I have learned the most from fellow DJs that share the same interest! All the information on these forums are great learners, and should be read by all who want to learn how or better their mixing technics.

I just wish there were such guides/communities available when I started (maybe there were and I just never bothered to look hard enough) But after mixing with some big names (Max Graham, Phats & Small, etc) I must say that they have taught me a great deal on beat matching, harmonic mixing, how to keep the floor packed, etc.

Once I get the software and TCVs I might apply for the radio and hop on when I get the time.

Cheers to all your all and thanks for all the input on these forums. Its great to see so many people helping each other.

DJ White Devil

DJ_whiteDVL: “if you know your music very well it seems to come naturally with experience. I get moments where when listening to a song I can find another song that will go great with the current one.”

That’s doing it instinctively—without having to think about it.


Right on.....This is what im trying to teach djs for so long.
But unfortunatly all of hte djs are not born with the natural ability to find a the key
This will help those who need it and teach them also to eventually hear the key on their own
I have heard so many bad mixes not because the were off beat but the music didnt fit at all
tsk tsk shame on you......lol
All in good fun

By the way Andre I read in your profile that you DJ around Mtl Canada. We might have crossed paths before as I've been to a few clubs there. I live in Ottawa Canada and was a resident DJ at Atomics and Illusions and have also traveled around the northern lands.

Your name sure rings a bell

Not so far away...i worked at Polo's since june 2004 and im starting this weekend in Hudson,Que near the Ontario border..Its called the Shat......it looks like a raunchy place lol
But the crowd is 18-25 so can play reggae n Punk n techno n tropical stuff without getting in trouble...and actually have fun at work!
I suspect your title will change very soon....DJ_whiteDVL

Dj Andre Landry, please do a test with those two songs:
1- Muttonheads - To You (Da Fresh 6 Million Dollars Remix)
2- Benassi Bros feat. Dhany - Hit My Heart (Vision Mix)

and with those two songs:
1- DJ Tomcraft - Loneliness (Klub Mix)
2- Benassi Bros feat. Azibiza - Turn Me Up (Sfaction Mix)

