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Topic: New Laptop, Same Old Crashes

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Well I was really excited to get my new Dell laptop today. I couldn't wait to get it home and give it a try to see if the crashing problem was gone. This is a very nice laptop with a 3.06Ghz processor, 1GB ram, 80Gb hard drive, the works.

Installed VDJ and plugged in the XP10s. Started practicing my scratch mixing and BAMM! Not even five mintues into the session. The thing crashed. Just like with my 2.4Ghz 512MB box. So much for the idea that 1GB of ram would fix anything for me.

This is very disapointing. But what is even more disapointing is that no one from support or development has posted any acknowledgement that this bug exists or that it will be addressed in a future bug fix. As far as I know they are blaming it on my Hercules DJC or my XP10s (same problem happens with both). This is the THIRD computer I have tried, 2nd set of controllers, 2nd operating system (Windows XP Professional and Windows 2000 Professional).

Hey support! Read my previous thread. I'm not the only one having this problem. Almost anyone who scratches at the begining of the track will certainly run into this. It is really annoying and very disapointing.

I cringe when I think about switching to another software that is more stable since I've invested so much time (and money) into VDJ. If I have a gig, I will probably still use VDJ and have my iPod ready to go on line 3 of the mixer. I'd like to think that not scratching will solve the problem but the first time I got a crash was simply backspinning at the begining of the track to find the punch in spot - so it's not just scratching that causes it.

Whatever it is that is causing it is giving me a major headache. I'm not buying anymore hardware to try and make this work until I have some assurance that the problem has been acknowledged and is being addressed promptly.

I'll catch you guys later, going downstairs to reboot my brand new $2000 paperweight.

Posted Thu 10 Feb 05 @ 3:11 am
h_vatevHome userMember since 2005
hi anewsome,
I had the same problem and i found the fix for my case.
Try to turn the TIMESTRETCH option OFF. Since i done that i have no crash problems.
I hope it will help you.
happy dj'n :)

Posted Fri 25 Feb 05 @ 2:30 pm
have you tried this anewsome?

i use that timestretch alot though.
otherwise my tracks would be all screwy.

i need that feature to work, not shut it off.


Posted Tue 01 Mar 05 @ 5:12 am
erxonPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I don't think timestretch is the case here guys. It's a bug in interpretation of sound data manipulation at the track's beginning(/end). A backspin on the start is definately not a good thing for software, since the algorithm is trying to reach data which doesn't exist. I know that code is very complex, and with good programmers Dev Team has, this shouldn't be a problem. But I don't see what else could force a software to crash. Maybe a communication problem with hardware.

It does happen to me sometimes, when a track reaches it's end while I'm mixing the other one, that the sound loops for a while and than continues to play normally. That's why I'm guessing that there are issues when data flow ends.

That's the way I see it.

Posted Tue 01 Mar 05 @ 8:54 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
erxon - I agree with you 100% - read about my fresh - first time TCV experience here:


Especially the "communication problem with hardware" through the ASIO drivers -- even the Hercules users are experiencing ASIO driver issues. I get deep in my thread above, so I will leave it at that.

Posted Sun 13 Mar 05 @ 5:26 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
My only experience is: always wait for the end of "song loading" on the deck before playing.
One day i try to scratch with the jog of vdj at the first whereas the song wasn't loaded and after that something strange: song carry on playing but no sound

Posted Sun 13 Mar 05 @ 8:49 pm


a couple of questions about your crash problem

1. Do you have max load set to always? (the whole song into ram)
2. do you wait for full load of song before scratch?
3. Does the crash only occur at beginning of song? or end?

last one have made vdj crash for me too, as it seems that scratching "out of song" (before or after first or last beat) can make problems

a couple of minor questions at end, out of curiousty :

4. do you have song looped when crash?
5. do you have any effects loaded?


Posted Mon 14 Mar 05 @ 1:28 pm
BarglerPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I had this crash again yesterday.

I set a loop just inside the beginning of the song so that I could NOT backspin past the beginning of the song.
Timestretch was on.
16 beat loop was set on Track B. Track A was playing normally
Both songs were fully loaded (I believe my settings are for 15 minutes of each song to be loaded, but this was longer than either song)
No effects were in use.
The songs were within 2% of their native pitch.

I did a backspin (using XP10) on the looped track and VDJ shut down. No warning, no crash guard, no error of any kind.

Please, PLEASE do something about this. It is a show stopper bug...literally.

Posted Mon 14 Mar 05 @ 10:55 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
In a way I think you are proving my point in my "TCV Experience..." post about the timecode going beyond the beginning and VDJ not knowing what to do.

Now I could be totally wrong on this point but how does the XP10 work - through some type of TimeCode signal, maybe not the same as the TCV but it is a coded signal. When you back spin the XP10 and hit the beginning of the loop or the end of a track (file) then you have hit the beginning/ending of the track, in this case its the beginning of the loop with nothing before it.

There is some pretty good discussion in this thread and the thread I started "TCV Experience -..." in the General Discussion section - I hope support starts looking alot closer at both and I think we are getting closer to mastering what the bug is..?


Posted Mon 14 Mar 05 @ 11:05 pm
@ Bargler

setting a loop in the beginning of song will not prevent scratch or a backspinn to go "out of limit"...

my #1 theory is that doing scratch "before" the song starts, or a backspin at the beginning of song like you said, can cause some problems... because there is no info / no data there

just a thought...

Posted Tue 15 Mar 05 @ 12:46 am
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
Try to disable Time Strech. Since i don't use it , no crash. NEVER !!

Posted Tue 15 Mar 05 @ 12:50 am
BarglerPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Don't forget that scratching isn't the only cause. I've had the same crash when doing no controller manipulation at all.

Posted Tue 15 Mar 05 @ 10:50 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
@ Bargler - your non-controller interaction crash, was it a controlled crash via crash guard or just a plain music stops and VDJ shuts down like you described above. All of my experiences with this type of issue have been the later, no crash guard interaction. The only time I saw the crash guard type is with corrupt MP3 files.

Posted Tue 15 Mar 05 @ 6:21 pm
BarglerPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I get both symptoms with my crashes without touching the controller.

The no crashguard, ctd type is far more common.

I have also had crashguard pop up twice when closing down the program while songs were playing. Something is screwy under the hood.

Posted Thu 17 Mar 05 @ 9:13 pm
try reinstall the soundcard drivers, and then virtual DJ

ALSO, check that there is not any IRQ problems between soundcard and other cards, specially not with graphic card

Posted Sat 19 Mar 05 @ 4:44 pm
BarglerPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I've done all the home debugging I can do. I've reinstalled windows, I've reinstalled drivers, I've even removed my machines soundcard (don't use it...have 2 xp10s) to ensure it was not the problem. There are no IRQ conflicts.

Perhaps there were some changes in windows SP2 that VDJ didn't like? I don't know, but this is a problem beyond user troubleshooting.

I've got to work a party in 3 weeks...come on, miracle patch! =)

Posted Mon 21 Mar 05 @ 6:31 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
@Bargler - with reguard to your SP2 comment. I went back to only using SP1 because there is issue with IEEE1394/Firewire devices and daisy chainning them. Anyhow, my point is that it would not surprise me if there is issues between SP2 and VDJ.

As an update on my 'crash' experience - in my setup, my MAYA44 latency is set to highest (based on suggestions through out the forum) and I have yet to experience another crash since - *looking for wood to knock on* .



Posted Mon 21 Mar 05 @ 9:38 pm

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