
Denon DJ - MC-4000 - Layout


  1. MIC1 LEVEL. Adjust the gain (input level), of MIC1 Microphone Input

  2. MIC2 LEVEL. Adjust the gain (input level), of MIC2 Microphone Input

  3. ECHO. Use this button to enable/disable the Echo Effect on both Microphone Inputs. The amount of the applied Echo Effect is controlled from the front panel of the unit.

  4. TALK OVER. Use this button to enable/disable Talk Over (led will blink when engaged). When enabled, the MC4000 detects the MIC inputs and attenuates the audio signal level of the master output. When using the microphone, this function prevents the microphone audio from being covered by the music, making speech easier to hear

    Hold SHIFT down and use this button to disable/enable MIC Inputs (Announcements) to the Booth Output.