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Forum: Beta Builds Regression Bugs

Topic: BUILD 1960 - Page: 2

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Follow Groovindj's instructions 8 posts up .......... sorted :-)

Posted Fri 12 Sep 14 @ 8:05 am
Something really messed up in automix again . So the song that's playing is only like a 4 min song and it says 62 mins remaining , and now getting an error saying decompression memory . Try and see if this happens to you , put your songs in Automix , then skip to the next song still in automix mode .

Posted Fri 12 Sep 14 @ 10:30 am
Some of the songs I have are reading 75 mins and the songs are only like 4 mins long , but not all the songs are doing this

Posted Fri 12 Sep 14 @ 10:36 am
Are they VBR or CBR? What format?

Posted Fri 12 Sep 14 @ 10:50 am
mp4 videos , but this is only happening on certain ones not all of them . I am now thinking it maybe my external Hard drive . Will try out another hard drive when i get home tonight

Posted Fri 12 Sep 14 @ 10:59 am
dcomoPRO InfinityMember since 2012
Build not crashing on the Mac. Seems stable.

Posted Fri 12 Sep 14 @ 11:55 am
Re analyse the tracks and there fine now , but wondering what caused some of the tracks to be reading 70 minutes in lengh

Posted Fri 12 Sep 14 @ 11:59 am
@pumpitentertainment maybe they were never analyzed or they have corrupt headers it happens with vbr mp3 could be the same in other formats.

Posted Fri 12 Sep 14 @ 12:38 pm
Thank u to the dev team everything working good on my end .the pitch delay is gone now set it to 0.000000 thanks for that need it that badly. And if u have trouble downloading the new update give I a min press on yes and then close vdj reopen it and it will say vdj just been updated. And if u have a external hard drive like I do unplug it before u update the software so it won't mess with your setting or your cue point and your BPM. on the external hard drive.

Posted Fri 12 Sep 14 @ 12:53 pm
new build 1960: still static noise when dragging/scratching slow...
tried with the Stanton SCS1m internal sound card, NI Audio 2 DJ, and mac core audio, I'm now using 512 latency, in all previous I had 128 with no problems...
looking forward
thank you

Posted Fri 12 Sep 14 @ 1:12 pm
With the NS7II & Mac ,
there are still problems ! a motorized platter turned on and off, the sampler Instrumens
selecting the various tools ( Kick, HiHat, ecc ecc ) you get the random volume of the effect (by the controller) , it's ok on keyboard
in bootcamp&Win7 is ok

Posted Fri 12 Sep 14 @ 3:43 pm
AsTheDJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
static noise when dragging Slow or scratching Very Very slow... &When you do a back BackSpin on the JogWheel on the controller,VDJ-8 Crashes.(OSX 10.9.2 / 2.6Ghz i7/ 8Gb RAM & RMX II )

Posted Fri 12 Sep 14 @ 9:00 pm
ChreecePRO (OEM)Member since 2014
During a gig (only playing videos), i minimized VDJ 8, did something else in my laptop i.e. Opened browser or another program returned to VDJ 8 music video still plays but no responce from the program (it's stuck). Closed and restarted. After some hour again minimized, did some other stuff with the laptop, returned to VDJ 8 screen flashes and got a gray screen, again i shoulded restart the program...
I thought that the program is getting stable but the problems are getting worse... I don't know if i can trust any more the program and i am afraid to do anything else than cue-play-mix!

Posted Fri 12 Sep 14 @ 9:06 pm
Chreece wrote :
During a gig (only playing videos), i minimized VDJ 8, did something else in my laptop i.e. Opened browser or another program returned to VDJ 8 music video still plays but no responce from the program (it's stuck). Closed and restarted. After some hour again minimized, did some other stuff with the laptop, returned to VDJ 8 screen flashes and got a gray screen, again i shoulded restart the program...
I thought that the program is getting stable but the problems are getting worse... I don't know if i can trust any more the program and i am afraid to do anything else than cue-play-mix!

Be more specific, if you can replicate the problem, do a video or submit a ticket.... Also you need to post specs and platform

Not wise to be online and DJ at same time

Posted Fri 12 Sep 14 @ 10:28 pm
ChreecePRO (OEM)Member since 2014
Dj Sky-Trendsetters wrote :

Be more specific, if you can replicate the problem, do a video or submit a ticket.... Also you need to post specs and platform

Not wise to be online and DJ at same time

How can i make a video if i don't know when the program crashes??? It's random!You have right for the specs but why are YOU concern and not the admins???
My specs are Windows 8.1 AMD A6 Vision + Radeon 7400M 6GB RAM.
Not wise to be online and DJ at same time??? This is not a necessary advice my friend ;)

Posted Fri 12 Sep 14 @ 10:56 pm
We help eachother alot in here, the man is just trying to assist.

Posted Fri 12 Sep 14 @ 11:23 pm
Tried deleting the
.ready file in docs/vdj/cache
and the update available looping issues still persists. Is there anything other recommendations I can try?

Posted Sat 13 Sep 14 @ 7:48 am
From: Chreece Chreece
Sent: Sat 13 Sep 14 @ 6:41 am
Subject: Reply on "BUILD_1960"
Hello, about your reply on Build=1960 forum, i have already send a message to Dj Sky-Trendsetters and i would like also to communicate with you to clear up the situation,
These forums are not some free forums that users help other user but some forums about a professional and very expensive program. As a customer i demand to be treated by the admnins that i have paid. I don't care if they don't have time because i paid them and they must hire more people for customer service. So about the help from other users. My humble opinion is that this program is not made by pros. They had 3 years to build it and it should be SOLID ROCK stable after the "Beta Phase". I have studied programming and i know a little bit the situation.
When it crushes that means that it has still code problems, and the other users can't help about it! Also they don't have to help since the admins like this situation and don't do anything about it!
We have paid 300$ or 19$ monthly and that's a lot of money to accept answers from users!
I hope that you understand what i mean... It's good to help other people as a user (like when a user did something wrong, didn'd find a feature) but to act like an admin helps nobody!
Thank you for your time and have a nice day!

why is this in my inbox if this is how you feel put it on front street. And it still doesnt excuse the fact that users in here will jump up to the bat to help in any way they can, and even in the response he added to put in a ticket cause it would be the fastest way to get answer. if its a problem that cant be settled through the help of the forum users. Also if you dont want the users to help dont put it in the USERS forum, just put in a ticket with support then you wont have us users commenting with what we feel as usefull information. We all realize this program is not using all the power it possesses but thats what us users are trying to help the Devs with...it has become a user developed software as i see it and user are alot of help, so before you shoot down someone assistance recognize that the user is just trying to help just like we always do for eachother....

Posted Sat 13 Sep 14 @ 10:51 am
ChreecePRO (OEM)Member since 2014
Because it's a regression bug forum here and this post doesn't belong Herr... Althought i have already contacted the admins ;) Are you happy?

Posted Sat 13 Sep 14 @ 3:09 pm
As a customer i demand to be treated by the admins that i have paid. Really???? Thia is the piss poor attitude in life I cant stand.... It's not all about YOU..... The software is made for hundreds of thousands if not millions of users...... If you hire the devs to build it for you then you can act anyway you want. I am sick of people who DEMAND that someone does what they want, You're like the whiney little bitch who screams play my song or I'll have you fired. You bought something, it doesn't work exactly like you want it to guess what Maybe it's something in your setup or maybe its a fluke , maybe you should have researched it before you spent money on it.

If you would have researched you would see your laptop doesnt meet the minimum specs for Vdj video

The HD 7400M is based on the "Caicos" silicon, featuring 160 stream processors, 8 TMUs, 4 ROPs, and a 64-bit wide GDDR5 memory interface. The HD 7500M and HD 7600M are based on the "Turks" silicon, the HD 7500M features 480 stream processors, 24 TMUs, 8 ROPs, and 64-bit wide GDDR5 memory interface (more economical with lower number of memory chips, while offering the same performance as 128-bit DDR3); while the HD 7600M features all the features of the HD 7500M, including the full 128-bit wide GDDR5 memory interface.

Vdj requires a minimum 256 video card.

Also if you are running version 1960, it's a beta version keyword BETA, that means it may have issues use at your own risk. It's for users to try and give feedback on issues, not make demands

I know this isnt the forum for this But I am fed up with cry babies


Posted Sat 13 Sep 14 @ 4:47 pm