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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Effects - Wishes & new features - Page: 16
AsTheDJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
A master volume over all effects like the sampler

Posted Sun 27 Jun 21 @ 1:16 am
dotted and triplet note values in delay and echo

Posted Fri 27 Aug 21 @ 3:49 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
@arrah562, already possible.

effect_beats 'echo' 1.5
effect_beats 'delay' 0.333


Posted Fri 27 Aug 21 @ 4:44 pm
@LOCODOG I didn't think to use the script. I only tried to get at those subdivisions via the knob. Good to know! Thanks!

Posted Fri 27 Aug 21 @ 6:23 pm
@locodog again thanks for the help! works perfectly...

three more wishes/new features:

1) (more of a minor bug) in the Echo effect GUI the knobs are mislabeled. The current Lowpass knob should be labeled Highpass or Lowcut. The current Highpass knob should be labeled Highcut or Lowpass.

2) The Delay effect could really use Lowpass and Highpass knobs as well. Same ranges as the Echo knobs would be great.

3) (the biggest ask) can we get customizable stem fx per effects slot? i.e. slot 1 can get just vocals while slot 3 can get just instruments and slot 5 can get just drums and vocals. pre and postfader options per effects slot would be great as well but im sure the routing gets complicated really quick.

Posted Fri 03 Sep 21 @ 7:03 am
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
3) not really... but
Locodog's virtualfx DIY plugin can help you to do exactly this (not easily but not so hard)
This already exist in some skins with stem sliders
Some skins with pad_pressure exposed as a page of sliders can do it
Remote skin "stems controller" is exactly doing this as well
and finally
custom sliders can be used for that

Posted Fri 03 Sep 21 @ 7:33 am
groovindj wrote :
Please can we have a function that switches the FX from "VDJ Mode" to "Other Mode" - so that the effects are not tied to decks as they are traditionally in VDJ?

There are so many controllers on the market with FX sections designed to work with the competitors software, that allows two FX banks - each one of which can be assigned to a mixer channel (switches labelled 1 & 2 above each channel).

Using these controllers with VDJ you are restricted by VDJ's FX assignment (hard wired to each deck) and it does not allow you to use the controller as designed.

I would first like to say thanks to the VirtualDJ Development team for the work you have done to produce such great software. I am a newcomer to VirtualDJ relative to the majority of the people in this forum (I'm coming from Rekordbox)...but I must say it's been a pleasure.

I know I am a bit late with this response, but I second this x1000....when using any of the modern scratch mixers/controllers with software effects, the hardwired assignment of FX to specific decks makes usage of software effects through the controller feel unnatural/unflexible wrt the way FX were intended to be mapped and used.

Perhaps there can be a new rack for FX added that can give this ability in the Performance Mode?
Maybe enabling the rack can clear the corresponding FX space in each deck, so that other functionality could be displayed there.


Posted Sat 06 Nov 21 @ 4:39 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
DJ VinylTouch wrote :
...a new rack for FX added...

I made this recently, it has unavoidable issues what with native fx only having one copy, but it's functional.

Posted Sat 06 Nov 21 @ 5:03 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
@Locodog maybe this can help :

in reality there are 2 copy of same fx possible per deck and master
(maybe a third one in progress)
1st is the common bus in slots 1..6 and VIDEO (
2nd is the Release bus in non exposed slot
-(3rd may be a thing called" Merge Fx" in translations file but not actually functional)

the only difference between common bus and release bus being
Release bus only have one slot, and so you can't use fx names; you need to select the effect the action will apply to
access is done either by using release specific verbs or using common verbs specifying releasefx as a bus/slot/fxname

Posted Sat 06 Nov 21 @ 5:32 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Doesn't help.
Currently has a 20k script just for case user changes fx with right click effect_select.
Adding in conditions for every fx on every slot would probably be 10's of megabytes.

Posted Sat 06 Nov 21 @ 6:24 pm
locodog wrote :
Doesn't help.
Currently has a 20k script just for case user changes fx with right click effect_select.
Adding in conditions for every fx on every slot would probably be 10's of megabytes.

@locodog I wasn't expecting the fix to be an easy one. I do think it is a crucial step towards better integration with mainstream hardware when it comes to software effects control. At the moment, the majority of mappings (especially for rane and pioneer scratch mixers) really do a best effort of mapping the hardware functionality to VirtualDJ - there are some setting expectations on the hardware that are required to work with VirtualDJ (e.g. making sure that FX assign is done in a specific way, or not using all of the FX buttons/possible chaining functionality), which is at the very least, odd/restrictive.

Posted Sun 07 Nov 21 @ 1:51 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
not seen any restrictions, dial or button does what I map it to.
If anything FX units way of doing things has me noticing restrictions, or more to say when using units way of working, I still end up doing something that is not units because that's the only way it can be done, if I was only units it wouldn't have been possible.

Posted Sun 07 Nov 21 @ 4:38 pm
@Locodog here is an example of a restriction in hardware usage using the Rane Seventy Two:

The Rane Seventy two mixer is capable of stacking 4 effects (3 sofware 1 hardware) per fx bank (2 in total) to one or both decks at a time, for a total of 8 effects that can be applied to a specific deck, selectable from the hardware screen itself (6 software + 2 hardware).
VirtualDJ restricts each fx bank to a specific deck, so u can only ever arm + trigger up to 4 effects (3 software + 1 hardware) for a deck directly from the hardware in its default mapping setting. You may be able to get up to 6 sofware effects per deck by enabling the 6fx panel and triggering directly through the app or using some remapping/other controller, but you won't be able to get (at least through straightforward means in my thoughts) two hardware effects being routable to one ore more specific decks. While needing that many effects and flexibility may seem a little ridiculous in reality, my point would be that serato would allow it to be done (even if silly), and it can be done directly from the hardware. VirtualDJ doesn't allow that same flexibility directly through the hardware or otherwise, by obvious means.

Posted Mon 08 Nov 21 @ 12:09 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
it's just a remapping exercise, not sure on HW effects.

Posted Mon 08 Nov 21 @ 12:18 am
Hello all,
Somebody knows a way to avoid this issue?
I've some experiences to customize mappings for my prime4 but here, I have no idea...
- Sometime I want to remove the echo effect simultaneously during a change of the filter effect.
I saw that sometimes the echo was not deactivated if in the same-time I changed the value of the filter or any other effect mapped on the filter knob(as a filter).
Thanks in advance for any provided help!

Posted Fri 12 Nov 21 @ 3:49 pm
2 requests

5 or 10 band graphic EQ for the master output (currently there is no 64 bit version i believe)
many mixers do not have anything more than a 3 band. so this would be very useful

vertical & horizontal keystone correction plugin for the video output , for use with projectors.
(many projectors dont have vertical kaystone correction so this would be very handy for mobile DJs trying to set up in awkward places)

Posted Sat 27 Nov 21 @ 4:04 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
something of not much,
delay plugin, when active won't shrink, I get why but a quick restart if beat param shrinks would make it a bit more interesting.

Posted Sat 11 Dec 21 @ 5:57 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
text plugin to read bb code or something like it,
b, i, u, s, size, font, color, it defaults to c, but left and right would be useful too.

size box is kind of perfunctory, functional for basic use but I think the plugin could be more than basic.

Posted Sat 11 Dec 21 @ 6:31 am
locodog wrote :
it's just a remapping exercise, not sure on HW effects.

I've stumbled upon a video of someone who may have done an fx unit panel mapping:


Some follow up is needed to confirm that video but, given it is true, that's one half of the task done.... the other would be tying it to controllers/battle mixers that expect/use software fx units.

Posted Sat 15 Jan 22 @ 10:56 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
that someone is me :), my video.

Posted Sun 16 Jan 22 @ 12:22 am