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Topic: Effects - Wishes & new features - Page: 15

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FX Feature Wish: Use Stems FX for reverse as well, so that you can reverse only a part of the track (e.g. drums).
And play/pause (when slip mode is enabled) too! =D

Posted Wed 24 Mar 21 @ 1:18 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
could we have an effect similar to loop out with more options for the count [like 1 - 128] not needing filtering. if it could also accept a effect_command "+/-.f bt" to move the plugin position [preferably the start position]

on its own it would be that useful [that said loop out count being 2^X is limiting] but with scripts [pads, poi] it would be very useful.

maybe just a 4th button on existing loop out to switch count to extended range.


Posted Thu 25 Mar 21 @ 6:52 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
multi line textzone with lateral and bottom scrollbars in addition to resize and scrolling

Posted Fri 26 Mar 21 @ 5:52 am
dfyffePRO InfinityMember since 2003
How about a stem reset script command to set all stems back to default.

Posted Fri 26 Mar 21 @ 4:32 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
A full stem reset ? everything including global parameters bleed and effect_stems for every decks to default ?

setting_reset stemsbleedMuteVocal & setting_reset stemsbleedMuteInstru & setting_reset stemsbleedOnlyVocal & setting_reset stemsBleedOnlyInstru & deck all stem melovocal 50% & stem rhythm 50% & effect_stems off & only_stem MeloVocal & only_stem rhythm & only_stem Rhythm ? only_stem Rhythm : only_stem MeloVocal ? only_stem MeloVocal : nothing

Posted Fri 26 Mar 21 @ 5:37 pm
dfyffePRO InfinityMember since 2003
Thank you, it works great.

Posted Fri 26 Mar 21 @ 6:56 pm
Nicotux wrote :
multi line textzone with lateral and bottom scrollbars in addition to resize and scrolling

I do think the text effect needs some love. I'm grateful that we can now call text presets from script, but the text options are still quite basic.

I've been wanting to do an effect where various words/phrases appear on screen randomly - sometimes large, sometimes small. Some scrolling in from left left, the right, top, bottom. Some just appearing briefly.

Some randomizing options would be good. Random scroll direction, speed, text size. Random colour, font. Random position. The current 'static or scrolling' is better than just static, but it's a bit basic.


Posted Sat 27 Mar 21 @ 10:50 am
I’d like a display window to show various other data requests, such as which bar track ? is in how many bars left, how many beats left, and to basicaly show details which are possibe like hotcues can show what how many beats left until a certain cue is, but it can’t shiw name of cue and combine data such as time and beat left. Rather than more effects I’d like more ways to exploit the tools which are already there. And more ways of easiky sequencing effects and automations. Scripting is good, but easier ways and ones that can be changed on the fly. Definently woukd like the browser window to be seperate so it can be dragged to another screen if you have multiple monitor displays, like how effects can be dismounted.

I would also like phase markers to have even bolder markers for every 4th bar or whatever i choose. I spend alot of time making hotcurs etc, and anythjng that can make the process quicker and or able me not to depend kn hotcues, so i can do more interesting stuff which needs expert timing.
So more variations and manipulation of phase markers like how beats and bars are clear,

Posted Sun 28 Mar 21 @ 4:43 pm
lol, this is why I love this programme, I just created pads that do what I just asked for

Posted Sun 28 Mar 21 @ 10:25 pm
One thing I keep researching every year or so to see if there are any advances ,is cue points being saved to metadata. I'm sure a simple, beat and bar and cue name so not the cue to the part of the track, but to the markers, and this would be good, as some times it's hard to see the exact start of a bar and sometimes needs adjusting, and then you have to delete and make another cue all over again for each one. So if anyone knows away that cues can be moved with beat and bar markers, that would be nice, but defiantly a better way of saving poi's

Posted Mon 29 Mar 21 @ 4:58 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
quantizeSetCue option is what you are looking for perhaps?

Posted Mon 29 Mar 21 @ 5:03 pm
im gonna check but is that in options or is that, what I’m asking for in a nutshell and what I should of said in first place, cause I’m sure I would of. otived that in settings, but I keep finding hidden features

Posted Sat 10 Apr 21 @ 1:47 pm
AsTheDJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
Lock them when using a diff skin they change the settings...Pro vs Performance

Posted Fri 16 Apr 21 @ 3:19 am
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
Yes switching layout and skins is a real pain
- open effects GUIs (docked or windowed) are hidden but not closed (need dual toggle to open again)
- fx settings are lost (reset to initial launch state)
- as well as position in lists and browser
- and windows size and positions are not restored from correct skin
- auto resize and moved depending on previous skin window number.... to fit one display

Posted Fri 16 Apr 21 @ 6:57 am
Is it possible to set vdj, so that it analyses new tracks and attempts cbg markers and bpm, but without adding it's own cue points. I spend alot of time prepping tracks, and even when the bpm is spot on and the grid is set correctly I have to spend time deleting all the auto mix cues etc, it may not take forever, but when I am doing track after track it becomes a pain as I am adding my own cue points etc, and I have to delete the autos ones first as they get in the way, but I still would like tracks analysed first.

Posted Thu 20 May 21 @ 7:59 pm
raveledave69 wrote :
Is it possible to set vdj, so that it analyses new tracks and attempts cbg markers and bpm, but without adding it's own cue points. I spend alot of time prepping tracks, and even when the bpm is spot on and the grid is set correctly I have to spend time deleting all the auto mix cues etc, it may not take forever, but when I am doing track after track it becomes a pain as I am adding my own cue points etc, and I have to delete the autos ones first as they get in the way, but I still would like tracks analysed first.

You mean for automix only, and you are using automix?
Else the automix "cue points" are not shown.... and can just be ignored


Posted Thu 20 May 21 @ 8:33 pm
I don't want to use auto mix, but when files are analysed, in the poi editor, it has anything from auto mix points stuff like break end, mix full, tempo mix start etc. All i want is the cbg analysed, so I can tweak that if necessary, and add all my own cue points, I add alot of cue points, and I appreciate a first beat anchor, I always remove that, but thats needed until you add your own anchor. Since I do alot with cue points, it's something that would save me time, If they were not added when analysing, even if it means the first beat anchor is not there.
Alot of old music is all over the place so much so that using the mix tempo feature is not gonna help when each bar is a different length, so I have to mark quite alot out, so that other tracks can sync alongside

Posted Fri 21 May 21 @ 11:37 pm
A feature I'd like is to be able to, assign playlists or just assign a bank of tracks to individual decks, swell as scratch banks / samples / etc, so before I start a mix I more or less have all tracks to hand, and can switch between them quicker, especially if I want to take advantage of all vdus features, one thing I'm learning, is it's not more tricks I need it's ways of making whats available easier to exploit, so people who are against hitting the sync, etc have not yet used features when time is of the essence.
Using vdj is like playing an instrument, you need to be able to execute things fast, so any tool that allows me to spend less time setting up tracks, and allows me to play anything with any manipulation I choose instantly is welcome.

Posted Tue 25 May 21 @ 3:21 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
scratchbank is per deck so no problem, it already does
sampler is own virtual deck so not possible, use a sampler pad per deck it does it
and sidelist is global but playlist can be used

however one list should be enough ^^
and virtual folders can do specially when cloned to sideview

I do not see what the use can be but
custom button : deck left is sidelist deck right is playlist if another sideview is selected then no change
repeat_start deckslist ? on & repeat_stop deckslist : off & repeat_start deckslist 250ms -1 & param_add `sideview_title & param_cast & param_equal automix` `sideview_title & param_cast & param_equal sidelist` & param_cast int & param_equal 1 ? deck default leftdeck ? sideview sidelist : sideview automix :  


Posted Tue 25 May 21 @ 4:46 pm
I have a solution to my issue, which would be if I could hold down shift and select multiple auto mix cues, so I can delete all the pre analysed cue points instead of one by one.

Posted Fri 28 May 21 @ 1:36 pm