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Topic: TCV pitch "jumping" - Page: 3

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GaryBrPRO InfinityMember since 2006
cstoll wrote :
There are moderators and development staff watching all the threads. It doesn't require a comment to read and see what is being discussed.

If you are looking for re-assurance that a fix is being worked on? Then yes, the development team is well aware of this issue and working to provide a resolution at the next update.


Hi cstoll,

So is this definitely a problem with VDJ because i'm having the same problem too but i don't want to spend any more time trying to fix this if its not something i can fix.


Posted Sun 28 Oct 07 @ 1:21 pm
kingdonPRO InfinityMember since 2007
no more pitch jumping downloaded rev 5 set pitch sensitivity to 1250 its now rock solid music and video thanks vipervin and of corse vdj

Posted Sun 28 Oct 07 @ 7:39 pm
yeah tis great aint it:) I thank chalie five as well! VDJ rox!!

Posted Sun 28 Oct 07 @ 9:32 pm
kingdon wrote :
no more pitch jumping downloaded rev 5 set pitch sensitivity to 1250 its now rock solid music and video thanks vipervin and of corse vdj

We talk about TCV, not CD, right ?
If yes i`ll try this for sure

Posted Sun 28 Oct 07 @ 11:54 pm
yes we talk of tcv! VINYL:)

Posted Mon 29 Oct 07 @ 12:21 am
kingdonPRO InfinityMember since 2007
yes t.c.v but please note i do not use auto mix or beat match i dont need it i line the beats my self i think some people are haveing problems with auto mix in rev 5

Posted Mon 29 Oct 07 @ 2:59 am
Well it has been going on for 4 Months now and I still have not seen any answers from Support about the TCV Jumping issue that many of us have experienced. As mentioned before it seems to be mostly, if not ONLY affecting DECK 2. I can often load the same track in both decks, and DECK 1's BPM is Rock Solid while DECK 2 is +/- 3BPMs. This problem makes mixing/beat matching very difficult. I am disappointed that there has no help from Support on this issue nor any acknowledgment that the problem exists and will be fixed in Release....

cstoll has stated and I quote " If you are looking for re-assurance that a fix is being worked on? Then yes, the development team is well aware of this issue and working to provide a resolution at the next update."

Well Rev 5. was released shortly there after......Drum Roll Please!......................Cymbals Crash! Nope still doesn't work!

Dear Moderators,

Please report this thread to support and stay with it until a solution is discovered. This problem has been around for a long time, and there are many users who are reporting the exact same issue. Is the problem caused by my setup? No. because other users have the exact same problem, affecting the Right Deck (Deck 2) . Also 4.3 does not have the problem using the same setup. The TCV in 4.3 is Rock Solid.... Tight. I hate to have to go back.

This is a long thread! Can someone give us an answer? I am tired of fighting mixes that keep going off. Don't get me wrong, it actually works fine for some mixes, then the next song, the BPM is unstable. Is it the track NO. First of all, I Spin HOUSE so it is not very difficult for the software to analyze the Beats. Second as I stated before, it happens even when i put the same track on both decks. Deck 2 will be fine one minute, then you see the BPM counter start becoming unstable and "JUMPING" up and down.

What is really going on?

Frustrated and Discouraged,

DJ HouseHead

PS. I will personally work with anyone from SUPPORT that want to take on this issue. I am not a programmer, but I am a System / Network Engineer with great troubleshooting skills. C'mon VDJ. Let's Do This!

Posted Sun 02 Dec 07 @ 10:40 am
I have the same problem and it's CRAZY FRUSTRATING! if your not going to respond, should we WAIT FOR SERATO WITH VIDEO?

Posted Wed 19 Dec 07 @ 9:43 pm
Paz75PRO InfinityMember since 2006
i have been using tcvs since version 4 quite regularly. it works fine for me. pitch does fluctuate somewhat, but then again, i know how to beatmatch. you can also play with the advanced settings and increase the delay and lead times which sorts it out a bit.

Posted Thu 20 Dec 07 @ 4:49 am
Paz75 I did not experience this problem with version 4. It started with Version 5.x. Are you running version 5? I can tweak and make it work better too, but It should work right. If you bought a new car and found that it pulls to the right, you can compensate and drive straight, or you could even get a front-end alignment. But you shouldn't have to. The Dealer should/would fix it. It is a problem and I will gladly work with support to identify, test, resolve the problem. I want to help myself and others with a product that otherwise I wouldn't trade for the world. I won't even try other products.


DJ HouseHead

PS. I can Beatmatch ......... www.djhousehead.com Listen for yourself.

Posted Thu 20 Dec 07 @ 6:23 am
Paz75PRO InfinityMember since 2006
Yes, im using 5r6. No problems here. Can you define exactly what you mean by the pitch 'jumps'? you mean the bpm meter fluctuates up and down? yes, ive seen that. but it doesnt seem to cause me to trainwreck. is it the same as not using TCV and just pressing sync and falling asleep? definitley not. but as an experienced vinylista, im used to riding the pitch, every dj is. so i fail to see what is 'not working properly'.

Posted Thu 20 Dec 07 @ 11:04 am
Paz75PRO InfinityMember since 2006
@househead... if you're a support engineer and can troubleshoot, why have you not bothered to answer questions in a month? you of all people should know that solutions come from a double-sided effort. record a demo, post it somewhere. do something constructive so we can help you help yourself. our word that it works for some of us should urge you give us some good information that can get the ball rolling. if you are a support engineer, then you also know that a problem cannot be fixed if it cannot be reproduced on the other side....

make a test case. prove the issue and document all settings and iterations you've done and tried.

Posted Mon 21 Jan 08 @ 9:41 pm
RuudboyPRO InfinityMember since 2007
also have this issue, however it is only with vinyl.. i manually adjust (beatmatch for paz75), and have the pitch sens at 2000 or higher when playing house...

Posted Tue 22 Jan 08 @ 6:47 am
paz75 man. I have had them same issue since Version 5 has been released. I would love to see this problem fixed. People who mix hip-hop, scratch and perform short transistions will not experience this problem. I bought Virtual Vinyl only because it came with hardware. I didn't want to have people saying all these things about my Hardware not being compatible. Numark/Virtual DJ would have to support my setup. I am a network/systems engineer, not a programmer nor do I have access to the source code. You may not have read from the beginning, but I have already posted my settings. I am frustrated that as long as this thread has been here, I have seen little support from moderators / company support engineers. It is great that we can learn from each other's solutions, but we should also have solutions from the Vendor. I have a support ticket that has been open since September 7, 2007. That is unacceptable. Support updated my ticket once on 9/23/07 stating they were working to improve the TCV function. I am sorry, but that isn't an answer. I updated my ticket December 20, 2007, I even posted a link to this thread to demonstrate, that this was not an isolated incident. Well you know what today's date is..... No responses since Sept. 23...

But hey. I am willing to keep banging on this. What makes it hard to troubleshoot for me is a lack of information about certain settings. Even the updated guide (at least the one I have ) gives limited information about some of the settings and what they actually do. I am going to continue this in the next post.

Posted Tue 22 Jan 08 @ 4:53 pm
PAZ75. I have some good troubleshooting skills. There are a lot of variables here. So if (and I mean IF) this problem can be resolved with some configuration changes, it is going to require some good testing without changing too many variables. For starters, I am going to try installing on another laptop. Though this itself is a big variable, if the problem still exists then we know it is not a laptop issue. On thing that makes me think it is not a simple setting is that it only seemd to affect the right deck (Deck2) for me (and others).

Here is where I want help from you and the community. Can you (all) post what you know or can quote or Cut n paste about the following settings:

Lead Time:
Pitch Sensitivity:
Anti Skip:
Clear Sound:
Safe mode:

Scratch optimization (Quality, Latency)
Algorithm (Simple vs. Enhanced)
Filter Size
Filter Smooth
Master Tempo
Basic Interpolation

Not everyone jump up at once. Anyone who want to answer one, pick one and write what you know about it. Tonight I am going to play with the presets and see what affect it has.

Posted Tue 22 Jan 08 @ 5:05 pm
I took the liberty of downloading a fresh copy of the VV manual. Here are the answers I found:

Lead Time – Specifies when the time-code signal begins playing the song, by moving the point at which the track begins to a position further into the vinyl. For example, this is useful if your records have cue burn in the beginning. Simply set the lead time to another bumber.

Pitch Sensitivity – This is the time that it takes for the waveform display to become adjusted after you alter the pitch of the timecode signal. Too small of a value will attempt to redraw the waveform when you scratch the timecode, which is not recommended. Setting too high of a value will take longer to redraw the waveform, which may be visually confusing. Please experiment with a few different values to find the one best suited for your style.

Anti Skip – If enabled, anti skip will prevent playback from skipping if the needle happens to jump to another groove. Please note that anti-skip is only available under Smart or Relative modes.

Master Tempo – If enabled, the software will time-stretch, instead of pitch shift, the music playing on the deck when you change the pitch of the timecode signal. In other words, the Master Tempo features as a Keylock, allowing you to change the tempo of the music without altering its pitch.

Clear Sound - Not in my manual

Safe Mode – When using a DirectX mode setting (like Simple, Dual, Mono or 4.1), VirtualVinyl is less likely to produce glitches and pops if your CPU is momentarily busy. The performance trade off is that scratching and pitch adjustments will use more CPU, especially with advanced algorithms. If using the advanced Master Tempo setting, Safe Mode will probably need to be disabled, unless you are running on a really fast computer.

Overclock – This setting can make your computer run faster (especially on laptops) and allow for lower latencies.

Latency – describes the amount of time it takes for a device to respond to a command. Latency makes a significant difference when using timecoded vinyl, CDs, MIDI or external control devices. The lower the latency setting, the more instantly the software will respond, but the more likely you may hear glitches and pops if your computer is not fast enough to process the audio.

NOTE: In ASIO mode, some soundcard drivers don’t work well with a latency forced by the software. In such case, use the “Auto” value, and set the latency in the soundcard’s control panel.

Optimize for:
Quality – VirtualVinyl will more accurately represent how a scratch sounds when moving the virtual record back and forth
Latency – VirtualVinyl reacts as quickly as possible but might result in a somewhat more metallic sound.

Scratch algorithm:
Simple Algorithm – adds no computational overhead and will use a simple interpolation algorithm to compute the scratch sound

Enhanced Algorithm – uses an advanced algorithm that mimics the movement of the needle on the grooves, to obtain the best scratch sound possible. A filter size of 11 gives t he best quality/CPU ratio, producing good quality while keeping a low computational overhead.

The master tempo setting describes how VirtualVinyl changes the pitch of the song without changing its tone (“KeyLock feature”).
The default “Fast” algorithm uses only a small percentage of CPU power and produces good results at pitches in the range of -10% to +10%. For extreme pitching, the fast algorithm can produce some choppiness. If your computer is fast enough, this can be corrected by using the Advanced algorithm option. With the Advanced option, raising the complexity or spatialization of the algorithm can quickly overflow the system’s CPU capabilities.
NOTE: Disable Safe Mode for better performance with the Advanced algorithm.

Posted Tue 22 Jan 08 @ 8:18 pm
Paz75PRO InfinityMember since 2006
@ruudboy, i have seen this before too, however i dont have it in certain places. i do know for a fact that my turntables in my house have some kind of underlying noise which is a highpitch whine at 12khz exactly. having spoken to a number of audiophiles and electrical engineers, the idea is there is some kind of coloration in the power mains of my building. nothing i can do. other places dont have the problem. as a result any coloration of sound can inhibit the functioning of tcv position. see what happens when you remove the ground, you can see tcv doing all sorts of weird stuff/.

@househead, all im suggesting is that if you post an actual recording which demonstrates the problem ,then maybe something can be done with it. for instance, there was a discussion about weirdenss with master tempo. so we posted a number of mp3s which A/B'd the problem. i submitted my test which displayed the problem but much less to the point that it wasnt a problem really, more like what happens when you attempt to perform pitch stretching operations on certain files. if you would do the same, maybe we can come up with something.

take a 2 different breakbeats with only kick and hat, and run them both and see what happens after a while.

i think the fact that people are still posting on this means were all interested in seeing it through. and i wouldnt expect the development team to do something about until we can come up with something concrete. 'innocent until proven guilty' so to speak and all there are right now are allegations which dont hold water in court.

ive also posted before that maybe its a problem with the actual vinyls? a vinyl by nature of how its made can have defects in precision on playback. a cd is digital so it doesnt suffer from this problem. since noone has problems with TCCDs, then it would suggest that the software is not at fault. so now logically were down to a) the TCVs themselves b) the setup of software c) the hardware and d) the operator, which gets added by default but not implied by us helping out.

Posted Wed 23 Jan 08 @ 4:34 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Dj house head could you please post for me a screenshot of your time-code waveform from config > sound setup > Timecode setup

and if you notice on the right hand side of the wave form window there are radio buttons could you please press the bottom one you will now see a cloud point diagram could you aslo post a shot of this.

Have you tried increasing the silence for each deck this can cut out unwanted noises , or cut out vibrations which may be inter-fearing with the time-code quality?

if you can make a video showing what is happening that would be great too.

Posted Sat 09 Feb 08 @ 8:40 am
Will Do ASAP. Try to post this morning. Hard to reproduce sometimes.

Posted Sat 09 Feb 08 @ 8:49 am
Here are my current settings. My questions are 1.) When you adjust Pitch Senitivity, does it only affect the visual display, or does it change the latency of the BPM Engine too? 2.)What does "Clear Sound Do" 3.) What does Clear Sound Do


Posted Sun 10 Feb 08 @ 5:17 pm