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Forum: Addons

Topic: PartyMix - Page: 1

Posted Sat 06 Aug 16 @ 7:41 pm
Can't spot why but the pad mode button on the skin isn't working, either side
line 1281

also parsing name error at 2743

The PAD MODE button works only when the PartyMix is connected, since both the skin and the default mapping are using some internal custom Pad pages.

locodog wrote :
...also parsing name error at 2743

where does this come from ? Skin loads fine here. Some XML parser applications dont like any &, " , ' E.g. action="play & loop" is OK for VDJ but not for some XML Parsers.
Or <tooltip><Tooltip> is OK for VDJ but not a valid node for XML


i just got my partymix registered it done all the stuff it tells u to do as it says u only get tens mins unless u log in but it wont let me log in username and password are ok as a can sign in on the VDJ homepage, getting messages like cannot connect to VDJ servers or no internet any suggestions would be much appreiciated before a lose my temper and throw my laptop out the window

You need a pro license to use proffesional equipment, without one you only get ten minutes at a time, you can buy a controller license cheaper which will just let you use that one controller. Did you get a license key for LE with it? if so you have to register on numarks site, then on VDJ then log in

i got a license key with the controller registered at newmark then registered it with VDJ then it asks to log in but in no way will it let me log in

have you go into the settings in VDJ and then to the licenses tab and check in there that license is showing. Try shutting down and restarting.

yip it says the license is there tried shutting down and restarting am at a lose end and stuck for options to fix this

Have you had a cracked version installed?

If so it modifies your hosts file to stop VDJ talking to it's servers.

I think that's it!

Fix the mess you have created by using this tool:

BTW you will need to register your controller here too, or when you log in to VDJ 8 it will not recognise your license.

At the moment you're still showing as a Home (no license) user.

I have some issues with effects, i only see 4 effects in this skin (beatgrid/flanger/phaser/filter-cf) i have an option to load more btgr slots but they all show the same 4 effects. In the default skin i can select more effects. Am i'm missing something here or is it a skin limitation? Thx !

It's a skin limitation. You may use whatever skin you want. Skin doesnt limit or change controller's functionality

hola amigos me compre un controlador numark party mix con virtual dj LE limitado pero se me cambio a dias de prueba mi consulta es si se termina los dias de prueba vuelve a lo normal como viene con software virtual dj LE limitado alguien me puede dar una respuesta por favor se lo agradeceria chaolin ......


I've downloaded the mac version of PartyMix skin, but its not showing up in the interface when I start up Virtual DJ LE.

So after installing the Addon, you dont see the PartyMix listed in VirtualDJ Settings-->INTERFACE tab to select ?

nothing tells people that you need to pay to use the controller with virtual dj


my head pone don't work on one side

Based on the limited information you've provided, my suggestion would be to buy a new head pone.
