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Forum: Old versions

Topic: VMS 4.1 stops responding - Page: 1

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hi guys
I have the vms 4.1 controller that has issues with vdj , it stops responding after aprox 90 mins
I have optimized both my gig laptops for audio changed several usb leads made sure anti virus and wifi is turned off (all the usual stuff ) checked
has anyone got a fix for this ?????????
ive contacted support on several occasions latest advice is to ask you guys for help
laptops are both acers maxed out with ram . i3 processors with massive hard drives so power isn't an issue
I noticed my problems started when my license was changed from pro to infinity
is there any restrictions on the infinity licence that the pro licence didn't have ?
I'm pulling my hair out of an ever balding head over this problem could really do with some help here :(


Posted Tue 02 Feb 16 @ 7:08 am
forgot to mention I'm running windows 7 and 10 version 8 freezes up aswell so I went back to using version 7

did you disable USB Power saving ?

yes roy all usb disabled my back up controller (Hercules ) seems to run fine but the vms seems to be running as if in demo mode :) not good on a gig
what I am looking for are the settings vms users are using in vdj ( registry settings etc )

did you usually plug the unit to the same usb port that you used to when installing the drivers ?
and do you use the external power supply for the VMS ?

ive tried all of the usb ports all usb2
and yes I use the external power source I purchased a 2nd power unit with a uk plug just incase it was somehow not connecting properly
something is telling me in my mind it is a registry setting that is why I asked what settings you guys are using

hi rob
I have just been reading that vdj operates on directx upto version 9 do you know if this is true ?
my laptops are using directx 10 and 11


unfortunately windows 7 and 10 will not allow users to roll back to directx 9 :( ive already tried this and I don't fancy having to do a fresh install of my os as I have 1 hell of a large music library to reinstall
pending someone else coming up with a work round for this issue or vdj working on developing software to cope with directx 10 11 I think I'm screwed :(
god help me when directx 12 and 13 appear if this is the case :(

at least Win 7 should ... no nfo´s yet that W7 will block a DX9 install package ...

according to Microsoft windows 7 will only run dx11 onwards and will not roll back to earlier versions :(
I emailed adj support who told me a firmware update is available on the install cd that came with the console and to reinstall vdj LE which I did and it lasted 10 mins and told me to upgrade to pro lol
back to square 1 :(
sofar it has crashed 3 times in 4 hrs I'm really thinking its time to dig out the cd's again and dump vdj its stressing me out that much

ive received a message from vdj support stating for me to make a fresh bug report in the 8 forum , I was on the understanding that what support was all about
qualified members of staff who know the system inside out

Just forget the DirectX thing ;) Nothing to do with your issue.

When you say the unit stops responding , is it the sound , the controls or both ?

If its the sound, if you goto Settings-->AUDIO tab and hit Apply, do you get sound back ?
If its the MIDI, if you go to Settings->CONTROLLERS and either right-click on the unit-->Reconnect (if the device is there), or right-click-->Rescan devices, do you get control back ?

Keep in mind that the poor AA drivers dont keep reporting "present" even if the device is not connected. Which means that the unit may got disconnected (for various reasons) for a very short amount of time, but since no signal was given "hey i am not here or , hey i came back" probably a software cannot tell if it has to reconnect or not.

From a personal experience, i had similar issues with a VMS4 (old model) back in the early days of version 7 too. It came up to be a power failure/drop from a Air Condition which was creating a temporary voltage drop.

PS. You are using the ver 7 Forum, but i see that your issue is with version 8 ? Confused :)

hi djdad
both music and controller stops :( the whole set up just freezes I have to disconnect the controller then restart vdj then it will work again for a time then lock up again
so far I have renewed the power source , changed power supply ie a different plug updated asio as advised by adj changed umpteen usb leads tried diff usb ports etc
I installed the vdj pc optimizer to see if that helped unfortunately to no avail
I am running version 7 on both of my laptops support advised me to mention it in version 8 forum as a new bug report but obviously its not a version 8 problem that I have
somewhere along the line something has changed as both controllers ran flawlessly without interruption then bam hit me in the middle of a gig how embarrassing :(
sometime ago when all this started happening support remote assisted and changed something everything went back to normal then it started again after I upgraded to version 8
I thought it was a bug in version 8 so downgraded back to version 7 and its been hit n miss ever since
ive checked and rechecked my settings on power management and done all the tweaks etc
short of changing my os to XP and trying that I'm at a loss what to do next :(
all I want to do is run a perfect nights gig without breakdowns :)

with regards to poor AA drivers I am currently in contact with adj regarding this , the asio drivers they have told me to use are the ones on install disc that came with the controller version 1.2 issued in 2011 and vdj LE also issued in 2011 is there a newer version that has been released that I should install as I cant seem to find an update online


thanks rob
I will try that driver over the weekend and see how it goes hopefully I might get somewhere with that :)
I will update the results asap :)
ive ordered 2 new hdd's and I am going to load xp on both ( back to the old school I think
I tried version 8 again last night it crashed :(

you´ve been online while crashed ?

I tried both wifi enabled and enabled it crashed both times I did notice that with version 8 my controller buttons all lit up pink where as they do not in version 7
unfortunately I cant load xp on new hdds as its a sata system and xp is not supported :( so I think I will clean install back up laptop and start again from scratch with windows 7 and version 7.1
any advice as what you installed / removed would be appreciated :) together we may be able to get my system back up and running smooth and restore my faith in digital djing :) as it seems a simple plug and play system isn't as simple as it sounds lol :)

support advised me to use the vdj reg repair tool and do a fresh install of v7 I also installed the 1.22 AA asio driver sofar the vms has played flawlessly for 3 hrs the only reason I never tried longer is this old body requires sleep lol
sofar so good will keep you all posted if I can do a further test more than 3hrs (fingers crossed I can ) :)
do you guys have any suggestions on brand named usb leads ? as ide like to go the whole hog and upgrade my leads just incase
many thanks once again to all concerned :)
