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Topic: First gig vdj 8

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so i gave vdj8 a go live for first time. No crashes and everything seemed fine until i tried altering the gain with a keyboard shortcut set for gain -1 and gain +1. Altering the gain did nothing had no effect whatsoever on either deck. So i tried using a mouse and manually alter gain from skin, still no effect.
Got home tried copy on home pc which seems fine.

Will have to go through settings tomorrow and try again after a reboot on disco pc and controller.
Any settings that could cause this?

Posted Sat 19 Sep 15 @ 11:50 pm
Probably because you were using an "external mixer" audio configuration. In this case the entire mixer including EQ, Volumes and Gains are set to "fake" meaning that you can alter those by using the controller/mixer but not the skin or keyboard shortcuts.


Ok so different to VDJ7 because i could do this with vdj7, i,m assuming no way round this then or can i choose a different config and still use mixer

Reading a thread here http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/189014/VirtualDJ_8_bug-report_Forum/AutoGain_Not_Working_At_All__SOLVED_.html

is this a recommended alternative?
"go to config, controllers select your controller and go to ONINIT and erase only where it says "& fake_gain on" and also do the same thing on ONEXIT restart vdj and baam auto gain now works perfectly just be carefull with the gain from now on it will be twice as louder."

Possibly not reading http://es.virtualdj.com/forums/203457/General_Discussion/Auto_gain_in_vdj8.html

Why has this changed in VDJ8

I much prefered to have my mixer/controller gains set at 12 o'clock then have my tracks gain -1 or gain +1 from keyboard shortcut in vdj to optimum, meaning only slight adjustments ever needed from controller. i,m finding i,m turning mixer/controller through the 3 o'clock to get anywhere near 0dB on denon

IN VDj8 i could use these +1 or -1 gain to get the limiter just showing but now some, quite a few (last night) were nowhere near the limiter, and i had no way of adjusting them (even after scanning all files) Except altering my mixer gain to about 4'oclock. Surely optimum output in this case was not coming from the software?

Why has VDJ 8 been set to fake, just wondering the reason behind this, i might understand it better then?

Some controllers such as yours internally process the audio and apply the gain themselves based on the position of the gain knob on the controller.
In order to still see the position of the knob on screen, they also send midi messages to the software about the position of the gain knob.

For these controllers, the default mapping will activate fake gain, so that vdj does not process the gain but leaves it up to the controller.

By activating the gain in vdj again, gain will indeed be controllable again from within vdj, but it also means that when you turn the gain knob on your controller, the gain is once modified by vdj, and then a second time by the controller.

Adion wrote :

For these controllers, the default mapping will activate fake gain, so that vdj does not process the gain but leaves it up to the controller.

So do you mean that any gain set by scanning BPM etc will have no effect if using one of these controllers,

And i am correct in saying this was not the case with VDJ 7

it means that the gain from scanning and the gain from the knobs will add if you adjust wrong, depending on your settings in VirtualDJ.
Fake commands has also been used in V7.

RobRoy wrote :

Fake commands has also been used in V7.

Interesting, so why do keyboard shortcuts, or adjusting gains on skin work on gains in VDJ7 but not VDJ8 when using same controller


The auto-gain is still applied by vdj before the audio is sent to the controller, just the gain knob is not applied again since it would be applied twice otherwise when moving the controller knob.

My guess is that fake actions weren't used in the v7 mapper, probably because of an oversight, or because v7 didn't offer as fine-grained control over the fake actions as v8 does, therefore possibly creating other issues for v7 when they would be used.

Ok, so to conclude.
Scan all tracks, set to auto in config, then when song is loaded use controller gains for any additional gain required. (hoping VDJ scan got it right, as not possible to correct with vdj )

Note that vdj auto-gain can be corrected in the tag editor (Gain) although it does require a reload of the song to take effect.

Also, if you prefer to still change the gain from within vdj, you are of course allowed to remove the fake gain part.
It is only there since it is the least confusing option for most users, but if you understand what you are doing other options may be better for your situation.
If you also remove gain from the knob mapping, the gain in vdj and the gain on your controller would be completely independent.

How do i remove fake gain?

Regarding knobs, my default mapper (comes with vdj 8) when i turn controller gain knob, this does not turn vdj8 gain knob
Note: nor do mid, high, lows because I,m using INT mix on denon 6000 not PC mix so not sure knob mapping is an issue? "remove gain from the knob mapping, the gain in vdj and the gain on your controller would be completely independent." (i,m assuming they are on INT MIX)

I will just have to get used to leaving vdj gains on auto and adjusting gains on mixer. Maybe VDJ8 is better at setting gains than vdj7

Personally I use mp3gain at 94db on all my MP3 files and leave the VDJ gain totally disabled.

The MC6000 should have two different VDJ mappings, one for PC mix and another for Int mix as this causes confusion all the time, especially with new MC6000 owners.

paulpa66 wrote :
How do i remove fake gain?

Regarding knobs, my default mapper (comes with vdj 8) when i turn controller gain knob, this does not turn vdj8 gain knob
Note: nor do mid, high, lows because I,m using INT mix on denon 6000 not PC mix so not sure knob mapping is an issue? "remove gain from the knob mapping, the gain in vdj and the gain on your controller would be completely independent." (i,m assuming they are on INT MIX)

I will just have to get used to leaving vdj gains on auto and adjusting gains on mixer. Maybe VDJ8 is better at setting gains than vdj7

You gave the answer yourself already:
Quote :
"go to config, controllers select your controller and go to ONINIT and erase only where it says "& fake_gain on" and also do the same thing on ONEXIT restart vdj and baam auto gain now works perfectly just be carefull with the gain from now on it will be twice as louder."

I don't have the unit myself, so maybe it is indeed not required to change anything else.

So far I didn't find many songs where autogain was off much. Only some very specific classical music might be boosted too much by default.
The algorithm used is very similar to replaygain (as used by mp3gain).

The disadvantage of mp3gain is that although it is a lossless operation, it is still possible that it increases the gain so that at some point decoding the mp3 to 16-bit (as is almost always done, including in vdj), clipping can occur.
If you leave the auto-gain to vdj, this clipping can be caught by the limiter, or not occur at all if the gain is lower for another reason (manually lowered gain, volume sliders not at 100%, or zeroDb value altered for more headroom)

I only have one mapping that shows when booting controller denon mc6000 although nothing actually in mappers folder.

Adion, So i did doh!!

I,m obviously the only person that finds it odd that with a controller connected you can't manually adjust the gain in vdj (unless you modify settings) so i,m in the minority and will have to get used to it

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