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Forum: Beta Builds Regression Bugs

Topic: BUILD 2151 - Page: 2

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djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
It means that <dropzone> can take visibility now. So you can have <dropzone visibility="deck 1 leftdeck"> and <dropzone visibility="deck 3 leftdeck"> and only one working depending on the visibility result. This actually fixes some skins that were using the above syntax and could end up with 2 dropzones working at the same time, bypassing the load security.

Posted Tue 10 Feb 15 @ 8:20 pm
pretty stable I guess, 5hour+ spin, no problems however

regression: (below was fixed, now its back) TOUCHSCREEN USAGE W8.1

4: (multitouch two fingerscroll mode Y) track pane
CTRL selecting (to select multiple individual tracks) or shift selecting (to select a group of tracks like in windows) doesnt work. while it works on the same machine using mouse and touchpad. It worked perfectly in V7

its point 4 from this previous post about touchscreens ( a lot of it is still not implemented, although other users support it)

plus I still think that shortcuts aren't functioning properly in this build and they did function well before (sidelist folder shortcuts that is)

Posted Fri 13 Feb 15 @ 5:20 am
Re-Analyze is putting the AM fade exit poi behind the full exit poi again

Posted Fri 13 Feb 15 @ 8:45 am
Mixer MXR19

VDJ8 recognizes the mixer but only set channel one ,

Posted Fri 13 Feb 15 @ 9:12 pm
chriso710 wrote :
Mixer MXR19

VDJ8 recognizes the mixer but only set channel one ,

just wondering... sound config as internal or external mixer?

Posted Fri 13 Feb 15 @ 10:53 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005

Posted Sat 14 Feb 15 @ 4:35 pm
I had the auto headphone issue return tonight at my gig. Two hours into the gig and the headphones stopped automatically switching on loading a new song. Will have to return to the previous Public build as I have a long 8 hour gig tomorrow (PC version).

Posted Sat 14 Feb 15 @ 7:58 pm
Mr_TPRO InfinityMember since 2005
with ZOMO MC1000

i used the 10Band Equalizer (EQ10 plugin by SBDJ) and push on the Effekt Buttons under the poti to change the Frequenz...

Process:               VirtualDJ [351]
Path: /Applications/VirtualDJ 8.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualDJ
Identifier: com.atomixproductions.virtualdj
Version: 8.0.0 (8.0.2151)

Date/Time: 2015-02-15 22:32:05.343 +0100
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.10.2 (14C109)

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000

Application Specific Information:
Performing @selector(selectPreset:) from sender NSPopUpButton 0x600000569480

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 uk.co.sbdj.EQ10 0x00000001120a4e4f Ceq10::ActivatePreset(int) + 29
1 uk.co.sbdj.EQ10 0x00000001120a4824 -[PresetSelect selectPreset:] + 68

Posted Sun 15 Feb 15 @ 3:35 pm
Mr_TPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Next Crash with Video Full Screen

cannot make smaller the video screen on Macbook 13" and if i push "esc" than i have this crash

Process: VirtualDJ [10189]
Path: /Applications/VirtualDJ 8.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualDJ
Identifier: com.atomixproductions.virtualdj
Version: 8.0.0 (8.0.2151)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]
Responsible: VirtualDJ [10189]
User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2015-02-16 01:45:09.830 +0100
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.10.2 (14C109)
Report Version: 11
Anonymous UUID: ECDC6733-BAEB-FAC5-10A0-CC47EB58F6AA

Time Awake Since Boot: 11000 seconds

Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000000009d8500

VM Regions Near 0x9d8500:
__TEXT 00000001063b0000-0000000107c3d000 [ 24.6M] r-x/rwx SM=COW /Applications/VirtualDJ 8.app/Contents/MacOS/VirtualDJ

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x000000010772fef3 typeinfo name for wxModuleList + 3039
1 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x0000000106a3db6e 0x1063b0000 + 6871918
2 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x0000000106a3df90 0x1063b0000 + 6872976
3 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x000000010675fa78 0x1063b0000 + 3865208
4 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x00000001067e54e3 0x1063b0000 + 4412643
5 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b8c61f1 -[NSTextInputContext(NSInputContext_WithCompletion) doCommandBySelector:completionHandler:] + 118
6 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b280ca7 -[NSKeyBindingManager(NSKeyBindingManager_MultiClients) interpretEventAsCommand:forClient:] + 1899
7 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b8c4b82 __61-[NSTextInputContext _handleEvent:options:completionHandler:]_block_invoke972 + 335
8 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b8c665f -[NSTextInputContext(NSInputContext_WithCompletion) hasMarkedTextWithCompletionHandler:] + 76
9 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b8c49a3 __61-[NSTextInputContext _handleEvent:options:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_3 + 95
10 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b8c3ce8 -[NSTextInputContext tryHandleEvent_HasMarkedText_withDispatchCondition:dispatchWork:continuation:] + 101
11 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b8c4914 __61-[NSTextInputContext _handleEvent:options:completionHandler:]_block_invoke960 + 321
12 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8eaf1c4f __TSMProcessRawKeyEventWithOptionsAndCompletionHandler_block_invoke_5 + 70
13 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8ea49695 ___ZL23DispatchEventToHandlersP14EventTargetRecP14OpaqueEventRefP14HandlerCallRec_block_invoke + 108
14 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b8bd676 __55-[NSTextInputContext handleTSMEvent:completionHandler:]_block_invoke174 + 2387
15 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b8c665f -[NSTextInputContext(NSInputContext_WithCompletion) hasMarkedTextWithCompletionHandler:] + 76
16 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b8bcc90 __55-[NSTextInputContext handleTSMEvent:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_2 + 95
17 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b8ba9a8 -[NSTextInputContext tryHandleTSMEvent_HasMarkedText_withDispatchCondition:dispatchWork:continuation:] + 101
18 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b8bc905 -[NSTextInputContext handleTSMEvent:completionHandler:] + 3122
19 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b29feee _NSTSMEventHandler + 324
20 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8e8d898c DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 1260
21 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8e8d7dce SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*, HandlerCallRec*) + 386
22 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8e8d7c42 SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions + 43
23 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8eaeaf4c SendTSMEvent_WithCompletionHandler + 417
24 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8eaeb44c __SendUnicodeTextAEToUnicodeDoc_WithCompletionHandler_block_invoke + 400
25 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8eaeb706 __SendFilterTextEvent_WithCompletionHandler_block_invoke + 189
26 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8eaeafa0 SendTSMEvent_WithCompletionHandler + 501
27 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8eaeb28f SendFilterTextEvent_WithCompletionHandler + 236
28 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8eae8601 SendUnicodeTextAEToUnicodeDoc_WithCompletionHandler + 295
29 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8eaecf09 __utDeliverTSMEvent_WithCompletionHandler_block_invoke_2 + 296
30 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8eaecdd8 __utDeliverTSMEvent_WithCompletionHandler_block_invoke + 437
31 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8eae807d TSMKeyEvent_WithCompletionHandler + 701
32 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8eaf1bd0 __TSMProcessRawKeyEventWithOptionsAndCompletionHandler_block_invoke_4 + 251
33 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8eaf1ac6 __TSMProcessRawKeyEventWithOptionsAndCompletionHandler_block_invoke_3 + 330
34 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8eaf1902 __TSMProcessRawKeyEventWithOptionsAndCompletionHandler_block_invoke_2 + 259
35 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8eaf1785 __TSMProcessRawKeyEventWithOptionsAndCompletionHandler_block_invoke + 251
36 com.apple.HIToolbox 0x00007fff8eaf158f TSMProcessRawKeyEventWithOptionsAndCompletionHandler + 3068
37 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b8c4726 __61-[NSTextInputContext _handleEvent:options:completionHandler:]_block_invoke949 + 131
38 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b8c3c12 -[NSTextInputContext tryTSMProcessRawKeyEvent:dispatchCondition:setupForDispatch:furtherCondition:dispatchWork:continuation:] + 127
39 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b8c4245 -[NSTextInputContext _handleEvent:options:completionHandler:] + 1266
40 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b29f71e -[NSTextInputContext handleEvent:] + 109
41 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b27f374 -[NSView interpretKeyEvents:] + 207
42 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x00000001067e8bfb 0x1063b0000 + 4426747
43 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x00000001067e5270 0x1063b0000 + 4412016
44 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b7c6fdb -[NSWindow _reallySendEvent:] + 6004
45 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b24f16e -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 446
46 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x00000001067d3785 0x1063b0000 + 4339589
47 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b2013d1 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 4055
48 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x000000010674e168 0x1063b0000 + 3793256
49 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff8b08d608 -[NSApplication run] + 711
50 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x00000001067c9704 0x1063b0000 + 4298500
51 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x0000000106a18074 0x1063b0000 + 6717556
52 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x000000010698b065 0x1063b0000 + 6140005
53 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x0000000106957651 0x1063b0000 + 5928529
54 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x000000010679166a 0x1063b0000 + 4068970
55 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x00000001069c00a7 0x1063b0000 + 6357159
56 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x00000001064ac12c 0x1063b0000 + 1032492
57 com.atomixproductions.virtualdj 0x00000001063b26b4 0x1063b0000 + 9908

Posted Sun 15 Feb 15 @ 6:47 pm
That 8 hour gig turned into 10 1/2 hours!!! Longest gig I've ever done!!! Pleased I went back to the public build 2139, worked flawlessly all day & night and no headphone problem. :-) Shattered now.

Posted Sun 15 Feb 15 @ 7:29 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Mr_T wrote :
with ZOMO MC1000

Mr_T wrote :
i used the 10Band Equalizer (EQ10 plugin by SBDJ)

The crash was in the plugin, not in VDJ8. I will have a look :)

Posted Mon 16 Feb 15 @ 9:43 am
I had multiple crashes loading files that I play every week. I switched back to 2139 and all worked fine


Posted Mon 16 Feb 15 @ 10:58 am
Also there was no crashgaurd on any crashes

Posted Mon 16 Feb 15 @ 1:02 pm
no crashguard ?? ive never seen crashguard, when i have a crash i get windows telling me. so no CG reports then... :(
I didnt think v8 still used crashguard..?

Posted Mon 16 Feb 15 @ 3:48 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Partyman wrote :
I had multiple crashes loading files that I play every week. I switched back to 2139 and all worked fine


Is it possible to send me one of these files?
There don't seem to be any other reports of files crashing on load.

Posted Tue 17 Feb 15 @ 7:58 am
Where would you like it sent?

Posted Tue 17 Feb 15 @ 10:32 am
Can I please have your email address Adion as I have a couple of MP3s that are scanning the bitrate incorrectly.

Thanks - Keith

Posted Tue 17 Feb 15 @ 12:59 pm

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