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Topic: Hercules RMX2 microphone issues - Page: 1

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I am using the Hercules RMX2 controller with VDJ8. Everything is fine apart from the microphone aspect of the RMX2. When i hit the mic on/off button on the controller, the hiss and feedback is very high. If i then switch on my mic it is almost unusable due to the loud volume and feedback. This is with the volume dial on both the RMX2 and VDJ turned to zero. It seems to have no bearing whether the mic is plugged in or not and also no bearing on whether VDJ is running or not. As soon as the mic on/off button is hit you can tell things arent right.

Anyone had a similar issue or found a solution?

Posted Fri 02 Jan 15 @ 8:35 am

Thanks, unfortunately yes. I'm familiar with this doc, but it has no bearing on my issue. Ive read many posts/articles, none of which solve my issue. Just wondering if anyone has experienced the same and found a solution?

No bearing on your issue? Well something is clearly amiss with your setup in order for you to be having the problem, so I'd say it does have a bearing - because a correctly set up config wouldn't behave that way.

Please provide more info on exactly how you've set things up - both on the RMX2 and in VDJ 8 (post a screen grab of your VDJ 8 audio config settings).

Also, what sort of mic are you using?

The mic is a Shure PG48, but this, along with VDJ, doesn't have to be connected or running for the issue to occur. As soon as the mic on/off button is pressed the feedback is way too high (with no mic plugged in). If the mic is plugged in and then switched on its impossible to use due to the volume. Which settings on the RMX2 would be useful to know? I suspect there may be a fault with the RMX2 unit itself, but have no alternative device to try.

What you're saying doesn't make any sense. If there is no mic plugged in, it wouldn't be possible to get feedback.

Feedback is generated by the signal from your speakers being picked up by your mic and amplified - but if there's no mic, that can't happen.

Either what you're hearing is not feedback, or you're getting feedback from another mic (the built in one if you're using a laptop).

OK, to clarify, by feedback I mean when I hit the mic button it sounds like a load of bees - high buzz and hiss. if i then attach the mic and switch it on i do get typical mic feedback with the volume knob on RMX2 and VDJ at zero. Ive disabled and muted the mic, along with all other sound options on the laptop, but still no change. Would a fault in the RMX2 wiring of the mic button be the likely cause?

As requested earlier:

Please provide more info on exactly how you've set things up - both on the RMX2 and in VDJ 8 (post a screen grab of your VDJ 8 audio config settings).

Master - RMX2 ASIO (Output 1&2)
Headphones - RMX2 ASIO (Output 3&4)
Mic - RMX2 ASIO (Input 1&2)
(I have tried the mic using input 3&4, Input 1 mono, input 2 mono)
44100Hz (have tried all other Hz options)
As stated before, VDJ does not have to be running, or even open for the mic problem to be present. I could be using any software and it appears the result would be the same

Input channels 1-2 (Line +6db) - have tried Mic and Line 0db here.
Talkover attenuation - On -6db (have tried off, and also -3db and -9db)
Ive basically tried every option there is to select on the RMX2 option tray in the 'Main' and 'Advanced' tabs.

You're not feeding the ouput of the RMX back into the computer, with a cable etc. for recording purposes?

Not as far as I'm aware. Only connection to the laptop is the usb cable from RMX2 to laptop. Ive read that the mic and headphone dials on the RMX2 are not wired into VDJ in the same way that all other dials are. These two are stand-alone. I have line in rather than phono switch selected on the back of the RMX2 (but have tried both). Ive also tried connecting the mic via XLR and 1/4 jack.

Well based on what you've said so far, with the weird noise happening even when VDJ 8 is not running, and with no mic plugged in, it does seem likely that there's a fault with the RMX2.

How are you able to hear the noise? You've got an amp & speakers (or powered speakers) plugged into the output of the RMX, yes?

RMX2 is connected via XLR's to sub and then on to PA's. Sub and PA's are powered. Ive reached out to Hercules but had no response which I'm hoping is due to holiday period.

RMX2 replaced with another of the same model. Problem still persists. Anyone got advice on best mic? Could the Shure PG48 be way too sensitive? Havent yet had chance to get my hands on an alternative mic to test.

From what you've said, it can't possibly be the mic.

You say that simply pressing the mic button on the RMX creates a noise through the speakers - without a mic connected, without VDJ running and with the mic vol turned down.

The exact same issue with a different RMX though, makes me think it has to be something amiss with your setup. Maybe something you've not mentioned yet.

know what you mean, but feel as though Ive tried every option that seems open to me. Really clutching at straws. Does anyone have a good working setup with the mic on Hercules RMX2?

On another note, when the mic is plugged in via XLR for example, if i touch near the base of the XLR (connected to the RMX2), I get noticeable increase in buzz. Is there a grounding type issue potentially? I also wonder whether there are underlying flaws with the way in which the mic side of things is wired in the RMX2.

Ah, now you're setting me off in another direction with this...

If you're using this RMX2 with a laptop, does the noise (when you press the mic button) still occur if you run the laptop on batteries (disconnect the mains)?

no change when using battery power only

Managed to test some other mics and cables. Tried the Shure SM58 which has a lower impedence than the Shure PG48. It made a difference, but it was still too loud. Tried it with a mono cable and that seemed to have a very good effect of bringing the volume right down to an acceptable level. Trouble is, any movement of the cable at the connection to the RMX2 resulted in loud crackles and pops. I am in no doubt that the Hercules RMX2 (having now tried 2 units) has a flaw with its microphone set up/connection/wiring.

Would be interested to hear from anyone who uses a mic with Hercules RMX2, because at this rate I'm likely to have to get a completely different controller.
