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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Effects - Wishes & new features - Page: 20
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
virtualfx has a thread, but as a color fx it needs something a little different.
to get it on to the color slot you need
effect_select colorfx virtualFXName
and to be programmed to work on the colorfx slot the .ini needs to be

An example .ini I use to put the filter fx on to color slot [usual color filter isn't post fader, that's why I made this]

Slider DIAL A 0=0
String DIAL A 1=filter & param_cast & effect_slider 'filter' 1 & nothing & param_equal `param_bigger filter 0.51` `param_smaller filter 0.49` ? effect_active 'filter' off : effect_active 'filter' on
String LABEL A 3=get effect_slider_text 'filter' 1

Posted Sat 15 Jun 24 @ 8:47 pm
gvaste wrote :
It is posible to activate two color fx on one deck at the same time with one knob?

One can have up to 4 different colorfx effects per deck. (and/or with 1 knob)
(awesome with any device with many knobs, like a Midi Fighter Twister)

so to have 4 (the max) colorfx effects for the active deck using one knob, (instead of using 4 knobs)
say, "loop roll", "pitch", "flanger" and "echo" then the script for that knob would be:

deck active effect_colorfx 1 'loop roll' &  effect_colorfx 2 'pitch' & effect_colorfx 3 'flanger' &  effect_colorfx 4 'echo'

Note: can create a button to turn all off.. by setting each to 50%
** previous to build 7881 one needed to also include, the effect, for example... effect_colorfx 1 'loop roll' 50%

deck active effect_colorfx 1 50% &  effect_colorfx 2 50% & effect_colorfx 3 50% &  effect_colorfx 4 50%

and of course deck active can be changed to ones deck of choice.. say deck 1

and above are in addition to the normal/usual, colorfx of the skin (UI) .. filter with its selected effect being assigned with filter_selectcolorfx


Posted Sun 16 Jun 24 @ 11:50 am
gvastePRO InfinityMember since 2019
Thank you so much both for the info, i'll try those options.

Posted Sun 16 Jun 24 @ 3:37 pm
I would like to have the POI "Load Point" exposed to VBScript.

After loading the track into a deck, and cueing it to my desired start point - I would like to script a single button push to add (and label) a Load Point to the current cue'd location of the track.

If a Load Point is already set, this script should move (delete and set?) the Load Point to the current cue'd location.

Posted Thu 20 Jun 24 @ 4:11 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
it already is a script

Posted Thu 20 Jun 24 @ 5:14 pm
I wish the reverb effect can last longer like that of Pioneer Dj hard ware thaxx

Posted Sun 14 Jul 24 @ 2:23 pm
Turning VST effects off, only turn off input.

At the moment when you turn off a VST effect, the sound is killed. It would be nice if the "output" of the VST would still be played but no input added... Just like when you turn off the high pass echo, you still hear the echo's fade out.

Posted Mon 15 Jul 24 @ 9:31 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
@ramonremyrichie that is beyond vdj's control.

Posted Mon 15 Jul 24 @ 9:43 pm