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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Effects - Wishes & new features - Page: 13

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locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
klausmogensen wrote :
Yes, it is already time/beat based - but only if the deck is running, ...

cut fx in vdj is driven by beat_bar , time has no say in the matter,
I've got a virtualfx here running but it loses timing over anything other than short stabs

Also a little anoying is noise fx is prefader but mobius fx is post fader
here's a 20 second demo of this with mobius

Posted Wed 29 Apr 20 @ 11:59 am
Cool, because this doesn't work with the track stopped - mobius and noise just continues without being affected by the cut effect

If I play a track it of course works better
It's the same with the sound color fx
Do you have a VirtualFX ini file I can test?

Posted Wed 29 Apr 20 @ 12:19 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
To be honest in your case you could just mute the deck, play a 4 loop and you'll have beat_bar to drive the cut fx

my thinking was more for like if you had a loop 0.125 and wanted to pulse it every 0.5 or something
this .ini doesn't cut [pun] it for me, rsi time isn't accurate.

Slider DIAL A 0=1221
String DIAL A 1=set 'cutTimevar1' `param_pow 'effect_slider cutTime 1 & param_multiply 3.99 & param_cast "int_trunc"' 2`
String LABEL A 3=param_multiply 'get_var cutTimevar1' 0.125 & param_cast '0.000'
Slider DIAL B 2=2048
String DIAL B 5=
String LABEL B 6=
Slider DIAL C 4=2048
String DIAL C 7=
String LABEL C 12=
Switch BUTTON 1 8=0
String BUTTON 1 13=
Switch BUTTON 2 9=0
String BUTTON 2 14=set cutTimevar3 `get_bpm & param_1_x & param_multiply 3750`
Switch BUTTON 3 10=0
String BUTTON 3 15=
String OnStart 16=set cutTimevar2 0 & effect_button 'cutTime' 2 & effect_slider 'cutTime' 1 +0.0 & get_text "repeat_start_instant 'cutTimersi' `get_var cutTimevar3`ms -1 & cycle cutTimevar2 256 & param_mod 'get_var cutTimevar1' 'get_var cutTimevar2' & param_cast & param_equal 0 ? level 0 ? level 1 : level 0 : nothing" & param_cast 'text' & effect_string 'cutTime' 7 & effect_button 'cutTime' 1 toggle
String OnStop 17=repeat_stop 'cutTimersi' & level 1

Posted Wed 29 Apr 20 @ 1:00 pm
locodog wrote :
To be honest in your case you could just mute the deck, play a 4 loop and you'll have beat_bar to drive the cut fx

my thinking was more for like if you had a loop 0.125 and wanted to pulse it every 0.5 or something
this .ini doesn't cut [pun] it for me, rsi time isn't accurate.

Slider DIAL A 0=1221
String DIAL A 1=set 'cutTimevar1' `param_pow 'effect_slider cutTime 1 & param_multiply 3.99 & param_cast "int_trunc"' 2`
String LABEL A 3=param_multiply 'get_var cutTimevar1' 0.125 & param_cast '0.000'
Slider DIAL B 2=2048
String DIAL B 5=
String LABEL B 6=
Slider DIAL C 4=2048
String DIAL C 7=
String LABEL C 12=
Switch BUTTON 1 8=0
String BUTTON 1 13=
Switch BUTTON 2 9=0
String BUTTON 2 14=set cutTimevar3 `get_bpm & param_1_x & param_multiply 3750`
Switch BUTTON 3 10=0
String BUTTON 3 15=
String OnStart 16=set cutTimevar2 0 & effect_button 'cutTime' 2 & effect_slider 'cutTime' 1 +0.0 & get_text "repeat_start_instant 'cutTimersi' `get_var cutTimevar3`ms -1 & cycle cutTimevar2 256 & param_mod 'get_var cutTimevar1' 'get_var cutTimevar2' & param_cast & param_equal 0 ? level 0 ? level 1 : level 0 : nothing" & param_cast 'text' & effect_string 'cutTime' 7 & effect_button 'cutTime' 1 toggle
String OnStop 17=repeat_stop 'cutTimersi' & level 1

I'll try it
And also the MUTE trick (I didn't even think of that!)- may be simpler

Posted Wed 29 Apr 20 @ 1:45 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
loop roll fx strength, I'm asking again as I've thought of another way to avoid it sounding like a cut when somewhere in the middle of the dial.
add a maximiser to the output, tried it with loudmax next in the chain, threshold slightly higher than source or sample [whichever is the quietest] and output to match the loudest.
It sounds reasonably levelled but the process is too awkward to use live, could some sort of agc be baked in to the plugin?

Posted Wed 20 May 20 @ 11:10 pm
I'm sorry to say that but the only weak point of Virtual DJ compared to the competition are the effects. I worked with all the software and you immediately notice the difference but I remain faithful to Virtual DJ. I like that the effects are almost totally reprogrammed some like Reverberation and Spiral are really unusable, the Out loop often in the end produces a noise that disturbs the mix. This difference in quality is also noticeable in Color FX and Release FX, I noticed that if you adjust a perfect volume in the mixer and then apply an effect, the audio level will go up often sending the channel in clips. great job with the stems in Virtual DJ 2021 now i hope in better effects for the future!

Posted Sat 27 Jun 20 @ 2:05 pm
You could always use VSTs. The competition can't do that.

Posted Sat 27 Jun 20 @ 2:47 pm
I already use the vst of RMX-500 and RMX-1000 and I have improved the quality of the effects so much but it would be nice to use the integrated ones well because the vst to be used at the top must all be remapped and often go to weigh down the software. Some vst on mac tells me that they are not compatible with the version of VDJ and there are no updates and even the effects downloadable from the VDJ website are not compatible by now.

Posted Sat 27 Jun 20 @ 5:59 pm
Moderation staff wrote :
Lets use this thread to post any wishes and new features that you would like to see for Effects in a next major release


VST 2 is OLD

mod; one post is enough, please don't post the same thing multiple times

Posted Wed 15 Jul 20 @ 3:21 am
What about updating the censor button in the track cleaner, to mute just the vocal stem rather than playing parts backwards?

Posted Fri 24 Jul 20 @ 8:17 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
PilotGav wrote :

VST 2 is OLD

Curious though, which plugin do you need this for?
It seems like most plugins I found are still available in both VST 2 and VST 3 format.

Posted Sun 26 Jul 20 @ 5:02 pm
thank's to the team for the grat work with VDJ 2021 and the Mapping with Rane 72.
it's almost perfect.
One request.
Is it possible to select effect on both side assigned to channel 1&2 as availabl inside the hardware
and assigne each paddle effect to only one channel
the interest is to made available on the fly 6 different effects in place of only three.

Posted Wed 02 Sep 20 @ 11:18 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I asked for this before but in a stupid way, echo out made me rethink to ask in a different stupid way. XD
standard echo gets messed up when you load a new track with a different bpm, especially when you have auto pitch on [track loads @quartz, changes to match pitch and the echo buffer gets upset]
my previous fix was load new track on another deck and clone it over to keep the bpm & buffer stable.
echo out, doesn't respect pitch changes [and I like that] so I used that to capture and load in my new track then use standard echo to "recapture" echo out, a bit of a faff but it's a method.

But couldn't standard echo just keep an eye out for load_pulse? for the 200ms just ignore pitch changes while auto pitch does its thing.

Posted Fri 04 Sep 20 @ 12:34 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
But then what?
For Echo Out it's clear, as soon as you activate it, whatever is in the buffer has a certain tempo, and will stay that way until you disable Echo Out.

Regular Echo on the other hand is constantly fed with new data from the deck, so it needs to keep up with any changes happening on the deck.

Posted Fri 04 Sep 20 @ 1:16 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
yeah I'm thinking too narrow, in a locked unfilter kind of way, far too niche , having echo out is good as a capture.

Posted Fri 04 Sep 20 @ 2:21 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Just a question I can't get my head round, is there any use with 'echo out' being a post fader fx?
I see the point of the capture element being post, but the play back part kills the source, so I don't see any advantage in it being post, in fact it takes options away.
But I don't know if it would even be possible for a plugin to be 'split minded' like I'm thinking, and I might be missing an obvious use

Posted Wed 30 Sep 20 @ 2:09 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Echo Out just follows the fxProcessing option, it's not exclusively post fader.

Posted Wed 30 Sep 20 @ 2:12 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
could echo out allow the loop length be resized in playback mode, whilst retaining the recording in memory?
capture a 4 beat section, during playback say on the 3rd beat you cut to 2 beats, it jumps to the start of the recording, upsize to 4 beats and now the playback plays the full capture again but it's 2 beats off phase. [so it could do something that sample recording can't]
Up sizing beyond the recorded length might be a strange case (but playback-silence-playback might be interesting)

I still think this plugin's output should be prefader [I know it obeys fxprocessing, but I wouldn't want to give up post for other fx] the more I mess with this fx, the less post fader output makes sense. wouldn't it just be a case of multiplying the playback by the up & cross faders.

Posted Sat 24 Oct 20 @ 2:05 pm
There used to be an Echo plug-in that the tail would Key up or down depending on what you set it to.

Would really love to see that updated and for the Mac side as well 🤙🏾

Posted Fri 06 Nov 20 @ 3:50 pm

Posted Sun 15 Nov 20 @ 2:48 am