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Topic: Numark NS7 II Support - Page: 1

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Posted Wed 04 Dec 13 @ 7:22 am
Will post a few more notes/tips/instructions later, but here are a few quick ones.

If Serato was running previously in your computer and need to use VirtualDJ, power off the unit, wait for 2-4 seconds and then power the unit back on to reset any Serato adjustments left (for Start/Stop Time of motors, Leds, etc). Then launch VirtualDJ.

Make sure Drivers are installed (for both Windows and Mac OSX)
Drivers, Manuals etc http://www.numark.com/product/ns7ii

Sound Setup :

For Windows
Inputs : None
Outputs : Headphones
Sound Card : ASIO and choose the NS7 II USB Audio Device from the list.

For Macs
Sound card : 4out and choose Numark USB Audio Device from the list (make sure is set to Quadrophonic from Audio Midi Device)


WOW!!! There are no limits, as to what you can do with this and this skin is awesome with the effects. Can't wait to see this on VDJ8 with all the other bells, whistles, and refinements.


Figuered issue out downloaded skins and set channel assign on skin
Working niceee :) thank you again for all the hard work
Dev team and djdad for skin

Thank you thank you Much love!

Any chance we can have a video on YouTube showing off all features so I can compare the two. I have the ns7ii as an upgrade to my vms4 but I'm not liking serato as it don't like windows 8.1 and the whole browser style is horrid.....but however it works with this controller as it was built for serato. Realising now that serato is.... Well rubbish for my liking, I need to upgrade my vdj licence to pro but before I make the commitment to purchase pro is it possible to see an in depth video on vdj's version ;). I don't want to buy more software to find out serato is tighter and I'd have to live with it on windows 7 and the horrible browser. Many thanks if someone could make a video.... Would also be a sales pitch lol. Dj Hexus.

May I ask: What are the things i need to setup on the NS7II so my Mic works with VDJ?

Please make a video showing us what vdj can do with the ns7ii. Serato is not stable and keeps crashing at least 3 times per session, my laptop is high spec so its defo not that and my mates trackter pro 2 won't map the jogs or pitch slider. I can't take seratos twitchy rubbish any more. Please help.

? Noticed that crossfader keeps going to user every time i used up line faders
Constsntly have to go into config and set crossfader to full
Is there a way to keep setting to full with out changing when using up faders
Thank you in advance
Never had this issue with mc6000

Map the XFADER_CURVE to nothing

Hi @DJHEXUS, were you able to make the purchase on VDJ pro? I am also thinking about the same but I would like to confirm before purchasing
I have the Numark NS7 ii and I dont like seratos interface

I started using my NS7 II with the skin and mapper on this forum. When I'm playing at the club I noticed during the house music there would be a weird screeching noise that I was almost compelled to think it was part of the horrible house music playing. Then at my next gig it was doing it during hip hop. It slightly drowns out the music and sounds like someone is running their nails on a chalkboard. After a while this went away at the club, and somehow no one noticed. At the bar it took a toll and I had to shut it down and run serato DJ which was depressing. I have a Mac that I run VDJ on. It's set to headphones and speaker output. 4 out channel and Numark soundcard. What else could I possibly do? Also scratching on VDJ is atrocious and laggy, but I can settle with that. It's the noise I am worried about for my gig coming up this week please help! :(

Can you record a small mix/sound and upload to a server ? I havent tested the NS7II with a large PA system, but the sound was Ok on both Windows and Mac during my tests.

Okay no problem I'll do this and see if the sound comes up. Usually in my house when I mix for like 30 minutes I don't hear it, but I'll turn up the studio monitors to see if I can catch it.

Also someone said "(make sure is set to Quadrophonic from Audio Midi Device) "

How do I make sure that is the setup for my device?

That's for Mac computers only.
Applications-->Utiltiies-->Audio Midi Setup-
Select the NS7, and click on the Configure Speakers button.
Choose the Quadrophonic (4 speakers) from the Multichannel tab
Press Apply, Done.

the recorded file will tell us if the sound issue if related to the software/drivers/NS7II Sound card or your PA system actually ;)

Sounds great! Yeah, I have a MAC that's why I asked. I truly think it's not the PA's because at the club I play at, I think there is over $65,000 worth of equipment, its insane. Not to say that can't be an issue, but the bar I play at has a sounds system that is fine, but not as good and it did it there as well. So it makes me think it would be way to coincidental that two diff PA systems could do that with different types of music and volumes but hopefully we can figure this out. I'll record a mix for a bit tomorrow and blast it and hope I find the noise so I can show you. Thanks again for the timely responses it has been helpful and encouraging!

Once I get to midi setup and click "numark usb audio device" it didn't let me click configure speakers. It's there but unclickable

The sound refused to mess up no matter how loud or how long I played for on my studio monitors......you think maybe it's the external mixers I run off of at the club and the bar through their pa system?

Perspolis wrote :
Once I get to midi setup and click "numark usb audio device" it didn't let me click configure speakers. It's there but unclickable

Select the built in sound card of yoru computer as default (if Numark is the pre-selected).
The configure speakers option could be on the bottom of the Audio Midi Setup window, inside the small Configure button (next to the _/+)

Your sound issue seems related to your PA system (club's actually) or cables then.

He said it happened at the club and the bar.

Two venues, two sound systems. One setup in common.

Perspolis, is there anything different about your setup when you're using it at the club & bar?
