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Topic: VirtualDJ 7.4 - Page: 14

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We are not sure what will happen with Cue (Virtual Vinyl) yet. Its something that is not yet discussed/addressed and probably an official answer to your question may never come.
But certainly you will still be able to crossgrade to VirtualDj Pro Full at a very low cost, and get version 8 right after the release.
Since several times, updates of Cue are delayed (due to delayed approval from numark), i would strongly suggest crossgrading to VirtuaLDj without waiting or wondering any further.

Some insight on Karaoke. In my area the company formally known as Chartbuster is really cracking down on illegal use of massive hard drives. The lawyers are making those found guilty of using such a hard drive to use "the cloud" for two years at 100.00 per month. (Virtual DJ offers such a cloud with chartbuster and more for 19.99) they fine you and they are taking your disc... the ones you have paid for... and destroying them. How do they expect me to have a one to one if they are taking disc and making me use cloud? I've been amassing my karaoke collection for over 20 years and I have only 16000 songs, with many duplicates. I would hope that you get rights to use Sunfly as they are still cranking out newer songs. I hope Content Unlimited will get a little more current. The price is VERY fair and for the music as well. thanks Michael

I would like to set certain keys to use as Pitch Bend (push/ positive ) or drag/ Negative. I would like to use the PAGE UP key to push the song and the PAGE DOWN key to drag it back. I do not understanding the mapping. Could someone assist me please. Thanks for all the help in the past.

you map it just like it sounds

pitch_bend +3%
pitch_bend -3%

you can also add another parameter which will be the acceleration or doubling the bending eg

pitch_bend +3% 500ms

meaning at 1 second you will be bending the pitch 6%, at 2 seconds you will bend it 24% etc.. all the numbers can change to suit what you want

BPM is absolutely rubbish with house music. I'm having to manually correct so many tunes I buy because it calculates them badly. when will this be fixed? It was never this bad until the last few versions.

I've never had an issue with electronic music. Only with songs that don't have a prominent beat or older songs with drummers that can't keep perfect time.

Regardless, you should be relying on your ears first! Treat the software as an aid, not a crutch! If you can't manually beatmatch it's time to learn.

Any examples Hamry? House music is generally very well detected I find.


I have a question, when testing is done is it mainly tested with EDM music? I see the mistake in reading hiphop/Reggae/R&B key and bpm. I find my house collection is read spot on 98% of the time. But my hiphop/reggae/R&B collections take alot of manual editing. I know EDM djs as well as controllerist make up 80% of this forum, is this a factor why hiphop djs prefer serato...i love VDJ dont get me wrong, Just things i noticed.

SBDJ wrote :
Any examples Hamry? House music is generally very well detected I find.

All tracks purchased from Traxsource

Smile (Shur-i-kan Future Vox)
6th St - Evan Iff
Albie Your Friend (Original Mix)
For You (feat. Michael Watford) (Dario D'Attis PurpleIzed Rework)
Around The Bane (Noir Mashup Treatment)

These are just a few... I now literally have to manually scan the songs first just to check that the BPM is match. A good indicator is when it detects a BPM of 125.8 instead of 125.


Hamry wrote :
A good indicator is when it detects a BPM of 125.8 instead of 125.

125.8 is a more accurate figure, because it has a digit after the period.

A figure of 125 could actually be anything from 125 to 125.9 (via 125.1, 125.2 and so on).

What makes you think the BPM should be 125 exactly? Because Traxsource said so? Who says they're right?

Rather than being concerned about getting exact whole numbers from the BPM analysis, you should beat match by ear and adjust accordingly.

Hamry wrote :
Smile (Shur-i-kan Future Vox)

Traxsource don't list decimal places, so if a track is 125.8 bpm then Traxsource may list it as 125. Which is valid, since 125 is a range from 125.0 to 125.999. They also likely don't scan their tracks for BPM themselves so it's entirely possible errors can creep into their data.

I grabbed the future vox track above, traxsource listed it as 125 bpm (I got it from CU rather than TS though) and VDJ detected it as 124.000 bpm. When I look at the CBG grid it is lined up with the beats - so the BPM detection for that copy of that track was correct and is indeed 124 bpm rather than 125 bpm.


groovindj wrote :
Hamry wrote :
A good indicator is when it detects a BPM of 125.8 instead of 125.

125.8 is a more accurate figure, because it has a digit after the period.

A figure of 125 could actually be anything from 125 to 125.9 (via 125.1, 125.2 and so on).

What makes you think the BPM should be 125 exactly? Because Traxsource said so? Who says they're right?

Rather than being concerned about getting exact whole numbers from the BPM analysis, you should beat match by ear and adjust accordingly.

Because a producer wouldn't set their songs to 125.9. It would be 125 or 126. Why on earth set the BPM of your song to something silly like that? Yes I can beat match by ear but I would rather do that with Vinyl. If the tech isn't improving things then what's the point of it?

@SBDJ - I'll post the next track I get that's off. I'm buying tunes tonight so you might not have to wait long. I usually verify the BPM at Beatport because Traxsource don't tend to list what it's suppose to be.

SBDJ wrote :
Hamry wrote :
Smile (Shur-i-kan Future Vox)

Traxsource don't list decimal places, so if a track is 125.8 bpm then Traxsource may list it as 125. Which is valid, since 125 is a range from 125.0 to 125.999. They also likely don't scan their tracks for BPM themselves so it's entirely possible errors can creep into their data.

I grabbed the future vox track above, traxsource listed it as 125 bpm (I got it from CU rather than TS though) and VDJ detected it as 124.000 bpm. When I look at the CBG grid it is lined up with the beats - so the BPM detection for that copy of that track was correct and is indeed 124 bpm rather than 125 bpm.

Smile was detected as 124.9 but as you stated it should be 124 which I manually corrected it to. I'm running version 7.3 at the moment.


Hamry wrote :
Because a producer wouldn't set their songs to 125.9. It would be 125 or 126. Why on earth set the BPM of your song to something silly like that? Yes I can beat match by ear but I would rather do that with Vinyl. If the tech isn't improving things then what's the point of it?

How much production experience do you have? How many producers do you know?

You can't simply assume something because you think it's silly.

For example if a producer is working with a loop that comes from some old vinyl or has been played by a musician rather than a machine, then that loop may work best at some "silly" BPM, and the rest of the track will be built around it.

If fractions of BPM were silly then software such as Ableton Live, Cubase and so on would not have the ability to set fractions of BPM - they'd all work with nice round numbers.

Also, a lot can happen to a track between leaving the producer/artist and being made available in stores or online. Famously, the track Good Times by Chic was considerably sped up for release in the UK because someone (presumably at the record company) thought it sounded too slow.

If all tracks were supposed to be exact BPMs then why would DJ kit use pitch faders? We'd just have switches to knock the BPM up or down one exact BPM!


That's a flimsy argument.... I've scanned my House tracks (I accept Hip Hop or Garage may not be an exact number) and I can find only a handful out of over 2000+ where the BPM is not dead on say 125 or 124.

My point is that the BPM is calculated wrong. I AM having to rely on my ears to mix and then manually adjust the BPM. Beatport tends to back up what I discover the BPM to be.

Now I don't know if my installation is broken or there is a mathematical problem with VDJ and AMD CPUs but there is a problem. It might be that Traxsource is doing something to the files that throws them off.

I'm happy to e-mail SBDJ a copy of Smile seeing as he's bought it already to confirm whether or not it's detected badly.

Are you serious? Do you really think all tracks are recorded at exact BPMs?

Where is the proof to your argument?

Have you spoken to the artists/producers of those tracks you have downloaded? And have they confirmed to you the exact BPM?

GadgetMan wrote :
Are you serious? Do you really think all tracks are recorded at exact BPMs?

Where is the proof to your argument?

Have you spoken to the artists/producers of those tracks you have downloaded? And have they confirmed to you the exact BPM?

Generally speaking for House music it is (in my opinion). Garage music tends not to be.


I've used Mixmeister BPM Analyser on that Smile track and it registered it as 124 BPM. There must therefore be an issue with VDJ, unless someone else has a theory...

go 2 bed u r 2 tied .does it really matter. u seem to b obsessed to down tread
