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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: [NEW] Hercules RMX2 Skin - Page: 3

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I dont know if I am seeing things but I have just noticed on my 2 RMX2's that the time elapsed and remaining seem to be reversed. On the skin the Time remaining appears above the Time Elapsed but the actual time counters displayed next to each label are the opposite. Does anyone else have this issue? Am I doing something wrong or missing a setting somewhere?



Sorry to be a pain DJ Dan, but I just tested this and it looks to me like the 1600 res skin is still incorrect. 1366 and 1440 now both ok which is great. Could you please check.

Initially i thought to switch the REMAIN/ELAPSED graphics texts so edited the 1600x900 bmp file, but then i thought i could just edit the xml file, but left the first bmp..Anyways. re-uploaded, it should be good now.
Thanks for the feedback.

Hey i have a little problem with this skin.
When I push the MODE buttom only on the RMX2 changes the Mode outputt. Did I make anything wrong or is it only a smal bug ?

Is it possible to fix it at myself or is here only the way to wait for a Fix.

P.S. I love to work with this Skin because it is pretty nice gooood Job !!!


djdad, how do i assign effects on the rmx2 skin, im also using my rmx2 as the controller. is it possible to assign different effects such as 'foward/reverse'? if so, how do i go about assigning them? thanks

I have asked DJdad this question before. I am no expert here but you have to edit the xml file for the skin that you are using (in vdj Skins folder) and also the mapping file (in vdj Mappers folder). Refer to DJ Dads' post "Posted Wed 13 Mar 13 @ 7:40 am" on page 2 of this thread.

1. In the xml file for the skin look for the label --effects -- and you will see all the values that are currently set. There is one section for each deck (8 effects in each). You need to be careful as you must change ALL occurences of the effect name and there are several references (about 12 or 16 for each effect from memory).

2. In the xml file for the mapping (in vdj Mappers folder) look for the 8 lines with:
<map value="EFFECT_PAD1" action="effect 'flanger' active" />
<map value="EFFECT_PAD2" action="effect 'beatgrid' active" />
<map value="EFFECT_PAD3" action="effect 'FlippinDouble' active" />
<map value="EFFECT_PAD4" action="effect 'backspin' active" />
<map value="SHIFT_EFFECT_PAD1" action="effect 'brake' active" />
<map value="SHIFT_EFFECT_PAD2" action="effect 'dsp_phaser' active" />
<map value="SHIFT_EFFECT_PAD3" action="effect 'keychanger' active" />
<map value="SHIFT_EFFECT_PAD4" action="effect 'dsp_wahwah' active" />

They will have the effect names that are currently mapped in your current skin (no necessarily those above). Change each one to match what you set in the skins xml file. I am not sure if this file exists in all VDJ installations as there maybe a default mapping but if it is in the mappers folder it needs to also be changed to match the names you put in the xml skin file in step 1 above.

You should then be good to go.

Hope this helps.

how do i get to the place to change the xml files?

never mind, i found it. if i have any more questions ill post another comment, thank you very much for the help.

oh ok one quick question, so how would i put the effects i download off the virtual dj site, like say for instance, the foward reverse effect?

These are usually executable files that you download. So you just double click them and they will install the appropriate dll's in the plugins/soundeffect folder. You can then look in this folder to see exactly the spelling of the effect to patch into the xml files.

thanks alot, dynamicdjsau

With VirtualDJ LE version, you can download and install effects from our Plugin pages, but you can only use them during the Trial period of Pro Full version.
Once this Trial period is over, even if the Effects/Plugins are present in the Plugins folder, they will not work and will not show up in the EFFECTS page of Browser.

Instructions on how to change the skin are posted above.

Hi i have buyed a Hercules RMX2, why i don't download the skin?
I have a serial number of Virtual DJ LE

Hi there djdad ....

A few comments / suggestions for features to add to your RMX2 skin....

1) Master / Mains vue meter
2) "Keylock" and "Key" knob indicator per channel (like the default skin has)
3) "Record" indicator (off/on) or even a "Record" vue/level meter

Lastly, my only other suggestion would be to make the BPM readout on the RMX2 skin much bigger and attention-grabbing.

I also have a question. I've been able to map all of my modified EFfects to the RMX2 skin pads, however, I haven't been successful in changing the RMX2 skin LOOP pad buttons. Is it even possible? The method for modding the LOOP pads doesn't seem to get me the same result as modding the Effects pads.....

Thanks in advance!



Only the Effects are editable from the xml file. All other Pads texts need to be edited from the bmp file

Thank you for your comments/suggestions.

PS. Record VU meter/level is not available with the current Skin engine.

Ola boa tarde!
Eu tenho uma controladora Hercules DJCONSOLE RMX2 e eu quero saber o seguinte:
O meu Virtual DJ e a versão LE, e eu gostaria de colocar o SKIN que o VIRTUAL DJ oferece para este modelo a possibilidade?

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