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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Browser related wishes and new features - Page: 1

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Please post here your ideas and any improvements or new features you would like to see in Browser.

Keep this thread clean. Any other browser related thread will be locked.

Thank you.

Posted Sun 16 Oct 11 @ 6:24 pm

1. Have the ability to change Font size for the browser built into VDJ, so that all skins can have it. So when making skins we don’t have to make multiple browser windows with different font sizes.

2. Track number added.

3. Auto Scroll when moving songs in Automix/Playlist panel.

4. Have VDJ change the colour of the text in the browser of tracks already played in that session.

5. The ability to right click on track in browser and from menu "Load On Sampler" then a sub menu of 1 - 12.

make the browser scroll active from the middle of the browser, so you can see equal amounts of folders up and down accept at the ends of the list.

add track colour to the database file for advanced catagorisation of tracks

enable real batch processing without the use of a plugin

batch write to id3 tags

allow mapping script to open filter folders

I think this is a browser issue as the information would be stored in the database file, but please include a loop size with cue point positions for real saved loops. we shoud be able to save a hot loop while the loop is playing, I have made a work around but it will only work by relooping to the start and setting a cue at the same time

File Links Information Tab:

Links Information Tab were all links that is created can be listed and found to that specific file tieing in all playlist & folder locations, this way you could substitute with another file and not destroy the playlist links.... or in Vertual, Filtered folders....right how the info is in the XML database...Lets Put it to Use...

This will really help in deciding which duplicate file to delete....

Link to the thread http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/153282/Wishes_and_new_features/File_Links_Information_Tab.html


if in a folder with a lot of tracks, i´d like to be able to click into the browser to make it active aka deactivate keyboard shortcuts, and than press a letter on the keyboard to jump directly to the tracks starting with that letter

For example. The tracks are ordered alphabetically. You press the letter N on your keyboard and directly jump to Nirvana, Nickelback and so on. Makes it easier for you when you are in a massive folder to look for a track you dont know the name for sure, but can still remember its been something with N.

Hope this makes sense :D

An option to manually select a cover from a folder in your computer in the file cover dialog...

JoeyKJ wrote :
An option to manually select a cover from a folder in your computer in the file cover dialog...

+1, I don't know how many times I've wished I could do this....

synthet1c wrote :
please include a loop size with cue point positions for real saved loops. we shoud be able to save a hot loop while the loop is playing

Agreed, we ought to be able to define loop in/out points then name and save them, so they will come back when the same song is loaded again. Saving and loading a specific set of samples for each song (or year, or genre, or even key word) would be useful too.

Write a seperate file to hold Loop, cue point, ect. info with the same file name, this way you make more room available in the database for Data and other improvements and lessen the overhead there, while broadening the possibilities...

1) Get rid of XML files and use SQLite databases. ;)
2) Make the browser remember the selected track on ALL folders, under all cases. Also remember the selected track even after clearing a search.
3) Create an option that the browser remembers the played tracks (those that get a red flag) even after a program restart or a HDD disconnection/reconnection. This could be an option with a timer. If VDJ restarts within X amount of time it remembers the last played tracks. If not, reset their icons.
4) Give skinners the ability to use beside the "standard" browser separate window browsers for each section. For instance different window for folders, different for the main browser, different for the playlist, e.t.c....
5) Create a new browser area (maybe as a part of the sidelist window) that will show suggestions for next tracks based on the history of the played tracks. The suggestions should be made from the LOCAL MEDIA files...
6) Make the tracks text to be colored red for played tracks but FADE OUT after a user adjustable time. For instance a track can be colored RED but fade out back to standard color after 60 minutes. KEEP the icon RED though... ;)
7) Change the way the browser sorts itself. I mean right now you can sort the browser any way you want, but you have to use your mouse. If you want to do this by your controller it's "almost" impossible. So, we need to complete the "browser_sort" command with "up" and "down"
Example: browser_sort 'artist' up OR browser_sort 'bpm' down OR browser_sort up OR browser_sort down.
Also make it use selective sorting: browser_sort 'bpm,artist,title,album,key,rating' +1

That's for now... I will come back with more stuff though... ;)

PhantomDeejay wrote :

7) Change the way the browser sorts itself. I mean right now you can sort the browser any way you want, but you have to use your mouse. If you want to do this by your controller it's "almost" impossible. So, we need to complete the "browser_sort" command with "up" and "down"


PhantomDeejay wrote :
Make the browser remember the selected track on ALL folders, under all cases.

Yes George, that's a biggie for me ..... it's a pain leaving a folder sorted on a certain part of the BPM range and when you go back to it it has defaulted to the standard sort. Also the ability to set a default for a folder to store certain values, for example multiple sort by BPM then artist then year ..... so it opens that way every time.

I probably don't need to say this yet again ..... but batch export of BPM values to the ID3 tag please :)

The ability to display cover art embedded in the ID3 tag as default, also it would be a nice touch if the artwork could be displayed beside the reach in the browser like Traktor or in a video window if the track is audio only.

Just as a footnote, I can see why Atomix use a DB to store info rather than tags as it's more efficient for large amounts of files, however I personally don't just use VDJ for my audio files and would like the ability for more of the DB info to be incorporated in the tags and vice versa. I know it's been said before by Steph that VDJ is not a tag editing software, however some more consideration to this area would be appreciated.




Fix ID3 batch reload for ID3 tags (keys, comments...).

Moderators please feel free to shift this to the right thread.

On the iPad browser I would like to see a search database feature included. This way I can take my iPad around to each table and ask people for requests, type them into the browser on the ipad and que it up automatically to the playlist.

Moderators can not move posts. Your request is related to iRemote application, so i suggest you to open a new thread and post your suggestions there.
Thank you.

I think that when typing a search into the browser, VDJ should ignore punctuation marks such as commas and apostrophes....


Searching for a song called Stayin' Alive, VDJ shows no results when entering stayin alive - only stayin' alive (with the apostrophe).

VDJ shows no results when entering More More More, but does show it when typing More, More, More (with commas).

It shouldn't be necessary to be so precise. The alphanumeric characters should have priority.

Please please please make it so that songs you have played at least once show up in a different font color (I like yellow, but depending on your skin.... who knows).
It is just so much easier to scan through songs when you are just looking for a quick "go to" song. For instance I do a lot of Old School Hip-Hop, and I have to wade through all my regular music and pick out what song I am going to play next. It would be so much easier if I could mentally block out all the other songs and only focus on the yellow ones (for example).

I really think this will help a lot of DJs!

Please add the ability to widen the scroll bars in the browser, us touch screen users would love you forever.

Add Track # field
