AtomixMP3 Basic Song Controls

- All descriptions and pictures are for desk A, and are the same for desk B -

The song controls of AtomixMP3 are the same as on a standard DJ CD Player, plus some more functionalities.

There are two desks, corresponding to two independant players. One on the left, and one on the right. The left one is desk A and the right one is desk B.

To load a song on one of the available desks, drag the song from the music browser and drop it on one of the desks.

Each desk has several controls:

song position pitch slider magic ! play stop cue loop loop loop loop
song controls for the left desc, desc A


AtomixMP3 Buttons controls

- Magic, Play/Pause, Stop, Cue -

Magic : the Magic button is the main feature of AtomixMP3 : it synchronizes the two songs providing a one click beat-matching. You can check if songs are always synchronized by using the Active Waveform display. If they happend to get dissynchronized, just click again on the magic button.
If the song has just been loaded, is stopped or is on pause, just click on the magic button to start playing the song in the right tempo.

The Magic button performs all steps of the FAME (Fast Automated Mix Engine) algorithm :

  • BPM Synchronization
    sets the BPM of the song to the BPM of the other song, changing its pitch
  • Phase Shift
    shifts the song so that its next beat matches the next beat of the other song
  • Level Adjustment
    sets the song gain to the same gain as the other song

Every step of FAME is customizable in the options panel.

Play/Pause : the two functionalities are on the same button, nevertheless, on some skins, they might be different. Press on this button to play the loaded song press it again to pause it. To play from the same point, press this button again.

Stop : this button stops the song. On the first click, the song is stopped, then, three actions are available:

  1. If a cue point as already been set for this song, click on the stop button to set the song position to the cue point.
  2. Click a second time on the stop button to set the song position is brought back to its absolute start. This is the default functionality of the stop button.
  3. If the song has already been played, AtomixMP3 has detected the first beat of the song. Click a third time on the stop button to bring the song position to the exact location if the first beat

Cue : cueing functionality. Sets a marker on the song, a cue point, so be able to get back to this point in a second. It can be :

  • the beginnig of the lyrics of the song
  • a special break point
  • ...

To return to this cue point, click on the stop button.

Each time a song on witch a cue point is set is loaded to one of the desks, AtomixMP3 sets the song position to the cue point.

To set more than one cue point, use the corresponding shortcuts.

Loop : These four buttons make the song enter a seamless loop of 1, 2, 4 or 8 beats length.

The duration of the loop can be changed during the loop without breaking it by clicking on another button.

Click again on the active loop button to exit the loop and continue the song.


Song informations

- Position, Extended, Condensed -

Song position : the position of each player in the song is represented in a disc for a higher precision. Click at any point on the disc to start playing at this point.
song position : start song position : playing song position : end of the song, stopped

song information window : extended

Song information window : this window on the center of each desk displays, for the song it is attached to, several useful informations in order to perform an accurate mix. It displays :

  • the author name
  • the song title
  • those informations are retrieved from the file name, that can be of either format :
    • author_name-song_title.mp3
    • (author_name)song_title.mp3
    • ...

Click on the information window to switch between the two available display modes :

1. extended information window (default mode):

  • Spent : time spent since the beginning of the song (in minutes : seconds . milliseconds)
  • Left : time left to the end of the song (in minutes : seconds . milliseconds)
  • > Cue : (from cue) time spent since the first cue point of the song
  • > End : (to end) time left to the last beat of the song (this feature is only available once the song has been played by AtomixMP3 once)
  • BPM : average BPM of the song, the BPM is the number of Beats Per Minute of the song (in BPM)
  • local : local value of the BPM (in BPM)
  • Level : volume level of the song (in dB)
  • Pitch : the exact value of the pitch (in %)

song information window : condensed

2. condensed information window (click once on the window):

  • Displays only the time spent and the average BPM, but with a more readable font