AtomixMP3 Configuration

- General,Fame,Skins,Visuals,Sound Configuration,Shortcuts -

The Options are an important part of AtomixMP3. Here is where you can customize and fine-tune your AtomixMP3 to fit your own needs. AtomixMP3 is not any DJ's tool, it's yours.

Here are the available options:


General Options

- Scratch,Master Tempo,Pitch Range,Crossfader,Equalizer,Security,Charts,ToolTip,Multi-Instance -

Scratch : If the scratch option is disabled, moving the Active Waveforms will just make the song skip. If the scratch option is enabled, it will sounds as if you were slowing down or speeding up a regular vinyl. If the scratch option is "Hold", as soon as you click on the Active Waveform Display, it will act as if you grabbed the disc to scratch it.

Time Strech : Changes music tempo without changing pitch. With analogue systems, changing track speed results in a change in pitch. Time Strech Control takes advantage of the unique features of digital medium enabling track speed to be changed with no deterioration of the original pitch.

Pitch Range : Changes the available pitch range from -33% to +33%, or from -8% to +8%, wihch sounds better if the Time Strech is disabled.

Crossfader : Defines different behaviours of the crossfader

full (default) smooth cut
  • Full : the median position corresponds to the maximum of level of each song. The overall output level is higher in the middle than in the extreme positions of the crossfader. This is the default setting.
  • Smooth : the median position has the same output level as the extreme position, each song is then at 50% if its level.
  • Cut : simply cuts one song or the other at 100%. The central position corresponds to the full behaviour.

Equalizer : This option allows you to disable the built-in three-band equalizer if you want your song to sound exactly as the original.

Security : If enabled, AtomixMP3 will prevent you from loading a song on a desk that is still playing loud. It also warns you if youwish to close AtomixMP3 if music is playing.

Charts : If enabled, when you quit AtomixMP3, and if an Internet connection is present and opened, it will send your playlist on our server (no personal information other than the song titles will be sent). This will only be used to display on the website an automatic chart of the songs the most played by AtomixMP3 users.

ToolTip : If enabled, AtomixMP3 will provide you with tips when stopping the mouse over a button, explaining its functionality.

Multi-Instance : If enabled, you will be able to run several AtomixMP3 windows at the same time, and therefore mix 4, 6 or even more songs together.


Fame Settings

- Customize every steps of your FAME -

AtomixMP3 allows you to customize the steps of its core engine : the FAME (Fast Automated Mix Engine) algorithm. Enable or disable any option to perform the 'Magic' you really wish.
Those settings will change the behaviour of AtomixMP3 upon clicking of the 'Magic' button, or the 'Automix' button, upon loading a known song, and in automix mode.

  • Auto BPM : sets the BPM of the song to the BPM of the other song, changing its pitch
  • Auto Beatmatch : shifts the song so that its next beat matches the next beat of the other song
  • Auto Gain : sets the song gain to the same gain as the other song
  • Auto Pitch-Reset : in automix mode, restes slowly the pitch after each mix
  • Mix Start : sets the point from where the songs will begin if in automix mode
  • Mix End : sets the point at which the automatic mix will be triggered if in automix mode
  • Mix Length : sets the length (in seconds) of the time AtomixMP3 remains in the median poistion of the crossfader when in automix mode, or when permorming an automated mix with the 'Automix' button