Pitch control and Master tempo

- -33% +33%, speed control -

minimum, -33% slower, slider up reset to 0% faster, slider down maximum, +33%

Pitch Control : changes the speed of the song, ence its BPM. Use the pitch control to mix the two songs manually. Move the slider up to make the song play slower, move it down to play the song faster.
Right click anywhere on the pitch circle to move the pitch to this position, as soon as you release the mouse button, the pith returns to its former value.

The default pitch range on AtomixMP3 is from -33% to +33%, it allows to :

  • Mix two songs that a a very different BPM (like hard jungle and easy listening)
  • Mix a song with itself, by playing one song on the two desks, one with the Pitch at -33%, the other at +33% so hat one beat of the slower version happends once every two beats of the faster version of the song. This can make amazing effects.

Nevertheless, if the distorsion from -33% to +33% is too strong, you can set it to -8%, +8 %, as on regular turntables, in the options panel.

Reset button : resets the pitch to 0%. This button as two functionalities :

  • click once, the pitch moves slowly from its current position to 0%
  • click a second time, or double click on it, the pitch is instantly reseted

In automix mode, the pitch is slowly reseted after each mix. You can disable this option in the options panel.

Time Strech : changes the speed of the song without changing its pitch. This is the default setting of the pitch slider. If you wish oto swith to the regular pitch control, you can disable the time strech in the options panel.