Music Files Browser

- .MP3, .WAV -

This window allows you to find a song in your hard drive, by browsing your folders the "classic" way.

folders browser playlist set favorite folder unlock / lock
file browser

This window is subdivided in three dynamic subwindows :

All side subwindows can be masked by clicking the unlock button and dragging the mouse outside of it.



To show the subwindow, simply put the mouse over the "playlist" or the "folders" area at each side of the main window. The subwindow will close itself again when you drag the mouse outside of it, allowing you to use the maximum space to view your files. If you wish to keep it open, simply press the lock button.


Folders Browser

folders browser : open


The left part allows you to select a folder, and the right part shows the files in this folder. The file browser also includes distant files ( on your local network for instance )

Favorite Folder: If all your files are in sub-folders of a main directory, you can let this main directory be the root of the folder view, the favorite folder. To set a specific folder as your favorite folder, like the "My Music" folder above, select the foler you want as your favorite folder, and click on the "set favorite button" on the top right corner of the file subwindow.

set favorite folder button


Music Browser

This window displays the available audio files cointined by the folder selected in the folder browser.

To load a song on one of the available desks, select the song and drag and drop it on one of the desks. You can also press the "ENTER" button.

music browser

The available formats are :

  • .wav
  • .mp3

You can edit the BPM value or insert a comment on a song by selecting a song and pressing ALT-F2 or CTRL-F2.

song icons

The red cross means that this song has already been played during the session. A question mark mans that this song has never been played in
AtomixMP3, and therefore the BPM and volume are not known yet.