Changelog (early access)
BUILD 8543 (2025-03-26)
-Fix glitch in kick or hihat stems on some tracks
-Fix cut effect when used together with a loop when cut length is larger than loop length
-Fix crash using get_level [stem] and cueing slightly before the start of the song
-Fix renaming sampler banks from browser tree
-Fix video samples not playing with samplerIndependentDeckBanks
-Fix get_askthedj_unread tooltip marking messages as read
-when sampler_select is not used, sample scripts without index will use sample selected in browser
-Fix renaming samples from the PER-SONG bank
-param_contains case insensitive
BUILD 8528 (2025-03-09)
-Improve Phase stability on mac
BUILD 8526 (2025-02-18)
-Support for Pioneer XDJ-AZ
-safeVideoDecode enabled for NVidia to fix bug in recent driver update
-sampler_pad_volume script to respect sampler pad pages
-Add quantizeScratch option to quantize release of jog wheel
-Fix beatgrid and cue point offset on cdj export
-Improve multi-bpm analysis
-samplerSpanAcrossDeck support for 4x4 and 8x8 pad configurations
-Fix track cleaner/video editor creating duplicate poi if no audio edits were made
-Fix drag&drop on per-song sampler bank on pads and in sideview
-‘Include subfolders’ option for CDJ export
-CDJ drives have subfolder to show songs that are not included in any playlist for easy deletion
-Fix some older zipped sampler banks not showing up in correct order
-search_folder finds filter folders too
BUILD 8516 (2025-01-31)
-Improve loading speed of sample banks with many or large images
-delete_cue script also supports indexed types like ‘delete_cue 1 marker’
-Update beatport/beatsource plugin
-fix date_added and date_created swapped for rekordbox export
-Support for Rekorbox Library Plus with CDJ Export
BUILD 8502 (2025-01-13)
-Fix download to cache for karaoke catalogs
-Correctly rotate vertical videos when used in sampler
-Fix vertical videos not playing back correctly when Blur Black Bars enabled
-Add right-click option on video in sample editor to turn on preserve aspect ratio
-Fix delete from linked tracks sideview not working for backward links
-Fix karaoke background song cover art showing incorrectly in karaoke video skin
BUILD 8497 (2025-01-02)
-Fix crossfaderDisable not working with crossfaderCustom
-Fix add to playlist dialog sometimes not listing all playlists that already contain the song
-Fix FLX10 jog wheel vibration protection
-Fix crash deleting multiple songs from a list near end of list
-get_vu_meter with stems takes stem volume into account
-Automatically attempt reconnection of remotes that were manually added
-right-click on goto_last_folder in browser toolbar (when enabled) will open search_folder dialog with a list of recently opened folders
-fix prelisten not using zeroDb when autoGain is set to off
-Improve 'Mute Vocal' in track editor for very short segments
-Add 'resetGainOnLoad' option
BUILD 8490 (2025-01-02)
-fix samplerSpanAcrossDecks when using controller with only 4 pads
-get_spectrum_band improved scale when used with stems
-get_level and get_vu_meter support stems
-Ducking Echo also works when using mute
-display direct link to the file requested in when the catalog is made of full paths
-export playlist to text now offers to export full paths, titles, or visible browser fields
-Fix deleting songs from List removing singer information from remaining songs in some cases
-fix slip mode activating on motor start for motorized jog wheels
-Event Scheduler respects clockDisplay for 12-hour clock
-Fix favorite folder not saved on correct drive
BUILD 8472 (2024-12-04)
- show legacy banks if it had user-made samples
- fixed drag&drop to old banks
- fixed sampler groups used on non-loop samples
- ensure sampler pads are using the new syntax
- new actions sampler_options 'locked' and sampler_options 'stemswap', new option samplerHideLegacyBank
BUILD 8460 (2024-11-29)
- stemSwap is now a bank property, instead of a global setting
- non-stemSwap banks play on master by default, while stemSwap banks play on deck
- cleaned up sampler menu
- can drag&drop samples to the pads
BUILD 8454 (2024-11-27)
-New options samplerSpanAcrossDecks and samplerHideDefaultBanks
-Unchecking "locked" on a zip or internal bank offers to create an editable copy
-Various sampler fixes
-Support for AlphaTheta DDJ-FLX2
BUILD 8439 (2024-11-24)
This is the new VirtualDJ 2025 - EarlyAccess build !
VirtualDJ 2025 introduces our new Sampler 2.0.
The new sampler features easy on-the-fly recording and playback of samples,
stems-swapping, per-song banks, and more, to bring your creativity to the next level.
New sampler 2.0:
-New sampler pads with easy record and playback
-Pads can record Stems samples
-Stems samples can swap with the corresponding stem
-Sample banks can be grouped in subfolders
-Large banks can be paginated on the pads
-Sampler banks can be organized and edited in the browser
-New PER-SONG special bank to associate and recall specific samples with a track
-Default banks have been changed
-New option samplerIndependentDeckBanks
-Support for Alpha Theta DDJ-GRV6
-Fix using stems in loops while effect applied to stems sometimes not isolating or muting stems
-fix deck 1 eq_mode 'frequency' deck
-support 'on'/'off' for padfx
-Fix 'pitch_range "8,16" +1 deck'
-countdown script updated to count down to 2025 when no parameters added
-iTunes folder checks required permissions on mac
-Sideview name tooltip shows length of list
-Fix some interlaced videos not getting deinterlaced
-Increase tail of reverb when disabling effect
-Fix tooltip on songpos waveform when song longer than 8 hours
-Correctly enumerate fonts in Text plugin on windows 64-bit
-Fix crash scanning songs over 8 hours in length
-Skin Cover object supports 'karaoke x' as source
BUILD 8350 (2024-10-21)
-Fix SoundCloud login
-Show cached icon for downloaded beatport/beatsource files
-Fix Spiral strength label
-sampler_rec_delete to clear slot in recordings bank filled by sampler_rec
BUILD 8346 (2024-10-14)
-Fix VST3 plugins on mac
BUILD 8344 (2024-10-09)
-Fix autoMixTempoMode keep pitch still changing pitch after mix
-Fix VST3 initialisation on mac for some plugins
-Improve Pioneer FLX10 headroom for better sound quality
-Add tooltip on sideview list name to show number of songs in list
-“file_count sidelist” script added
-Fix potential stems crash on 192khz songs
BUILD 8336 (2024-10-07)
-os2lDirectIp doesn't block vdj when server not running
-Update linked tracks in sideview immediately after active song changes
-Fix remote not receiving updates in some cases
BUILD 8331 (2024-10-01)
-effect_slider_skip_length and effect_has_length (for controllers with effect_beats and effect parameter separated)
-Fix re-opening virtualdj with Tidal genres subfolder selected
-Fix stems audio issue when precomputed stems are used but all stems at 100%
BUILD 8325 (2024-09-30)
-Duplicates filter folder also supports local folder scope
-Allow "\n" for new line in text="" for skin text objects
-Add 'get_sample_info group' and 'get_sample_info length'
-Fix 'get_sample_info key'
-Fix automixTempoMode option not working for all automix modes
-Fix database restore causing duplicates if list already exists on non-main drive
BUILD 8322 (2024-09-19)
-Fix set_bpm not saving tags when setTagsAuto enabled
-Fix cloud drive sync removing files if external drive not connected on mac
-skin songpos element can show sample waveforms (use sample="1")
-Fix disableHotplugForNewLists
-automixTempoMode option
-Fix cover art on rane performer not updating if same track loaded on two decks
-samplerShowWaveform option
-Improve Drag&Drop .txt and .csv in lists
BUILD 8314 (2024-09-11)
-Fixes for using stem split with controllers with motorized jog wheels
-Fix distortion when using prepared stems and only boosting/muting a stem a few percent
-Fix adding a song to a cloud folder if the song is already in another cloud folder
BUILD 8308 (2024-09-09)
-Fix camera previews not showing in camera options dialog if camera not yet activated on arm mac
-Setting os2l config option to 'no' disconnects active connections
-Fix padshift script returning old value when switching to a pad page without action for that pad
-Fix sample editor not showing pictures
-Fix beatjump +1/-1 query
-Change pioneer_cue behavior from cue_play to cue_stop to match standalone behavior
BUILD 8301 (2024-08-27)
-Fix SoundCloud playlist not refreshing when opened on startup
-Fix saving samples crash on some older computers
-Improve start/stop behavior with ramp for motorized controllers and phase
-Fix dropping track in list causing list to lose extended info (singer, play time, etc) in some cases
-effect_bank_load accepts relative parameter (+1/-1)
-Cloud Drive order column shows correct order numbers
-Fix possible distortion when boosting stems
-Fix using BeatPort and BeatSource in remixes tab of sideview
-has_linked_tracks 'browsed' script added
-Fix has_related_tracks not finding backward links
-new option livefeedbackUseBpm to prioritize results with similar bpm range
-geniusDJ folder shows bpm/key and gets direct link to online providers if available
BUILD 8280 (2024-08-14)
-Tidal Video search
-has_linked_tracks vdj script
-automix playlist correctly saved when savePlaylist and automixAutoRemovePlayed are enabled and track deleted from automix
-Fix deleting cached netsearch songs still showing them in cached folder
-Fix os2l_button
-Fix record_cut not adding file extension to split file when not entered
-Fix List not refreshing with files from other drives in some cases
BUILD 8272 (2024-08-01)
-Support for Rane Performer
BUILD 8267 (2024-07-23)
-Support for Reloop Mixtour Pro
-Fix some parts of a set not logged to website
-'Remove missing songs from database' replaces missing cached netsearch files with online links
-beatjump while inside loop and loopAutoMove on will move the loop by jump length
BUILD 8263 (2024-07-23)
-Fix lockup when trying to delete folder from cloud drive
BUILD 8260 (2024-07-15)
-Fix cloud drive not storing database info for content unlimited
-Query "browser_shortcut x" for text fields returns name
-cue actions accept 'marker' type to include cues marked as marker only too
-Moving songs in lists synced with cloud drive sync with cloud drive
-recordVideoCodec option (requires cpu or gpu with support for the codec)
BUILD 8241 (2024-07-03)
-"eq_mode +1 deck" for changing eq mode on a single deck
-Fix Recommended Next and Linked Track sideview folder sometimes not showing local recommendations
-Fix Linked Tracks in sideview not showing results when changing to show results from browser directly after startup
-Fix song covers of dragged tracks showing red only for some covers
-Fix some controllers pitch sliders having a small jump around center
BUILD 8225 (2024-07-02)
-Fix Spiral effect beats adjustments when not used as color fx
-stems_split will trigger calculation of high quality stems when in on-demand mode
BUILD 8220 (2024-06-19)
-Fix cdg karaoke playback in previous update
BUILD 8217 (2024-06-18)
-Fix looped samples having glitches near loop point sometimes
-Event Planner shows legacy playlists when browserShowLegacyM3UPlaylists is enabled
-When loading a new song to a deck that was used with stems_split, keep the stems on the other deck as-is
-Fix Echo Out performance issue when active for a long time
-Automix respects resetKeyOnLoad off
-Cut effect accepts any number of beats using effect_beats
-Changing genre through browser info tab respects setTagsAuto setting
-Separate strength and length when spiral effect used as regular effect (not color fx)
BUILD 8195 (2024-06-10)
-Store filter folders as filter folders in cloud drive
-Fix track cleaner locking up skin when drop-down menu was used to save the cleaned track
-Add "Open With" support using Finder on macOS
-Fix cdj export dialog 'compatibility' drop-down not changing cdj compatibility setting
-effect_select_popup to show full effect list while scrolling from a controller
-Fix small offset in beat grid calculation on some tracks
-Fix some tooltips not showing correctly in previous update
-Fix Lists sometimes not showing tracks from other drives on startup
-"param_cast nothing" to remove implicit parameter in scripts
-add "get_saved_loop length" script to get length in milliseconds or beats
BUILD 8184 (2024-06-05)
-Cloud Drive fixes
-Fix order when using drag&drop with multiple files in List
-Fix saved loops in variable bpm tracks not always triggering at the correct location
-Linked Tracks list auto-updates in dedicated lists in custom skins too
BUILD 8176 (2024-05-23)
-fix regression in previous EA when using clouddrive on large databases
BUILD 8174 (2024-05-23)
-Fix crash when changing to some skins
BUILD 8173 (2024-05-22)
-Fix cloudfolder sometimes loosing sync and content in large db on subfolder modification
-Online subfolders allow sort order to be changed
-Fix crash when display disconnected while HID/MIDI is loading cover picture
-Streamable precomputed stems on mac too
-Fix selection with script editor when script spans multiple lines
BUILD 8167 (2024-05-16)
- new clouddrive engine, to speed up loading on large databases
- cloudDrive can stream .vdjedit files or .zip karaoke files
- synced clouddrive folders keep the tracks order
- showAllDrives for googleDrive
- new karaoke catalog provider for EU/UK/MENA: SunFly
- fix video hardware acceleration issue on mac
- fix reading minor keys from Beatport
- fix editing Filter folders in Lists stored on other disks
- show cue points on waveform in browser column
BUILD 8124 (2024-04-28)
-Allow automix for Tidal users without DJ Extension during transition period
-Fix prelisten player not playing when trying to restart a streamed song
-Prelisten player in browser shows cue points
BUILD 8121 (2024-04-22)
-Fix for video glitches on old integrated gpu's
-Fix playback of interlaced videos
-Script editor correctly parses parentheses in script when mouse over
BUILD 8115 (2024-04-16)
-CloudDrive fixes
-Fix sidelist/automix/karaoke not allowing duplicates
-Fix List with Keep Order with files on different drives
-Fix warbling sound on Phase when master tempo disabled
-hotcueSavesLoop option
-Saving video edit keeps custom bpm poi's from audio track
BUILD 8095 (2024-04-10)
- new TIDAL "DJ Extension" addon, with Stems separation enabled
BUILD 8093 (2024-04-09)
- fix visual glitch when creating filter inside lists with only external drive files
- fix ordering mylists alphabetically
- fix clouddrive sync folders with online source create duplicates
- fix moving clouddrive folder to a folder where same name already exists
BUILD 8089 (2024-04-07)
-New option browserShowLegacyM3UPlaylists, to keep using .m3u playlists if you need to
-Fix old virtualFolders from vdj2023 to keep noDuplicates
-Fix importing ordering and colors of subfolders of special folders
-Fix cloudDrive disconnecting after 1h
-CloudDrive folders can be drag&dropped to "download" them
-CloudDrive two-way sync always asks confirmation before deleting any file or folder
-Fix drift on Phase new firmware
-Fix regression crash on mac with some video codecs
BUILD 8078 (2024-04-04)
-Keep Order on Virtual Folders resets order on browsing to new list
-Any folder can be set as favorite (except root folders that can just be dragged to root)
-New option disableDuplicateForNewLists
-Second click on shortcut button collapse/expand the folder
-Fix recording when no path entered on windows
-Fix sync of cached online files to clouddrive
-Clouddrive pause sync option
-Fix database backup not backing up history
-Fix showing linked tracks from browser info tab
-Fix corrupted cues set by mixedinkey
-Fix file count in browser off when online results are shown
-Support for reading Opus tags
-Improve track selection for local livefeedback in sideview
-Improve bpm analysis performance on mac with Apple Silicon
BUILD 8056 (2024-04-03)
- add one-way/two-way option for clouddrive sync
BUILD 8055 (2024-04-01)
- fixes for History folders
- fixes for Lists inside special folders others than root and mylists
- fixes for Favorite from external drives
- new option browserAutoExportM3UShowPlaylists
- can convert Traktor playlists to vdj Lists
- CDJ Export can copy 24-bit aiff without re-encoding
BUILD 8044 (2024-03-26)
- clouddrive folders can be moved or reordered
- browser shortcuts work with all folder types (as does browser_gotofolder script)
- fix various small issues in previous EA
BUILD 8019 (2024-03-22)
- fix opening subfolders of Lists inside Filter root folder
BUILD 8017 (2024-03-21)
- fix clouddrive forgetting links when using oneDrive
- fix crash when writing tag to file after switching clouddrive provider
- new option browserAutoExportM3U to keep .m3u files available for backward compatibility with integrations made for vdj2023
- upgrading from vdj2023 to vdj2024 also copy lists and filters that were inside Lists (and put them in Ideas)
- better drag&drop of folders in the tree view
- auto-scroll of tree view when mouse on top or bottom follow speed of mouse's horizontal movement
- new option browserShortcutDefaultIcon
- new option browserPreviousFoldersButton
- fix podcast uploads
BUILD 8000 (2024-03-17)
Welcome to VirtualDJ 2024
What's new:
- CloudDrive: sync your lists to the cloud and stream them from anywhere (using googleDrive, oneDrive, iCloud, or dropbox)
- Library organization: unified MyLists (with drive hotplug compatibility), instant folder shortcuts toolbar,
linked-track view (your own private liveFeedback based only on your own history or tracks you manually link)
- and more smaller improvements, like Fuzzy key mixing, the new trend in harmonic mixing
BUILD 7921 (2024-02-25)
- fix potential crash when moving folders in previous EA
-Improve pitch readout speed with Pioneer CRSS12 and Reloop RP-8000
- Support for Traktor X1 MK3
BUILD 7919 (2024-02-20)
-Fix Phase with timecode not working in previous EA
BUILD 7907 (2024-02-17)
-Fix timecode pitch display updating slow
-Show track title for Linked Tracks in status bar
BUILD 7903 (2024-02-14)
-Fix inked Tracks feature not correctly differentiating remixes when remix is tagged as part of title
-Include recommendations from History in linked tracks folder
-Improve automatic detection of VDJ Remote and OS2L
BUILD 7885 (2024-02-07)
-Fix crash when using reload tags
-Fix OS2L connection not auto-detected when no network connection is present on mac
-'Related Tracks' renamed to 'Linked Tracks'
-'Mark Linked' option now available from cover art drop-down
BUILD 7881 (2024-02-05)
-Related tracks option in Remixes tab in sideview, and mark_related_tracks script to add them
-Fix reload tags for serato cue points
-Fix lyrics netsearch in video editor
-Fix unable to move Virtual Folder to a Playlists sub-folder
-Add get_loaded_song_color to include color filters
-Fix vdj samples larger than 2GB
-Using file operations->Copy also copies precomputed stems
-Save secondary sort order in config too
-fix param_cast 'ms' from beats returning a value in seconds instead of milliseconds
-fix adjust_cbg when using beats or milliseconds as parameter
-fix automix remaining time calculation incorrect in some cases
-Allow setting karaoke singer and key change from VirtualDJ Remote
BUILD 7847 (2023-12-18)
-Improve automatic detection of VirtualDJ Remote on mac
-Support changing hash tags and genre for multiple files at once from browser info tab
-quantized dump when 'dump quantized' is used, or quantize_all is active
-timecode_reset_pitch works for Phase HID as well
-Fix re-saving playlist loaded in automix/sidelist
-"sampler_* auto" respect sixteenPadsMode config option
BUILD 7831 (2023-11-30)
-Fix Phase drift while paused
-move_deck script to load track from one deck in another and unload the first deck, respecting loadSecurity
-Support for The Next Beat SX-1
BUILD 7827 (2023-11-27)
-Improve pitch readout stability when using Phase
-add browsed_file_reload_tag script
-Fix crash opening filter folder set to work on the current folder recursively
BUILD 7823 (2023-11-24)
-Phase HID support
-param_make_discrete action for simplifying script for smooth endless encoders
BUILD 7816 (2023-11-22)
-Fix crash when manually adding IP for VirtualDJ remote
-Extend Tidal use with regular Hifi subscription
-Support for Phase HID
BUILD 7813 (2023-11-21)
-Refreshed Skin and Controller pages in settings
-Save option in karaoke_options drop down
-Sidelist and automix automatically saved when changed so that accidental sort can be reverted without showing a warning
-Fix corrupting MOV file when invalid meta tag was present and writing tags
-Fix vu meters in some third party skins not refreshing
-os2l_button can accept script as parameter
BUILD 7759 (2023-11-05)
-Fix some graphical issues with third party skins
BUILD 7755 (2023-11-01)
-Fix unable to start Podcast
-Screen Grab video plugin respects letterBoxing option for maintaining aspect ratio
BUILD 7746 (2023-10-30)
-Fix Pioneer Opus Quad not being able to use stems on outer eq channels
-Fix database error dialog showing wrong drive letter to fix
BUILD 7745 (2023-10-27)
-Pioneer Opus Quad and CDJ-3000 have option to use hot cue buttons for stems
-Fix skin refresh issue on mac when resizing window
BUILD 7744 (2023-10-26)
-Fix some text cut off on mac in previous EA
-Fix adjusting loop out using jog wheel when quantize loop is enabled
BUILD 7740 (2023-10-25)
-Fix slow startup when big database is loaded and autoSortCues is enabled
-Screen Grab plugin on Windows has option to select individual windows to grab
-Fix database issue when drive paths changed or using external on both windows and mac
BUILD 7735 (2023-10-23)
-Fix lockup during startup while loading database in some cases in previous EA update
-Fix freeze when using Sratch DNA with beatlock enabled
-Fix some Camera sources only showing a static image
-skin <songpos> accepts "half=yes" parameter to display wave cut in half
-sampler banks in sideview can be scrolled with scroll wheel
-Sample editor gain knob reflects changes in waveform
-Fix Bing and Discogs cover download
BUILD 7716 (2023-10-16)
-Pioneer PLX-CRSS12 support
-Option to use stems and sampler on HC buttons for CDJ-3000
-Fix stems turning off when using equalizer on outer channels
-Fix lag and slow refresh on controller screens
-"effect_disable_all mic", "effect_disable_all aux" and "effect_disable_all sampler" scripts added
-"scratchbank_load" without parameters opens a menu to select the bank
-Fix unstable speed with Hercules T7 when VirtualDJ is running in the background on slower computers
-scratchbank_load accepts absolute index or name as parameter as well
-Fix plugins making using of VDJFLAG_PROCESSLAST
-Allow filter folder "group by year invert" to see most recent years at the top
-Improve database loading speed on mac
-Move and copy folder preserves folder color
-Allow onexit scripts in skins (to stop repeat scripts for example) when a new skin is loaded
-QuantizeAll or quantizeLoop will quantize loop out when smart loop is off
-loop_move allows moving loop up to 30 seconds before start or after end of song
-Fix padsSkinIndependent not working correctly
-Fix renaming filter folder and only changing case
BUILD 7692 (2023-10-03)
-Allow offline download and show playlists for Tidal with Hifi Plus subscription
BUILD 7689 (2023-09-24)
-Some fixes for Pioneer DDJ-REV5
-Fixes for auto_bpm_transition
-Export playlist for filter folder or virtual folder has option to include subfolders when exporting to txt/html
-Fix recording at wrong samplerate if first recording mp3 and then recording mp4
BUILD 7682 (2023-09-21)
-Support for Pioneer DDJ-REV5
-Use precomputed stems for CDJ export when available
-Add browser modes with title only for pioneer CDJ2000NXS and CDJ2000NXS2
-Performance improvement for showing waveforms in browser
-Switch EQ's to eq instead of stems when line in is used
-'Pitch Difference' browser column for use in filter folders to check pitch percentage difference to match bpm's, taking into account double/half bpm
-Improve Discogs lookup when tags are not very clean
-hide "search://" entries from database searches
-Filter folders can use `` to include script as values to compare to
-vdjscript auto_bpm_transition has extra optional parameter to select target bpm 'source_original', 'target_original' or 'target_current'
-vdjscript 'auto_bpm_transition_options autostart' to start other deck while starting transition
-set_deck vdjscript to execute script on deck based on another script
-param_multiply vdjscript on colors can make colors darker
-Fix video_fadetoblack vdjscript inverted
-get_automix_song vdjscript supports column names "artist_before_feat", "feat_after_artist", "title_before_remix" and "remix_after_title"
BUILD 7651 (2023-09-13)
-fix crash in with Numark NVII waveforms in previous update
-Fix changing VST3 parameters from skin not passed correctly to plugin
-Support for VST3 instruments
-Pitch effect works on stem padfx
-fix using stem names in effect_select script
-fix automix autoRemovePlayed deleting wrong song if list got re-sorted
-Fix auto_bpm_transition on double bpm's
-Pads in skin show pressed state when pad is pressed on controller
BUILD 7640 (2023-08-29)
-auto_bpm_transition vdjscript
-Pass beat information to VST3 plugins
-Fix saving color and order for 'Drives' folder
-Support for showing 'shapes' waveform on various denon/numark controllers
-Add 'Full Path' database field for use in scripts
-prelisten_info vdjscript
-get_numark_songpos doesn't keep refreshing while stems are processing
-stems_split can accept 'VocalRhythm'
-Pitch effect works correctly when changing stem fx mode while effect active or selected as color fx
-Pitch color fx can be used together with stems split
BUILD 7617 (2023-08-04)
-Fix ghost waveform after end sometimes in previous update
-Fix crash selecting a controller from 'all controllers' list that is not connected
BUILD 7616 (2023-08-02)
-Pioneer DJM-A9 support
-Repeat option for Event Scheduler
-Fix track cleaner preview playing muted vocal at wrong samplerate in some cases
BUILD 7612 (2023-07-30)
-Fix browser color rules not working in previous update
BUILD 7611 (2023-07-30)
-Support Pioneer Opus Quad
-Fix some Deezer and Tidal playlist names not showing correctly
-Browser on Pioneer devices colors tracks based on color filters when supported
-Fix incorrect detection of double-click on denon/rane screens
BUILD 7607 (2023-07-19)
-Fix crash when using reduced quality stems on some cpu's
BUILD 7606 (2023-07-11)
-Fix for jog wheel drift when scratching on Rane controllers with motorized jogwheel
-Don't exit short loop when starting play with smart play on
-Use precomputed stems when available for Track Cleaner vocal censor
BUILD 7600 (2023-07-09)
-Hercules DjControl Inpulse 200 Mk2 support
-Fix track cleaner lock up when changing existing censor block between reverse and mute vocal
BUILD 7594 (2023-06-29)
-Allow drag&drop to move CDJ playlists to different sub-folder
-Track Cleaner censor option to use stems to mute vocals instead of reverse
-Fix using stems fx on mixers with send/return channels (when fxProcessing is pre-fader) like S9 and S11
-Improve quality of Pitch effect when used on master/sampler/stems
-Using re-analyze bpm also re-analyzes the cached waveform
BUILD 7584 (2023-06-11)
-Fix Rane Four detection on mac when both Rane Four and Rane Twelve MKII are connected
-Reanalyze bpm also refreshes waveform cache
-Fix Bome virtual midi cable not showing midi clock output option
-Fix double-click in search_playlists window not selecting file in browser
BUILD 7582 (2023-06-06)
-when beatlock enabled on both decks, apply nudging on non-master deck
-Update Beatport plugin
-Fix equalizer not applied to entire track when using stem fx
BUILD 7572 (2023-05-30)
-Added support for Reloop RMX-95
-Added support for Reloop Mixon 8 Pro
-Fix stems_split_unlink when called from deck 3 or 4
-Fix unable to scratch song when swapping deck3/4 to left/right while stems linked
-"Fixed Grid" and "Blinds" video transitions available from Extensions
-get_date vdjscript
-Fix mouse cursor disappearing over search field on windows with some settings/gpu drivers
-Fix length at 100% for Stretch sound effect
-Fix duplicates in filter folder when scope is recursive virtual folder
-"Prepared Stems" filter folder field accepts 0.5 to find v1 precomputed stems
-Fix linking video to audio sometimes generating too slow video when bpm detected is double on video from audio
-Fix 'reloop' vdjscript in combination with loopBackMode
BUILD 7555 (2023-05-14)
-Fix beatlock
BUILD 7553 (2023-05-07)
-Fix filter knob in 5-stem eq mode still applying filter as well
-Fix headphone output not including some stems when stem fx activated
-Improve sort order in Search Playlists dialog
-Improve Path name formatting in Add To Playlist dialog
-Fix recurse not showing on root music/video/desktop folder context menu
-Show background song info in karaoke song when karaokeDualDeck is enabled
BUILD 7547 (2023-05-03)
-Add playlist sub-folders to genres for Tidal
-Fix Automix volume drop on outgoing track when Radio mode is used in some cases
-Fix deck VU meter when post-fader stem fx are used
-Refresh browser colors after moving color rule up or down in the quick filter editor
-Fix using stems padfx and deck fx (with or without stems) together
BUILD 7544 (2023-05-02)
-Stretch fx fixes for more stable pitch
-Spiral effect compatible with effect_beats +1/-1
-Some small fixes to Phaser effect
-Fix filter_selectcolorfx +1/-1 skipping Loop Roll and Slip Roll
-Fix lyrics download in video editor
BUILD 7539 (2023-04-28)
-Fix gain not applied to stems when stems fx active in post-fader mode
-Fix loop roll behaving like slip roll
BUILD 7537 (2023-04-27)
-Post-fader stem fx
BUILD 7534 (2023-04-26)
-Fix Pitch ColorFX distortion in previous EA
-Fix beatlock, OS2L beats and sampler sync not working correctly in previous EA
-Mobius effect reverses direction when effect_beats +1/-1 is used around the fastest speed
-Add Stretch effect (can be found in Extensions)
BUILD 7533 (2023-04-24)
-Pioneer FLX10 support
-Fix beatlock when used with motorized jog wheels
-Show some more detailed stats in CPU usage tool tip on current stems speed and cpu/gpu used
-Add MT Delay, Low Cut Echo and Slip Roll effects (to be installed from Extensions)
-add stemSplitLeftRight option for stems_split
-Improve stems 2.0 speed for NVidia RTX 3050
BUILD 7524 (2023-04-11)
-Support for Rane Four
-fix "effect_stems MeloRhythm" and "stem_pad Melody"
-effect_beats_all respects 6 fx layout setting
-Add right-click on cog menu to move color filters in quick filter editor
BUILD 7512 (2023-04-03)
-Fix group by genre filter folder showing some genres multiple times in some cases
-Skin cover with rotate automatically gets circle mouse mask
-Fix has_quick_filter for visibility query
-clone deck syncs masterTempo as well
-Allow extendtoolbar=true in <sideview and <fileview for skins with custom browsers
-stems_split doesn't stop a playing deck
-fix crash in custom skin using quick_filter on button
-Allow custom breaklines in <panel as well, to have separate breaklines for a full-screen browser for example
-<browser in skins can have quickfilters="no" to hide quick filters from toolbar
-Fix <songpos in skins getting smaller when breakline is above songpos
-Add watchFolders option to scan a specific folder for new files on startup
-Right-Click cog in quick filter editor to move a rule up or down
-stems_split and stems_split_unlink script for stem split mode
-add browsed_file_prepare_stems
-"browsed_song type karaoke" and "browsed_song type video" can be used to set/remove karaoke flag using script
-Fix some file types missing in karaoke background image selection dialog
BUILD 7482 (2023-03-07)
-Fix sticky keyboard overlay using a lot of memory on mac
BUILD 7481 (2023-03-05)
-Fix some Deezer tracks not playing
-Fix pioneer controller waveform sometimes jumping a little bit
-get_browsed_color applies color filters as well
-Fix file path for online files
BUILD 7474 (2023-02-28)
-Allow partial GPU acceleration with RTX3000 with 4GB memory
-Improve showing Key in grid view
-Bigger drop down for karaoke singer, key and venue
BUILD 7469 (2023-02-24)
-Fix some precomputed stems files not recognized as v2 stems
BUILD 7468 (2023-02-23)
-Some fixes for using smart_fader
-Fix saving playlists from Automix in sideview
-Add 'cancel' option to stems folder context menu
-Add 'export' option to filter folder context menu
-Fix automix in dual deck mode not perfectly synchronized when mixing from right to left deck
-sampler scripts accept implicit parameter as index (useful for scripts)
-mix_now accepts beats as parameter
BUILD 7462 (2023-02-18)
-Fix audio gap when turning off stem fx in some cases
-Fix crash in 32-bit version on older cpu's
-Fix prepare stems popup appearing when prepared stems 2.0 didn't start loading yet
-Fix using %time in file names when recording
-Fix crash when stems are calculating in streaming mode
BUILD 7445 (2023-02-15)
-Support for Hercules DJControl 300 MK2
-Improve position of cue points imported from Serato mp3 tags
-Fix precomputing stems with stems 2.0 not showing stems 2.0 precomputed icon
-Fix stem fx not activating high quality stems when stems processing is set to On Demand
BUILD 7443 (2023-02-08)
-Fix karaoke_venue_name without parameter not opening dialog
BUILD 7442 (2023-02-08)
-Fix loop roll crash when triggered from controller in some cases
BUILD 7441 (2023-02-08)
-Fix crash calculating stems 2.0 for songs longer than stemsMaxPreloadLength
-Export browser can also export order column
-Fix cue points shifted when imported from rekordbox for some mp3 files
BUILD 7438 (2023-02-07)
-New On-Demand mode for stems 2.0 that computes stems 1.0 first, and only computes stems 2.0 when they are used
-Support for AKAI APC MINI MK2
-rekordBoxFolder option to manually select rekordbox database location
-Fix smart fader locking beats on wrong deck when first activated
-Read online files correctly from rekordbox playlists
-Beatport and Beatsource allow previews to be played when not logged in
-Export Virtual Folder has option to include sub-folders as well
-Fix quantize in loop roll pad page
-Option to restore quick filters/color rules when restoring backup
-stems+fx pad page has menu to select instrumental beat grid pattern
-Fix lyrics download in video editor
-Support for 'Melody' in padfx script
-Fix color fx not applying to stems when stem fx selected
-dateFormat option
-controller_mapping will reload mapping if externally modified
-cue_pos x "beats" script to query cue position in beats
-Breaklines in skins can be defined in <breaklines breakline1= breakline2= condition= /> to add conditional breaklines
BUILD 7403 (2023-01-09)
-Pioneer DDJ-FLX4 support
-Akai LPD8 MKII support
-Fix automix editor prelisten distortion when song loaded on deck
-New "Echo Out" mix fx
-Multiple stems fx can be used at the same time
-Smart fader, use smart_fader on a custom button to enable
-Fix lottery plugin not loading some jpg correctly on windows 64-bit
-fix using 2 video effects at the same time on sampler causing transparency to be lost
BUILD 7388 (2022-12-27)
- new option stemsSavedFolder to save stems on separate folder or drive
- Countdown script (useful for newyear etc)
- Fix sampler click when using stutter-play mode
- Fix finding lyrics in video editor
- Allow coloring of beatport/beatsource sub-folders
BUILD 7360 (2022-12-05)
- MAC: fix regression on macos10.x and 11 in last build
- MAC: fix homefolder from past appstore install being chosen over old vdj2021 homefolder
- PC: automatically use GPU on AMD RX and Intel Arc cards
BUILD 7358 (2022-12-04)
- fix issue with DDJ-REV7 and stems2.0
BUILD 7356 (2022-12-01)
- improves even more the stems quality (especially on drums)
BUILD 7349 (2022-11-18)
- can prepare stems for tracks cached from online sources
BUILD 7341 (2022-11-16)
- add stems+fx pad page
- show stems prepared icon only for stems2.0 preparations
- fix memory leak on mac
- version number now uses "2023" instead of confusing "8.x"
- fix removing songs from preparation folder while on pause
- fix enabling stems2.0 if track still on deck when preparation finishes
- fix using "prepare with reduced quality"
- fix saving stemsSavedStems setting
BUILD 7333 (2022-11-13)
VirtualDJ 2023 with Stems 2.0
Try the best stem separation on the market, and have your mind blown away
BUILD 7235 (2022-11-03)
-Support for Denon DJ SC Live 2 and SC Live 4 controllers
-Fix saving parameters for VST3 effects
-Fix default size of VST3 effect interfaces
-Colorize effect always processed last
-Pitch effect remembers manual pitch changes (due to autoKey for example)
-Fix preview playback in automix editor when some silence is added before starting the next song
BUILD 7183 (2022-10-20)
-Fix lockup when trying to record/broadcast in some cases
-browsed_song and loaded_song can be used to update played status
-Fix Virtual Folder not saving order when moving songs
BUILD 7177 (2022-10-16)
-Fix crash when starting video broadcast or record in some cases
-Performance improvement when using Pioneer CDJ
BUILD 7168 (2022-10-12)
-Fix video recording/broadcast on windows 64-bit when using old nVidia gpu's
BUILD 7166 (2022-10-11)
-Fix padfx script when using stems not resetting stem fx when turned off
-padfx script with stems only lights up when correct stems are set
-padfx script stems actions also support MeloRhythm
-Fix VU meter peak not dropping fast enough in previous build
-Fix prelistenStartPos 0 not starting tracks from beginning
BUILD 7161 (2022-10-08)
-Improve padfx action for use with stems, add "solostem:stemname", "mutestem:stemname" or "stemfx:stemname" at the end to specify
-Improve stems loading performance
-Add vstFxFolder option
-Fix shader plugin when using OpenGL on mac
-mix_and_load_next "nosync"
-Fix some bugs with prelisten player
-Fix showzoom="true" not working in skin with custom browser toolbar
-Allow headerheight in custom skin filelist with source sidelist
BUILD 7151 (2022-09-29)
-Fix blur black bars not working correctly in some cases
-Improve VST3 support
-AVIF image support
-Automix Editor uses master tempo for previewing tempo mixes
-Playlist and Virtual Folders allow dropping of .txt files with one line per song (Artist - Title (Remix))
-Fix adding songs to Tidal playlists in some cases
BUILD 7131 (2022-09-11)
-Fix animated gifs not moving in previous update
BUILD 7130 (2022-09-08)
-Fix text color of Text plugin on 32-bit version
-Fix Spectral plugin crash on mac using OpenGL
-Fix Spectral plugin not showing darkened background on Windows 64-bit and Mac using metal
BUILD 7127 (2022-09-08)
-Fix possible crash when trying to browse a new folder before previous folder was loaded
-Sampler recognizes .webp as image
BUILD 7124 (2022-09-07)
-Fix crash in 32-bit version on Windows using browser info tab with some tags
BUILD 7123 (2022-09-04)
-Fix prelisten in Automix Editor not working correctly in previous EA
BUILD 7122 (2022-09-03)
-Fix shader visualisations not working correctly in VirtualDJ 32-bit in previous EA release
-Fix playing some videos on mac causing high memory usage
-Camera plugin on windows shows DirectShow camera's as well (fixes some virtual webcams not showing up)
-Fix distortion when using stems fx combining loop roll and other effect
-DJM-S11 / CDJ scratch waves only sent one time if stem calculation is fast
BUILD 7105 (2022-08-30)
-Initial VST3 support
-Improve shader performance when switching between shaders
-Fix shader crash on mac when opening shader selection and selecting a different plugin
-Scrolling slices video transition starts new scroll beat synchronized
BUILD 7093 (2022-08-23)
-Support for Denon Prime GO
-Add Snap option to Track Cleaner
-Fix Track Cleaner prelisten position wrong in some cases
-Slideshow no longer jumping when turning on after turning off
-Fix some video shaders upside down on windows 64-bit (need recompile)
-Fix ordering of Track Number field in browser inverted
-Shader dialog can now show thumbnails (right-click to add thumbnails for existing shaders)
-Stem creator creates a single .m4a that includes both mixed track and stems
BUILD 7082 (2022-08-15)
-Improve auto-generated vdjEdit when linking video file to audio
-Improve smart video crossfade logic to start moving to next song when end almost reached but audio crossfader centered
-Tidal can show more than 50 liked playlists/albums
-Fix restoring filter folders inside virtual folders from database backup
-Fix lock up of decks or browser when loading track from Beatport or Beatsource fails
-Fix "browser_gotofolder 'askthedj://'" on mac
-Stem Creator for producers to create their own precomputed stems from the original stems (use open_stem_creator to access)
-Fix File Date column on mac not showing correct date in previous update
-SlideShow Transitions dialog now has tab to preview slideshow, follow along and skip to a specific image
BUILD 7059 (2022-08-10)
-Fix Shader BeatMove on M1 mac
-'In playlist' field in browser info tab shows 'move to folder' and 'add to playlist' in menu
-Fix using transitions with Slideshow plugin on mac
-folder_search shows last browsed folders first when no search has been entered
-respect twelveHourClock option in browser
-Fix bugs with gain and filter knobs when used with eqMode stems
-Loop Auto-Trigger option in poi editor
-saved_loop_autotrigger to turn autotrigger of saved loop on/off
-BPM Editor shows move left/right buttons in multi-bpm mode too
BUILD 7032 (2022-07-05)
-Support for Pioneer DJM-S5
-BPM Editor shows bpm of different parts on waveform in multi-bpm mode
-Improve multi-bpm bpm analysis
-Fix recorded output volume affected by master volume while sandbox active
BUILD 7021 (2022-06-20)
-Fix removing multiple duplicates from automix
-Fix video playback crash on mac
BUILD 7014 (2022-06-17)
-Remove duplicates removes last duplicate instead of first
-Fix adjust_cbg -1 when moving the grid point before the start of the song
-ScratchDNA syncs with other deck when started from paused state and quantize is on
BUILD 6978 (2022-06-12)
-Fix transparent video samples not having correct transparency on mac
-Improve performance of video sample playback on mac
-Fix Serato crates with sub-crates not opening correctly
BUILD 6972 (2022-05-31)
-Fix last extension in fileFormats list not correctly matched in previous EA
-Fix caret position in multi-line vdj script in the script editor on mac
BUILD 6969 (2022-05-28)
-Slideshow plugin has Next and Previous buttons
-Fix browser_window 'folders,songs,sideview' not working in previous Early Access build
-Fix loop roll as color fx disable automatically on track load in previous Early Access build
BUILD 6959 (2022-05-24)
-Fix stems processing crashing in previous beta when using certain newer intel cpu's
BUILD 6954 (2022-05-23)
-Support for DJTechTools Midi Fighter Twister and Midi Fighter 3D
-Fix pitch bend on controllers with motorized jog wheel
-add automixDoubleClick option to select what happens when double-clicking a track in automix while automix is active
-Add filter folder fields 'has action poi' and 'has cue points'
-Fix eject drive on mac
-os2l_scene script similar to os2l_button but remembered per deck and sent for active deck
-improve multi-bpm detection half/double detection
-improve multi-bpm detection boundary detection when experimentalBeatAnalyzer is on
-fix beatjump pad page not using local bpm
-Remove duplicates when recursing virtual folders
-sixteenPadsMode option has No option for single-deck pad controllers
-Recording video sample respects recordVideoFps and recordQuality settings
-Fix duplicates in "Search in playlists" dialog after using it repeatedly
-Merge FX canceled on pause/play or scratch
BUILD 6921 (2022-05-08)
-Support for Numark NS4FX
-Fix audio recording on mac
BUILD 6920 (2022-04-28)
-Support for Numark Mixstream Pro controller
-Support for The Next Beat by Tiësto controller
-Correctly show video recorded sideways
-Add 'In Playlist' column for browser info panel
-Fix lyrics download in video editor
-Improved performance when using controller with motorized jog wheels
-Improve performance of video playback on mac
-Improve relocate feature in playlists to prefer previously selected folder
-Fix backspin effect when using slip mode causing high cpu usage in some cases
-var_equal, var_greater and var_smaller support script as second parameter
-Fix (a ? b : c) & d scripts
-Fix adjust_cbg on multi-bpm tracks
-browser_gotofolder can accept script parameter
-search_playlists can accept script parameter
-add get_browsed_folder_path script
BUILD 6886 (2022-04-10)
-Pioneer DDJ-REV1 support
-Add support for brackets in scripts "(a && b) ? (c && d) : (e && f)"
-Add hardware accelerated decoding for AV1 on Windows 64-bit
-AAC inside .mp3 file extension better detected
-padfx action supports bt parameter
BUILD 6878 (2022-03-27)
-Add support for Traktor Kontrol D2
-sideview_sort vdjscript added
BUILD 6871 (2022-03-18)
-Fix changing skins preventing screens on Traktor controllers from working
-Fix detection of Traktor controller screens on mac
-Fix crash when disconnecting Denon controllers with screens
-VDJScript file_count "sideview", file_count "automix", file_count "karaoke" and file_count "files" added to get file count of different lists
BUILD 6863 (2022-03-16)
-Support for Pioneer DDJ-Rev7
-Fix when using multiple Rane Twelve on mac
-Fix cue points not showing on some tracks on DJM-S11
-Merge FX added on Pioneer DDJ-FLX6
-Improve browsing speed on mac slower in previous update on slow hard drives
-cue_action added to set script of a hot cue
BUILD 6839 (2022-02-18)
-Fix loading VST plugins with sub-plugins in early access release
-cdjExportCuesAsMemoryPoints option added
BUILD 6833 (2022-02-04)
-Support for Traktor Kontrol S8
-Support for Pioneer XDJ-RX3
-Support for Hercules DJ Console Mix
-Colors in browser for CDJ-3000 and XDJ-RX3
-Charts added to VJPro and iDJPool
-Folders on mac show if there are sub-folders without opening
-SUBTITLE field tag support for m4a/mp4 files (remix)
-Fix right-aligned fields in browser when browserTextFit is set to 'scroll'
-Waveforms in browser generated on the fly when analyzeSongsOnView is enabled
-keyboard_shortcuts action also returns true anytime shortcuts are shown
BUILD 6800 (2022-01-16)
-Fix prelisten player for Automix Editor
-Use more threads while analyzing on Apple M1 processors
-phrase_sync works when one deck has double bpm of the other
-waveforms stored in waveform cache on scan
-midi to vst has option for master effects
BUILD 6794 (2022-01-04)
-Fix restore color filters and quick filters from backup
-Fix get_browsed_song not working with implicit parameter correctly
-keyboardmap available as skin object for skins with custom browsers
-Middle mouse click support in custom skins
-Add Waveform column to browser
-List all artists in Artist field for Tidal
BUILD 6781 (2021-12-16)
-Fix Deezer not showing liked playlists subfolder when a deezer favorite was added to sideview
-Fix dropping new tracks in karaoke list hiding previously set singers until new singer is set
-Fix selecting color for history folders
-loop_select can be used with relative decimal values (for endless knobs on skins)
-"equalizer" skin object accepts 'stem' parameter, get_spectrum_band can accept stem parameter as third parameter
BUILD 6771 (2021-12-13)
-Fix restoring favorite folders from backup
-Fix VDJ Remote status message in config window saying 'Error' instead of 'Present'
-file_info and browsed_file_info will close the tag editor if already open on the same file
-Restart Play parameter for BrakeStart effect to start playback again when stopped with slip mode enabled
-Browser lists have inertia when scrolling using touch screen
BUILD 6767 (2021-12-02)
-Fix possible browser lockup with controllers using get_browsed_folder_selection_index
-VDJ Remote and OS2L no longer require iTunes or Bonjour to be installed on windows
-Add 'wait' vdj script
-Fix pad page menu not showing 5 pages for some controllers with 5 pad page buttons
-Fix beats wave on mac not displaying loops correctly in starter and essential skin
-fix bpm range from tag not respected when file is scanned by loading on deck for first time
-Backup feature includes favorite folders and instant filters
-Regular drop-down menus can be scrolled using browser_scroll, selected using browser_enter and closed using browser_folder
-Beatport/Beatsource allow drag&drop on offline folder to download files for offline use
-Improve getting year from Tidal tracks
-Tidal has charts by genre sub-folders
-Show 'liked playlists' separate from user's playlists for Deezer
-'Import cue points' option for Rekordbox folder
-Fix drop karaoke file from history to karaoke list not preserving singer name
-Load Security has 'change' button to change securityLoad setting
-Load Security automatically closes after 10 seconds, or when deck paused
-Pioneer DJM-S11 Transport and Gatecue pad pages
BUILD 6747 (2021-11-15)
-Fix multiple camera's getting same name on macOS Montery
-Fix VirtualDJ not opening on older mac after updating to macOS 10.15.7
-separate get_var and set_var
-Fix show_text using incorrect deck for variables
BUILD 6739 (2021-11-01)
-Fix VirtualDJ not opening on older mac after updating to macOS 10.15.7
-Fix graphics bugs on macOS Montery
-add has_notch for skins to adapt their menu bar if necessary
-karaoke_add preserves singer name and key when used from karaoke history
-skin scratchwave object can have "nudge" parameter with values "yes" for nudge, "no" for scratch, or "vinylmode" to follow vinyl mode setting
-Fix scratchbank_unload when samplerate of sample is different from samplerate of song
BUILD 6732 (2021-11-01)
-Fix changing skin settings from top menu on macOS 12 Montery
BUILD 6729 (2021-10-26)
-Default keyboard mapper uses CMD+ instead of CTRL+ shortcuts on mac
-Fix lyrics download in video editor
-Fix shift pads not responding correctly in some cases
-Fix crash when changing keyboard mapper from keyboard mapper
-Serato 'copy to virtual folder' includes smart crates
BUILD 6713 (2021-10-19)
-Backup includes Devices folder as well
-Fix Pioneer RZX screens not working in previous EA
-Custom browsers can use list with sampler as source
-Fix possible gap at end of looping samples
-Read Smart Crates from Serato
-Fix effect_beats for backspin not applying change immediately
BUILD 6705 (2021-10-13)
-Improve cueloop and stems pad pages led's on controllers with limited pad colors
-Allow %date, %time and %venue in record file name to be filled in when recording starts
-Serato and RekordBox folders have right-click option to create Virtual Folders from the playlists
-Fix video preview not updated when video effects active and video unloaded
-Fix negative video effect on M1 mac
-Fix crash recording a sample from loop on deck when using kick or hihat stems
-fix automaticDatabaseBackupPeriod option saving backups too fast
BUILD 6677 (2021-10-01)
-Fix crash or video corruption recording at 480p or lower when recording to webm on windows
BUILD 6673 (2021-09-28)
-search_folder action to search for playlist or virtual folder by name
-Fix using some effects while SandBox is active
-Add "Explicit" to comment tag for Beatsource
-Fix add/remove files to Tidal playlist
-multicam config window has right-click option to rotate camera
-Fix serato cue point offset when imported from mp4
-Show loop on waveform while loop in is active
BUILD 6646 (2021-09-26)
-keyboardKeymapOverlayOnStickyKeys option
-Fix new keyboard mapper search when start typing not working on mac
-Show on/off status on keyboard map
-Fix deck video preview not showing on mac
BUILD 6636 (2021-09-08)
-New default keyboard mapper. Start typing to start searching,
hold ALT pressed to show keyboard overlay and
double-press ALT to make it sticky and use shortcuts without holding ALT
-Fix low resolution video edits looking pixelated
-undo_load will redo load when pressed again
-Pioneer Link fix for combination of CDJ3000 and DJM900 or CDJ2000NXS2 and DJM-V10
-pitch_bend can be used to move song while paused
-Fix param_1_x in actions not always correctly applied
-Fix order of songs in remixes/geniusdj sideview for local results
-Fix compatibility of reading key tag written by newer versions of Mixed In Key
-Improve video encoding performance
-Add browser_open_folder script to open/close selected folder
-Fix playlists/virtual folders incorrectly saved when filtered and moving a track
BUILD 6613 (2021-08-29)
-Fix high cpu loading some images in extensions tab
-Fix crash when trying to use some cameras
-Fix clicking notifications on mac sometimes causing a crash
-Fix scrollbar not showing when only one item is partly out of reach in browser
BUILD 6609 (2021-08-20)
-Fix bug with CPU math engine on windows
BUILD 6608 (2021-08-19)
-Fix CPU math engine on windows
BUILD 6607 (2021-08-18)
-Fix stems processing on macOS 10.12 and 10.13
-Fix livefeedback line hiding last line in browser
BUILD 6604 (2021-08-16)
-Fix bug possibly getting browser stuck on 'Browsing'
-Rekordbox folders shown in same order as in rekordbox, and allow to re-arrange
-Fix database restore not saving restored database completely
-Enable accelerated video encoding on AMD
-Fix crash loading gif images with non-multiple of 16 size
-Notifications can be clicked on mac
-Add browser column to show Title (Remix) combined
-backspin, video_transition and auto_crossfade can accept number of beats as parameter
BUILD 6569 (2021-08-19)
-Fix crash on analyzing some files
BUILD 6568 (2021-08-02)
-Fix decoding video with full range yuv format on mac
-Improve video on M1 mac
-Online catalogs show bpm and key for playlist, charts and search results, when available
-Fix beatport/beatsource adding and removing tracks from playlists
-get_next_karaoke_song "Will play at"
-When experimentalBeatAnalyzer is enabled, scanning a file also stores the color waveform overview cache
-Fix Ableton Link plugin not updating deck when run on master
-Fix using sideview list in videoskin
-Fix distortion on covers at the side in 3D coverflow
-Fix coloring or ordering folders when name starts with same part as different folder name
-Fix denon screen bug when resizing main skin
-Fix eq's not switching to stems when stems are being streamed
BUILD 6541 (2021-07-02)
-Fix bug in previous update causing stems engine to be disabled on some dual-core processors when set to Automatic
-Disable auto pitch lock also disables pitch lock
-Skin Cover element accepts source="automix n"
-Pioneer Link now supported for any combination of DJM-900NXS2, DJM-V10, CDJ2000NXS2 and CDJ3000
-Optimize CPU stem separation performance
-get_automix_song can access order and position columns
-"mix_next +4" can mix to the 4th upcoming song in automix
-Prelisten player can seek beatport and beatsource streams when download completed
-Support netsearchAudioQuality low for Deezer
BUILD 6535 (2021-06-29)
-Fix singer names disappearing when dropping a new file in karaoke list
-Fix crash using goto_folder script
-add continueAtEnds parameter for midi fullencoder
BUILD 6532 (2021-06-21)
-Fix some custom skins not filling screen entirely in previous EA
-Add netsearchAudioQuality option (currently used by Tidal (low, high, lossless) and Deezer (low, high))
BUILD 6529 (2021-06-19)
-Fix crash showing very small cover art on macOS
-Fix vdj stretching out too much on ultra-wide monitor
-Add number of files selected and length of selection in file count tooltip
-get_browsed_song can access singer, key change, order and play time
-Fix karaoke video lockup in previous EA
BUILD 6525 (2021-06-18)
-Fix Rane One motor stopping when 2 computers are connected simultaneously
-Improve video performance on macOS when using Metal
-Folder properties dialog to set color
-set_var_dialog to open a dialog and let the user edit a variable
-Add Wireless Display opton to video output menu
-Allow video skins to define an 'optionsmenu' to show a menu in the video output menu
-Fix mixer order incorrectly applied to audio definitions with 2 inputs
-Lottery plugin has outline for text to improve readability
-Text plugin accepts effect_string "text" 3 "+1" vdjscript to cycle between presets
-Add Order column for folders that have order such as playlists and virtual folders
BUILD 6503 (2021-06-08)
-Fix crash on mac when opening select file dialog
-Fix transparent video samples leaving trail
-Preserve playlist order when loading cdj database
BUILD 6500 (2021-06-02)
-Update beatport for Macs with Apple Silicon
-Fix crash using generated covers on video output
BUILD 6492 (2021-05-31)
-Update default pad pages for split page use
-Allow saving of split pad page for easy access as normal pad page or customization
-CDJ database reading speedup
BUILD 6477 (2021-05-27)
-Support for Allen&Heath Xone:23C and Xone:43C
-Split pad pages (in pad_page drop-down, or from controllers hold the first pad mode button and then click the second one)
-Fix quick_filter "filterstring" vdjscript
-param_contains can accept action parameters
-Support for import/export CDJ MyTag to User1/User2 fields
-Fix video recording on M1 mac
-Custom deck assignment for controllers with mixer order corrected for mixer order
-rememberRecurse browser option
-Eq kills work correctly when switching to stems eq modes
BUILD 6444 (2021-05-11)
-Support Numark Partymix MKII and Partymix Live
-Fix exporting tracks with album or artist name ending with dots to cdj
-File Count tooltip shows total length
BUILD 6439 (2021-05-07)
-Fix group by filter folders not correctly when a song has multiple genres
-Fix crash when starting record and file already exists
-Fix crash selecting DJM-S7 controller mapping when not connected
-Fix cdj possibly locking up when exporting large playlists
BUILD 6434 (2021-05-05)
-Support for Pioneer DJM-S7
-New Export dialog for playlists and virtual folders with support for CDJ-compatible usb sticks
-Empty fields available in group by filter folders
-Fix crash generating artwork for cdj on mac with metal enabled
-param_1_x converts int to float
-Fix incorrect first seen/first play date ranges for quick filter lists/group by filter folders
-Fix 'loaded on' in filter folders incorrectly marking vdjedit files as loaded on deck 1
-Input Method Editor on windows correctly displayed next to text input boxes (for chinese, japanese, korean etc...)
BUILD 6418 (2021-04-26)
-Fix 'Float Up' lyrics in Video Editor not correctly synchronized
BUILD 6417 (2021-04-20)
-Fix reading incorrect keys from CDJ database, which could also lead to a crash
BUILD 6416 (2021-04-19)
-Reloop Ready supported
-quickfilter list buttons show value when active
-Filter folders: group by range month / year on date lists
-fixed group by/list on dates, lengths, etc when used with range
-Filter Folders can use "range all" to ignore hashtags when listing comments, user1 or user2
-Fix duplicate [stem] name in cdj when adding the same file multiple times
-Fix incompatible usb drives shown in CDJ Export folder even without show all drives selected
BUILD 6404 (2021-04-12)
-CDJ Export: prepare and export to a USB-stick directly from VirtualDJ, including automatic stem separation, to play on any CDJ without your laptop
-Hashtags: organize your database with powerful hashtags, and use quickfilters to find your next songs faster than ever
-Quick Filters: Filter the current browser view with the click of a button
-Color Filters: color tracks in your library based on filters
-Fix fake_filter not disabling internal colorfx on decks 2 and higher
-Fix key change not applied to slipped stem fx
-pad_page doesn't consider keyboard as a separate controller
-param_add with 1 string parameter and 1 float parameter correctly converts float to string
-Fix automatic assignment of single one-deck controller (default instead of deck 1)
-Pitch Effect compatible with stem effects
-Simple view for Filter Editor
-Recording and broadcasting video fps can be customized (for broadcast at 60 fps, custom format is "1280x720x60@3500,128he" for example)
-repeat_start accepts time in beats as well (1.0bt instead of 500ms for example)
-Fix video overdeck not working correctly
BUILD 6334 (2021-03-07)
-Fix reverb glitches on changing room size parameter
BUILD 6333 (2021-02-26)
-Fix stems effects not working on deck 2
BUILD 6332 (2021-02-25)
-Rane One support
-Reloop Buddy support
-Stem Effects: Use effects and slip mode scratch only on specific parts of the song
-Allow selecting genre from browser info panel
-Fix end of waveforms black on very short samples in some cases
-allow streaming of stems for songs too big to fit in memory
-pitchQuality 4 for improved resample quality
BUILD 6294 (2021-02-07)
-Fix move to/copy to file operations on mac on some systems
-Add levelfaderHamster option
-Fix incorrect aspect ratio for video edits containing video's with different aspect ratio's
-Add "is_using stems" vdjscript option
BUILD 6286 (2021-01-31)
-Fix creating new virtual folders in root option not working
-Improve reverse on controllers with motorized jog wheels
-keepPlayingPastEnd and keepPlayStatusOnLoadSong options added
-onlineCatalogsContentPreference option for iDJPool and VJPro added
-Fix very short video samples not looping
-Scratch Wave size follows gain on controllers with fake gain
BUILD 6281 (2021-01-28)
-Fix stems detection of older nVidia GPU's
BUILD 6280 (2021-01-27)
-Fix stems processing on some nVidia GPU's
-Fix tpying with non-english keyboard on mac with Metal
-Fix changing position in song while motorized platter is spinning to cause temporary slowdown
BUILD 6276 (2021-01-24)
-Fix drift when scratching on motorized jog wheel controllers
-Fix stems processing on nVidia RTX 3000 series GPU's
-Fix loading some VST plugins
BUILD 6263 (2021-01-20)
-Fix effect_bank_save crash when more than 3 effects loaded
-Add New Folder button on mac for move/copy file folder selection
BUILD 6257 (2021-01-15)
-Fix screens on Denon controllers when using Mac with Metal enabled
BUILD 6255 (2021-01-14)
-Pioneer DDJ-FLX6 supported
-Novation Launchpad X supported
-Test improved multi-bpm detection when experimentalBeatAnalyzer is on
-6-fx layout in Pro skin when connecting certain controllers (FLX6, DJM-S9, DJM-S11 currently)
-Text effect preset can be loaded using effect_string "text" 3 "preset"
-Remove support for Stanton SCS.1D firewire controller
BUILD 6242 (2021-01-05)
-fix incorrect controller initialization in previous build in some cases
-loop_roll action also accepts a number of beats for which no button is present
-fix crash using scratch bank from controller when no file selected yet
-fix crash with linein action in some cases
BUILD 6240 (2020-12-29)
-Fix microFrames on M1 Mac
-Fix video window not automatically opening full screen on second screen on mac in some cases
-Fix download to cache not keeping waveform cache
-Clean up duplicates in Tidal search results
-Clean up idjPool titles containing video format even though it's audio only
-Fix browser info tab title overlapping video preview
BUILD 6235 (2020-12-26)
-Fix loop out when song samplerate and soundcard samplerate are different
-Browser info tab can show remix next to cover when enough space
-Fix incorrect crossfader assignment on some controllers
BUILD 6233 (2020-12-23)
-Fix light theme on M1 Mac not showing all text
-Fix is_sync flashing when syncing half/double bpm
BUILD 6229 (2020-12-21)
-Fix video recording/broadcast on ARM mac
-Fix shaders on ARM mac
BUILD 6225 (2020-12-19)
-Pioneer DJM-S11 support
-Native M1 mac build
-Fix recording and broadcasting on mac
-Scratchbank pad page
-effect_active can use action as parameter to decide on/off state
-Fix changing karaoke key
-one shot samples can also be bpm-synced
BUILD 6173 (2020-11-23)
-Fix VST plugin lock up when opening GUI if plugin was selected when opening virtualdj
-Fix motor affecting both decks on NS7 in previous build
-Improve stop speed when motor brake speed set and cueing on motor wheel controllers
BUILD 6167 (2020-11-17)
-Improvements for controllers with motorized jog wheels
BUILD 6156 (2020-11-09)
-Fix POI editor crash when editing action poi
BUILD 6154 (2020-11-03)
-Fix Rane 72 waveforms broken in previous update
BUILD 6150 (2020-10-31)
-Support for Pioneer CDJ-3000 and Pioneer DJM-V10
-Pioneer CDJ wave colors match color settings in vdj
-Fix 2 camera's with the same name not uniquely identified on windows
-sampler_load_to_deck and sampler_unload_from_deck actions
-Ducking Echo effect
-Prefer deck with muted volume faders for prelistening
-Add option for using Local history for searching recommended tracks to play next or similar songs to selected in Remix sideview tab
-Tag editor key displayed based on keyDisplay setting
-Separate length option for video files in Slideshow
-Prelisten seeking for online files allowed once file completely downloaded
-fix sampler_pfl not working correctly on skin slider
-analyzeSongsOnView option
-Fix using VJPro to search for remixes returning audio instead of video tracks
-Add deck select mode on first run on Pioneer CDJ's
BUILD 6106 (2020-09-14)
-Add Tidal, Beatsource and VJPro as remix providers
-Fix crash when file type column shown in browser with some older cached content unlimited songs
BUILD 6100 (2020-09-10)
-Tidal streaming support
-fix 'cue' updating cue 1 if present in previous EA
-gain and filter label temporarily switch to stems when controller stem knob is moved and eqMode set to Stems
-fix effect_select_toggle making new effect active if old effect was disabled but had a trail going
BUILD 6091 (2020-09-02)
-Fix echo out glitch when color parameter used
-Deezer playlists can be favorited in sideview
-Browser info uses cleanup tag option for title/artist/remix
-Browser info year clickable to look up from discogs if empty
-Browser info last played/playcount clickable to look up song in playlists and history
-Add support for reading RekordBox 6 playlists
-Fix vertical text not properly cut off or scrolling when too long
-"deck 1 assign_controller 'controllername' 1 1" to assign deck 1 to only the left side of the controller
-Fix key adjustment in karaoke mode not working on songs other than the first in the list
BUILD 6076 (2020-08-20)
-Fix when connecting 2 denon controllers sometimes the controller and screen deck don't match
-Fix flac and wav recording issues
-Store waveform overviews in cache for faster loading
-Allow drag&drop on entire row in folder list
BUILD 6067 (2020-08-16)
-Fix crash creating precomputed stems file if the file could not be opened for writing
-Read nested traktor playlists
-Fix some browser lines not updating while scrolling
-Fix import iTunes ratings on macOS 10.15
-Fix File Date not shown as date
-Fix using date fields in group by in filter folders
-WriteHistory option also disables updating of last play date
BUILD 6059 (2020-08-06)
-Rane Twelve MKII support
-Rane Seventy Two MKII support
-Read INITIALKEY from ogg and flac tags
-Fix using 'file date' in filter folder
-Fix waveform refresh issue while stems loading on ddj-1000
-Improve video streaming on slower network connections
-Fix SandBox volume on DDJ-RZX
-Echo Out effect added
-Improved performance for various controllers
-Add silent_cue action
-Stems effect and Vocal color fx behave like normal effects (need to be turned on to take effect)
-Browser info view can show key, bpm and length next to cover if there's room, and shows if key is compatible
-Skin cover art drop-down menu has option to create precomputed stems file (when precomputeStems is set to only use precomputed)
-hasprecomputedstems for filter folders
BUILD 6042 (2020-07-27)
- general improvements on stems separation quality
- new parameter (in pads section) called "bleed", that lets you adjust the stems separation parameters on the fly to optimize for each song
- support for NI Traktor Kontrol S3
BUILD 6017 (2020-07-14)
- fix backward compatibility issues with pads and some old custom mappings
- fix potential crash on empty pads in previous EarlyAccess build
BUILD 6011 (2020-07-11)
- new PADs menu, to easily reassign page buttons on controllers
- improved startup time
- fix potential crash on stems on computers that are very slow or not a lot of RAM
- icon overlay for precomputed .vdjstems, and option in database menu to remove all precomputed files
- EQs revert to frequency while stems are not available
- Hercules DJControl Inpulse 500 support
- read Serato stored loops from tag
- faderStart doesn't load a new song
- save mic effect
- fix download to cache when track already fully loaded on deck
BUILD 5980 (2020-07-02)
- longer delay on stem pads before being temporary (for people who click too slowly)
BUILD 5978 (2020-07-01)
-Improved stability
BUILD 5965 (2020-06-26)
- lower latency on stems manipulation (especially inside small loops or quick hotcues)
- fix several small bugs
BUILD 5949 (2020-06-25)
- option to save pre-calculated stems to files (right-click on songs and choose "precompute stems", or use performance option 'precomputeStems')
- show bpm and key on soundcloud searches
- fix several small crashes
BUILD 5929 (2020-06-21)
- fix glitches in new EQs on 9th generation intel CPUs
BUILD 5928 (2020-06-21)
- fix potential crash when loading a new song before previous finished
- improved stem separation sound on nvidia
BUILD 5926 (2020-06-21)
- fixes fluidity of waveforms while loading new EQ on macbookpro
- improves new EQ quality on pc with nvidia card
BUILD 5922 (2020-06-19)
- improved sound quality on stems separation
BUILD 5918 (2020-06-18)
VirtualDJ 2021 uses advanced technology and the power of modern computers
to revolutionize what DJs can do.
With real-time stem separation on any track, perfect live mashups and
seamless transitions are now the new normal :
- ModernEQs can achieve a much more accurate separation than traditional
frequency-based equalizers, and help achieve perfect transitions like never before.
- The new stem PADS will let you create live mash-ups and remixes in real-time easily,
and let your creativity fly free.
- The new waveforms give a clearer than ever view of your tracks.
BUILD 5874 (2020-06-18)
-Fix crash when analyzing songs in previous Early Access build
BUILD 5872 (2020-06-11)
-Support for multiple cameras with same name
-BeatSource curated playlists
-Beatport genre charts
-fix some default effects not show in drop-down in previous early access release
BUILD 5850 (2020-06-03)
-Mixtrack Pro FX and Mixtrack Platinum FX support
-Rane Seventy supported
-New device detection popup
-Video skin can show a specific camera using index parameter in skin video object
-get_nb_multicam for use in video skins
-Add right-click menu to remove camera from multi-camera selection
-fix issues with editing very long scripts that require vertical scrolling in action editor
-Cut effect continues working when deck stopped
-animated png support in slideshow
-animated gif supported in video editor
-Fix backspin not respecting slip mode
BUILD 5754 (2020-05-17)
-Fix beatport/beatsource creating new playlists
-Fix crash on some videos with AMD graphics cards
BUILD 5743 (2020-05-11)
-Beatsource Online music source supported
-Fix crash in video editor on Windows 64-bit
-Fix detection of Rane Seventy-Two new firmware on mac
-Fix some glitches when using loop roll, slicer or beatgrid
-Cut effect continues working when deck paused
-Cut effect inaccuracies fixed when length less than 1 beat
-effect_select pops up on effect_select button on skin when triggered from keyboard or controller
-Fix text effect not drawing multi-line texts centered
-Slideshow and Camera can be used as source in videoskin
-Fix cue_color to set cue colors not saving changes
-Add mixcloud as video streaming option
BUILD 5681 (2020-04-29)
-Fix some videos not shown in previous Early Access update
BUILD 5680 (2020-04-22)
-Pioneer DJM-750MK2 support
-Camera plugin can swap between multiple camera's automatically
-Fix some animated gif not working in sampler
-Fix BeatGrid buttons not lighting up
-Timecode and line in channels also get rearranged when mixer order changes
-Fix text effect text cut off
-Fix some shaders unable to download
-OnDrawMultiDeck for multi-deck transitions called with correct videoDecks array
-Fix search_playlists crash when dialog closed before search finished
-Add outline option for text effect
-fix get_active_loop for loop sizes smaller than 1 beat
BUILD 5647 (2020-04-12)
-Fix sample editor not showing image samples
-When volumes are the same, getPlayingDeck prefers last deck playing
-Allow backtic in skin menu names to make the name a query
-Fix hardware accelerated video-playback crashing on some windows systems
-Fix beatport playlists showing only first 100 tracks
-Fix mic equalizer mute sound on mac
-Add Scroll speed to text effect
-Fix some text effects not shown in video editor on mac
-search_playlist also searches subfolders in playlists
-Fix some scripts not working when set as action POI's
BUILD 5630 (2020-04-03)
-Allow transition plugins to be used in Slideshow
-search_playlists action to search which playlist a song is in
-Fix dsd/dsf audio decoding
-Video Editor fixes on mac
BUILD 5619 (2020-03-29)
-Fix crash on startup on Mac
BUILD 5609 (2020-03-24)
-Support Photon Fader
-Support Mixars Quattro
-RZX screen update performance improvement
-Sample Editor shows video timeline for video samples
-Camera plugin has option for chroma key
-Search field for controller mappings
-var_list updated with search, auto-update check box and tab for repeat scripts
-Folder tree tab size decreases when resizing folder tree very narrow
-Improved video playback for non-accelerated videos on Windows 64-bit
-os2l feedback case sensitive
-Sample banks in sampler_bank list ordered the same as in browser
-Fix status message for Rename task
-gain_relative updates stored gain if autogain is remember
-loaded_song action to set tag fields of a loaded song
-online keyword for use in filter folders
-Video transitions respect videoLevel better
-Fix reading wav file with image in id3 tag
-motorWheelInstantStop optional
-Motor wheel controllers ignore scratchSensitivityCue when motor-controlled
BUILD 5541 (2020-02-24)
-Update pitch stretching library
-Fix some videos not showing on older gpu's in Windows 64-bit version
-Fix automix waveform not shown on mac
-Line Input without sound will not be used for beatlock
-Allow backtic custom button name to enter custom query for button name
-Fix flac comment and year as set by windows explorer not read by VirtualDJ
BUILD 5522 (2020-02-06)
-Pioneer XDJ-XZ support
-stopwatch and stopwatch_reset actions
-param_cast "absolute" and param_cast "relative"
-fix default cue point names not shown when get_text or format= is used
-fix load_next after load_previous not ending up on same song
-Colored waveform overview in dialogs
-Fix swap_decks not swapping video
-Fix effect_active "sampler" "effectname" requiring effectname to be selected in slot as well
BUILD 5504 (2020-02-02)
-Pioneer DDJ-XP2 support
-Numark DJ2Go2 Touch support
-swap_decks script added
-Fix hot_cue tooltip not showing cue name anymore
-Fix crash on windows 64-bit when calibrating timecode
-Fix possible corruption of vdj samples when re-saving in some cases
-Fix video transition in automix always fading from black regardless of selected transition
-Fix distortion effect feedback parameter
-Add support for videos encoded with the AV1 video codec
-Fix distortion when using aux_volume
-Restore Database Backup option
BUILD 5478 (2020-01-08)
-Fix iTunes Reload database option on macOS 10.15
-Fix video-only sample keeping 'playing' indication even after stopped
-Fix crash when moving video window
-Fix deleting and renaming zipped sample banks from browser
-Allow play/pause from software while timecode active
-Fix repeat_start executing key release immediately instead of after specified time
BUILD 5466 (2019-12-11)
-Fix possible crash when using Line Inputs on deck in previous Early Access release
-Add UTF-8 BOM marker for Microsoft Excel to csv export
-Fix setting cue point while slip mode on causing random jump on release
-Fix color not cleared on skin when deleting cue point
-Fix crash reading corrupt database
-Fix samplerHeadphones option not taking effect on startup
BUILD 5454 (2019-12-08)
-fix mix in/out point not correctly displayed during automix in 32-bit windows version
-allow rtmp://username:password@url as stream url without stream key
-filter_activate can include colorfx name (filter_activate "echo" for example)
-Pioneer DJM-S3 support
BUILD 5451 (2019-11-26)
-Reloop Elite support
-DJM-250MKII support
-Optional extra sampler toolbar for sampler effects and sampler master volume
-fix loop_button when used with reloop
-goto "loopsize" works on endless rotary knobs
-effect_bank_save and effect_bank_load
-Fix OS2L not sending beat when key change is applied
-Improve accuracy and update speed of bpm detection on Line In decks
-loaded action also active when line in activated on deck
-Fix rhythm wave for line in on deck
-Brakestart effect also works on line in deck, sampler, mic and master effects
-Fix aspect ratio incorrect on 64-bit build if loading a video with a square pixel aspect ratio after a video with a non-square pixel aspect ratio
-Fix reading traktor cue points from mp3's
-Fix boothMicrophone not working when master output present
-saved_loop_display action, savedLoopDisplay config option and added to saved loop pad page
-sampler_volume 'all' 100% to reset sample bank volumes
-Master mix in headphones now includes master and post-fader effects
-AV1 video codec supported on windows
-Fix OLED screens on Prime4 on mac text not cleared on update
BUILD 5402 (2019-11-13)
-filter_activate, filter_selectcolorfx and filter can be used with "deck master" to apply color fx to master
-Fix glitch with pitch effect when used on master
-Fix selecting shader by name through script
-Fix hot cue color 6 and 8 swapped in skin compared to controller
-Fix no limiter applied in fx send/return configurations
-Fix sampler fx not receiving correct bpm/beat information when no deck playing
-Fix delay on macOS 10.15 when windows are closed sometimes
-Fix iTunes playlists on macOS 10.15 not preserving order
-Alphabetical sort of iTunes playlists in 10.15, and hide empty playlists
-Fix limiter possibly not working correctly on mac in some cases
-Online results still show up in local folder search results, and online results in database shown before online search results
-Fix separators not shown when show audio files is turned off in searches
-Allow up to 16 simultaneous scans when no songs playing
-Fix shaders with multiple texture inputs on Windows 64-bit
-Some additional margin before start of song in BPM editor for first beat slightly before start of track
-Allow selection of shortcuts that don't fit the screen in sideview_options
-Allow videoLogoSize of 1.0 (100%)
-Fix 'search similar' removing 'ft' even when it's part of the artist (like Soft Cell)
-Fix AUX IN channel selection on windows for Roland DJ707M
-Line In deck has lower priority than other decks for setting active deck
-Update soundswitch id on reload tags
-Fix brake start and backspin effect times incorrect when sound card samplerate different from song samplerate
-Fix 'set' not accepting relative values
-Automix properly sets keyChange and compatible with autoKey
-loop_color also returns random colors when no color set (like cue points)
BUILD 5352 (2019-10-23)
-Fix remix panel crash when used offline
-Fix crash reading AVI and WMA tags
BUILD 5350 (2019-10-16)
-new remixes panel in sideview
-various fixes on the default skin
-font menu has "extra big" and "increase"/"decrease" entries
-autoKey show a warning when shifting the pitch automatically
-clone_deck also clones key change
-eventscheduler button shows next event in tooltip
-allow cover art to be used to create video link
-booth output includes master effects
-use clockDisplay setting in browser
-fix potential freezes on macOS Catalina
-fix possible crash in saving track edit
-fix cue markers on deck 3 and 4 not visible
-fix crash with zoomed-in scratch wave on 8kHz audio files
-fix cleartype text in win64 partially disappearing on some systems
-fix Text plugin not storing multiple lines
-fix video transition during automix fading to black
-Pioneer RZX performance improvement on mac
-panel names starting with a '@' are kept on skin change
BUILD 5308 (2019-09-22)
More power to elevate your mix, and looking better than ever.
VirtualDJ 2020 comes with a brand new look, optimized for today's modern DJs.
(you can still find the old interface in the Interface page under "Old", if you'd prefer to take your time to switch)
It also brings some new features, like the new Event Scheduler, an improved Advanced Harmonic Mixing,
Beatport compatibility, and many smaller improvements.
And of course, it keeps the stability VirtualDJ is now famous for.
BUILD 5281 (2019-09-16)
- fix itunes folder on macOS 10.15
- get_beatpos works on linein
BUILD 5269 (2019-09-05)
-Roland DJ707M support
-Add vertical slide optional video transition
-Fix lock-up using Cut/Copy/Paste with new context menus
-clockDisplay is now a config option to choose between 12 and 24-hour clock
-fix linein not working after using linein_rec
-Fix Pioneer RZX crash when changing skins
-Fix glitch on end of loop out effect in some cases with Fade and Step mode
-Smart play uses correct bpm value in case of multi-bpm tracks
-smartPlay respects globalQuantize setting
-ONSONGLOAD keyboard action added to execute an action on every song load
-waveformCenter config option added -Fix context sub-menu popping up on other screen when opening at right edge of screen
-Don't close search results when dragging search result to playlist/virtual folder in folder tree
BUILD 5186 (2019-08-05)
-Fix motor wheel drift in previous Early Access
-Fix lock up when refreshing effect list
BUILD 5185 (2019-08-01)
-Fix installation of new shaders
-Fix crash refreshing effect list
BUILD 5182 (2019-07-27)
-Fix context menu crash on mac
BUILD 5181 (2019-07-25)
-Fix lockup when moving past beginning of loop
BUILD 5180 (2019-07-24)
-Numark Scratch supported
-Add No Fade mode to loop out effect
-Use skin aspect ratio for video when showing Preview Only
-Pioneer RZX fix for screens on mac
-fix using overlay video effects on sampler
-Allow m3u8 as playlist file extension as well
-separate vertical and horizontal scratch zoom levels
-beatlock doesn't interfere while loop smaller than 1 beat is active or stutter cue is held
-add TAP button to bpm editor
BUILD 5095 (2019-07-09)
-Play Next shown in context menu in automix list as well
-Add opus to default file types and recognize as ogg tags
-Fix ignored controller still affecting pads layout
-Fix requesting microphone permission on os x 10.14
-Allow history and history/karaoke folder to be added as favorites
-Fix text quality on mac on non-retina displays
-Fix wave colors on very short files when experimentalWaveColor is on
-showGridlines option added
-Action editor recognizes verbs with numbers correctly
-Extended Info (singer name, play time, key change) preserved when using music filters in browser (karaoke/music/video filter)
-Fix right-aligned text in skins on mac
-Fix gif logo's not using transparency
-add mic_eq_mid
BUILD 5046 (2019-06-26)
-Fix some texts difficult to read on non-retina mac
BUILD 5045 (2019-06-19)
-Fix default video karaoke skin missing in previous early access release
BUILD 5044 (2019-06-18)
-Reloop RP-8000MK2 support
-Pioneer DJM-450 support
-Fix select folder dialog on mac not responding to mouse clicks properly
-Fix moving a file to a different volume on mac
-Old Denon ASIO driver no longer used on windows (will use WASAPI instead)
-virtualfolder_add can also be used for playlists
-Fix shaders using spectrum or wave data on Windows 64-bit version
-mic_talkover also works with fake mixer
-Fix font not updating on text effect when changing presets
-Allow hiding sidelist, karaoke and sampler in sideview
-Fix text cut off in browser in some skins
-browserDaysSongsAreNew option added
BUILD 5003 (2019-06-12)
-Fix for MCX8000 screens on mac
BUILD 5002 (2019-06-09)
-Don't apply master volume to recording
-mic_eq_low and mid_eq_high script actions
-smartPlayLimitPitchRange optional
-Fix singer name not correctly read from playlists
-Fix shoutcast streaming
-Fix for DDJ-1000 on mac losing control on fast pitch changes sometimes
-Fix creating filter folders
-Rename option for pad pages
BUILD 4973 (2019-05-21)
Initial support for DDJ-800
-Fix live video streaming to Facebook
-Fix ogg server broadcast
-Fix ask the dj reply popup on mac
-Unsorted category shown when sorting shaders into folders
-zeroDb can also be used to add headroom when autoGain is off
-Text effect update with preview in position box and storing/loading presets
-Smart play limits auto matching bpm to +-10%
-Auto Match BPM added to deck options menu
-Mac OS X 10.7 no longer supported
-New option browserPadding
BUILD 4918 (2019-05-09)
-Fix changing position in song with mouse not working anymore in some custom skins
-Fix crash in automix editor
-Fix lockup when trying to change karaoke background song
-Echo effect fix for when Mute Source is activated before effect activated
BUILD 4909 (2019-04-27)
-Fix automatic deck assignment incorrect when a generic midi device was also present in the system
-Fix using Loop Out together with Reverb or Echo
-Automatic volume calibration for Phase
-Scratch DNA respects deck slip mode
-mic_talkover action
-Fix loop roll pad page not working while loop roll is selected as color fx
-Fix CMD+key not sending keyUp events on mac
-Fix track number sometimes preferred from file name instead of tag
-Fix songs streaming from disk causing problems when scratching sometimes
-Allow use of experimentalSkinEngine on mac manually (when set to yes) to reduce cpu/gpu usage
-Add Range option to switch EQ10 between 16 and 32 dB (default 16dB) (option in presets drop-down)
-Fix 3d video transitions on mac rendering upside down when effect enabled, recording or broadcasting
-Camera plugin update for mac
BUILD 4848 (2019-04-21)
-Fix lockup when activating Karaoke mode and background is set to Video output
BUILD 4846 (2019-04-19)
-Fix lockup using Track Cleaner on windows
BUILD 4845 (2019-04-18)
-Fix possible crash on mac with bad settings.xml
BUILD 4844 (2019-04-07)
-Fix VU meter at 192khz samplerate
-Fix browsed_song 'rating' 5
-Fix video effects not applied correctly with video's with non-square pixels
-Blur effect, and Blur Black Bars effect to add blurred background for video's with black bars
BUILD 4830 (2019-03-31)
-Denon DJ X1800 Prime support
-SoundCloud Go+ available as online music source
-Allow pad pages to be made favorite, and pad_page_favorite action to quickly access it (right-click on page in pad editor to select)
-Option to have a controller's pad page independent of main pad page (config-&gt;controllers, right-click controller, select 'Independent Pad Page')
-get_askthedj_unread script added to monitor unread ask the dj messages from scripts and skins
-Mobius direction different on left and right side of colorfx
-Include settings.xml in backup
-automixMaxLength option to limit play time of a song in automix
-get_automix_song can have number as last parameter to show 2nd, 3th etc... upcoming songs
-Add label to possible search fields
-Allow sorting shaders in folders (right-click on shader to move it to a folder)
-Remember deck assignment of Generic Midi devices
-browsed_song action can update fields of all selected items instead of only one
-FreeStyler added as native plugin
-On-Screen keyboard fixes for windows 10 touch screens
BUILD 4787 (2019-03-14)
-Mixars Primo support
-Rane Twelve support
-Cover plugin draws video in the background if size is smaller than max
-Ableton link 'master' switch when loaded on master effect slot to prevent other hosts from modifying vdj decks (like when controlling lighting software)
-Fix green line on right of some videos in DX9 with useDXVA off
-Allow shaders to be sorted in folders (right-click move to folder)
-Update gain when gain in tag editor is modified
-keyDisplay setting added to toggle between Harmonic and Musical key display
-autoKey only matches keys when difference is 1 semitone
-Cue points always instant play on motorized jog controllers
-auto-update browser when key changes
-Fix key analysis for samples shorter than 4 seconds
-get_key_modifier_text, key_match_button and key_match_menu added
-Pads, mappers and filter folders included in backup
-Key match button on default skin
-Add key selection and key matching modes to sample editor
-Fix crash on macos 10.14 when timecode config was opened
BUILD 4756 (2019-02-17)
-Allow video and shoutcast broadcast at the same time
-Fix Virtual Folder not showing sub-folders in some cases
-Fix 'autoKey' option matching to other deck's original key instead of current key
-filter_selectcolorfx working on sliders
-Fix effect drop-down for color fx empty when default effects have been moved to a sub-folder
-Backup Database option
-fix switching decks on pioneer controller not updating waveforms
-&quot;get_sampler_bank n&quot; to get name of n'th sample bank
-Flip3D transition fixed in Windows 64-bit build
-Fix some shaders not working in Windows 64-bit build
-Negative video effect fixed in windows 64-bit build
-Fix ReWire in Windows 64-bit build
-Fix DDJ-1000 fx screen on mac
BUILD 4742 (2019-01-28)
-Rane Seventy-Two support added
-Fix Virtual Folders not showing content after drive was removed/added in some cases until after restart
-Color FX selection on default skins by clicking the FILTER label
-Deezer login through regular browser
-Fix prelisten player not respecting zeroDb and autoGain
-fix sideview updating in skins with custom browser
-Fix camera plugin crash
-Fix numark nv waveform refresh too quickly on mac
-Fix decks &gt;2 oninit action in keyboard mapper
-Fix small slideshow timing issue on repeating short videos
-Fix lockFolderOrder
-filter, filter_activate and filter_selectcolorfx can now be used to control color fx or filter
-Fix OS2L negative beat numbers
-Fix Drag&Drop from 32-bit application in Windows 64-bit build
BUILD 4720 (2018-12-16)
-Fix rare crash while updating extensions config page
BUILD 4719 (2018-12-08)
-Fix crash when closing config window before extension list finished downloading
BUILD 4718 (2018-12-07)
-Fix crash reading some wma tags
BUILD 4717 (2018-12-07)
-Fix video sample recording issues
-Fix shader position when transparency is used
-miditovst_active action added to toggle midi to vst on/off
-After recording a mix, add cue points for each track played
-Loop Roll compatible with colorfx
-New tab style for bottom sideview toolbar
-lockFolderOrder option added
BUILD 4675 (2018-11-19)
-Fix lockup when double-clicking playlist and automix playlist had been changed
BUILD 4674 (2018-11-12)
-Controller support for Traktor Kontrol S2 MK3
-Fix WASAPI input names not showing up correctly in build 4673
BUILD 4673 (2018-11-09)
-Fix config window stuck on tutorial page with slow internet connection
BUILD 4671 (2018-11-08)
-Allow using LiveFeedback and GeniusDJ in sideview
-New extensions page in Settings
-New Tutorials page in Settings
-Ableton Link plugin (install from extensions page in settings)
-Improved performance for interlaced videos
-Support for Hercules Starlight, InPulse 200, InPulse 300, Pioneer XDJ-RR
-Slideshow remembers position
-Fix selecting star rating from browser info tab with touch screen
-Fix crash switching broadcast on/off/on quickly
-Fix some small sampler bugs
-Fix autogain remember option when used during automix
BUILD 4592 (2018-10-07)
-Fix potential crash with one specific broken sampler pack
BUILD 4591 (2018-09-27)
-New login window
-Improve video recording and broadcasting performance
-Browser info allows selecting song color
-Support for animated gif files added
-Improve database loading speed on Windows
-Mute beats and Video parameters for Cut effect
-Video_delay can use relative (+-XXms)
-Support for Novation Launchpad Pro, Gemini PMX-10 and PMX-20
-Fix karaoke_show to manually show karaoke video skin
-Fix loading vdj sample data from vdjedit
-Fix options window sometimes opening blank
-Fix karaoke singer display when karaokeDualDeck is on
BUILD 4537 (2018-09-05)
-Pioneer DDJ-RZX support
-Allow drag&amp;drop of skin cover to put song loaded on deck in playlist
-karaokeAutoRemovePlayed option
-Deezer playlist refreshed when re-opening
-Cloudlists are cached for offline access
-Show current value of sliders and buttons in last used controls box on controller config page
-karaoke_venue_name vdjscript added
-sampler_group_color vdjscript
-Fix crash with karaoke video skins
-improved duplicates by tag filter folder
-Automix editor fixes for overlapping songs
-video editor shows source position in overview
BUILD 4514 (2018-07-31)
-Fix incorrect video colors on paused video on some macs
-Automix Editor visual improvements
-Improve reading multi-line comment fields in tag editor
-Fix for video effects applied on deck
BUILD 4504 (2018-07-23)
-Add transparency option for shaders
-Fix video effects applied on the deck on mac
-Fix distortion in headphones when sandbox mode on and headphonesGain option set very high
-Edit karaoke skin option in karaoke_options menu
BUILD 4490 (2018-07-17)
-Pioneer DDJ-SX3 supported
-karaoke mode can now have its own videoSkin and selection of background
-Delay effect added
-Double-click in automix while karaoke mode active and playing from automix will load the selected song as background music
-double-click a song in karaoke list while karaoke mode active will load it to the karaoke deck
-Loop Out respects quantizeLoop and globalQuantize
-Improve automatic correction of playlists when drive letter changed
-Fix live recording of samples not storing correct bpm when deck is not at 0% pitch
-Slip option added to Loop Out plugin
-duplicates filter folder has sub folder to search for duplicates by tag
-Slideshow syncs to nearest beat
-param_add and param_multiply can also accept 2 parameters to be multiplied
-fix leftcross/rightcross not instantly updating volume levels
-browsed_song action can be used to modify play count
-Add &quot;deck playing&quot; support for scripts
-many new actions added for karaoke skin
BUILD 4459 (2018-06-28)
-Fix camera plugin on windows
BUILD 4457 (2018-06-26)
-Fix rare crash with Camera plugin
-Fix crash on reading corrupt mp4 tags
-Hack to keep compatibility with Vista/XP
BUILD 4451 (2018-06-23)
-Fix shader's beatmove when activated on a specific deck
-Fix a small stability issue
BUILD 4444 (2018-06-19)
- new context menu on video preview to select the video output
- new setting 'useVideoSkin' and 'showVideoSkinOnPreview'
- fix rare crash when closing vdj while a shader was still downloading
BUILD 4440 (2018-06-17)
-fix some potential (but rare) crashes
BUILD 4438 (2018-06-16)
-Show video skin in preview
-Fix rare crash in scratch editor
BUILD 4435 (2018-06-13)
-fix rare crash on mac if mouse is moved very fast just after closing the app
-fix video samples sometimes hiding the video skin
BUILD 4432 (2018-06-11)
- fix memory leak in screengrab plugin on PC
- fix potential crash on mac with deezer login when no internet
BUILD 4430 (2018-06-10)
- can close source window on video effect "screengrab"
- fix occasional audio distortion with effect "Loop Out"
- fix refresh effect list after plugin download on mac
- fix video recording when recordBitDepth set to 24-bit
- fix white windows appearing on mac for skins with multiple windows
BUILD 4420 (2018-06-05)
See details of the new features on
Show on big screens or projectors what you are a doing with the mix,
in a way that will entertain your audience with more than just your audio.
Tap into the unlimited creativity of the demoscene competitions, and use
the thousands of shaders from ShaderToy to visualize your audio tracks.
In an era of social media dominance, keep your presence and your fans by video
broadcasting your mixes directly and easily on most major social platforms.
Every scratch can be expressed with a few letters, like the human genome.
Automate your scratches and tinker with their DNA sequence to discover new sounds.
And of course, the stability of VirtualDJ has been maintained to rock-solid level.
BUILD 4291 (2018-04-26)
-Fix effect_slider broken on some controllers
BUILD 4276 (2018-04-23)
-Fix seeking in interlaced video
-Fix slow framerate on some interlaced videos
BUILD 4252 (2018-04-13)
-Fix for ASIO when ultraLatency off and samplerate different from asio samplerate
-Add Sawtooth option for Mobius
BUILD 4251 (2018-04-12)
-Reverse parameter for Mobius audio effect
-Show key change on singer dialog
-Update rating from browser info
-Broadcast respects cleanTagsInDeckDisplay option
-Skip checking playlists that are not writeable when renaming files
-Show warning when database could not be opened
-Fix decoding certain interlaced videos and improve timing
-Fix controller jog wheel glitching when soundcard samplerate and config samplerate are not the same
-Fix browserSearchByFirstLetter option
-Slideshow remembers position in video
BUILD 4204 (2018-03-23)
-Pioneer DDJ-SB3 support
-Mic effects use active deck bpm
-Fix CU Karaoke not working correctly in previous Early Access release
-fix keyboard focus on dialog drop-downs
-fix master effect distortion when sandbox enabled
BUILD 4189 (2018-03-14)
-Pioneer XDJ-RX2 support
-Mixar DUO MK2 support
-Pioneer DDJ-1000 support
-Unlock TC inputs on Pioneer DDJ-SX2
-Hercules Instinct P8 supported
-Hercules P32DJ supported
-Reloop KUT supported
-Roland DJ-202 and DJ-505 supported
-Mixvibes VFX supported
-Pioneer DDJ-RX uses 14-bit pitch-slider (requires firmware update)
-Fix sample editor not showing phase correctly
-param_cast support for decimal formats (get_bpm &amp; param_cast &quot;000.00&quot; for example)
-fix some files causing database corruption on mac when they have unnormilzed utf-8 characters in their name
-Fix some cdg files not playing
-Fix CDJ2000NXS2 cue point order on wave display
-fix renaming samples in sample editor
-Fix some wmv not playing
-Pad editor compatible with 16 pads (when 16-pad controller connected)
-fix podcasts to stop working on mac
-Fix playlist_add not allowing duplicate adds
-fix sampler not updating layout with experimentalSkinEngine
-Show Remix optional in Title plugin
BUILD 4064 (2018-01-02)
-Fix small glitch when activating flanger
-Fix automix info not shown correctly sometimes
-Fix playing video edits in sampler
-Fix waveform overview colors incorrect on long songs such as mixes
-Improve LiveFeedback results
BUILD 4032 (2017-12-15)
-Pioneer DDJ-XP1 supported
-Title plugin improvement
-Fix ignore controller not working when disconnecting and reconnecting controller
-Fix lockup when returning from lock screen while video was active
-Deezer playlist order remembered
-Deezer logout fix on windows
-fix scrolling up in effect list not wrapping to bottom correctly
BUILD 4011 (2017-12-01)
-Fix default sample icons no longer showing after using sample editor
-Fix pitch reset to zero while beatlock enabled
-Fix crash moving history or karaoke folders
-Allow to zoom a little bit before and after the song in POI editor to make editing near border easier
-POI editor shows cue point colors on waveform
-Fix some wmv files not playing smooth
-karaokeDualDeck option added to play background music on different deck using autoMix
-fix sampler sync when playing loops on sampler only and stopping a sample
-Fix sample loops set to 'pitched' also being synced
BUILD 4002 (2017-11-22)
-Whem renaming or moving files, virtual folders in root, and playlists in playlist folder are automatically updated as well
-2 deck skin key panel shows key offset
-Custom skins: fromMiddle for vertical and horizontal sliders
-save key change in karaoke history
-clone_from_deck action added
-loop action keeps track of multiple button presses correctly when loop is in loop roll mode
-fix sorting of date fields for very old dates
-zoom transition handles different aspect ratios better
BUILD 3994 (2017-11-15)
-Reloop Touch improvements
-Allow deleting items from karaoke singer history
-Video Edits made in Video Editor improvements to text quality
-Fix multiple custom fx interface controlling the same parameters
-Fix history extension in previous build
BUILD 3989 (2017-11-12)
-Show position of karaoke background music in automix list
-Add lookup to right-click menu for pulselocker files to search them using other providers
-Fix GeniusDJ lookup when GeniusDJ folder not visible in folder tree
-get_loaded_song 'color' 'white' to specify a default color if the track doesn't have a color
-Allow to set venue name for karaoke
-Karaoke singers list filled in based on venue
-Allow scrolling and selecting singer names using controller scroll knob
-Fix rename from tag editor when file is accessed from prelisten player
BUILD 3978 (2017-11-04)
-Video previews in prelisten player
-browser_geniusdj action to do geniusdj lookups from action
-Fix maximum zoom level in automix editor
-fix match_key action
-fix rounding error showing some cue points slightly off on overview waveform
-doubleclick vdjscript action added
BUILD 3967 (2017-10-27)
-Pioneer DDJ-SR2 support
-Fix possible crash when experimentalBeatAnalyzer is enabled
-Sample volumes are remembered when switching banks
-Fix crash dragging from karaoke history playlist
BUILD 3961 (2017-10-24)
-Fix right-click 'add to automix' from sidelist not working for multiple songs
-Fix crash recording line input on deck
-Reloop Touch support
-Improve rhythm wave (currently when experimentalBeatAnalyzer is on)
-karaoke singer filled in when dragging from karaoke history to karaoke playlist
BUILD 3954 (2017-10-15)
-Detect external screen connection/disconnection on mac
-Fix duplicate iTunes folders showing up since recent iTunes update
-Karaoke set name remembers list of names entered in current session for faster entry
-Num* keyboard shortcuts fix on mac
-Ensure center line in scratch waveform is always at least one pixel
BUILD 3936 (2017-10-03)
-Fix webm recording on pc
-Fix deezer logout
-Fix performance issue scanning large files with samplerate below 44100Hz
-CoverFlow visualisation
-Support for .vst plugin filename on Mac
-Fix green first frame on interlaced videos
BUILD 3921 (2017-09-25)
-Fix droplets video transition not smooth at start and end
-Improve zoom video transition fading in center
-Fix pulselocker crash
-Store up to 5 master fx slot selections and master color fx selection
-KeyCue pad page has option to disable cue jump
-Fix karaoke background music not starting when karaokeSkipSilence was on
-Fix search result count including separator
-keycue_pad_jump action to toggle jumping to cue point on/off
BUILD 3903 (2017-09-16)
-Numark DJ2GO2 supported
-Fix deezer facebook login
-Fix options drop-down on touch-screens
-Track cleaner fixes
-Fix crash when switching to timecode config window
BUILD 3896 (2017-09-09)
-When a user is logged in to Deezer, groove music or content unlimited and tries to load a Spotify link (from old playlist for example), an alternative is automatically searched for in Deezer and loaded
-menu_cycledisplay to control what get_text shows on single-line controllers
-fix color table shared for different midi devices causing incorrect pad colors when multiple controllers connected
-fix dragging folder icons using touch screen
-Colorfx instances independent of other deck effects
-Improve defaults for tablet skin/grid mode
-Action and Load POI's also allow color to be set
-Numark NS6-II support added
BUILD 3889 (2017-09-04)
-Fix video editor text effects on mac
-Fix timecode pitch readout off sometimes
-Fix saving track edits for online files
-Add support for Reloop RMX90DVS
-Selected effect using hc4500 controller menu is remembered
-Improve browser grid view
-Can pause karaoke track with karaoke engine enabled
-Fix scrolling text on some controllers
BUILD 3870 (2017-08-22)
-Fix webm recording on mac
-Improve lyrics lookup in video editor
-Fix get_featuring_after_artist
-Fix ask the dj twitter hash tags not shown
-Fix autocue not working if song moves slightly due to vibrations during load
-Fix pitch wobble on fast pitch changes
BUILD 3848 (2017-08-16)
-Fix mp4 video recording on windows on some systems
BUILD 3846 (2017-07-30)
-Fix flac recording
-Fix mac mp4 video recording on some systems
-Fix database cleanup problem
-Spotify logout fix
-automix_add_next moves song in automix list to next position when selected
-keepBPMonAnalyzerUpdate option to prevent bpm analyzer update from updating bpm/phase
BUILD 3840 (2017-07-24)
-Traktor playlists read correctly on mac
-Fix issue with sampler video plugins
-Fix colorize effect not working with transparent samples
-Fix not able to save new image for video sample
BUILD 3826 (2017-07-17)
-Sync button always works with 2 decks, even when masterdeck selected
-cleanTagsInDeckDisplay option added to disable automatic formatting of tags in deck display
-total time of multiple selected files shown in tag editor
-Fix sampler sync when switching to sample of same group and no deck playing
-Fix video samples no longer transparent when applying video effects
-Performance improvement when pitchQuality set to 3
-Add right-click options Play Next, Add To Automix and Mix Now while automix is enabled
BUILD 3807 (2017-07-07)
-Allow video effects on sampler effect slot (using effect_select "sampler" script)
-Add support for Pioneer XDJ-1000MK2
-Add support for Pioneer XDJ-RX
-Fix samples not playing in sync with each other when no deck is playing
-Automatic clean up and formatting of artist/title/remix/featuring on decks
BUILD 3798 (2017-07-02)
-Fix sampler crackling on first play
-First beat detection improvement with experimentalBeatAnalayzer
-Fix for ASIO unable to initialize when it is the default audio device in windows (for some drivers)
BUILD 3790 (2017-06-28)
-Fix scratch wave calculation on old processors
BUILD 3789 (2017-06-26)
-Calculate accurate beat phase while updating bpm live to make streaming songs mixable faster
-Improve overview waveform quality when skin has different sizes of waveforms
-Allow discogs for batch downloading of track info
-Groove Music support
-Pioneer DDJ-SZ2 fixes
BUILD 3780 (2017-06-18)
-Fix waveforms when used with line-in source
-ReWire launch panel opened when initializing ReWire device
-Fix buffer effects when not run on masterdeck
-Fix waveform overview in sample editor sometimes not matching sample accurately
-Fix some vdj 6 and earlier plugins activating plugins on wrong deck
-Spiral audio effect
-Prevent full start/end automix points to be overwritten when automatically re-analyzing
-Fix pitchQuality 3 possible sync offset
BUILD 3771 (2017-06-10)
-pitchQuality 3 for improved quality time-stretching
-Initial pad engine touchbar support on Mac
-Don't change beat grid phase on automatic re-analyze
BUILD 3761 (2017-06-01)
-Don't overwrite custom set mix points on automatic re-analyze
-Add one of four button to bpm editor for variable bpm tracks
BUILD 3760 (2017-05-30)
-Fix sampler master volume not working on external mixer audio config
-Multi-bpm detection (from BPM Editor, options->re-analyze (multiple bpm))
-Fix MJPEG files freezing sometimes
-Improve bpm analyzer
BUILD 3752 (2017-05-22)
-Fix memory leak on content unlimited download
-Fix some beatlock issues
-Fix loading second Spotify track not working sometimes
-Fix scratch wave sometimes missing part at start when loading is slow
-Fix scrollwheel zoom direction for scratch and rhythm waves
-Get bpm and key from spotify
-Deezer, spotify and pulselocker playlists act like other playlist folder regarding browser columns
-Allow non-Deezer tracks to be added to Deezer playlist
-Allow adding non-Spotify tracks to Spotify playlists
BUILD 3738 (2017-05-13)
-Reloop RP-4000 mapping updated with support for custom pad pages
-Fix .jpg files not used as covers
-fix is_sync flashing sometimes
-fix fallback audio device not working correctly
-allow creating/unfollowing spotify playlists
-Limit hardware accelerated video encoding on mac to OS X 10.9 or higher
-Fix 'deck x video_fx_select'
-Fix lrc files
-Allow adding/removing tracks from Spotify playlists
BUILD 3734 (2017-05-07)
-Spotify playlist and search fixes
-Pioneer DDJ-SZ2 support
BUILD 3731 (2017-05-02)
-Roland DJ-808 supported
-Fix memory leak while analyzing
-Hardware-accelerated video recording on mac
-Fix slicer/loop roll not working on deck 4
-Right-click songpos while in automix opens poi-editor on mix-out point when clicked on the right side and mix-in point when clicked on the left side
-fix automix fade point calculation
-Fix ask the DJ twitter
-bpm analyzer improvements
BUILD 3710 (2017-04-24)
-sampler_pfl action added
-Add option for 24-bit recording
-Fix query prelisten_pos as text crash
-Volume applied on master output even when fake mixer is active
-Further improvements to experimental beat analyzer
-Akai MPD226 supported
BUILD 3696 (2017-04-14)
-Prevent screensaver and display sleeping on Mac
-Fix removing virtual folders when placed in Lists root folder
-Use genre instead of style from discogs
-automix_add_next added
-midiclock_active added to toggle sending midi clock on/off
BUILD 3678 (2017-03-31)
-Fix creating new filter folders directly in system/virtual folders
-Fix satellite boom not booming on 4-decks skins
-Allow creating a favorite from a history folder
-Hide locally unavailable tracks from pulselocker downloaded content folder
-Fix cover art crash on mac
-Allow 3 digit track numbers when parsing filenames
-Fix writing comment tag for mp3's with multiple comment tags
-Send speaker configuration to VST plugin (fixes incorrect channels in Izotope plugin)
-Add zoom parameter to camera plugin
BUILD 3671 (2017-03-24)
-Pulselocker plugin added for pro users
-Add support for shell VST's (one dll containing multiple plugins)
BUILD 3663 (2017-03-21)
-Improve repeat_song for samples loaded on deck
-Fix context menus on secondary windows when videoForceFullScreen is 1
-Fix is_battery on Mac
-Fix virtualfolder_add for subfolders of Virtual root folders
-Fix deezer unable to play the same track twice
-Add right-click menu to delete skin from config
-Fix left/right video deck selection in combination with audio only visualisation
-Scripts can use 'deck leftvideo' 'deck rightvideo' for left/right video deck
-Fix issues on some nVidia cards with a lot of video memory
-Allow adding songs, deleting songs and creating playlists for Deezer
-Fix deezer playlist limit
-Prelisten_pos can be used as text in skins
-Fix logUnsuccessfulSearches when searchContentUnlimited is off
-Fix lockup when maximizing on os x and auto-hide menu bar is on
BUILD 3638 (2017-03-09)
-Fix deezer remix parsing
-Improve remix parsing for spotify
-Fix spotify playlist tracks added to search db
-Fix crash on playing pitched sample
-Fix loading next/previous Discogs image in cover art editor
-Improve discogs release selection for finding year
-Allow internet files in filter folder
-Fix crash when experimentalBeatAnalyzer is enabled
-Don't auto-scan internet files when dropping in automix
-Fix crash loading silent files
-Changing bpm in bpm editor also updates tag when setTagsAuto is set
-Fix crash creating new filter folder
-add autoMixMode with Fade Out and Cut In
BUILD 3621 (2017-02-28)
-Fix selection of last selected folder on startup
BUILD 3619 (2017-02-25)
-Support for AKAI APC40 MKII and AKAI MPD218 added
-Fix time display for karaoke history folder not showing date
-Fix timecode bug that could make vinyl side swapping too sensitive
-Fix video edit not playing on mac with useDXVA enabled
-Fix auto-generating track edit with video with no sound
-New filter word: duplicates
-Fix Discogs cover art
-Improve group by year range 10 filter folder
-Lookup empty year and genre from discogs in tag editor using option button
-Improve wave detail in bpm editor
-Show waveform overview in editors
-Fix deinterlace not working after loading a non-interlaced video
-sideview 'automix' 'blink' and sideview 'karaoke' 'blink' added
-browser_move &quot;top&quot; and &quot;bottom&quot; added
-playlist_load &quot;append&quot; added
-Folder Tree organization change
-Make filter folder genre split by slash optional
-color for skin text object can be action when enclosed with backtics
-browser_move, sidelist_load and karaoke_load actions added
-scratch wave respects vinyl mode setting
-Performance improvement loading big skins
-experimentalBeatAnalyzer option added
-prelisten gain also repects autogain in editors
-Deezer/Spotify plugins for pro users added
BUILD 3573 (2017-01-16)
-Pioneer DJM-900NXS2 support
-Fix shiftpad crash when pad is empty
-Improve sample_bank action query performance
-Small 6-deck skin cbg fix
BUILD 3568 (2017-01-09)
-Denon MC7000 supported
-Pioneer DJM-S9 supported
-browser_scroll 'top' and 'bottom' can be queried
-Improve stream selection when file has multiple audio streams
-pitchResetSpeed option added
-fix docking of effects in skins with multiple browsers
-Fix pad_button_color
-Small slideshow fix (one image not shown after finished trough list)
-when forward-spin is enabled, song resumes when normal speed is reached instead of waiting for complete stop
-fix crash when 'settings' action is used with incorrect parameter
-Fix some pad action crashes
-group by filter folder no longer shows results marked hidden from search db
-xdj 1000 browser improvement
-Fix echo crash when using DubLoop pad page with controller connected
-Rotated video support in decks and slideshow
-Fix video recording audio sync issue when input samplerate different from record samplerate
-Fix track edits with track cover
-Fade from video to image and image to video in slideshow
-Fix crash in saving mp4 tag on big files
-Skin init actions executed after skin completely loaded
-Improve mouse/touch backspins
BUILD 3523 (2016-11-24)
-Slideshow switches to new folder faster on selection
-save_config saves variables
-browser_export exports playtime
-Fix seeking back in cdg karaoke video
BUILD 3518 (2016-11-18)
-Numark NV CBG support
BUILD 3517 (2016-11-14)
-Improve decoding performance of HEVC videos
-Fix video sample showing 1 old frame when retriggering
-browsed_song action to modify fields such as rating from browsed file
-Fix editing of track and video edits
BUILD 3514 (2016-11-10)
-Fix vdjsample loading on mac
BUILD 3512 (2016-11-08)
-Video fading for slideshow
-Fix crash during analyse on some cpu
BUILD 3510 (2016-11-06)
-Automix smart tempo aligns to beat-grid
-Fix possible crash in sampler or slideshow video
-Improve browser performance when scrolling text
-effect_string action to set string value of effects that support it (slideshow allows changing path from script)
-allow creating favorite from playlist
-Improve video encoder parameters
-Improve icon sharpness on mac
-Fix automatic resizing of multi-window skins not respecting aspect ratio
BUILD 3493 (2016-10-29)
-Fix some issues with multi-window skins
-Fix recording sample loop not selecting loop in folder when recordings folder already selected
-Disable navigation sounds in ads
-Some performance improvements
-Fix some HID controllers not detected
BUILD 3471 (2016-10-22)
-Fix notifications sometimes not shown on mac
-Fix automix editor sometimes not drawing wave correctly
-Improve camera plugin when quickly starting/stopping
-Fix slow browser update when multiple cdj's share the same mapping
-maxPreloadLength now an automatic setting by default
-some possible crash fixes
-Improve video memory detection on mac
BUILD 3456 (2016-10-15)
-Numark NVII support
-Numark waveform fixes
-Fix crash on mac accessing clipboard
-Fix possible automix gap when harddrive responds too slow
-Add ability to mark songs as played
-Fix too much memory used for video on mac in some cases
-Notifications for AskTheDJ using Twitter when monitoring set to Always
-Fix Title plugin select color
BUILD 3440 (2016-10-08)
-Fix potential broadcast crash
-Sampler_loop action accepts loop length and can be used while_pressed
-Text plugin on top of visualisations and sampler
BUILD 3432 (2016-10-04)
-Podcast warning message when still uploading when closing
-Fix effect_select 'audioonlyvisualisation' 'none'
-Remember clock 12/24 setting
-globalQuantize setting is now a drop-down selection
-fix possible flash of old video at end of automix video transition
-Zoom for numark controller waveforms
-Improved first beat of measure detection
BUILD 3420 (2016-09-24)
-Karaoke singer list font size relative to window size
-Fix karaoke crash when no background music selected
BUILD 3418 (2016-09-22)
-Fix karaoke background music
BUILD 3414 (2016-09-20)
-Support CDJ2000NXS2 firmware v1.4 (required upgrade)
-Controller performance improvements
-slideshow doesn't show fade when only 1 picture available
-pioneer_play light stays on when pioneer_cue held long enough
-fix video editor lock up when window resized too small
-Fix editing remix field when originally parsed from filename
-Fix for mappers when hardwareShift is yes to remain compatibility with user-created mappers
BUILD 3409 (2016-09-14)
-Denon MCX8000 support
-Numark Dashboard support
-get_browsed_song 'length' 'ms' added
-Add get_browsed_song 'title_remix'
-Fix is_sync and match_bpm queries
BUILD 3398 (2016-09-04)
-Fix cdg sync issue
-Fix timing of bpm-aware dsp effects
-Fix incorrect saving of size of video window when it is minimized
-Fix slip mode timing off sometimes
BUILD 3390 (2016-09-01)
-Fix crash on loading songs in early access build 3386
BUILD 3386 (2016-08-29)
-Fix audio/video offset on cdg files
-Allow video to load when audio fails
-Improved memory use and loading speed when song samplerate is different from soundcard samplerate
-Fix waveform in video editor when editing unanalyzed files
-is_sync action added
-Fix removing drive on mac closing all external databases instead of only the removed drive
-Fix browser line height on mac trunacting characters
BUILD 3378 (2016-08-22)
-Boom Auto speed parameter based on beats
-pioneer_play and pioneer_cue actions added
-Fix reading karaoke cdg files with bad sync
-UPNP support for broadcasting
-Support for Quartz Compositions as video effects on Mac
-RPM set to 4 beats works for variable bpm tracks
-Fix crash in Mac camera plugin
-Fix get_time_min etc when used on text fields
-Fix windows in multi-window skin not showing on load
-Fix sampler not showing text or image at some sizes
-Cover download fix
-Small track editor fix
- new "Add Lyrics" in Video Editor
-Fix parsing dates with leading zeros
-Fix changing case for a folder
-Fix virtualfolder_add crash
-Fix pad crash for generic midi controller
BUILD 3343 (2016-08-01)
-Fix video recording
BUILD 3342 (2016-07-30)
-ID3 tag ratings are compatible with windows explorer/media player ratings
-Implement VST GUIs on Mac
-Fix lockup on startup when skin error on mac
-Fix text result for get_time with unit parameter
-Fix slideshow fade time not remembered
-Fix loop_pad_mode x queries
-Add option 'fxProcessing' to select pre- or post-fader effects
-Improve camera plugin performance and automatic resolution selection
-Fix getting dimmed colors from color action
-Fix moving files in list while automix is removing played files
BUILD 3324 (2016-07-18)
-Fix slideshow on mac
-Fix audio stopping for plus licenses (for controllers that share ASIO drivers with other controllers)
-Fix crash for pads
-shuffle once places currently playing song at the top to ensure entire list gets played
-Show all available audio channels on mac
-add hotcue mode to keycue page menu
-add hardwareShift controller flag for controllers that send shift, but operate shift in hardware
-fix drag&amp;drop multiple files from finder on mac
-Fix time display on cdj2000nxs2
-Fix mix_and_load_next
-mix_now doesn't sync bpm if difference over 10%
-Improve selection of line inputs for deck 3 and 4
-Fix possible loss of custom mapper when switching between mappers of the same controller
-keycue pad page added
BUILD 3311 (2016-07-12)
-Fix hang problem in cover art window
-Removable drive connect/disconnect support on mac
-Fix focus lost when opening text input window with touch
BUILD 3308 (2016-07-09)
-Fix reading of certain id3 tags
-Fix crash on corrupt tags in tag editor
-Small cue_loop fix
-Fix crash on memory low when using batch bpm analyzer
-Fix automix editor crash
-Fix videoForceFullScreen 1
- fix potential crash on close
-Fix Pioneer DDJ-RR on mac
-Fix incorrect loop lengths shown in POI editor
-Scratch wave drawing performance improvement
-Scratch/Rhythm wave grid more stable
-Fix last move/copy folder not remembered
BUILD 3291 (2016-07-04)
-Don't save unchanged mapper with name 'factory default'
-ghost slider fix for video_fx_slider on master
-audio engine performance improvement
-fix system color selector blocking interface and video
-pioneer ddj-rr support
-Fix effect drop-down for slot 2
-Prevent loading plugin parameters from corrupt ini file
-Fix crash trying to delete effect through effect list drop down
BUILD 3286 (2016-06-24)
-Fix Ask The DJ as sideview shortcut
-Fix font enumeration on windows
-Fix crash when re-docking effect on mac
-Fix size of non-custom plugin interfaces on high-dpi displays
BUILD 3278 (2016-06-23)
-Beatgrid plugin now has video option
-Fix potential crashes with multi-window skins
-Fix potential lockup with record button
-Plugins with graphic setup compatible with high-dpi
BUILD 3272 (2016-06-21)
- don't hide video when minimizing vdj
BUILD 3268 (2016-06-20)
- Improvements to (geolocation, venues, replies, etc)
- Improved colorPicker (and more modes in the options)
-Various fixes with keyboard shortcuts
-Fix Audio file with gif cover art detected as video
-Fix crash on mac with playlist_save
-Fix alt-tab with videoForceFullScreen
-Fix issue with holding action used on same button of different decks
-Fix lockup when opening sample editor
-Fix unicode tags without BOM marker from ID3 tags
-Fix selecting folder for slideshow
-Fix font selection on mac
-Fix copy folder on mac
-fix crash when edit missing vdjedit files
-Fix effect list popup for audio only visualisation
-Fix potential lock up with timecode config
BUILD 3236 (2016-06-12)
-Fix deleting keys in controller config
-Fix copy/move folder not remembering last folder in windows
-Fix shift/ctrl swapped for moving/copying samples to sample folder
-Fix loading songs from cloud lists
-Fix Ask The DJ refresh clearing out searches
-Fix Ask The DJ crash when no network connection available
-Fix ask the dj list not showing when 'show audio files' is off
-Fix automix editor selection issue
-cue_stop, cue_play and hot_cue actions can cancel an ongoing backspin
-Fix audio crackles in wasapi exclusive mode
-Fix no audio on NetSearch Video
-Fix NetSearch video results not showing up when Force Netsearch Video was on and no CU Audio results
-Sampler also uses zeroDb to add headroom
-Fix security load window pressing cancel using keyboard not working
-Fix ASIO crash when different samplerates mixed
-Fix ASIO sound card not detected correctly for checking Plus license
-samplerHeadphones option added
-Fix karaoke check box in tag editor not checkable
-Various fixes for keyboard mappings
BUILD 3217 (2016-06-08)
-Color picker can be right-clicked for full hex editing
-Dock on mac stays hidden in fullscreen mode
-Fix centered multi-line text in dialogs on mac
-Fix minimize on mac
-Fix potential crash with script cue_name
-Fix potential crash in login window
-Fix automix in dualdeck mode with mix length set to 0s
-Key name drop-down in controller config sorted and shows mapped keys in bold
-Fix minimum width calculation for some config pages
-Fix automatic input selection from sound card definition for wasapi
-Fix holding script
BUILD 3205 (2016-06-06)
-Option to set a non-unique hashtag for twitter
BUILD 3203 (2016-06-05)
Atomix Productions is proud to announce a new version of its flagship software VirtualDJ, which brings many important improvements and new features:
In an era where DJ hardware is moving more and more toward a better synergy with DJ software, we redesigned VirtualDJ to be more controller-centric.
As such, the new pad section will fit right at home on most modern controllers, but at the same time brings a versatility and easiness that is the trademark of VirtualDJ.
The audio engine has been improved, and we managed to perfect even more our already top-of-the-line BPM analysis algorithm.
And our acclaimed video engine also saw some significant performance boost with a smarter use of hardware acceleration.
The connected aspect has not been forgotten, with some brand new features like Ask.The.DJ
And of course, the overall stability has been maintained to rock-solid level, with the lowest crash ratio in the industry.
BUILD 2857 (2016-02-17)
-Fix hardware-accelerated decoding for some videos
-Fix unable to remove favorite folder when original folder no longer exists
BUILD 2853 (2016-02-13)
-Fix re-opening of selected filter folder if it is inside a virtual folder
-Fix dual-deck automix mode not proceeding when fade length is 0
-Fix database issue when a corrupt database is detected
BUILD 2844 (2016-02-05)
-EQ kill reset with resetEQOnLoad
-Improved sample video playback
-Controller updates
BUILD 2832 (2016-01-30)
-Improve video decoding for samples and slideshow
-Fix file naming when using record_cut
-Fix video when crossfader when crossfader_hamster activated
-Fix headphonesgain not applied for sandbox
-Fix mouse over visual issue in browser
BUILD 2828 (2016-01-27)
-Fix windows installer certificate
BUILD 2827 (2016-01-26)
-Fix Podcasting
-Fix some rare crashes
-Fix saving samples failing sometimes
-Controller mappings updated for colored cue points
BUILD 2821 (2016-01-19)
-Fix some crashes
BUILD 2819 (2016-01-15)
-Fix bpm analysis on samplerate other than 44khz
-Fix default cue colors for controller pads
-Fix import of Serato track colours
-Fix delay when quickly loading songs in a deck other than deck 1
-Fix loading of some cached content unlimited files on mac
-WASAPI exclusive mode initialization improvement
-Fix browser_sort action not reversing sort
- Can select a colour for a cue point in the POI editor
- cue_colour command to get/set cue point colour
- Add colour selection for saved loops
- Add 'loop_color' command to get/set saved loop colour
-Fix database loading issue when drive connected after startup
-Fix deadlock on copying file that already exists in destination using drag&amp;drop
-Scratchwave adjusted for zeroDb setting
BUILD 2770 (2016-01-02)
-Fix Japanese and Russian language file crash when trying to create a new account
-Fix issue preventing proper closing of virtualdj when external drive connected during use
BUILD 2761 (2015-12-26)
-Fix reading genre tag of WMA tags sometimes containing composer instead
-Fix lockup when loading an unscanned track with a samplerate higher than the output samplerate
-Fix start of sample being cut off by ramp up
BUILD 2740 (2015-12-20)
-Fix switching input in Camera plugin
-Fix forced custom controller definitions not being correctly loaded
-Fix potential instability when using line in
-Fix potential problem on exit when taskbar notification is visible
BUILD 2729 (2015-12-18)
-Fix netsearch change in protocol
-Fix Windows' custom folder icons
-Fix potential rare crash on some skins without waveforms
-Improve cloud list song searches
BUILD 2693 (2015-12-12)
-Large performance improvement when scanning songs for bpm etc
-Performance improvement for startup/closing times
-Touch friendly context menu for covers
-Touch friendly context menu for browser column headers
-Add run time to get_clock tooltip
-Fix will play at times for automix shuffle
-Fix not playing all files in automix shuffle
-Fix rare crash on bad id3 tag
-Fix crash on exit when sending history fails
-Support for single deck skins to load in only 1 deck on double-click
-Preserve aspect ratio of images used in sampler based on letterBoxing setting
-Improved parsing of karaoke tags from filename
-Allow command line opening of songs on windows
-useKeyFromTag option added to use key stored in tag instead of calculated value
-writing mp4 tags works when no room left at beginning of file
-Saving a loop that isn't set on the deck obeys the quantizeLoop setting
-Triggering a saved loop obeys the smart_cue setting
-Improve selection of audio only visualisation instance so that settings are correctly used
-Delete .cdg when deleting .mp3
-Remove unplayable results from xiami netsearch results
-Waveform overview fully calculated for streaming songs
-follow symlink on root folders on mac
-Fix possible crash on mac using maximize/minimize/close actions from controller
-Fix remove played removing currently playing song in automix
-fix potential issue with edit filter folder option on mac
BUILD 2587 (2015-11-29)
-Fix issue when removing and re-adding cloudList root folder
BUILD 2586 (2015-11-23)
- fix rare potential issue when changing sampler banks very fast
BUILD 2585 (2015-11-22)
-Fix rare out of memory crash when loading new tracks to a deck non-stop
- Fix multiple save issue with loop_save with no slot specified
-Remove clutter from iTunes root folder (Books, PDFs, Apps, etc...)
BUILD 2578 (2015-11-15)
NEW: VirtualDJ 8.1 !
this new version is mostly focused on stability
and is a strongly recommended update.
- overall improved stability
- new Shazam integration
- new GeniusDJ folder
- new CloudList with collaborative lists
BUILD 2523 (2015-11-11)
- fix NetSearch new format
BUILD 8543 (2025-03-26)
-Fix glitch in kick or hihat stems on some tracks
-Fix cut effect when used together with a loop when cut length is larger than loop length
-Fix crash using get_level [stem] and cueing slightly before the start of the song
-Fix renaming sampler banks from browser tree
-Fix video samples not playing with samplerIndependentDeckBanks
-Fix get_askthedj_unread tooltip marking messages as read
-when sampler_select is not used, sample scripts without index will use sample selected in browser
-Fix renaming samples from the PER-SONG bank
-param_contains case insensitive
BUILD 8528 (2025-03-09)
-Improve Phase stability on mac
BUILD 8526 (2025-02-18)
-Support for Pioneer XDJ-AZ
-safeVideoDecode enabled for NVidia to fix bug in recent driver update
-sampler_pad_volume script to respect sampler pad pages
-Add quantizeScratch option to quantize release of jog wheel
-Fix beatgrid and cue point offset on cdj export
-Improve multi-bpm analysis
-samplerSpanAcrossDeck support for 4x4 and 8x8 pad configurations
-Fix track cleaner/video editor creating duplicate poi if no audio edits were made
-Fix drag&drop on per-song sampler bank on pads and in sideview
-‘Include subfolders’ option for CDJ export
-CDJ drives have subfolder to show songs that are not included in any playlist for easy deletion
-Fix some older zipped sampler banks not showing up in correct order
-search_folder finds filter folders too
BUILD 8516 (2025-01-31)
-Improve loading speed of sample banks with many or large images
-delete_cue script also supports indexed types like ‘delete_cue 1 marker’
-Update beatport/beatsource plugin
-fix date_added and date_created swapped for rekordbox export
-Support for Rekorbox Library Plus with CDJ Export
BUILD 8502 (2025-01-13)
-Fix download to cache for karaoke catalogs
-Correctly rotate vertical videos when used in sampler
-Fix vertical videos not playing back correctly when Blur Black Bars enabled
-Add right-click option on video in sample editor to turn on preserve aspect ratio
-Fix delete from linked tracks sideview not working for backward links
-Fix karaoke background song cover art showing incorrectly in karaoke video skin
BUILD 8497 (2025-01-02)
-Fix crossfaderDisable not working with crossfaderCustom
-Fix add to playlist dialog sometimes not listing all playlists that already contain the song
-Fix FLX10 jog wheel vibration protection
-Fix crash deleting multiple songs from a list near end of list
-get_vu_meter with stems takes stem volume into account
-Automatically attempt reconnection of remotes that were manually added
-right-click on goto_last_folder in browser toolbar (when enabled) will open search_folder dialog with a list of recently opened folders
-fix prelisten not using zeroDb when autoGain is set to off
-Improve 'Mute Vocal' in track editor for very short segments
-Add 'resetGainOnLoad' option
BUILD 8490 (2025-01-02)
-fix samplerSpanAcrossDecks when using controller with only 4 pads
-get_spectrum_band improved scale when used with stems
-get_level and get_vu_meter support stems
-Ducking Echo also works when using mute
-display direct link to the file requested in when the catalog is made of full paths
-export playlist to text now offers to export full paths, titles, or visible browser fields
-Fix deleting songs from List removing singer information from remaining songs in some cases
-fix slip mode activating on motor start for motorized jog wheels
-Event Scheduler respects clockDisplay for 12-hour clock
-Fix favorite folder not saved on correct drive
BUILD 8472 (2024-12-04)
- show legacy banks if it had user-made samples
- fixed drag&drop to old banks
- fixed sampler groups used on non-loop samples
- ensure sampler pads are using the new syntax
- new actions sampler_options 'locked' and sampler_options 'stemswap', new option samplerHideLegacyBank
BUILD 8460 (2024-11-29)
- stemSwap is now a bank property, instead of a global setting
- non-stemSwap banks play on master by default, while stemSwap banks play on deck
- cleaned up sampler menu
- can drag&drop samples to the pads
BUILD 8454 (2024-11-27)
-New options samplerSpanAcrossDecks and samplerHideDefaultBanks
-Unchecking "locked" on a zip or internal bank offers to create an editable copy
-Various sampler fixes
-Support for AlphaTheta DDJ-FLX2
BUILD 8439 (2024-11-24)
This is the new VirtualDJ 2025 - EarlyAccess build !
VirtualDJ 2025 introduces our new Sampler 2.0.
The new sampler features easy on-the-fly recording and playback of samples,
stems-swapping, per-song banks, and more, to bring your creativity to the next level.
New sampler 2.0:
-New sampler pads with easy record and playback
-Pads can record Stems samples
-Stems samples can swap with the corresponding stem
-Sample banks can be grouped in subfolders
-Large banks can be paginated on the pads
-Sampler banks can be organized and edited in the browser
-New PER-SONG special bank to associate and recall specific samples with a track
-Default banks have been changed
-New option samplerIndependentDeckBanks
-Support for Alpha Theta DDJ-GRV6
-Fix using stems in loops while effect applied to stems sometimes not isolating or muting stems
-fix deck 1 eq_mode 'frequency' deck
-support 'on'/'off' for padfx
-Fix 'pitch_range "8,16" +1 deck'
-countdown script updated to count down to 2025 when no parameters added
-iTunes folder checks required permissions on mac
-Sideview name tooltip shows length of list
-Fix some interlaced videos not getting deinterlaced
-Increase tail of reverb when disabling effect
-Fix tooltip on songpos waveform when song longer than 8 hours
-Correctly enumerate fonts in Text plugin on windows 64-bit
-Fix crash scanning songs over 8 hours in length
-Skin Cover object supports 'karaoke x' as source
BUILD 8350 (2024-10-21)
-Fix SoundCloud login
-Show cached icon for downloaded beatport/beatsource files
-Fix Spiral strength label
-sampler_rec_delete to clear slot in recordings bank filled by sampler_rec
BUILD 8346 (2024-10-14)
-Fix VST3 plugins on mac
BUILD 8344 (2024-10-09)
-Fix autoMixTempoMode keep pitch still changing pitch after mix
-Fix VST3 initialisation on mac for some plugins
-Improve Pioneer FLX10 headroom for better sound quality
-Add tooltip on sideview list name to show number of songs in list
-“file_count sidelist” script added
-Fix potential stems crash on 192khz songs
BUILD 8336 (2024-10-07)
-os2lDirectIp doesn't block vdj when server not running
-Update linked tracks in sideview immediately after active song changes
-Fix remote not receiving updates in some cases
BUILD 8331 (2024-10-01)
-effect_slider_skip_length and effect_has_length (for controllers with effect_beats and effect parameter separated)
-Fix re-opening virtualdj with Tidal genres subfolder selected
-Fix stems audio issue when precomputed stems are used but all stems at 100%
BUILD 8325 (2024-09-30)
-Duplicates filter folder also supports local folder scope
-Allow "\n" for new line in text="" for skin text objects
-Add 'get_sample_info group' and 'get_sample_info length'
-Fix 'get_sample_info key'
-Fix automixTempoMode option not working for all automix modes
-Fix database restore causing duplicates if list already exists on non-main drive
BUILD 8322 (2024-09-19)
-Fix set_bpm not saving tags when setTagsAuto enabled
-Fix cloud drive sync removing files if external drive not connected on mac
-skin songpos element can show sample waveforms (use sample="1")
-Fix disableHotplugForNewLists
-automixTempoMode option
-Fix cover art on rane performer not updating if same track loaded on two decks
-samplerShowWaveform option
-Improve Drag&Drop .txt and .csv in lists
BUILD 8314 (2024-09-11)
-Fixes for using stem split with controllers with motorized jog wheels
-Fix distortion when using prepared stems and only boosting/muting a stem a few percent
-Fix adding a song to a cloud folder if the song is already in another cloud folder
BUILD 8308 (2024-09-09)
-Fix camera previews not showing in camera options dialog if camera not yet activated on arm mac
-Setting os2l config option to 'no' disconnects active connections
-Fix padshift script returning old value when switching to a pad page without action for that pad
-Fix sample editor not showing pictures
-Fix beatjump +1/-1 query
-Change pioneer_cue behavior from cue_play to cue_stop to match standalone behavior
BUILD 8301 (2024-08-27)
-Fix SoundCloud playlist not refreshing when opened on startup
-Fix saving samples crash on some older computers
-Improve start/stop behavior with ramp for motorized controllers and phase
-Fix dropping track in list causing list to lose extended info (singer, play time, etc) in some cases
-effect_bank_load accepts relative parameter (+1/-1)
-Cloud Drive order column shows correct order numbers
-Fix possible distortion when boosting stems
-Fix using BeatPort and BeatSource in remixes tab of sideview
-has_linked_tracks 'browsed' script added
-Fix has_related_tracks not finding backward links
-new option livefeedbackUseBpm to prioritize results with similar bpm range
-geniusDJ folder shows bpm/key and gets direct link to online providers if available
BUILD 8280 (2024-08-14)
-Tidal Video search
-has_linked_tracks vdj script
-automix playlist correctly saved when savePlaylist and automixAutoRemovePlayed are enabled and track deleted from automix
-Fix deleting cached netsearch songs still showing them in cached folder
-Fix os2l_button
-Fix record_cut not adding file extension to split file when not entered
-Fix List not refreshing with files from other drives in some cases
BUILD 8272 (2024-08-01)
-Support for Rane Performer
BUILD 8267 (2024-07-23)
-Support for Reloop Mixtour Pro
-Fix some parts of a set not logged to website
-'Remove missing songs from database' replaces missing cached netsearch files with online links
-beatjump while inside loop and loopAutoMove on will move the loop by jump length
BUILD 8263 (2024-07-23)
-Fix lockup when trying to delete folder from cloud drive
BUILD 8260 (2024-07-15)
-Fix cloud drive not storing database info for content unlimited
-Query "browser_shortcut x" for text fields returns name
-cue actions accept 'marker' type to include cues marked as marker only too
-Moving songs in lists synced with cloud drive sync with cloud drive
-recordVideoCodec option (requires cpu or gpu with support for the codec)
BUILD 8241 (2024-07-03)
-"eq_mode +1 deck" for changing eq mode on a single deck
-Fix Recommended Next and Linked Track sideview folder sometimes not showing local recommendations
-Fix Linked Tracks in sideview not showing results when changing to show results from browser directly after startup
-Fix song covers of dragged tracks showing red only for some covers
-Fix some controllers pitch sliders having a small jump around center
BUILD 8225 (2024-07-02)
-Fix Spiral effect beats adjustments when not used as color fx
-stems_split will trigger calculation of high quality stems when in on-demand mode
BUILD 8220 (2024-06-19)
-Fix cdg karaoke playback in previous update
BUILD 8217 (2024-06-18)
-Fix looped samples having glitches near loop point sometimes
-Event Planner shows legacy playlists when browserShowLegacyM3UPlaylists is enabled
-When loading a new song to a deck that was used with stems_split, keep the stems on the other deck as-is
-Fix Echo Out performance issue when active for a long time
-Automix respects resetKeyOnLoad off
-Cut effect accepts any number of beats using effect_beats
-Changing genre through browser info tab respects setTagsAuto setting
-Separate strength and length when spiral effect used as regular effect (not color fx)
BUILD 8195 (2024-06-10)
-Store filter folders as filter folders in cloud drive
-Fix track cleaner locking up skin when drop-down menu was used to save the cleaned track
-Add "Open With" support using Finder on macOS
-Fix cdj export dialog 'compatibility' drop-down not changing cdj compatibility setting
-effect_select_popup to show full effect list while scrolling from a controller
-Fix small offset in beat grid calculation on some tracks
-Fix some tooltips not showing correctly in previous update
-Fix Lists sometimes not showing tracks from other drives on startup
-"param_cast nothing" to remove implicit parameter in scripts
-add "get_saved_loop length" script to get length in milliseconds or beats
BUILD 8184 (2024-06-05)
-Cloud Drive fixes
-Fix order when using drag&drop with multiple files in List
-Fix saved loops in variable bpm tracks not always triggering at the correct location
-Linked Tracks list auto-updates in dedicated lists in custom skins too
BUILD 8176 (2024-05-23)
-fix regression in previous EA when using clouddrive on large databases
BUILD 8174 (2024-05-23)
-Fix crash when changing to some skins
BUILD 8173 (2024-05-22)
-Fix cloudfolder sometimes loosing sync and content in large db on subfolder modification
-Online subfolders allow sort order to be changed
-Fix crash when display disconnected while HID/MIDI is loading cover picture
-Streamable precomputed stems on mac too
-Fix selection with script editor when script spans multiple lines
BUILD 8167 (2024-05-16)
- new clouddrive engine, to speed up loading on large databases
- cloudDrive can stream .vdjedit files or .zip karaoke files
- synced clouddrive folders keep the tracks order
- showAllDrives for googleDrive
- new karaoke catalog provider for EU/UK/MENA: SunFly
- fix video hardware acceleration issue on mac
- fix reading minor keys from Beatport
- fix editing Filter folders in Lists stored on other disks
- show cue points on waveform in browser column
BUILD 8124 (2024-04-28)
-Allow automix for Tidal users without DJ Extension during transition period
-Fix prelisten player not playing when trying to restart a streamed song
-Prelisten player in browser shows cue points
BUILD 8121 (2024-04-22)
-Fix for video glitches on old integrated gpu's
-Fix playback of interlaced videos
-Script editor correctly parses parentheses in script when mouse over
BUILD 8115 (2024-04-16)
-CloudDrive fixes
-Fix sidelist/automix/karaoke not allowing duplicates
-Fix List with Keep Order with files on different drives
-Fix warbling sound on Phase when master tempo disabled
-hotcueSavesLoop option
-Saving video edit keeps custom bpm poi's from audio track
BUILD 8095 (2024-04-10)
- new TIDAL "DJ Extension" addon, with Stems separation enabled
BUILD 8093 (2024-04-09)
- fix visual glitch when creating filter inside lists with only external drive files
- fix ordering mylists alphabetically
- fix clouddrive sync folders with online source create duplicates
- fix moving clouddrive folder to a folder where same name already exists
BUILD 8089 (2024-04-07)
-New option browserShowLegacyM3UPlaylists, to keep using .m3u playlists if you need to
-Fix old virtualFolders from vdj2023 to keep noDuplicates
-Fix importing ordering and colors of subfolders of special folders
-Fix cloudDrive disconnecting after 1h
-CloudDrive folders can be drag&dropped to "download" them
-CloudDrive two-way sync always asks confirmation before deleting any file or folder
-Fix drift on Phase new firmware
-Fix regression crash on mac with some video codecs
BUILD 8078 (2024-04-04)
-Keep Order on Virtual Folders resets order on browsing to new list
-Any folder can be set as favorite (except root folders that can just be dragged to root)
-New option disableDuplicateForNewLists
-Second click on shortcut button collapse/expand the folder
-Fix recording when no path entered on windows
-Fix sync of cached online files to clouddrive
-Clouddrive pause sync option
-Fix database backup not backing up history
-Fix showing linked tracks from browser info tab
-Fix corrupted cues set by mixedinkey
-Fix file count in browser off when online results are shown
-Support for reading Opus tags
-Improve track selection for local livefeedback in sideview
-Improve bpm analysis performance on mac with Apple Silicon
BUILD 8056 (2024-04-03)
- add one-way/two-way option for clouddrive sync
BUILD 8055 (2024-04-01)
- fixes for History folders
- fixes for Lists inside special folders others than root and mylists
- fixes for Favorite from external drives
- new option browserAutoExportM3UShowPlaylists
- can convert Traktor playlists to vdj Lists
- CDJ Export can copy 24-bit aiff without re-encoding
BUILD 8044 (2024-03-26)
- clouddrive folders can be moved or reordered
- browser shortcuts work with all folder types (as does browser_gotofolder script)
- fix various small issues in previous EA
BUILD 8019 (2024-03-22)
- fix opening subfolders of Lists inside Filter root folder
BUILD 8017 (2024-03-21)
- fix clouddrive forgetting links when using oneDrive
- fix crash when writing tag to file after switching clouddrive provider
- new option browserAutoExportM3U to keep .m3u files available for backward compatibility with integrations made for vdj2023
- upgrading from vdj2023 to vdj2024 also copy lists and filters that were inside Lists (and put them in Ideas)
- better drag&drop of folders in the tree view
- auto-scroll of tree view when mouse on top or bottom follow speed of mouse's horizontal movement
- new option browserShortcutDefaultIcon
- new option browserPreviousFoldersButton
- fix podcast uploads
BUILD 8000 (2024-03-17)
Welcome to VirtualDJ 2024
What's new:
- CloudDrive: sync your lists to the cloud and stream them from anywhere (using googleDrive, oneDrive, iCloud, or dropbox)
- Library organization: unified MyLists (with drive hotplug compatibility), instant folder shortcuts toolbar,
linked-track view (your own private liveFeedback based only on your own history or tracks you manually link)
- and more smaller improvements, like Fuzzy key mixing, the new trend in harmonic mixing
BUILD 7921 (2024-02-25)
- fix potential crash when moving folders in previous EA
-Improve pitch readout speed with Pioneer CRSS12 and Reloop RP-8000
- Support for Traktor X1 MK3
BUILD 7919 (2024-02-20)
-Fix Phase with timecode not working in previous EA
BUILD 7907 (2024-02-17)
-Fix timecode pitch display updating slow
-Show track title for Linked Tracks in status bar
BUILD 7903 (2024-02-14)
-Fix inked Tracks feature not correctly differentiating remixes when remix is tagged as part of title
-Include recommendations from History in linked tracks folder
-Improve automatic detection of VDJ Remote and OS2L
BUILD 7885 (2024-02-07)
-Fix crash when using reload tags
-Fix OS2L connection not auto-detected when no network connection is present on mac
-'Related Tracks' renamed to 'Linked Tracks'
-'Mark Linked' option now available from cover art drop-down
BUILD 7881 (2024-02-05)
-Related tracks option in Remixes tab in sideview, and mark_related_tracks script to add them
-Fix reload tags for serato cue points
-Fix lyrics netsearch in video editor
-Fix unable to move Virtual Folder to a Playlists sub-folder
-Add get_loaded_song_color to include color filters
-Fix vdj samples larger than 2GB
-Using file operations->Copy also copies precomputed stems
-Save secondary sort order in config too
-fix param_cast 'ms' from beats returning a value in seconds instead of milliseconds
-fix adjust_cbg when using beats or milliseconds as parameter
-fix automix remaining time calculation incorrect in some cases
-Allow setting karaoke singer and key change from VirtualDJ Remote
BUILD 7847 (2023-12-18)
-Improve automatic detection of VirtualDJ Remote on mac
-Support changing hash tags and genre for multiple files at once from browser info tab
-quantized dump when 'dump quantized' is used, or quantize_all is active
-timecode_reset_pitch works for Phase HID as well
-Fix re-saving playlist loaded in automix/sidelist
-"sampler_* auto" respect sixteenPadsMode config option
BUILD 7831 (2023-11-30)
-Fix Phase drift while paused
-move_deck script to load track from one deck in another and unload the first deck, respecting loadSecurity
-Support for The Next Beat SX-1
BUILD 7827 (2023-11-27)
-Improve pitch readout stability when using Phase
-add browsed_file_reload_tag script
-Fix crash opening filter folder set to work on the current folder recursively
BUILD 7823 (2023-11-24)
-Phase HID support
-param_make_discrete action for simplifying script for smooth endless encoders
BUILD 7816 (2023-11-22)
-Fix crash when manually adding IP for VirtualDJ remote
-Extend Tidal use with regular Hifi subscription
-Support for Phase HID
BUILD 7813 (2023-11-21)
-Refreshed Skin and Controller pages in settings
-Save option in karaoke_options drop down
-Sidelist and automix automatically saved when changed so that accidental sort can be reverted without showing a warning
-Fix corrupting MOV file when invalid meta tag was present and writing tags
-Fix vu meters in some third party skins not refreshing
-os2l_button can accept script as parameter
BUILD 7759 (2023-11-05)
-Fix some graphical issues with third party skins
BUILD 7755 (2023-11-01)
-Fix unable to start Podcast
-Screen Grab video plugin respects letterBoxing option for maintaining aspect ratio
BUILD 7746 (2023-10-30)
-Fix Pioneer Opus Quad not being able to use stems on outer eq channels
-Fix database error dialog showing wrong drive letter to fix
BUILD 7745 (2023-10-27)
-Pioneer Opus Quad and CDJ-3000 have option to use hot cue buttons for stems
-Fix skin refresh issue on mac when resizing window
BUILD 7744 (2023-10-26)
-Fix some text cut off on mac in previous EA
-Fix adjusting loop out using jog wheel when quantize loop is enabled
BUILD 7740 (2023-10-25)
-Fix slow startup when big database is loaded and autoSortCues is enabled
-Screen Grab plugin on Windows has option to select individual windows to grab
-Fix database issue when drive paths changed or using external on both windows and mac
BUILD 7735 (2023-10-23)
-Fix lockup during startup while loading database in some cases in previous EA update
-Fix freeze when using Sratch DNA with beatlock enabled
-Fix some Camera sources only showing a static image
-skin <songpos> accepts "half=yes" parameter to display wave cut in half
-sampler banks in sideview can be scrolled with scroll wheel
-Sample editor gain knob reflects changes in waveform
-Fix Bing and Discogs cover download
BUILD 7716 (2023-10-16)
-Pioneer PLX-CRSS12 support
-Option to use stems and sampler on HC buttons for CDJ-3000
-Fix stems turning off when using equalizer on outer channels
-Fix lag and slow refresh on controller screens
-"effect_disable_all mic", "effect_disable_all aux" and "effect_disable_all sampler" scripts added
-"scratchbank_load" without parameters opens a menu to select the bank
-Fix unstable speed with Hercules T7 when VirtualDJ is running in the background on slower computers
-scratchbank_load accepts absolute index or name as parameter as well
-Fix plugins making using of VDJFLAG_PROCESSLAST
-Allow filter folder "group by year invert" to see most recent years at the top
-Improve database loading speed on mac
-Move and copy folder preserves folder color
-Allow onexit scripts in skins (to stop repeat scripts for example) when a new skin is loaded
-QuantizeAll or quantizeLoop will quantize loop out when smart loop is off
-loop_move allows moving loop up to 30 seconds before start or after end of song
-Fix padsSkinIndependent not working correctly
-Fix renaming filter folder and only changing case
BUILD 7692 (2023-10-03)
-Allow offline download and show playlists for Tidal with Hifi Plus subscription
BUILD 7689 (2023-09-24)
-Some fixes for Pioneer DDJ-REV5
-Fixes for auto_bpm_transition
-Export playlist for filter folder or virtual folder has option to include subfolders when exporting to txt/html
-Fix recording at wrong samplerate if first recording mp3 and then recording mp4
BUILD 7682 (2023-09-21)
-Support for Pioneer DDJ-REV5
-Use precomputed stems for CDJ export when available
-Add browser modes with title only for pioneer CDJ2000NXS and CDJ2000NXS2
-Performance improvement for showing waveforms in browser
-Switch EQ's to eq instead of stems when line in is used
-'Pitch Difference' browser column for use in filter folders to check pitch percentage difference to match bpm's, taking into account double/half bpm
-Improve Discogs lookup when tags are not very clean
-hide "search://" entries from database searches
-Filter folders can use `` to include script as values to compare to
-vdjscript auto_bpm_transition has extra optional parameter to select target bpm 'source_original', 'target_original' or 'target_current'
-vdjscript 'auto_bpm_transition_options autostart' to start other deck while starting transition
-set_deck vdjscript to execute script on deck based on another script
-param_multiply vdjscript on colors can make colors darker
-Fix video_fadetoblack vdjscript inverted
-get_automix_song vdjscript supports column names "artist_before_feat", "feat_after_artist", "title_before_remix" and "remix_after_title"
BUILD 7651 (2023-09-13)
-fix crash in with Numark NVII waveforms in previous update
-Fix changing VST3 parameters from skin not passed correctly to plugin
-Support for VST3 instruments
-Pitch effect works on stem padfx
-fix using stem names in effect_select script
-fix automix autoRemovePlayed deleting wrong song if list got re-sorted
-Fix auto_bpm_transition on double bpm's
-Pads in skin show pressed state when pad is pressed on controller
BUILD 7640 (2023-08-29)
-auto_bpm_transition vdjscript
-Pass beat information to VST3 plugins
-Fix saving color and order for 'Drives' folder
-Support for showing 'shapes' waveform on various denon/numark controllers
-Add 'Full Path' database field for use in scripts
-prelisten_info vdjscript
-get_numark_songpos doesn't keep refreshing while stems are processing
-stems_split can accept 'VocalRhythm'
-Pitch effect works correctly when changing stem fx mode while effect active or selected as color fx
-Pitch color fx can be used together with stems split
BUILD 7617 (2023-08-04)
-Fix ghost waveform after end sometimes in previous update
-Fix crash selecting a controller from 'all controllers' list that is not connected
BUILD 7616 (2023-08-02)
-Pioneer DJM-A9 support
-Repeat option for Event Scheduler
-Fix track cleaner preview playing muted vocal at wrong samplerate in some cases
BUILD 7612 (2023-07-30)
-Fix browser color rules not working in previous update
BUILD 7611 (2023-07-30)
-Support Pioneer Opus Quad
-Fix some Deezer and Tidal playlist names not showing correctly
-Browser on Pioneer devices colors tracks based on color filters when supported
-Fix incorrect detection of double-click on denon/rane screens
BUILD 7607 (2023-07-19)
-Fix crash when using reduced quality stems on some cpu's
BUILD 7606 (2023-07-11)
-Fix for jog wheel drift when scratching on Rane controllers with motorized jogwheel
-Don't exit short loop when starting play with smart play on
-Use precomputed stems when available for Track Cleaner vocal censor
BUILD 7600 (2023-07-09)
-Hercules DjControl Inpulse 200 Mk2 support
-Fix track cleaner lock up when changing existing censor block between reverse and mute vocal
BUILD 7594 (2023-06-29)
-Allow drag&drop to move CDJ playlists to different sub-folder
-Track Cleaner censor option to use stems to mute vocals instead of reverse
-Fix using stems fx on mixers with send/return channels (when fxProcessing is pre-fader) like S9 and S11
-Improve quality of Pitch effect when used on master/sampler/stems
-Using re-analyze bpm also re-analyzes the cached waveform
BUILD 7584 (2023-06-11)
-Fix Rane Four detection on mac when both Rane Four and Rane Twelve MKII are connected
-Reanalyze bpm also refreshes waveform cache
-Fix Bome virtual midi cable not showing midi clock output option
-Fix double-click in search_playlists window not selecting file in browser
BUILD 7582 (2023-06-06)
-when beatlock enabled on both decks, apply nudging on non-master deck
-Update Beatport plugin
-Fix equalizer not applied to entire track when using stem fx
BUILD 7572 (2023-05-30)
-Added support for Reloop RMX-95
-Added support for Reloop Mixon 8 Pro
-Fix stems_split_unlink when called from deck 3 or 4
-Fix unable to scratch song when swapping deck3/4 to left/right while stems linked
-"Fixed Grid" and "Blinds" video transitions available from Extensions
-get_date vdjscript
-Fix mouse cursor disappearing over search field on windows with some settings/gpu drivers
-Fix length at 100% for Stretch sound effect
-Fix duplicates in filter folder when scope is recursive virtual folder
-"Prepared Stems" filter folder field accepts 0.5 to find v1 precomputed stems
-Fix linking video to audio sometimes generating too slow video when bpm detected is double on video from audio
-Fix 'reloop' vdjscript in combination with loopBackMode
BUILD 7555 (2023-05-14)
-Fix beatlock
BUILD 7553 (2023-05-07)
-Fix filter knob in 5-stem eq mode still applying filter as well
-Fix headphone output not including some stems when stem fx activated
-Improve sort order in Search Playlists dialog
-Improve Path name formatting in Add To Playlist dialog
-Fix recurse not showing on root music/video/desktop folder context menu
-Show background song info in karaoke song when karaokeDualDeck is enabled
BUILD 7547 (2023-05-03)
-Add playlist sub-folders to genres for Tidal
-Fix Automix volume drop on outgoing track when Radio mode is used in some cases
-Fix deck VU meter when post-fader stem fx are used
-Refresh browser colors after moving color rule up or down in the quick filter editor
-Fix using stems padfx and deck fx (with or without stems) together
BUILD 7544 (2023-05-02)
-Stretch fx fixes for more stable pitch
-Spiral effect compatible with effect_beats +1/-1
-Some small fixes to Phaser effect
-Fix filter_selectcolorfx +1/-1 skipping Loop Roll and Slip Roll
-Fix lyrics download in video editor
BUILD 7539 (2023-04-28)
-Fix gain not applied to stems when stems fx active in post-fader mode
-Fix loop roll behaving like slip roll
BUILD 7537 (2023-04-27)
-Post-fader stem fx
BUILD 7534 (2023-04-26)
-Fix Pitch ColorFX distortion in previous EA
-Fix beatlock, OS2L beats and sampler sync not working correctly in previous EA
-Mobius effect reverses direction when effect_beats +1/-1 is used around the fastest speed
-Add Stretch effect (can be found in Extensions)
BUILD 7533 (2023-04-24)
-Pioneer FLX10 support
-Fix beatlock when used with motorized jog wheels
-Show some more detailed stats in CPU usage tool tip on current stems speed and cpu/gpu used
-Add MT Delay, Low Cut Echo and Slip Roll effects (to be installed from Extensions)
-add stemSplitLeftRight option for stems_split
-Improve stems 2.0 speed for NVidia RTX 3050
BUILD 7524 (2023-04-11)
-Support for Rane Four
-fix "effect_stems MeloRhythm" and "stem_pad Melody"
-effect_beats_all respects 6 fx layout setting
-Add right-click on cog menu to move color filters in quick filter editor
BUILD 7512 (2023-04-03)
-Fix group by genre filter folder showing some genres multiple times in some cases
-Skin cover with rotate automatically gets circle mouse mask
-Fix has_quick_filter for visibility query
-clone deck syncs masterTempo as well
-Allow extendtoolbar=true in <sideview and <fileview for skins with custom browsers
-stems_split doesn't stop a playing deck
-fix crash in custom skin using quick_filter on button
-Allow custom breaklines in <panel as well, to have separate breaklines for a full-screen browser for example
-<browser in skins can have quickfilters="no" to hide quick filters from toolbar
-Fix <songpos in skins getting smaller when breakline is above songpos
-Add watchFolders option to scan a specific folder for new files on startup
-Right-Click cog in quick filter editor to move a rule up or down
-stems_split and stems_split_unlink script for stem split mode
-add browsed_file_prepare_stems
-"browsed_song type karaoke" and "browsed_song type video" can be used to set/remove karaoke flag using script
-Fix some file types missing in karaoke background image selection dialog
BUILD 7482 (2023-03-07)
-Fix sticky keyboard overlay using a lot of memory on mac
BUILD 7481 (2023-03-05)
-Fix some Deezer tracks not playing
-Fix pioneer controller waveform sometimes jumping a little bit
-get_browsed_color applies color filters as well
-Fix file path for online files
BUILD 7474 (2023-02-28)
-Allow partial GPU acceleration with RTX3000 with 4GB memory
-Improve showing Key in grid view
-Bigger drop down for karaoke singer, key and venue
BUILD 7469 (2023-02-24)
-Fix some precomputed stems files not recognized as v2 stems
BUILD 7468 (2023-02-23)
-Some fixes for using smart_fader
-Fix saving playlists from Automix in sideview
-Add 'cancel' option to stems folder context menu
-Add 'export' option to filter folder context menu
-Fix automix in dual deck mode not perfectly synchronized when mixing from right to left deck
-sampler scripts accept implicit parameter as index (useful for scripts)
-mix_now accepts beats as parameter
BUILD 7462 (2023-02-18)
-Fix audio gap when turning off stem fx in some cases
-Fix crash in 32-bit version on older cpu's
-Fix prepare stems popup appearing when prepared stems 2.0 didn't start loading yet
-Fix using %time in file names when recording
-Fix crash when stems are calculating in streaming mode
BUILD 7445 (2023-02-15)
-Support for Hercules DJControl 300 MK2
-Improve position of cue points imported from Serato mp3 tags
-Fix precomputing stems with stems 2.0 not showing stems 2.0 precomputed icon
-Fix stem fx not activating high quality stems when stems processing is set to On Demand
BUILD 7443 (2023-02-08)
-Fix karaoke_venue_name without parameter not opening dialog
BUILD 7442 (2023-02-08)
-Fix loop roll crash when triggered from controller in some cases
BUILD 7441 (2023-02-08)
-Fix crash calculating stems 2.0 for songs longer than stemsMaxPreloadLength
-Export browser can also export order column
-Fix cue points shifted when imported from rekordbox for some mp3 files
BUILD 7438 (2023-02-07)
-New On-Demand mode for stems 2.0 that computes stems 1.0 first, and only computes stems 2.0 when they are used
-Support for AKAI APC MINI MK2
-rekordBoxFolder option to manually select rekordbox database location
-Fix smart fader locking beats on wrong deck when first activated
-Read online files correctly from rekordbox playlists
-Beatport and Beatsource allow previews to be played when not logged in
-Export Virtual Folder has option to include sub-folders as well
-Fix quantize in loop roll pad page
-Option to restore quick filters/color rules when restoring backup
-stems+fx pad page has menu to select instrumental beat grid pattern
-Fix lyrics download in video editor
-Support for 'Melody' in padfx script
-Fix color fx not applying to stems when stem fx selected
-dateFormat option
-controller_mapping will reload mapping if externally modified
-cue_pos x "beats" script to query cue position in beats
-Breaklines in skins can be defined in <breaklines breakline1= breakline2= condition= /> to add conditional breaklines
BUILD 7403 (2023-01-09)
-Pioneer DDJ-FLX4 support
-Akai LPD8 MKII support
-Fix automix editor prelisten distortion when song loaded on deck
-New "Echo Out" mix fx
-Multiple stems fx can be used at the same time
-Smart fader, use smart_fader on a custom button to enable
-Fix lottery plugin not loading some jpg correctly on windows 64-bit
-fix using 2 video effects at the same time on sampler causing transparency to be lost
BUILD 7388 (2022-12-27)
- new option stemsSavedFolder to save stems on separate folder or drive
- Countdown script (useful for newyear etc)
- Fix sampler click when using stutter-play mode
- Fix finding lyrics in video editor
- Allow coloring of beatport/beatsource sub-folders
BUILD 7360 (2022-12-05)
- MAC: fix regression on macos10.x and 11 in last build
- MAC: fix homefolder from past appstore install being chosen over old vdj2021 homefolder
- PC: automatically use GPU on AMD RX and Intel Arc cards
BUILD 7358 (2022-12-04)
- fix issue with DDJ-REV7 and stems2.0
BUILD 7356 (2022-12-01)
- improves even more the stems quality (especially on drums)
BUILD 7349 (2022-11-18)
- can prepare stems for tracks cached from online sources
BUILD 7341 (2022-11-16)
- add stems+fx pad page
- show stems prepared icon only for stems2.0 preparations
- fix memory leak on mac
- version number now uses "2023" instead of confusing "8.x"
- fix removing songs from preparation folder while on pause
- fix enabling stems2.0 if track still on deck when preparation finishes
- fix using "prepare with reduced quality"
- fix saving stemsSavedStems setting
BUILD 7333 (2022-11-13)
VirtualDJ 2023 with Stems 2.0
Try the best stem separation on the market, and have your mind blown away
BUILD 7235 (2022-11-03)
-Support for Denon DJ SC Live 2 and SC Live 4 controllers
-Fix saving parameters for VST3 effects
-Fix default size of VST3 effect interfaces
-Colorize effect always processed last
-Pitch effect remembers manual pitch changes (due to autoKey for example)
-Fix preview playback in automix editor when some silence is added before starting the next song
BUILD 7183 (2022-10-20)
-Fix lockup when trying to record/broadcast in some cases
-browsed_song and loaded_song can be used to update played status
-Fix Virtual Folder not saving order when moving songs
BUILD 7177 (2022-10-16)
-Fix crash when starting video broadcast or record in some cases
-Performance improvement when using Pioneer CDJ
BUILD 7168 (2022-10-12)
-Fix video recording/broadcast on windows 64-bit when using old nVidia gpu's
BUILD 7166 (2022-10-11)
-Fix padfx script when using stems not resetting stem fx when turned off
-padfx script with stems only lights up when correct stems are set
-padfx script stems actions also support MeloRhythm
-Fix VU meter peak not dropping fast enough in previous build
-Fix prelistenStartPos 0 not starting tracks from beginning
BUILD 7161 (2022-10-08)
-Improve padfx action for use with stems, add "solostem:stemname", "mutestem:stemname" or "stemfx:stemname" at the end to specify
-Improve stems loading performance
-Add vstFxFolder option
-Fix shader plugin when using OpenGL on mac
-mix_and_load_next "nosync"
-Fix some bugs with prelisten player
-Fix showzoom="true" not working in skin with custom browser toolbar
-Allow headerheight in custom skin filelist with source sidelist
BUILD 7151 (2022-09-29)
-Fix blur black bars not working correctly in some cases
-Improve VST3 support
-AVIF image support
-Automix Editor uses master tempo for previewing tempo mixes
-Playlist and Virtual Folders allow dropping of .txt files with one line per song (Artist - Title (Remix))
-Fix adding songs to Tidal playlists in some cases
BUILD 7131 (2022-09-11)
-Fix animated gifs not moving in previous update
BUILD 7130 (2022-09-08)
-Fix text color of Text plugin on 32-bit version
-Fix Spectral plugin crash on mac using OpenGL
-Fix Spectral plugin not showing darkened background on Windows 64-bit and Mac using metal
BUILD 7127 (2022-09-08)
-Fix possible crash when trying to browse a new folder before previous folder was loaded
-Sampler recognizes .webp as image
BUILD 7124 (2022-09-07)
-Fix crash in 32-bit version on Windows using browser info tab with some tags
BUILD 7123 (2022-09-04)
-Fix prelisten in Automix Editor not working correctly in previous EA
BUILD 7122 (2022-09-03)
-Fix shader visualisations not working correctly in VirtualDJ 32-bit in previous EA release
-Fix playing some videos on mac causing high memory usage
-Camera plugin on windows shows DirectShow camera's as well (fixes some virtual webcams not showing up)
-Fix distortion when using stems fx combining loop roll and other effect
-DJM-S11 / CDJ scratch waves only sent one time if stem calculation is fast
BUILD 7105 (2022-08-30)
-Initial VST3 support
-Improve shader performance when switching between shaders
-Fix shader crash on mac when opening shader selection and selecting a different plugin
-Scrolling slices video transition starts new scroll beat synchronized
BUILD 7093 (2022-08-23)
-Support for Denon Prime GO
-Add Snap option to Track Cleaner
-Fix Track Cleaner prelisten position wrong in some cases
-Slideshow no longer jumping when turning on after turning off
-Fix some video shaders upside down on windows 64-bit (need recompile)
-Fix ordering of Track Number field in browser inverted
-Shader dialog can now show thumbnails (right-click to add thumbnails for existing shaders)
-Stem creator creates a single .m4a that includes both mixed track and stems
BUILD 7082 (2022-08-15)
-Improve auto-generated vdjEdit when linking video file to audio
-Improve smart video crossfade logic to start moving to next song when end almost reached but audio crossfader centered
-Tidal can show more than 50 liked playlists/albums
-Fix restoring filter folders inside virtual folders from database backup
-Fix lock up of decks or browser when loading track from Beatport or Beatsource fails
-Fix "browser_gotofolder 'askthedj://'" on mac
-Stem Creator for producers to create their own precomputed stems from the original stems (use open_stem_creator to access)
-Fix File Date column on mac not showing correct date in previous update
-SlideShow Transitions dialog now has tab to preview slideshow, follow along and skip to a specific image
BUILD 7059 (2022-08-10)
-Fix Shader BeatMove on M1 mac
-'In playlist' field in browser info tab shows 'move to folder' and 'add to playlist' in menu
-Fix using transitions with Slideshow plugin on mac
-folder_search shows last browsed folders first when no search has been entered
-respect twelveHourClock option in browser
-Fix bugs with gain and filter knobs when used with eqMode stems
-Loop Auto-Trigger option in poi editor
-saved_loop_autotrigger to turn autotrigger of saved loop on/off
-BPM Editor shows move left/right buttons in multi-bpm mode too
BUILD 7032 (2022-07-05)
-Support for Pioneer DJM-S5
-BPM Editor shows bpm of different parts on waveform in multi-bpm mode
-Improve multi-bpm bpm analysis
-Fix recorded output volume affected by master volume while sandbox active
BUILD 7021 (2022-06-20)
-Fix removing multiple duplicates from automix
-Fix video playback crash on mac
BUILD 7014 (2022-06-17)
-Remove duplicates removes last duplicate instead of first
-Fix adjust_cbg -1 when moving the grid point before the start of the song
-ScratchDNA syncs with other deck when started from paused state and quantize is on
BUILD 6978 (2022-06-12)
-Fix transparent video samples not having correct transparency on mac
-Improve performance of video sample playback on mac
-Fix Serato crates with sub-crates not opening correctly
BUILD 6972 (2022-05-31)
-Fix last extension in fileFormats list not correctly matched in previous EA
-Fix caret position in multi-line vdj script in the script editor on mac
BUILD 6969 (2022-05-28)
-Slideshow plugin has Next and Previous buttons
-Fix browser_window 'folders,songs,sideview' not working in previous Early Access build
-Fix loop roll as color fx disable automatically on track load in previous Early Access build
BUILD 6959 (2022-05-24)
-Fix stems processing crashing in previous beta when using certain newer intel cpu's
BUILD 6954 (2022-05-23)
-Support for DJTechTools Midi Fighter Twister and Midi Fighter 3D
-Fix pitch bend on controllers with motorized jog wheel
-add automixDoubleClick option to select what happens when double-clicking a track in automix while automix is active
-Add filter folder fields 'has action poi' and 'has cue points'
-Fix eject drive on mac
-os2l_scene script similar to os2l_button but remembered per deck and sent for active deck
-improve multi-bpm detection half/double detection
-improve multi-bpm detection boundary detection when experimentalBeatAnalyzer is on
-fix beatjump pad page not using local bpm
-Remove duplicates when recursing virtual folders
-sixteenPadsMode option has No option for single-deck pad controllers
-Recording video sample respects recordVideoFps and recordQuality settings
-Fix duplicates in "Search in playlists" dialog after using it repeatedly
-Merge FX canceled on pause/play or scratch
BUILD 6921 (2022-05-08)
-Support for Numark NS4FX
-Fix audio recording on mac
BUILD 6920 (2022-04-28)
-Support for Numark Mixstream Pro controller
-Support for The Next Beat by Tiësto controller
-Correctly show video recorded sideways
-Add 'In Playlist' column for browser info panel
-Fix lyrics download in video editor
-Improved performance when using controller with motorized jog wheels
-Improve performance of video playback on mac
-Improve relocate feature in playlists to prefer previously selected folder
-Fix backspin effect when using slip mode causing high cpu usage in some cases
-var_equal, var_greater and var_smaller support script as second parameter
-Fix (a ? b : c) & d scripts
-Fix adjust_cbg on multi-bpm tracks
-browser_gotofolder can accept script parameter
-search_playlists can accept script parameter
-add get_browsed_folder_path script
BUILD 6886 (2022-04-10)
-Pioneer DDJ-REV1 support
-Add support for brackets in scripts "(a && b) ? (c && d) : (e && f)"
-Add hardware accelerated decoding for AV1 on Windows 64-bit
-AAC inside .mp3 file extension better detected
-padfx action supports bt parameter
BUILD 6878 (2022-03-27)
-Add support for Traktor Kontrol D2
-sideview_sort vdjscript added
BUILD 6871 (2022-03-18)
-Fix changing skins preventing screens on Traktor controllers from working
-Fix detection of Traktor controller screens on mac
-Fix crash when disconnecting Denon controllers with screens
-VDJScript file_count "sideview", file_count "automix", file_count "karaoke" and file_count "files" added to get file count of different lists
BUILD 6863 (2022-03-16)
-Support for Pioneer DDJ-Rev7
-Fix when using multiple Rane Twelve on mac
-Fix cue points not showing on some tracks on DJM-S11
-Merge FX added on Pioneer DDJ-FLX6
-Improve browsing speed on mac slower in previous update on slow hard drives
-cue_action added to set script of a hot cue
BUILD 6839 (2022-02-18)
-Fix loading VST plugins with sub-plugins in early access release
-cdjExportCuesAsMemoryPoints option added
BUILD 6833 (2022-02-04)
-Support for Traktor Kontrol S8
-Support for Pioneer XDJ-RX3
-Support for Hercules DJ Console Mix
-Colors in browser for CDJ-3000 and XDJ-RX3
-Charts added to VJPro and iDJPool
-Folders on mac show if there are sub-folders without opening
-SUBTITLE field tag support for m4a/mp4 files (remix)
-Fix right-aligned fields in browser when browserTextFit is set to 'scroll'
-Waveforms in browser generated on the fly when analyzeSongsOnView is enabled
-keyboard_shortcuts action also returns true anytime shortcuts are shown
BUILD 6800 (2022-01-16)
-Fix prelisten player for Automix Editor
-Use more threads while analyzing on Apple M1 processors
-phrase_sync works when one deck has double bpm of the other
-waveforms stored in waveform cache on scan
-midi to vst has option for master effects
BUILD 6794 (2022-01-04)
-Fix restore color filters and quick filters from backup
-Fix get_browsed_song not working with implicit parameter correctly
-keyboardmap available as skin object for skins with custom browsers
-Middle mouse click support in custom skins
-Add Waveform column to browser
-List all artists in Artist field for Tidal
BUILD 6781 (2021-12-16)
-Fix Deezer not showing liked playlists subfolder when a deezer favorite was added to sideview
-Fix dropping new tracks in karaoke list hiding previously set singers until new singer is set
-Fix selecting color for history folders
-loop_select can be used with relative decimal values (for endless knobs on skins)
-"equalizer" skin object accepts 'stem' parameter, get_spectrum_band can accept stem parameter as third parameter
BUILD 6771 (2021-12-13)
-Fix restoring favorite folders from backup
-Fix VDJ Remote status message in config window saying 'Error' instead of 'Present'
-file_info and browsed_file_info will close the tag editor if already open on the same file
-Restart Play parameter for BrakeStart effect to start playback again when stopped with slip mode enabled
-Browser lists have inertia when scrolling using touch screen
BUILD 6767 (2021-12-02)
-Fix possible browser lockup with controllers using get_browsed_folder_selection_index
-VDJ Remote and OS2L no longer require iTunes or Bonjour to be installed on windows
-Add 'wait' vdj script
-Fix pad page menu not showing 5 pages for some controllers with 5 pad page buttons
-Fix beats wave on mac not displaying loops correctly in starter and essential skin
-fix bpm range from tag not respected when file is scanned by loading on deck for first time
-Backup feature includes favorite folders and instant filters
-Regular drop-down menus can be scrolled using browser_scroll, selected using browser_enter and closed using browser_folder
-Beatport/Beatsource allow drag&drop on offline folder to download files for offline use
-Improve getting year from Tidal tracks
-Tidal has charts by genre sub-folders
-Show 'liked playlists' separate from user's playlists for Deezer
-'Import cue points' option for Rekordbox folder
-Fix drop karaoke file from history to karaoke list not preserving singer name
-Load Security has 'change' button to change securityLoad setting
-Load Security automatically closes after 10 seconds, or when deck paused
-Pioneer DJM-S11 Transport and Gatecue pad pages
BUILD 6747 (2021-11-15)
-Fix multiple camera's getting same name on macOS Montery
-Fix VirtualDJ not opening on older mac after updating to macOS 10.15.7
-separate get_var and set_var
-Fix show_text using incorrect deck for variables
BUILD 6739 (2021-11-01)
-Fix VirtualDJ not opening on older mac after updating to macOS 10.15.7
-Fix graphics bugs on macOS Montery
-add has_notch for skins to adapt their menu bar if necessary
-karaoke_add preserves singer name and key when used from karaoke history
-skin scratchwave object can have "nudge" parameter with values "yes" for nudge, "no" for scratch, or "vinylmode" to follow vinyl mode setting
-Fix scratchbank_unload when samplerate of sample is different from samplerate of song
BUILD 6732 (2021-11-01)
-Fix changing skin settings from top menu on macOS 12 Montery
BUILD 6729 (2021-10-26)
-Default keyboard mapper uses CMD+ instead of CTRL+ shortcuts on mac
-Fix lyrics download in video editor
-Fix shift pads not responding correctly in some cases
-Fix crash when changing keyboard mapper from keyboard mapper
-Serato 'copy to virtual folder' includes smart crates
BUILD 6713 (2021-10-19)
-Backup includes Devices folder as well
-Fix Pioneer RZX screens not working in previous EA
-Custom browsers can use list with sampler as source
-Fix possible gap at end of looping samples
-Read Smart Crates from Serato
-Fix effect_beats for backspin not applying change immediately
BUILD 6705 (2021-10-13)
-Improve cueloop and stems pad pages led's on controllers with limited pad colors
-Allow %date, %time and %venue in record file name to be filled in when recording starts
-Serato and RekordBox folders have right-click option to create Virtual Folders from the playlists
-Fix video preview not updated when video effects active and video unloaded
-Fix negative video effect on M1 mac
-Fix crash recording a sample from loop on deck when using kick or hihat stems
-fix automaticDatabaseBackupPeriod option saving backups too fast
BUILD 6677 (2021-10-01)
-Fix crash or video corruption recording at 480p or lower when recording to webm on windows
BUILD 6673 (2021-09-28)
-search_folder action to search for playlist or virtual folder by name
-Fix using some effects while SandBox is active
-Add "Explicit" to comment tag for Beatsource
-Fix add/remove files to Tidal playlist
-multicam config window has right-click option to rotate camera
-Fix serato cue point offset when imported from mp4
-Show loop on waveform while loop in is active
BUILD 6646 (2021-09-26)
-keyboardKeymapOverlayOnStickyKeys option
-Fix new keyboard mapper search when start typing not working on mac
-Show on/off status on keyboard map
-Fix deck video preview not showing on mac
BUILD 6636 (2021-09-08)
-New default keyboard mapper. Start typing to start searching,
hold ALT pressed to show keyboard overlay and
double-press ALT to make it sticky and use shortcuts without holding ALT
-Fix low resolution video edits looking pixelated
-undo_load will redo load when pressed again
-Pioneer Link fix for combination of CDJ3000 and DJM900 or CDJ2000NXS2 and DJM-V10
-pitch_bend can be used to move song while paused
-Fix param_1_x in actions not always correctly applied
-Fix order of songs in remixes/geniusdj sideview for local results
-Fix compatibility of reading key tag written by newer versions of Mixed In Key
-Improve video encoding performance
-Add browser_open_folder script to open/close selected folder
-Fix playlists/virtual folders incorrectly saved when filtered and moving a track
BUILD 6613 (2021-08-29)
-Fix high cpu loading some images in extensions tab
-Fix crash when trying to use some cameras
-Fix clicking notifications on mac sometimes causing a crash
-Fix scrollbar not showing when only one item is partly out of reach in browser
BUILD 6609 (2021-08-20)
-Fix bug with CPU math engine on windows
BUILD 6608 (2021-08-19)
-Fix CPU math engine on windows
BUILD 6607 (2021-08-18)
-Fix stems processing on macOS 10.12 and 10.13
-Fix livefeedback line hiding last line in browser
BUILD 6604 (2021-08-16)
-Fix bug possibly getting browser stuck on 'Browsing'
-Rekordbox folders shown in same order as in rekordbox, and allow to re-arrange
-Fix database restore not saving restored database completely
-Enable accelerated video encoding on AMD
-Fix crash loading gif images with non-multiple of 16 size
-Notifications can be clicked on mac
-Add browser column to show Title (Remix) combined
-backspin, video_transition and auto_crossfade can accept number of beats as parameter
BUILD 6569 (2021-08-19)
-Fix crash on analyzing some files
BUILD 6568 (2021-08-02)
-Fix decoding video with full range yuv format on mac
-Improve video on M1 mac
-Online catalogs show bpm and key for playlist, charts and search results, when available
-Fix beatport/beatsource adding and removing tracks from playlists
-get_next_karaoke_song "Will play at"
-When experimentalBeatAnalyzer is enabled, scanning a file also stores the color waveform overview cache
-Fix Ableton Link plugin not updating deck when run on master
-Fix using sideview list in videoskin
-Fix distortion on covers at the side in 3D coverflow
-Fix coloring or ordering folders when name starts with same part as different folder name
-Fix denon screen bug when resizing main skin
-Fix eq's not switching to stems when stems are being streamed
BUILD 6541 (2021-07-02)
-Fix bug in previous update causing stems engine to be disabled on some dual-core processors when set to Automatic
-Disable auto pitch lock also disables pitch lock
-Skin Cover element accepts source="automix n"
-Pioneer Link now supported for any combination of DJM-900NXS2, DJM-V10, CDJ2000NXS2 and CDJ3000
-Optimize CPU stem separation performance
-get_automix_song can access order and position columns
-"mix_next +4" can mix to the 4th upcoming song in automix
-Prelisten player can seek beatport and beatsource streams when download completed
-Support netsearchAudioQuality low for Deezer
BUILD 6535 (2021-06-29)
-Fix singer names disappearing when dropping a new file in karaoke list
-Fix crash using goto_folder script
-add continueAtEnds parameter for midi fullencoder
BUILD 6532 (2021-06-21)
-Fix some custom skins not filling screen entirely in previous EA
-Add netsearchAudioQuality option (currently used by Tidal (low, high, lossless) and Deezer (low, high))
BUILD 6529 (2021-06-19)
-Fix crash showing very small cover art on macOS
-Fix vdj stretching out too much on ultra-wide monitor
-Add number of files selected and length of selection in file count tooltip
-get_browsed_song can access singer, key change, order and play time
-Fix karaoke video lockup in previous EA
BUILD 6525 (2021-06-18)
-Fix Rane One motor stopping when 2 computers are connected simultaneously
-Improve video performance on macOS when using Metal
-Folder properties dialog to set color
-set_var_dialog to open a dialog and let the user edit a variable
-Add Wireless Display opton to video output menu
-Allow video skins to define an 'optionsmenu' to show a menu in the video output menu
-Fix mixer order incorrectly applied to audio definitions with 2 inputs
-Lottery plugin has outline for text to improve readability
-Text plugin accepts effect_string "text" 3 "+1" vdjscript to cycle between presets
-Add Order column for folders that have order such as playlists and virtual folders
BUILD 6503 (2021-06-08)
-Fix crash on mac when opening select file dialog
-Fix transparent video samples leaving trail
-Preserve playlist order when loading cdj database
BUILD 6500 (2021-06-02)
-Update beatport for Macs with Apple Silicon
-Fix crash using generated covers on video output
BUILD 6492 (2021-05-31)
-Update default pad pages for split page use
-Allow saving of split pad page for easy access as normal pad page or customization
-CDJ database reading speedup
BUILD 6477 (2021-05-27)
-Support for Allen&Heath Xone:23C and Xone:43C
-Split pad pages (in pad_page drop-down, or from controllers hold the first pad mode button and then click the second one)
-Fix quick_filter "filterstring" vdjscript
-param_contains can accept action parameters
-Support for import/export CDJ MyTag to User1/User2 fields
-Fix video recording on M1 mac
-Custom deck assignment for controllers with mixer order corrected for mixer order
-rememberRecurse browser option
-Eq kills work correctly when switching to stems eq modes
BUILD 6444 (2021-05-11)
-Support Numark Partymix MKII and Partymix Live
-Fix exporting tracks with album or artist name ending with dots to cdj
-File Count tooltip shows total length
BUILD 6439 (2021-05-07)
-Fix group by filter folders not correctly when a song has multiple genres
-Fix crash when starting record and file already exists
-Fix crash selecting DJM-S7 controller mapping when not connected
-Fix cdj possibly locking up when exporting large playlists
BUILD 6434 (2021-05-05)
-Support for Pioneer DJM-S7
-New Export dialog for playlists and virtual folders with support for CDJ-compatible usb sticks
-Empty fields available in group by filter folders
-Fix crash generating artwork for cdj on mac with metal enabled
-param_1_x converts int to float
-Fix incorrect first seen/first play date ranges for quick filter lists/group by filter folders
-Fix 'loaded on' in filter folders incorrectly marking vdjedit files as loaded on deck 1
-Input Method Editor on windows correctly displayed next to text input boxes (for chinese, japanese, korean etc...)
BUILD 6418 (2021-04-26)
-Fix 'Float Up' lyrics in Video Editor not correctly synchronized
BUILD 6417 (2021-04-20)
-Fix reading incorrect keys from CDJ database, which could also lead to a crash
BUILD 6416 (2021-04-19)
-Reloop Ready supported
-quickfilter list buttons show value when active
-Filter folders: group by range month / year on date lists
-fixed group by/list on dates, lengths, etc when used with range
-Filter Folders can use "range all" to ignore hashtags when listing comments, user1 or user2
-Fix duplicate [stem] name in cdj when adding the same file multiple times
-Fix incompatible usb drives shown in CDJ Export folder even without show all drives selected
BUILD 6404 (2021-04-12)
-CDJ Export: prepare and export to a USB-stick directly from VirtualDJ, including automatic stem separation, to play on any CDJ without your laptop
-Hashtags: organize your database with powerful hashtags, and use quickfilters to find your next songs faster than ever
-Quick Filters: Filter the current browser view with the click of a button
-Color Filters: color tracks in your library based on filters
-Fix fake_filter not disabling internal colorfx on decks 2 and higher
-Fix key change not applied to slipped stem fx
-pad_page doesn't consider keyboard as a separate controller
-param_add with 1 string parameter and 1 float parameter correctly converts float to string
-Fix automatic assignment of single one-deck controller (default instead of deck 1)
-Pitch Effect compatible with stem effects
-Simple view for Filter Editor
-Recording and broadcasting video fps can be customized (for broadcast at 60 fps, custom format is "1280x720x60@3500,128he" for example)
-repeat_start accepts time in beats as well (1.0bt instead of 500ms for example)
-Fix video overdeck not working correctly
BUILD 6334 (2021-03-07)
-Fix reverb glitches on changing room size parameter
BUILD 6333 (2021-02-26)
-Fix stems effects not working on deck 2
BUILD 6332 (2021-02-25)
-Rane One support
-Reloop Buddy support
-Stem Effects: Use effects and slip mode scratch only on specific parts of the song
-Allow selecting genre from browser info panel
-Fix end of waveforms black on very short samples in some cases
-allow streaming of stems for songs too big to fit in memory
-pitchQuality 4 for improved resample quality
BUILD 6294 (2021-02-07)
-Fix move to/copy to file operations on mac on some systems
-Add levelfaderHamster option
-Fix incorrect aspect ratio for video edits containing video's with different aspect ratio's
-Add "is_using stems" vdjscript option
BUILD 6286 (2021-01-31)
-Fix creating new virtual folders in root option not working
-Improve reverse on controllers with motorized jog wheels
-keepPlayingPastEnd and keepPlayStatusOnLoadSong options added
-onlineCatalogsContentPreference option for iDJPool and VJPro added
-Fix very short video samples not looping
-Scratch Wave size follows gain on controllers with fake gain
BUILD 6281 (2021-01-28)
-Fix stems detection of older nVidia GPU's
BUILD 6280 (2021-01-27)
-Fix stems processing on some nVidia GPU's
-Fix tpying with non-english keyboard on mac with Metal
-Fix changing position in song while motorized platter is spinning to cause temporary slowdown
BUILD 6276 (2021-01-24)
-Fix drift when scratching on motorized jog wheel controllers
-Fix stems processing on nVidia RTX 3000 series GPU's
-Fix loading some VST plugins
BUILD 6263 (2021-01-20)
-Fix effect_bank_save crash when more than 3 effects loaded
-Add New Folder button on mac for move/copy file folder selection
BUILD 6257 (2021-01-15)
-Fix screens on Denon controllers when using Mac with Metal enabled
BUILD 6255 (2021-01-14)
-Pioneer DDJ-FLX6 supported
-Novation Launchpad X supported
-Test improved multi-bpm detection when experimentalBeatAnalyzer is on
-6-fx layout in Pro skin when connecting certain controllers (FLX6, DJM-S9, DJM-S11 currently)
-Text effect preset can be loaded using effect_string "text" 3 "preset"
-Remove support for Stanton SCS.1D firewire controller
BUILD 6242 (2021-01-05)
-fix incorrect controller initialization in previous build in some cases
-loop_roll action also accepts a number of beats for which no button is present
-fix crash using scratch bank from controller when no file selected yet
-fix crash with linein action in some cases
BUILD 6240 (2020-12-29)
-Fix microFrames on M1 Mac
-Fix video window not automatically opening full screen on second screen on mac in some cases
-Fix download to cache not keeping waveform cache
-Clean up duplicates in Tidal search results
-Clean up idjPool titles containing video format even though it's audio only
-Fix browser info tab title overlapping video preview
BUILD 6235 (2020-12-26)
-Fix loop out when song samplerate and soundcard samplerate are different
-Browser info tab can show remix next to cover when enough space
-Fix incorrect crossfader assignment on some controllers
BUILD 6233 (2020-12-23)
-Fix light theme on M1 Mac not showing all text
-Fix is_sync flashing when syncing half/double bpm
BUILD 6229 (2020-12-21)
-Fix video recording/broadcast on ARM mac
-Fix shaders on ARM mac
BUILD 6225 (2020-12-19)
-Pioneer DJM-S11 support
-Native M1 mac build
-Fix recording and broadcasting on mac
-Scratchbank pad page
-effect_active can use action as parameter to decide on/off state
-Fix changing karaoke key
-one shot samples can also be bpm-synced
BUILD 6173 (2020-11-23)
-Fix VST plugin lock up when opening GUI if plugin was selected when opening virtualdj
-Fix motor affecting both decks on NS7 in previous build
-Improve stop speed when motor brake speed set and cueing on motor wheel controllers
BUILD 6167 (2020-11-17)
-Improvements for controllers with motorized jog wheels
BUILD 6156 (2020-11-09)
-Fix POI editor crash when editing action poi
BUILD 6154 (2020-11-03)
-Fix Rane 72 waveforms broken in previous update
BUILD 6150 (2020-10-31)
-Support for Pioneer CDJ-3000 and Pioneer DJM-V10
-Pioneer CDJ wave colors match color settings in vdj
-Fix 2 camera's with the same name not uniquely identified on windows
-sampler_load_to_deck and sampler_unload_from_deck actions
-Ducking Echo effect
-Prefer deck with muted volume faders for prelistening
-Add option for using Local history for searching recommended tracks to play next or similar songs to selected in Remix sideview tab
-Tag editor key displayed based on keyDisplay setting
-Separate length option for video files in Slideshow
-Prelisten seeking for online files allowed once file completely downloaded
-fix sampler_pfl not working correctly on skin slider
-analyzeSongsOnView option
-Fix using VJPro to search for remixes returning audio instead of video tracks
-Add deck select mode on first run on Pioneer CDJ's
BUILD 6106 (2020-09-14)
-Add Tidal, Beatsource and VJPro as remix providers
-Fix crash when file type column shown in browser with some older cached content unlimited songs
BUILD 6100 (2020-09-10)
-Tidal streaming support
-fix 'cue' updating cue 1 if present in previous EA
-gain and filter label temporarily switch to stems when controller stem knob is moved and eqMode set to Stems
-fix effect_select_toggle making new effect active if old effect was disabled but had a trail going
BUILD 6091 (2020-09-02)
-Fix echo out glitch when color parameter used
-Deezer playlists can be favorited in sideview
-Browser info uses cleanup tag option for title/artist/remix
-Browser info year clickable to look up from discogs if empty
-Browser info last played/playcount clickable to look up song in playlists and history
-Add support for reading RekordBox 6 playlists
-Fix vertical text not properly cut off or scrolling when too long
-"deck 1 assign_controller 'controllername' 1 1" to assign deck 1 to only the left side of the controller
-Fix key adjustment in karaoke mode not working on songs other than the first in the list
BUILD 6076 (2020-08-20)
-Fix when connecting 2 denon controllers sometimes the controller and screen deck don't match
-Fix flac and wav recording issues
-Store waveform overviews in cache for faster loading
-Allow drag&drop on entire row in folder list
BUILD 6067 (2020-08-16)
-Fix crash creating precomputed stems file if the file could not be opened for writing
-Read nested traktor playlists
-Fix some browser lines not updating while scrolling
-Fix import iTunes ratings on macOS 10.15
-Fix File Date not shown as date
-Fix using date fields in group by in filter folders
-WriteHistory option also disables updating of last play date
BUILD 6059 (2020-08-06)
-Rane Twelve MKII support
-Rane Seventy Two MKII support
-Read INITIALKEY from ogg and flac tags
-Fix using 'file date' in filter folder
-Fix waveform refresh issue while stems loading on ddj-1000
-Improve video streaming on slower network connections
-Fix SandBox volume on DDJ-RZX
-Echo Out effect added
-Improved performance for various controllers
-Add silent_cue action
-Stems effect and Vocal color fx behave like normal effects (need to be turned on to take effect)
-Browser info view can show key, bpm and length next to cover if there's room, and shows if key is compatible
-Skin cover art drop-down menu has option to create precomputed stems file (when precomputeStems is set to only use precomputed)
-hasprecomputedstems for filter folders
BUILD 6042 (2020-07-27)
- general improvements on stems separation quality
- new parameter (in pads section) called "bleed", that lets you adjust the stems separation parameters on the fly to optimize for each song
- support for NI Traktor Kontrol S3
BUILD 6017 (2020-07-14)
- fix backward compatibility issues with pads and some old custom mappings
- fix potential crash on empty pads in previous EarlyAccess build
BUILD 6011 (2020-07-11)
- new PADs menu, to easily reassign page buttons on controllers
- improved startup time
- fix potential crash on stems on computers that are very slow or not a lot of RAM
- icon overlay for precomputed .vdjstems, and option in database menu to remove all precomputed files
- EQs revert to frequency while stems are not available
- Hercules DJControl Inpulse 500 support
- read Serato stored loops from tag
- faderStart doesn't load a new song
- save mic effect
- fix download to cache when track already fully loaded on deck
BUILD 5980 (2020-07-02)
- longer delay on stem pads before being temporary (for people who click too slowly)
BUILD 5978 (2020-07-01)
-Improved stability
BUILD 5965 (2020-06-26)
- lower latency on stems manipulation (especially inside small loops or quick hotcues)
- fix several small bugs
BUILD 5949 (2020-06-25)
- option to save pre-calculated stems to files (right-click on songs and choose "precompute stems", or use performance option 'precomputeStems')
- show bpm and key on soundcloud searches
- fix several small crashes
BUILD 5929 (2020-06-21)
- fix glitches in new EQs on 9th generation intel CPUs
BUILD 5928 (2020-06-21)
- fix potential crash when loading a new song before previous finished
- improved stem separation sound on nvidia
BUILD 5926 (2020-06-21)
- fixes fluidity of waveforms while loading new EQ on macbookpro
- improves new EQ quality on pc with nvidia card
BUILD 5922 (2020-06-19)
- improved sound quality on stems separation
BUILD 5918 (2020-06-18)
VirtualDJ 2021 uses advanced technology and the power of modern computers
to revolutionize what DJs can do.
With real-time stem separation on any track, perfect live mashups and
seamless transitions are now the new normal :
- ModernEQs can achieve a much more accurate separation than traditional
frequency-based equalizers, and help achieve perfect transitions like never before.
- The new stem PADS will let you create live mash-ups and remixes in real-time easily,
and let your creativity fly free.
- The new waveforms give a clearer than ever view of your tracks.
BUILD 5874 (2020-06-18)
-Fix crash when analyzing songs in previous Early Access build
BUILD 5872 (2020-06-11)
-Support for multiple cameras with same name
-BeatSource curated playlists
-Beatport genre charts
-fix some default effects not show in drop-down in previous early access release
BUILD 5850 (2020-06-03)
-Mixtrack Pro FX and Mixtrack Platinum FX support
-Rane Seventy supported
-New device detection popup
-Video skin can show a specific camera using index parameter in skin video object
-get_nb_multicam for use in video skins
-Add right-click menu to remove camera from multi-camera selection
-fix issues with editing very long scripts that require vertical scrolling in action editor
-Cut effect continues working when deck stopped
-animated png support in slideshow
-animated gif supported in video editor
-Fix backspin not respecting slip mode
BUILD 5754 (2020-05-17)
-Fix beatport/beatsource creating new playlists
-Fix crash on some videos with AMD graphics cards
BUILD 5743 (2020-05-11)
-Beatsource Online music source supported
-Fix crash in video editor on Windows 64-bit
-Fix detection of Rane Seventy-Two new firmware on mac
-Fix some glitches when using loop roll, slicer or beatgrid
-Cut effect continues working when deck paused
-Cut effect inaccuracies fixed when length less than 1 beat
-effect_select pops up on effect_select button on skin when triggered from keyboard or controller
-Fix text effect not drawing multi-line texts centered
-Slideshow and Camera can be used as source in videoskin
-Fix cue_color to set cue colors not saving changes
-Add mixcloud as video streaming option
BUILD 5681 (2020-04-29)
-Fix some videos not shown in previous Early Access update
BUILD 5680 (2020-04-22)
-Pioneer DJM-750MK2 support
-Camera plugin can swap between multiple camera's automatically
-Fix some animated gif not working in sampler
-Fix BeatGrid buttons not lighting up
-Timecode and line in channels also get rearranged when mixer order changes
-Fix text effect text cut off
-Fix some shaders unable to download
-OnDrawMultiDeck for multi-deck transitions called with correct videoDecks array
-Fix search_playlists crash when dialog closed before search finished
-Add outline option for text effect
-fix get_active_loop for loop sizes smaller than 1 beat
BUILD 5647 (2020-04-12)
-Fix sample editor not showing image samples
-When volumes are the same, getPlayingDeck prefers last deck playing
-Allow backtic in skin menu names to make the name a query
-Fix hardware accelerated video-playback crashing on some windows systems
-Fix beatport playlists showing only first 100 tracks
-Fix mic equalizer mute sound on mac
-Add Scroll speed to text effect
-Fix some text effects not shown in video editor on mac
-search_playlist also searches subfolders in playlists
-Fix some scripts not working when set as action POI's
BUILD 5630 (2020-04-03)
-Allow transition plugins to be used in Slideshow
-search_playlists action to search which playlist a song is in
-Fix dsd/dsf audio decoding
-Video Editor fixes on mac
BUILD 5619 (2020-03-29)
-Fix crash on startup on Mac
BUILD 5609 (2020-03-24)
-Support Photon Fader
-Support Mixars Quattro
-RZX screen update performance improvement
-Sample Editor shows video timeline for video samples
-Camera plugin has option for chroma key
-Search field for controller mappings
-var_list updated with search, auto-update check box and tab for repeat scripts
-Folder tree tab size decreases when resizing folder tree very narrow
-Improved video playback for non-accelerated videos on Windows 64-bit
-os2l feedback case sensitive
-Sample banks in sampler_bank list ordered the same as in browser
-Fix status message for Rename task
-gain_relative updates stored gain if autogain is remember
-loaded_song action to set tag fields of a loaded song
-online keyword for use in filter folders
-Video transitions respect videoLevel better
-Fix reading wav file with image in id3 tag
-motorWheelInstantStop optional
-Motor wheel controllers ignore scratchSensitivityCue when motor-controlled
BUILD 5541 (2020-02-24)
-Update pitch stretching library
-Fix some videos not showing on older gpu's in Windows 64-bit version
-Fix automix waveform not shown on mac
-Line Input without sound will not be used for beatlock
-Allow backtic custom button name to enter custom query for button name
-Fix flac comment and year as set by windows explorer not read by VirtualDJ
BUILD 5522 (2020-02-06)
-Pioneer XDJ-XZ support
-stopwatch and stopwatch_reset actions
-param_cast "absolute" and param_cast "relative"
-fix default cue point names not shown when get_text or format= is used
-fix load_next after load_previous not ending up on same song
-Colored waveform overview in dialogs
-Fix swap_decks not swapping video
-Fix effect_active "sampler" "effectname" requiring effectname to be selected in slot as well
BUILD 5504 (2020-02-02)
-Pioneer DDJ-XP2 support
-Numark DJ2Go2 Touch support
-swap_decks script added
-Fix hot_cue tooltip not showing cue name anymore
-Fix crash on windows 64-bit when calibrating timecode
-Fix possible corruption of vdj samples when re-saving in some cases
-Fix video transition in automix always fading from black regardless of selected transition
-Fix distortion effect feedback parameter
-Add support for videos encoded with the AV1 video codec
-Fix distortion when using aux_volume
-Restore Database Backup option
BUILD 5478 (2020-01-08)
-Fix iTunes Reload database option on macOS 10.15
-Fix video-only sample keeping 'playing' indication even after stopped
-Fix crash when moving video window
-Fix deleting and renaming zipped sample banks from browser
-Allow play/pause from software while timecode active
-Fix repeat_start executing key release immediately instead of after specified time
BUILD 5466 (2019-12-11)
-Fix possible crash when using Line Inputs on deck in previous Early Access release
-Add UTF-8 BOM marker for Microsoft Excel to csv export
-Fix setting cue point while slip mode on causing random jump on release
-Fix color not cleared on skin when deleting cue point
-Fix crash reading corrupt database
-Fix samplerHeadphones option not taking effect on startup
BUILD 5454 (2019-12-08)
-fix mix in/out point not correctly displayed during automix in 32-bit windows version
-allow rtmp://username:password@url as stream url without stream key
-filter_activate can include colorfx name (filter_activate "echo" for example)
-Pioneer DJM-S3 support
BUILD 5451 (2019-11-26)
-Reloop Elite support
-DJM-250MKII support
-Optional extra sampler toolbar for sampler effects and sampler master volume
-fix loop_button when used with reloop
-goto "loopsize" works on endless rotary knobs
-effect_bank_save and effect_bank_load
-Fix OS2L not sending beat when key change is applied
-Improve accuracy and update speed of bpm detection on Line In decks
-loaded action also active when line in activated on deck
-Fix rhythm wave for line in on deck
-Brakestart effect also works on line in deck, sampler, mic and master effects
-Fix aspect ratio incorrect on 64-bit build if loading a video with a square pixel aspect ratio after a video with a non-square pixel aspect ratio
-Fix reading traktor cue points from mp3's
-Fix boothMicrophone not working when master output present
-saved_loop_display action, savedLoopDisplay config option and added to saved loop pad page
-sampler_volume 'all' 100% to reset sample bank volumes
-Master mix in headphones now includes master and post-fader effects
-AV1 video codec supported on windows
-Fix OLED screens on Prime4 on mac text not cleared on update
BUILD 5402 (2019-11-13)
-filter_activate, filter_selectcolorfx and filter can be used with "deck master" to apply color fx to master
-Fix glitch with pitch effect when used on master
-Fix selecting shader by name through script
-Fix hot cue color 6 and 8 swapped in skin compared to controller
-Fix no limiter applied in fx send/return configurations
-Fix sampler fx not receiving correct bpm/beat information when no deck playing
-Fix delay on macOS 10.15 when windows are closed sometimes
-Fix iTunes playlists on macOS 10.15 not preserving order
-Alphabetical sort of iTunes playlists in 10.15, and hide empty playlists
-Fix limiter possibly not working correctly on mac in some cases
-Online results still show up in local folder search results, and online results in database shown before online search results
-Fix separators not shown when show audio files is turned off in searches
-Allow up to 16 simultaneous scans when no songs playing
-Fix shaders with multiple texture inputs on Windows 64-bit
-Some additional margin before start of song in BPM editor for first beat slightly before start of track
-Allow selection of shortcuts that don't fit the screen in sideview_options
-Allow videoLogoSize of 1.0 (100%)
-Fix 'search similar' removing 'ft' even when it's part of the artist (like Soft Cell)
-Fix AUX IN channel selection on windows for Roland DJ707M
-Line In deck has lower priority than other decks for setting active deck
-Update soundswitch id on reload tags
-Fix brake start and backspin effect times incorrect when sound card samplerate different from song samplerate
-Fix 'set' not accepting relative values
-Automix properly sets keyChange and compatible with autoKey
-loop_color also returns random colors when no color set (like cue points)
BUILD 5352 (2019-10-23)
-Fix remix panel crash when used offline
-Fix crash reading AVI and WMA tags
BUILD 5350 (2019-10-16)
-new remixes panel in sideview
-various fixes on the default skin
-font menu has "extra big" and "increase"/"decrease" entries
-autoKey show a warning when shifting the pitch automatically
-clone_deck also clones key change
-eventscheduler button shows next event in tooltip
-allow cover art to be used to create video link
-booth output includes master effects
-use clockDisplay setting in browser
-fix potential freezes on macOS Catalina
-fix possible crash in saving track edit
-fix cue markers on deck 3 and 4 not visible
-fix crash with zoomed-in scratch wave on 8kHz audio files
-fix cleartype text in win64 partially disappearing on some systems
-fix Text plugin not storing multiple lines
-fix video transition during automix fading to black
-Pioneer RZX performance improvement on mac
-panel names starting with a '@' are kept on skin change
BUILD 5308 (2019-09-22)
More power to elevate your mix, and looking better than ever.
VirtualDJ 2020 comes with a brand new look, optimized for today's modern DJs.
(you can still find the old interface in the Interface page under "Old", if you'd prefer to take your time to switch)
It also brings some new features, like the new Event Scheduler, an improved Advanced Harmonic Mixing,
Beatport compatibility, and many smaller improvements.
And of course, it keeps the stability VirtualDJ is now famous for.
BUILD 5281 (2019-09-16)
- fix itunes folder on macOS 10.15
- get_beatpos works on linein
BUILD 5269 (2019-09-05)
-Roland DJ707M support
-Add vertical slide optional video transition
-Fix lock-up using Cut/Copy/Paste with new context menus
-clockDisplay is now a config option to choose between 12 and 24-hour clock
-fix linein not working after using linein_rec
-Fix Pioneer RZX crash when changing skins
-Fix glitch on end of loop out effect in some cases with Fade and Step mode
-Smart play uses correct bpm value in case of multi-bpm tracks
-smartPlay respects globalQuantize setting
-ONSONGLOAD keyboard action added to execute an action on every song load
-waveformCenter config option added -Fix context sub-menu popping up on other screen when opening at right edge of screen
-Don't close search results when dragging search result to playlist/virtual folder in folder tree
BUILD 5186 (2019-08-05)
-Fix motor wheel drift in previous Early Access
-Fix lock up when refreshing effect list
BUILD 5185 (2019-08-01)
-Fix installation of new shaders
-Fix crash refreshing effect list
BUILD 5182 (2019-07-27)
-Fix context menu crash on mac
BUILD 5181 (2019-07-25)
-Fix lockup when moving past beginning of loop
BUILD 5180 (2019-07-24)
-Numark Scratch supported
-Add No Fade mode to loop out effect
-Use skin aspect ratio for video when showing Preview Only
-Pioneer RZX fix for screens on mac
-fix using overlay video effects on sampler
-Allow m3u8 as playlist file extension as well
-separate vertical and horizontal scratch zoom levels
-beatlock doesn't interfere while loop smaller than 1 beat is active or stutter cue is held
-add TAP button to bpm editor
BUILD 5095 (2019-07-09)
-Play Next shown in context menu in automix list as well
-Add opus to default file types and recognize as ogg tags
-Fix ignored controller still affecting pads layout
-Fix requesting microphone permission on os x 10.14
-Allow history and history/karaoke folder to be added as favorites
-Fix text quality on mac on non-retina displays
-Fix wave colors on very short files when experimentalWaveColor is on
-showGridlines option added
-Action editor recognizes verbs with numbers correctly
-Extended Info (singer name, play time, key change) preserved when using music filters in browser (karaoke/music/video filter)
-Fix right-aligned text in skins on mac
-Fix gif logo's not using transparency
-add mic_eq_mid
BUILD 5046 (2019-06-26)
-Fix some texts difficult to read on non-retina mac
BUILD 5045 (2019-06-19)
-Fix default video karaoke skin missing in previous early access release
BUILD 5044 (2019-06-18)
-Reloop RP-8000MK2 support
-Pioneer DJM-450 support
-Fix select folder dialog on mac not responding to mouse clicks properly
-Fix moving a file to a different volume on mac
-Old Denon ASIO driver no longer used on windows (will use WASAPI instead)
-virtualfolder_add can also be used for playlists
-Fix shaders using spectrum or wave data on Windows 64-bit version
-mic_talkover also works with fake mixer
-Fix font not updating on text effect when changing presets
-Allow hiding sidelist, karaoke and sampler in sideview
-Fix text cut off in browser in some skins
-browserDaysSongsAreNew option added
BUILD 5003 (2019-06-12)
-Fix for MCX8000 screens on mac
BUILD 5002 (2019-06-09)
-Don't apply master volume to recording
-mic_eq_low and mid_eq_high script actions
-smartPlayLimitPitchRange optional
-Fix singer name not correctly read from playlists
-Fix shoutcast streaming
-Fix for DDJ-1000 on mac losing control on fast pitch changes sometimes
-Fix creating filter folders
-Rename option for pad pages
BUILD 4973 (2019-05-21)
Initial support for DDJ-800
-Fix live video streaming to Facebook
-Fix ogg server broadcast
-Fix ask the dj reply popup on mac
-Unsorted category shown when sorting shaders into folders
-zeroDb can also be used to add headroom when autoGain is off
-Text effect update with preview in position box and storing/loading presets
-Smart play limits auto matching bpm to +-10%
-Auto Match BPM added to deck options menu
-Mac OS X 10.7 no longer supported
-New option browserPadding
BUILD 4918 (2019-05-09)
-Fix changing position in song with mouse not working anymore in some custom skins
-Fix crash in automix editor
-Fix lockup when trying to change karaoke background song
-Echo effect fix for when Mute Source is activated before effect activated
BUILD 4909 (2019-04-27)
-Fix automatic deck assignment incorrect when a generic midi device was also present in the system
-Fix using Loop Out together with Reverb or Echo
-Automatic volume calibration for Phase
-Scratch DNA respects deck slip mode
-mic_talkover action
-Fix loop roll pad page not working while loop roll is selected as color fx
-Fix CMD+key not sending keyUp events on mac
-Fix track number sometimes preferred from file name instead of tag
-Fix songs streaming from disk causing problems when scratching sometimes
-Allow use of experimentalSkinEngine on mac manually (when set to yes) to reduce cpu/gpu usage
-Add Range option to switch EQ10 between 16 and 32 dB (default 16dB) (option in presets drop-down)
-Fix 3d video transitions on mac rendering upside down when effect enabled, recording or broadcasting
-Camera plugin update for mac
BUILD 4848 (2019-04-21)
-Fix lockup when activating Karaoke mode and background is set to Video output
BUILD 4846 (2019-04-19)
-Fix lockup using Track Cleaner on windows
BUILD 4845 (2019-04-18)
-Fix possible crash on mac with bad settings.xml
BUILD 4844 (2019-04-07)
-Fix VU meter at 192khz samplerate
-Fix browsed_song 'rating' 5
-Fix video effects not applied correctly with video's with non-square pixels
-Blur effect, and Blur Black Bars effect to add blurred background for video's with black bars
BUILD 4830 (2019-03-31)
-Denon DJ X1800 Prime support
-SoundCloud Go+ available as online music source
-Allow pad pages to be made favorite, and pad_page_favorite action to quickly access it (right-click on page in pad editor to select)
-Option to have a controller's pad page independent of main pad page (config-&gt;controllers, right-click controller, select 'Independent Pad Page')
-get_askthedj_unread script added to monitor unread ask the dj messages from scripts and skins
-Mobius direction different on left and right side of colorfx
-Include settings.xml in backup
-automixMaxLength option to limit play time of a song in automix
-get_automix_song can have number as last parameter to show 2nd, 3th etc... upcoming songs
-Add label to possible search fields
-Allow sorting shaders in folders (right-click on shader to move it to a folder)
-Remember deck assignment of Generic Midi devices
-browsed_song action can update fields of all selected items instead of only one
-FreeStyler added as native plugin
-On-Screen keyboard fixes for windows 10 touch screens
BUILD 4787 (2019-03-14)
-Mixars Primo support
-Rane Twelve support
-Cover plugin draws video in the background if size is smaller than max
-Ableton link 'master' switch when loaded on master effect slot to prevent other hosts from modifying vdj decks (like when controlling lighting software)
-Fix green line on right of some videos in DX9 with useDXVA off
-Allow shaders to be sorted in folders (right-click move to folder)
-Update gain when gain in tag editor is modified
-keyDisplay setting added to toggle between Harmonic and Musical key display
-autoKey only matches keys when difference is 1 semitone
-Cue points always instant play on motorized jog controllers
-auto-update browser when key changes
-Fix key analysis for samples shorter than 4 seconds
-get_key_modifier_text, key_match_button and key_match_menu added
-Pads, mappers and filter folders included in backup
-Key match button on default skin
-Add key selection and key matching modes to sample editor
-Fix crash on macos 10.14 when timecode config was opened
BUILD 4756 (2019-02-17)
-Allow video and shoutcast broadcast at the same time
-Fix Virtual Folder not showing sub-folders in some cases
-Fix 'autoKey' option matching to other deck's original key instead of current key
-filter_selectcolorfx working on sliders
-Fix effect drop-down for color fx empty when default effects have been moved to a sub-folder
-Backup Database option
-fix switching decks on pioneer controller not updating waveforms
-&quot;get_sampler_bank n&quot; to get name of n'th sample bank
-Flip3D transition fixed in Windows 64-bit build
-Fix some shaders not working in Windows 64-bit build
-Negative video effect fixed in windows 64-bit build
-Fix ReWire in Windows 64-bit build
-Fix DDJ-1000 fx screen on mac
BUILD 4742 (2019-01-28)
-Rane Seventy-Two support added
-Fix Virtual Folders not showing content after drive was removed/added in some cases until after restart
-Color FX selection on default skins by clicking the FILTER label
-Deezer login through regular browser
-Fix prelisten player not respecting zeroDb and autoGain
-fix sideview updating in skins with custom browser
-Fix camera plugin crash
-Fix numark nv waveform refresh too quickly on mac
-Fix decks &gt;2 oninit action in keyboard mapper
-Fix small slideshow timing issue on repeating short videos
-Fix lockFolderOrder
-filter, filter_activate and filter_selectcolorfx can now be used to control color fx or filter
-Fix OS2L negative beat numbers
-Fix Drag&Drop from 32-bit application in Windows 64-bit build
BUILD 4720 (2018-12-16)
-Fix rare crash while updating extensions config page
BUILD 4719 (2018-12-08)
-Fix crash when closing config window before extension list finished downloading
BUILD 4718 (2018-12-07)
-Fix crash reading some wma tags
BUILD 4717 (2018-12-07)
-Fix video sample recording issues
-Fix shader position when transparency is used
-miditovst_active action added to toggle midi to vst on/off
-After recording a mix, add cue points for each track played
-Loop Roll compatible with colorfx
-New tab style for bottom sideview toolbar
-lockFolderOrder option added
BUILD 4675 (2018-11-19)
-Fix lockup when double-clicking playlist and automix playlist had been changed
BUILD 4674 (2018-11-12)
-Controller support for Traktor Kontrol S2 MK3
-Fix WASAPI input names not showing up correctly in build 4673
BUILD 4673 (2018-11-09)
-Fix config window stuck on tutorial page with slow internet connection
BUILD 4671 (2018-11-08)
-Allow using LiveFeedback and GeniusDJ in sideview
-New extensions page in Settings
-New Tutorials page in Settings
-Ableton Link plugin (install from extensions page in settings)
-Improved performance for interlaced videos
-Support for Hercules Starlight, InPulse 200, InPulse 300, Pioneer XDJ-RR
-Slideshow remembers position
-Fix selecting star rating from browser info tab with touch screen
-Fix crash switching broadcast on/off/on quickly
-Fix some small sampler bugs
-Fix autogain remember option when used during automix
BUILD 4592 (2018-10-07)
-Fix potential crash with one specific broken sampler pack
BUILD 4591 (2018-09-27)
-New login window
-Improve video recording and broadcasting performance
-Browser info allows selecting song color
-Support for animated gif files added
-Improve database loading speed on Windows
-Mute beats and Video parameters for Cut effect
-Video_delay can use relative (+-XXms)
-Support for Novation Launchpad Pro, Gemini PMX-10 and PMX-20
-Fix karaoke_show to manually show karaoke video skin
-Fix loading vdj sample data from vdjedit
-Fix options window sometimes opening blank
-Fix karaoke singer display when karaokeDualDeck is on
BUILD 4537 (2018-09-05)
-Pioneer DDJ-RZX support
-Allow drag&amp;drop of skin cover to put song loaded on deck in playlist
-karaokeAutoRemovePlayed option
-Deezer playlist refreshed when re-opening
-Cloudlists are cached for offline access
-Show current value of sliders and buttons in last used controls box on controller config page
-karaoke_venue_name vdjscript added
-sampler_group_color vdjscript
-Fix crash with karaoke video skins
-improved duplicates by tag filter folder
-Automix editor fixes for overlapping songs
-video editor shows source position in overview
BUILD 4514 (2018-07-31)
-Fix incorrect video colors on paused video on some macs
-Automix Editor visual improvements
-Improve reading multi-line comment fields in tag editor
-Fix for video effects applied on deck
BUILD 4504 (2018-07-23)
-Add transparency option for shaders
-Fix video effects applied on the deck on mac
-Fix distortion in headphones when sandbox mode on and headphonesGain option set very high
-Edit karaoke skin option in karaoke_options menu
BUILD 4490 (2018-07-17)
-Pioneer DDJ-SX3 supported
-karaoke mode can now have its own videoSkin and selection of background
-Delay effect added
-Double-click in automix while karaoke mode active and playing from automix will load the selected song as background music
-double-click a song in karaoke list while karaoke mode active will load it to the karaoke deck
-Loop Out respects quantizeLoop and globalQuantize
-Improve automatic correction of playlists when drive letter changed
-Fix live recording of samples not storing correct bpm when deck is not at 0% pitch
-Slip option added to Loop Out plugin
-duplicates filter folder has sub folder to search for duplicates by tag
-Slideshow syncs to nearest beat
-param_add and param_multiply can also accept 2 parameters to be multiplied
-fix leftcross/rightcross not instantly updating volume levels
-browsed_song action can be used to modify play count
-Add &quot;deck playing&quot; support for scripts
-many new actions added for karaoke skin
BUILD 4459 (2018-06-28)
-Fix camera plugin on windows
BUILD 4457 (2018-06-26)
-Fix rare crash with Camera plugin
-Fix crash on reading corrupt mp4 tags
-Hack to keep compatibility with Vista/XP
BUILD 4451 (2018-06-23)
-Fix shader's beatmove when activated on a specific deck
-Fix a small stability issue
BUILD 4444 (2018-06-19)
- new context menu on video preview to select the video output
- new setting 'useVideoSkin' and 'showVideoSkinOnPreview'
- fix rare crash when closing vdj while a shader was still downloading
BUILD 4440 (2018-06-17)
-fix some potential (but rare) crashes
BUILD 4438 (2018-06-16)
-Show video skin in preview
-Fix rare crash in scratch editor
BUILD 4435 (2018-06-13)
-fix rare crash on mac if mouse is moved very fast just after closing the app
-fix video samples sometimes hiding the video skin
BUILD 4432 (2018-06-11)
- fix memory leak in screengrab plugin on PC
- fix potential crash on mac with deezer login when no internet
BUILD 4430 (2018-06-10)
- can close source window on video effect "screengrab"
- fix occasional audio distortion with effect "Loop Out"
- fix refresh effect list after plugin download on mac
- fix video recording when recordBitDepth set to 24-bit
- fix white windows appearing on mac for skins with multiple windows
BUILD 4420 (2018-06-05)
See details of the new features on
Show on big screens or projectors what you are a doing with the mix,
in a way that will entertain your audience with more than just your audio.
Tap into the unlimited creativity of the demoscene competitions, and use
the thousands of shaders from ShaderToy to visualize your audio tracks.
In an era of social media dominance, keep your presence and your fans by video
broadcasting your mixes directly and easily on most major social platforms.
Every scratch can be expressed with a few letters, like the human genome.
Automate your scratches and tinker with their DNA sequence to discover new sounds.
And of course, the stability of VirtualDJ has been maintained to rock-solid level.
BUILD 4291 (2018-04-26)
-Fix effect_slider broken on some controllers
BUILD 4276 (2018-04-23)
-Fix seeking in interlaced video
-Fix slow framerate on some interlaced videos
BUILD 4252 (2018-04-13)
-Fix for ASIO when ultraLatency off and samplerate different from asio samplerate
-Add Sawtooth option for Mobius
BUILD 4251 (2018-04-12)
-Reverse parameter for Mobius audio effect
-Show key change on singer dialog
-Update rating from browser info
-Broadcast respects cleanTagsInDeckDisplay option
-Skip checking playlists that are not writeable when renaming files
-Show warning when database could not be opened
-Fix decoding certain interlaced videos and improve timing
-Fix controller jog wheel glitching when soundcard samplerate and config samplerate are not the same
-Fix browserSearchByFirstLetter option
-Slideshow remembers position in video
BUILD 4204 (2018-03-23)
-Pioneer DDJ-SB3 support
-Mic effects use active deck bpm
-Fix CU Karaoke not working correctly in previous Early Access release
-fix keyboard focus on dialog drop-downs
-fix master effect distortion when sandbox enabled
BUILD 4189 (2018-03-14)
-Pioneer XDJ-RX2 support
-Mixar DUO MK2 support
-Pioneer DDJ-1000 support
-Unlock TC inputs on Pioneer DDJ-SX2
-Hercules Instinct P8 supported
-Hercules P32DJ supported
-Reloop KUT supported
-Roland DJ-202 and DJ-505 supported
-Mixvibes VFX supported
-Pioneer DDJ-RX uses 14-bit pitch-slider (requires firmware update)
-Fix sample editor not showing phase correctly
-param_cast support for decimal formats (get_bpm &amp; param_cast &quot;000.00&quot; for example)
-fix some files causing database corruption on mac when they have unnormilzed utf-8 characters in their name
-Fix some cdg files not playing
-Fix CDJ2000NXS2 cue point order on wave display
-fix renaming samples in sample editor
-Fix some wmv not playing
-Pad editor compatible with 16 pads (when 16-pad controller connected)
-fix podcasts to stop working on mac
-Fix playlist_add not allowing duplicate adds
-fix sampler not updating layout with experimentalSkinEngine
-Show Remix optional in Title plugin
BUILD 4064 (2018-01-02)
-Fix small glitch when activating flanger
-Fix automix info not shown correctly sometimes
-Fix playing video edits in sampler
-Fix waveform overview colors incorrect on long songs such as mixes
-Improve LiveFeedback results
BUILD 4032 (2017-12-15)
-Pioneer DDJ-XP1 supported
-Title plugin improvement
-Fix ignore controller not working when disconnecting and reconnecting controller
-Fix lockup when returning from lock screen while video was active
-Deezer playlist order remembered
-Deezer logout fix on windows
-fix scrolling up in effect list not wrapping to bottom correctly
BUILD 4011 (2017-12-01)
-Fix default sample icons no longer showing after using sample editor
-Fix pitch reset to zero while beatlock enabled
-Fix crash moving history or karaoke folders
-Allow to zoom a little bit before and after the song in POI editor to make editing near border easier
-POI editor shows cue point colors on waveform
-Fix some wmv files not playing smooth
-karaokeDualDeck option added to play background music on different deck using autoMix
-fix sampler sync when playing loops on sampler only and stopping a sample
-Fix sample loops set to 'pitched' also being synced
BUILD 4002 (2017-11-22)
-Whem renaming or moving files, virtual folders in root, and playlists in playlist folder are automatically updated as well
-2 deck skin key panel shows key offset
-Custom skins: fromMiddle for vertical and horizontal sliders
-save key change in karaoke history
-clone_from_deck action added
-loop action keeps track of multiple button presses correctly when loop is in loop roll mode
-fix sorting of date fields for very old dates
-zoom transition handles different aspect ratios better
BUILD 3994 (2017-11-15)
-Reloop Touch improvements
-Allow deleting items from karaoke singer history
-Video Edits made in Video Editor improvements to text quality
-Fix multiple custom fx interface controlling the same parameters
-Fix history extension in previous build
BUILD 3989 (2017-11-12)
-Show position of karaoke background music in automix list
-Add lookup to right-click menu for pulselocker files to search them using other providers
-Fix GeniusDJ lookup when GeniusDJ folder not visible in folder tree
-get_loaded_song 'color' 'white' to specify a default color if the track doesn't have a color
-Allow to set venue name for karaoke
-Karaoke singers list filled in based on venue
-Allow scrolling and selecting singer names using controller scroll knob
-Fix rename from tag editor when file is accessed from prelisten player
BUILD 3978 (2017-11-04)
-Video previews in prelisten player
-browser_geniusdj action to do geniusdj lookups from action
-Fix maximum zoom level in automix editor
-fix match_key action
-fix rounding error showing some cue points slightly off on overview waveform
-doubleclick vdjscript action added
BUILD 3967 (2017-10-27)
-Pioneer DDJ-SR2 support
-Fix possible crash when experimentalBeatAnalyzer is enabled
-Sample volumes are remembered when switching banks
-Fix crash dragging from karaoke history playlist
BUILD 3961 (2017-10-24)
-Fix right-click 'add to automix' from sidelist not working for multiple songs
-Fix crash recording line input on deck
-Reloop Touch support
-Improve rhythm wave (currently when experimentalBeatAnalyzer is on)
-karaoke singer filled in when dragging from karaoke history to karaoke playlist
BUILD 3954 (2017-10-15)
-Detect external screen connection/disconnection on mac
-Fix duplicate iTunes folders showing up since recent iTunes update
-Karaoke set name remembers list of names entered in current session for faster entry
-Num* keyboard shortcuts fix on mac
-Ensure center line in scratch waveform is always at least one pixel
BUILD 3936 (2017-10-03)
-Fix webm recording on pc
-Fix deezer logout
-Fix performance issue scanning large files with samplerate below 44100Hz
-CoverFlow visualisation
-Support for .vst plugin filename on Mac
-Fix green first frame on interlaced videos
BUILD 3921 (2017-09-25)
-Fix droplets video transition not smooth at start and end
-Improve zoom video transition fading in center
-Fix pulselocker crash
-Store up to 5 master fx slot selections and master color fx selection
-KeyCue pad page has option to disable cue jump
-Fix karaoke background music not starting when karaokeSkipSilence was on
-Fix search result count including separator
-keycue_pad_jump action to toggle jumping to cue point on/off
BUILD 3903 (2017-09-16)
-Numark DJ2GO2 supported
-Fix deezer facebook login
-Fix options drop-down on touch-screens
-Track cleaner fixes
-Fix crash when switching to timecode config window
BUILD 3896 (2017-09-09)
-When a user is logged in to Deezer, groove music or content unlimited and tries to load a Spotify link (from old playlist for example), an alternative is automatically searched for in Deezer and loaded
-menu_cycledisplay to control what get_text shows on single-line controllers
-fix color table shared for different midi devices causing incorrect pad colors when multiple controllers connected
-fix dragging folder icons using touch screen
-Colorfx instances independent of other deck effects
-Improve defaults for tablet skin/grid mode
-Action and Load POI's also allow color to be set
-Numark NS6-II support added
BUILD 3889 (2017-09-04)
-Fix video editor text effects on mac
-Fix timecode pitch readout off sometimes
-Fix saving track edits for online files
-Add support for Reloop RMX90DVS
-Selected effect using hc4500 controller menu is remembered
-Improve browser grid view
-Can pause karaoke track with karaoke engine enabled
-Fix scrolling text on some controllers
BUILD 3870 (2017-08-22)
-Fix webm recording on mac
-Improve lyrics lookup in video editor
-Fix get_featuring_after_artist
-Fix ask the dj twitter hash tags not shown
-Fix autocue not working if song moves slightly due to vibrations during load
-Fix pitch wobble on fast pitch changes
BUILD 3848 (2017-08-16)
-Fix mp4 video recording on windows on some systems
BUILD 3846 (2017-07-30)
-Fix flac recording
-Fix mac mp4 video recording on some systems
-Fix database cleanup problem
-Spotify logout fix
-automix_add_next moves song in automix list to next position when selected
-keepBPMonAnalyzerUpdate option to prevent bpm analyzer update from updating bpm/phase
BUILD 3840 (2017-07-24)
-Traktor playlists read correctly on mac
-Fix issue with sampler video plugins
-Fix colorize effect not working with transparent samples
-Fix not able to save new image for video sample
BUILD 3826 (2017-07-17)
-Sync button always works with 2 decks, even when masterdeck selected
-cleanTagsInDeckDisplay option added to disable automatic formatting of tags in deck display
-total time of multiple selected files shown in tag editor
-Fix sampler sync when switching to sample of same group and no deck playing
-Fix video samples no longer transparent when applying video effects
-Performance improvement when pitchQuality set to 3
-Add right-click options Play Next, Add To Automix and Mix Now while automix is enabled
BUILD 3807 (2017-07-07)
-Allow video effects on sampler effect slot (using effect_select "sampler" script)
-Add support for Pioneer XDJ-1000MK2
-Add support for Pioneer XDJ-RX
-Fix samples not playing in sync with each other when no deck is playing
-Automatic clean up and formatting of artist/title/remix/featuring on decks
BUILD 3798 (2017-07-02)
-Fix sampler crackling on first play
-First beat detection improvement with experimentalBeatAnalayzer
-Fix for ASIO unable to initialize when it is the default audio device in windows (for some drivers)
BUILD 3790 (2017-06-28)
-Fix scratch wave calculation on old processors
BUILD 3789 (2017-06-26)
-Calculate accurate beat phase while updating bpm live to make streaming songs mixable faster
-Improve overview waveform quality when skin has different sizes of waveforms
-Allow discogs for batch downloading of track info
-Groove Music support
-Pioneer DDJ-SZ2 fixes
BUILD 3780 (2017-06-18)
-Fix waveforms when used with line-in source
-ReWire launch panel opened when initializing ReWire device
-Fix buffer effects when not run on masterdeck
-Fix waveform overview in sample editor sometimes not matching sample accurately
-Fix some vdj 6 and earlier plugins activating plugins on wrong deck
-Spiral audio effect
-Prevent full start/end automix points to be overwritten when automatically re-analyzing
-Fix pitchQuality 3 possible sync offset
BUILD 3771 (2017-06-10)
-pitchQuality 3 for improved quality time-stretching
-Initial pad engine touchbar support on Mac
-Don't change beat grid phase on automatic re-analyze
BUILD 3761 (2017-06-01)
-Don't overwrite custom set mix points on automatic re-analyze
-Add one of four button to bpm editor for variable bpm tracks
BUILD 3760 (2017-05-30)
-Fix sampler master volume not working on external mixer audio config
-Multi-bpm detection (from BPM Editor, options->re-analyze (multiple bpm))
-Fix MJPEG files freezing sometimes
-Improve bpm analyzer
BUILD 3752 (2017-05-22)
-Fix memory leak on content unlimited download
-Fix some beatlock issues
-Fix loading second Spotify track not working sometimes
-Fix scratch wave sometimes missing part at start when loading is slow
-Fix scrollwheel zoom direction for scratch and rhythm waves
-Get bpm and key from spotify
-Deezer, spotify and pulselocker playlists act like other playlist folder regarding browser columns
-Allow non-Deezer tracks to be added to Deezer playlist
-Allow adding non-Spotify tracks to Spotify playlists
BUILD 3738 (2017-05-13)
-Reloop RP-4000 mapping updated with support for custom pad pages
-Fix .jpg files not used as covers
-fix is_sync flashing sometimes
-fix fallback audio device not working correctly
-allow creating/unfollowing spotify playlists
-Limit hardware accelerated video encoding on mac to OS X 10.9 or higher
-Fix 'deck x video_fx_select'
-Fix lrc files
-Allow adding/removing tracks from Spotify playlists
BUILD 3734 (2017-05-07)
-Spotify playlist and search fixes
-Pioneer DDJ-SZ2 support
BUILD 3731 (2017-05-02)
-Roland DJ-808 supported
-Fix memory leak while analyzing
-Hardware-accelerated video recording on mac
-Fix slicer/loop roll not working on deck 4
-Right-click songpos while in automix opens poi-editor on mix-out point when clicked on the right side and mix-in point when clicked on the left side
-fix automix fade point calculation
-Fix ask the DJ twitter
-bpm analyzer improvements
BUILD 3710 (2017-04-24)
-sampler_pfl action added
-Add option for 24-bit recording
-Fix query prelisten_pos as text crash
-Volume applied on master output even when fake mixer is active
-Further improvements to experimental beat analyzer
-Akai MPD226 supported
BUILD 3696 (2017-04-14)
-Prevent screensaver and display sleeping on Mac
-Fix removing virtual folders when placed in Lists root folder
-Use genre instead of style from discogs
-automix_add_next added
-midiclock_active added to toggle sending midi clock on/off
BUILD 3678 (2017-03-31)
-Fix creating new filter folders directly in system/virtual folders
-Fix satellite boom not booming on 4-decks skins
-Allow creating a favorite from a history folder
-Hide locally unavailable tracks from pulselocker downloaded content folder
-Fix cover art crash on mac
-Allow 3 digit track numbers when parsing filenames
-Fix writing comment tag for mp3's with multiple comment tags
-Send speaker configuration to VST plugin (fixes incorrect channels in Izotope plugin)
-Add zoom parameter to camera plugin
BUILD 3671 (2017-03-24)
-Pulselocker plugin added for pro users
-Add support for shell VST's (one dll containing multiple plugins)
BUILD 3663 (2017-03-21)
-Improve repeat_song for samples loaded on deck
-Fix context menus on secondary windows when videoForceFullScreen is 1
-Fix is_battery on Mac
-Fix virtualfolder_add for subfolders of Virtual root folders
-Fix deezer unable to play the same track twice
-Add right-click menu to delete skin from config
-Fix left/right video deck selection in combination with audio only visualisation
-Scripts can use 'deck leftvideo' 'deck rightvideo' for left/right video deck
-Fix issues on some nVidia cards with a lot of video memory
-Allow adding songs, deleting songs and creating playlists for Deezer
-Fix deezer playlist limit
-Prelisten_pos can be used as text in skins
-Fix logUnsuccessfulSearches when searchContentUnlimited is off
-Fix lockup when maximizing on os x and auto-hide menu bar is on
BUILD 3638 (2017-03-09)
-Fix deezer remix parsing
-Improve remix parsing for spotify
-Fix spotify playlist tracks added to search db
-Fix crash on playing pitched sample
-Fix loading next/previous Discogs image in cover art editor
-Improve discogs release selection for finding year
-Allow internet files in filter folder
-Fix crash when experimentalBeatAnalyzer is enabled
-Don't auto-scan internet files when dropping in automix
-Fix crash loading silent files
-Changing bpm in bpm editor also updates tag when setTagsAuto is set
-Fix crash creating new filter folder
-add autoMixMode with Fade Out and Cut In
BUILD 3621 (2017-02-28)
-Fix selection of last selected folder on startup
BUILD 3619 (2017-02-25)
-Support for AKAI APC40 MKII and AKAI MPD218 added
-Fix time display for karaoke history folder not showing date
-Fix timecode bug that could make vinyl side swapping too sensitive
-Fix video edit not playing on mac with useDXVA enabled
-Fix auto-generating track edit with video with no sound
-New filter word: duplicates
-Fix Discogs cover art
-Improve group by year range 10 filter folder
-Lookup empty year and genre from discogs in tag editor using option button
-Improve wave detail in bpm editor
-Show waveform overview in editors
-Fix deinterlace not working after loading a non-interlaced video
-sideview 'automix' 'blink' and sideview 'karaoke' 'blink' added
-browser_move &quot;top&quot; and &quot;bottom&quot; added
-playlist_load &quot;append&quot; added
-Folder Tree organization change
-Make filter folder genre split by slash optional
-color for skin text object can be action when enclosed with backtics
-browser_move, sidelist_load and karaoke_load actions added
-scratch wave respects vinyl mode setting
-Performance improvement loading big skins
-experimentalBeatAnalyzer option added
-prelisten gain also repects autogain in editors
-Deezer/Spotify plugins for pro users added
BUILD 3573 (2017-01-16)
-Pioneer DJM-900NXS2 support
-Fix shiftpad crash when pad is empty
-Improve sample_bank action query performance
-Small 6-deck skin cbg fix
BUILD 3568 (2017-01-09)
-Denon MC7000 supported
-Pioneer DJM-S9 supported
-browser_scroll 'top' and 'bottom' can be queried
-Improve stream selection when file has multiple audio streams
-pitchResetSpeed option added
-fix docking of effects in skins with multiple browsers
-Fix pad_button_color
-Small slideshow fix (one image not shown after finished trough list)
-when forward-spin is enabled, song resumes when normal speed is reached instead of waiting for complete stop
-fix crash when 'settings' action is used with incorrect parameter
-Fix some pad action crashes
-group by filter folder no longer shows results marked hidden from search db
-xdj 1000 browser improvement
-Fix echo crash when using DubLoop pad page with controller connected
-Rotated video support in decks and slideshow
-Fix video recording audio sync issue when input samplerate different from record samplerate
-Fix track edits with track cover
-Fade from video to image and image to video in slideshow
-Fix crash in saving mp4 tag on big files
-Skin init actions executed after skin completely loaded
-Improve mouse/touch backspins
BUILD 3523 (2016-11-24)
-Slideshow switches to new folder faster on selection
-save_config saves variables
-browser_export exports playtime
-Fix seeking back in cdg karaoke video
BUILD 3518 (2016-11-18)
-Numark NV CBG support
BUILD 3517 (2016-11-14)
-Improve decoding performance of HEVC videos
-Fix video sample showing 1 old frame when retriggering
-browsed_song action to modify fields such as rating from browsed file
-Fix editing of track and video edits
BUILD 3514 (2016-11-10)
-Fix vdjsample loading on mac
BUILD 3512 (2016-11-08)
-Video fading for slideshow
-Fix crash during analyse on some cpu
BUILD 3510 (2016-11-06)
-Automix smart tempo aligns to beat-grid
-Fix possible crash in sampler or slideshow video
-Improve browser performance when scrolling text
-effect_string action to set string value of effects that support it (slideshow allows changing path from script)
-allow creating favorite from playlist
-Improve video encoder parameters
-Improve icon sharpness on mac
-Fix automatic resizing of multi-window skins not respecting aspect ratio
BUILD 3493 (2016-10-29)
-Fix some issues with multi-window skins
-Fix recording sample loop not selecting loop in folder when recordings folder already selected
-Disable navigation sounds in ads
-Some performance improvements
-Fix some HID controllers not detected
BUILD 3471 (2016-10-22)
-Fix notifications sometimes not shown on mac
-Fix automix editor sometimes not drawing wave correctly
-Improve camera plugin when quickly starting/stopping
-Fix slow browser update when multiple cdj's share the same mapping
-maxPreloadLength now an automatic setting by default
-some possible crash fixes
-Improve video memory detection on mac
BUILD 3456 (2016-10-15)
-Numark NVII support
-Numark waveform fixes
-Fix crash on mac accessing clipboard
-Fix possible automix gap when harddrive responds too slow
-Add ability to mark songs as played
-Fix too much memory used for video on mac in some cases
-Notifications for AskTheDJ using Twitter when monitoring set to Always
-Fix Title plugin select color
BUILD 3440 (2016-10-08)
-Fix potential broadcast crash
-Sampler_loop action accepts loop length and can be used while_pressed
-Text plugin on top of visualisations and sampler
BUILD 3432 (2016-10-04)
-Podcast warning message when still uploading when closing
-Fix effect_select 'audioonlyvisualisation' 'none'
-Remember clock 12/24 setting
-globalQuantize setting is now a drop-down selection
-fix possible flash of old video at end of automix video transition
-Zoom for numark controller waveforms
-Improved first beat of measure detection
BUILD 3420 (2016-09-24)
-Karaoke singer list font size relative to window size
-Fix karaoke crash when no background music selected
BUILD 3418 (2016-09-22)
-Fix karaoke background music
BUILD 3414 (2016-09-20)
-Support CDJ2000NXS2 firmware v1.4 (required upgrade)
-Controller performance improvements
-slideshow doesn't show fade when only 1 picture available
-pioneer_play light stays on when pioneer_cue held long enough
-fix video editor lock up when window resized too small
-Fix editing remix field when originally parsed from filename
-Fix for mappers when hardwareShift is yes to remain compatibility with user-created mappers
BUILD 3409 (2016-09-14)
-Denon MCX8000 support
-Numark Dashboard support
-get_browsed_song 'length' 'ms' added
-Add get_browsed_song 'title_remix'
-Fix is_sync and match_bpm queries
BUILD 3398 (2016-09-04)
-Fix cdg sync issue
-Fix timing of bpm-aware dsp effects
-Fix incorrect saving of size of video window when it is minimized
-Fix slip mode timing off sometimes
BUILD 3390 (2016-09-01)
-Fix crash on loading songs in early access build 3386
BUILD 3386 (2016-08-29)
-Fix audio/video offset on cdg files
-Allow video to load when audio fails
-Improved memory use and loading speed when song samplerate is different from soundcard samplerate
-Fix waveform in video editor when editing unanalyzed files
-is_sync action added
-Fix removing drive on mac closing all external databases instead of only the removed drive
-Fix browser line height on mac trunacting characters
BUILD 3378 (2016-08-22)
-Boom Auto speed parameter based on beats
-pioneer_play and pioneer_cue actions added
-Fix reading karaoke cdg files with bad sync
-UPNP support for broadcasting
-Support for Quartz Compositions as video effects on Mac
-RPM set to 4 beats works for variable bpm tracks
-Fix crash in Mac camera plugin
-Fix get_time_min etc when used on text fields
-Fix windows in multi-window skin not showing on load
-Fix sampler not showing text or image at some sizes
-Cover download fix
-Small track editor fix
- new "Add Lyrics" in Video Editor
-Fix parsing dates with leading zeros
-Fix changing case for a folder
-Fix virtualfolder_add crash
-Fix pad crash for generic midi controller
BUILD 3343 (2016-08-01)
-Fix video recording
BUILD 3342 (2016-07-30)
-ID3 tag ratings are compatible with windows explorer/media player ratings
-Implement VST GUIs on Mac
-Fix lockup on startup when skin error on mac
-Fix text result for get_time with unit parameter
-Fix slideshow fade time not remembered
-Fix loop_pad_mode x queries
-Add option 'fxProcessing' to select pre- or post-fader effects
-Improve camera plugin performance and automatic resolution selection
-Fix getting dimmed colors from color action
-Fix moving files in list while automix is removing played files
BUILD 3324 (2016-07-18)
-Fix slideshow on mac
-Fix audio stopping for plus licenses (for controllers that share ASIO drivers with other controllers)
-Fix crash for pads
-shuffle once places currently playing song at the top to ensure entire list gets played
-Show all available audio channels on mac
-add hotcue mode to keycue page menu
-add hardwareShift controller flag for controllers that send shift, but operate shift in hardware
-fix drag&amp;drop multiple files from finder on mac
-Fix time display on cdj2000nxs2
-Fix mix_and_load_next
-mix_now doesn't sync bpm if difference over 10%
-Improve selection of line inputs for deck 3 and 4
-Fix possible loss of custom mapper when switching between mappers of the same controller
-keycue pad page added
BUILD 3311 (2016-07-12)
-Fix hang problem in cover art window
-Removable drive connect/disconnect support on mac
-Fix focus lost when opening text input window with touch
BUILD 3308 (2016-07-09)
-Fix reading of certain id3 tags
-Fix crash on corrupt tags in tag editor
-Small cue_loop fix
-Fix crash on memory low when using batch bpm analyzer
-Fix automix editor crash
-Fix videoForceFullScreen 1
- fix potential crash on close
-Fix Pioneer DDJ-RR on mac
-Fix incorrect loop lengths shown in POI editor
-Scratch wave drawing performance improvement
-Scratch/Rhythm wave grid more stable
-Fix last move/copy folder not remembered
BUILD 3291 (2016-07-04)
-Don't save unchanged mapper with name 'factory default'
-ghost slider fix for video_fx_slider on master
-audio engine performance improvement
-fix system color selector blocking interface and video
-pioneer ddj-rr support
-Fix effect drop-down for slot 2
-Prevent loading plugin parameters from corrupt ini file
-Fix crash trying to delete effect through effect list drop down
BUILD 3286 (2016-06-24)
-Fix Ask The DJ as sideview shortcut
-Fix font enumeration on windows
-Fix crash when re-docking effect on mac
-Fix size of non-custom plugin interfaces on high-dpi displays
BUILD 3278 (2016-06-23)
-Beatgrid plugin now has video option
-Fix potential crashes with multi-window skins
-Fix potential lockup with record button
-Plugins with graphic setup compatible with high-dpi
BUILD 3272 (2016-06-21)
- don't hide video when minimizing vdj
BUILD 3268 (2016-06-20)
- Improvements to (geolocation, venues, replies, etc)
- Improved colorPicker (and more modes in the options)
-Various fixes with keyboard shortcuts
-Fix Audio file with gif cover art detected as video
-Fix crash on mac with playlist_save
-Fix alt-tab with videoForceFullScreen
-Fix issue with holding action used on same button of different decks
-Fix lockup when opening sample editor
-Fix unicode tags without BOM marker from ID3 tags
-Fix selecting folder for slideshow
-Fix font selection on mac
-Fix copy folder on mac
-fix crash when edit missing vdjedit files
-Fix effect list popup for audio only visualisation
-Fix potential lock up with timecode config
BUILD 3236 (2016-06-12)
-Fix deleting keys in controller config
-Fix copy/move folder not remembering last folder in windows
-Fix shift/ctrl swapped for moving/copying samples to sample folder
-Fix loading songs from cloud lists
-Fix Ask The DJ refresh clearing out searches
-Fix Ask The DJ crash when no network connection available
-Fix ask the dj list not showing when 'show audio files' is off
-Fix automix editor selection issue
-cue_stop, cue_play and hot_cue actions can cancel an ongoing backspin
-Fix audio crackles in wasapi exclusive mode
-Fix no audio on NetSearch Video
-Fix NetSearch video results not showing up when Force Netsearch Video was on and no CU Audio results
-Sampler also uses zeroDb to add headroom
-Fix security load window pressing cancel using keyboard not working
-Fix ASIO crash when different samplerates mixed
-Fix ASIO sound card not detected correctly for checking Plus license
-samplerHeadphones option added
-Fix karaoke check box in tag editor not checkable
-Various fixes for keyboard mappings
BUILD 3217 (2016-06-08)
-Color picker can be right-clicked for full hex editing
-Dock on mac stays hidden in fullscreen mode
-Fix centered multi-line text in dialogs on mac
-Fix minimize on mac
-Fix potential crash with script cue_name
-Fix potential crash in login window
-Fix automix in dualdeck mode with mix length set to 0s
-Key name drop-down in controller config sorted and shows mapped keys in bold
-Fix minimum width calculation for some config pages
-Fix automatic input selection from sound card definition for wasapi
-Fix holding script
BUILD 3205 (2016-06-06)
-Option to set a non-unique hashtag for twitter
BUILD 3203 (2016-06-05)
Atomix Productions is proud to announce a new version of its flagship software VirtualDJ, which brings many important improvements and new features:
In an era where DJ hardware is moving more and more toward a better synergy with DJ software, we redesigned VirtualDJ to be more controller-centric.
As such, the new pad section will fit right at home on most modern controllers, but at the same time brings a versatility and easiness that is the trademark of VirtualDJ.
The audio engine has been improved, and we managed to perfect even more our already top-of-the-line BPM analysis algorithm.
And our acclaimed video engine also saw some significant performance boost with a smarter use of hardware acceleration.
The connected aspect has not been forgotten, with some brand new features like Ask.The.DJ
And of course, the overall stability has been maintained to rock-solid level, with the lowest crash ratio in the industry.
BUILD 2857 (2016-02-17)
-Fix hardware-accelerated decoding for some videos
-Fix unable to remove favorite folder when original folder no longer exists
BUILD 2853 (2016-02-13)
-Fix re-opening of selected filter folder if it is inside a virtual folder
-Fix dual-deck automix mode not proceeding when fade length is 0
-Fix database issue when a corrupt database is detected
BUILD 2844 (2016-02-05)
-EQ kill reset with resetEQOnLoad
-Improved sample video playback
-Controller updates
BUILD 2832 (2016-01-30)
-Improve video decoding for samples and slideshow
-Fix file naming when using record_cut
-Fix video when crossfader when crossfader_hamster activated
-Fix headphonesgain not applied for sandbox
-Fix mouse over visual issue in browser
BUILD 2828 (2016-01-27)
-Fix windows installer certificate
BUILD 2827 (2016-01-26)
-Fix Podcasting
-Fix some rare crashes
-Fix saving samples failing sometimes
-Controller mappings updated for colored cue points
BUILD 2821 (2016-01-19)
-Fix some crashes
BUILD 2819 (2016-01-15)
-Fix bpm analysis on samplerate other than 44khz
-Fix default cue colors for controller pads
-Fix import of Serato track colours
-Fix delay when quickly loading songs in a deck other than deck 1
-Fix loading of some cached content unlimited files on mac
-WASAPI exclusive mode initialization improvement
-Fix browser_sort action not reversing sort
- Can select a colour for a cue point in the POI editor
- cue_colour command to get/set cue point colour
- Add colour selection for saved loops
- Add 'loop_color' command to get/set saved loop colour
-Fix database loading issue when drive connected after startup
-Fix deadlock on copying file that already exists in destination using drag&amp;drop
-Scratchwave adjusted for zeroDb setting
BUILD 2770 (2016-01-02)
-Fix Japanese and Russian language file crash when trying to create a new account
-Fix issue preventing proper closing of virtualdj when external drive connected during use
BUILD 2761 (2015-12-26)
-Fix reading genre tag of WMA tags sometimes containing composer instead
-Fix lockup when loading an unscanned track with a samplerate higher than the output samplerate
-Fix start of sample being cut off by ramp up
BUILD 2740 (2015-12-20)
-Fix switching input in Camera plugin
-Fix forced custom controller definitions not being correctly loaded
-Fix potential instability when using line in
-Fix potential problem on exit when taskbar notification is visible
BUILD 2729 (2015-12-18)
-Fix netsearch change in protocol
-Fix Windows' custom folder icons
-Fix potential rare crash on some skins without waveforms
-Improve cloud list song searches
BUILD 2693 (2015-12-12)
-Large performance improvement when scanning songs for bpm etc
-Performance improvement for startup/closing times
-Touch friendly context menu for covers
-Touch friendly context menu for browser column headers
-Add run time to get_clock tooltip
-Fix will play at times for automix shuffle
-Fix not playing all files in automix shuffle
-Fix rare crash on bad id3 tag
-Fix crash on exit when sending history fails
-Support for single deck skins to load in only 1 deck on double-click
-Preserve aspect ratio of images used in sampler based on letterBoxing setting
-Improved parsing of karaoke tags from filename
-Allow command line opening of songs on windows
-useKeyFromTag option added to use key stored in tag instead of calculated value
-writing mp4 tags works when no room left at beginning of file
-Saving a loop that isn't set on the deck obeys the quantizeLoop setting
-Triggering a saved loop obeys the smart_cue setting
-Improve selection of audio only visualisation instance so that settings are correctly used
-Delete .cdg when deleting .mp3
-Remove unplayable results from xiami netsearch results
-Waveform overview fully calculated for streaming songs
-follow symlink on root folders on mac
-Fix possible crash on mac using maximize/minimize/close actions from controller
-Fix remove played removing currently playing song in automix
-fix potential issue with edit filter folder option on mac
BUILD 2587 (2015-11-29)
-Fix issue when removing and re-adding cloudList root folder
BUILD 2586 (2015-11-23)
- fix rare potential issue when changing sampler banks very fast
BUILD 2585 (2015-11-22)
-Fix rare out of memory crash when loading new tracks to a deck non-stop
- Fix multiple save issue with loop_save with no slot specified
-Remove clutter from iTunes root folder (Books, PDFs, Apps, etc...)
BUILD 2578 (2015-11-15)
NEW: VirtualDJ 8.1 !
this new version is mostly focused on stability
and is a strongly recommended update.
- overall improved stability
- new Shazam integration
- new GeniusDJ folder
- new CloudList with collaborative lists
BUILD 2523 (2015-11-11)
- fix NetSearch new format