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Forum: Old versions

Topic: New User, Questions about the console and VDJ

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Hey everybody I am new and have a few questions...I would appreciate it if anyone could answer them. First of all how to I get the jog wheels to switch to stratch mode? Also how do I go to a specific cue such as cue 9 or 10 from the this possible? Also I just read that the version of VDJ that comes with the hercules console is outdated and that the new one is better. Can you download the version that is for the console from somewhere? I had a newer version on my computer before the console but the console did not work with it. Also the skin I used to use doesnt work on the version that came with the console any suggestions on this or where I can get a good skin? Also is there anywhere to read about how to do things specifically with the console?

Posted Fri 14 Jan 05 @ 6:29 am
Scratch for jogwheels are only supported in the full version

The console only have 3 cue buttons, the rest have to be accessed by keyboard or skin buttons.

The cracked version ("newer version on my computer before") will not support the console, because cracked version lack features and have bugs. The full legal version have support for the console.

the console version is a fully working console version, that will work with the hercules console.
it is not the same as our full version of our software, and does have limitations in some features.

There is an update available for console users here:

Thanks for the response......I actually got the console to work with the cracked version after i installed the new hercules drivers but today I could not get either version of VDJ to recognize that it was plugged in. I had this same problem last night before the new drivers. and when I bring up the hercules console mixer on my screen i cannot alter any of the settings seemingly because it does not recognize that it is plugged in.....any ideas? does anyone know how i can get the console to work at all times?

Do you really expect a member of the Atomix support team to help you get a cracked illegal version to work?? but that version stopped working so i gave up with that and am using the version that came with just seems that my computer does not recognize that the console is plugged in and I am wondering why

Halloo I'm New and I honestly don't understand how to use VDJ 1.09. Can somebody help me or does anyone have a manual or something?


When trying illegal & cracked versions, you are likely to run in to several such problems...

Please remove all such version, that will only mess up your install, and cracked versions have several bugs anyway.. because the hacker have changed the code.

Reinstall the console verison on the Hercules install disk, after removing all versions first (inc. console version)

hope that helps

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