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Forum: Old versions

Topic: Bought it! 1 Question...

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OK, so I bought Virtual DJ. Yes, I can rip CD's to mp3 or wav, bought some iTunes (m4p) and they don't work :-(

m4p does not work on Windows Media either so maybe I am missing a codec?

I am pretty new to this stuff, retired as a DJ in 1990. CDs were invented around then, haha. Before that, records.

Anyway, all I have is old stuff on CD. I downloaded VDJ 2.06 and no iTunes or any m4p files will play on VDJ. In fact m4p won't play on anything I have exept thru iTunes software.

Help an old guy get with it!


Posted Fri 14 Jan 05 @ 5:43 am
Welcome aboard{:^) your life has begun to change
No support for m4p in Vdj yet you need to convert use you can download a 30 day demo and do all your converting b4 the trial is over!
Seems to me you posted this already...but got different answers!!!
So this is my opinion and not the beginning of a debate about itunes or db or audio grabber etc
Its your decision

OK first off back to old school don't trust anyone out to make a profit. VDJ is the best on the market hands down. Dont buy anything that is not wave or mp3 . Windows Media is not the way to go .I am just telling you from experience. Now get a progrom that allows you to to use your music elseware. Most of these programs only allow you to use your music on your system but not move it to other systems like what you have right now. They don't want you to leave and they will do anything to keep you including lie. So you have the basics you will do fine. Your old music is not dead it just needs to be revived. Also beware of false profits.

That's the point, mp3 format is more a decade old, and the codec is still the same, its the standard.
Avoid formats designed for profit (like digitalmdj) said, and therefore they change (...update) their codecs often and you have to follow by always installing updates and patches, so more problems and troubles.
So avoid everything from microsoft (wma etc) Apple, and others. There are many sites selling music in "native" mp3 format.
Does the ipods play mp3 or only their format ?

Any machine that doesnt support MP3 is doomed..

I see a recent Sony I-Pod style machine tried to drop the MP3 support and have their I-Tunes-like software convert everything to Sony's AAC format (which of course includes copy-protection.. ahem sorry "Digital Rights Management" in it) as it was transferred to the device.

Sony had to back down and offer a firmware upgrade that added native MP3 support because nearly everyone who bought the widget returned it when they discovered it didn't support MP3 playback.. (even although the box claimed it did thanks to its conversion "feature".)

The only other format I would trust is a fully open-source licence-free format like Ogg. Anything else is just corporations trying to get control over the worlds music as a revenue stream.


Virtual DJ 2.06 will play any file that Windows Media Player will play

For Virtual DJ to play Itunes/mp4 files, you need to install the correct codec.

"The only other format I would trust is a fully open-source licence-free format like Ogg. Anything else is just corporations trying to get control over the worlds music as a revenue stream."

well said spockie..


And for the broadcasting plugin, icecast instead of shoutcast lol

Why ? for simillar reasons ?
I dont have any experience with these...

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