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Forum: Old versions

Topic: Warble sound when adjusting pitch (timestretch enabled)

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Does anyone else notice a warble type sound output when using VDJ and speeding up the song a bit. This is very annoying. At first I thought it was the sound card in my Hercules DJ console built in sound card, but now I realize it is VDJ that is making warbly sound.

Posted Tue 11 Jan 05 @ 4:40 am
It's the problem with the timestrethc alogirthm. Solution? Don't use it untill it's fixed (if) :)

I have seen this behaviour as well.. I have the DJ console edition 1.09 and the 2.05 demo and both do it I think..

I have tried this on 2 systems, a 1.6G P4 and a AMD XP2000, both with 512mb Ram. Usually the warble doesnt start straight away, but starts to appear after 15-30 minutes of mixing and gradually gets worse until there are very audible pops and skips in the sound.

turning off the timestretch in the options fixes the problem, but of course I'd like to be able to use it. Is this a known bug ?

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