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Forum: Old versions

Topic: Stereo splitter

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Allright this baby deserves a thread!!!
Now does this work for anybody?
Laptop one sound card-stereo splitter-two independant mono outputs=to external mixer
i wanted to use this config to do a party cuz i didnt have room to set up my keyboard but i ended up getting leakage between channels...even tried different splitters!

Posted Thu 30 Dec 04 @ 10:11 am
Did you set up the correct setting in soundcard settings? The image of the stereosplitter + MIXER... and NOT the image of stereosplitter + speaker/headset

you are correct sir....once again hehe thanks

One more problem solved ....eeeeeeverrything's possible here.

Sorry guys went too fast i tried it the club tonight and could hear the leakage thru the other channel
mind you it was a lot less than the other config but its still there.(please try this)
For me its not a big deal, i have an external soundcard in my keyboard
It would be nice if needed to be able to use the mono config

One more problem solved ....everrything's possible here.

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