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Topic: Former/current PCDJ users... - Page: 1

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I have been lurking around here and reading for a while. Tried the demo and finally decided to order. Also have seen a lot of familiar peeps from the PCDJ forums. Well, guess I'm making the change too. : - )

This looks to be a great product. Support given on these forums looks really good. Many helpful and talented people here...

Thanks to mp3jrick who turned me on to Virtual Dj.


Posted Fri 05 Nov 04 @ 4:03 am
djjbPRO InfinityMember since 2004

Posted Fri 05 Nov 04 @ 5:18 am
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
welcome, good choise ...
I used pcdj red sometime...

Posted Fri 05 Nov 04 @ 5:32 am
Welcome Killabee, I started to use PCDJ, used it for 4 months, then i switched to BPM-studio.. very stable, but also very limited (and expensive!), then i switched to VDJ.. i'm using it for almost for a year now and still enjoy it everyday.

Posted Fri 05 Nov 04 @ 11:29 am
You can't beat the price of vdj. I will admit I still use PCDJ Red though

Posted Fri 05 Nov 04 @ 12:32 pm
welcome.. ;)

have also tried other dj software, but VDJ was the one for me in the end.... :) and still is...

Posted Fri 05 Nov 04 @ 1:36 pm
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
welcome killia :) good to see you on this side of the tracks

Posted Fri 05 Nov 04 @ 4:30 pm
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Welcome Robert,
Glad to see you make the big decision.

And he bought it using the default skin!!!!!! LOL.

Posted Fri 05 Nov 04 @ 4:31 pm
Welcome...........wise move!

Posted Fri 05 Nov 04 @ 5:02 pm
lol... yep, the features sold me. :)

Funny to see so many peeps here that were so passionate and into pcdj fx and are now really so much into this software.

All I can see that can be improved here is the forum. It would be great to have the option of email notification of new posts. Also the search feature could use some work.

I have a pair of 1200's with preamps. All I need is the vinyl. I wish I could buy that locally, but its not gonna happen, so I will order it in due time. Can't wait to use it at a gig.


Posted Fri 05 Nov 04 @ 9:33 pm
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
hey shouldn't mp3jrick get vip status for the referal??

Posted Sat 06 Nov 04 @ 12:40 am
Definitely! How about it mods?


Posted Sat 06 Nov 04 @ 1:15 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Ain't a VIP bone in my body.
Just happy to have finally found a program that really turns me on and willing to spread it like a germ.

Posted Sat 06 Nov 04 @ 2:41 am
PCDJ Hater here. I still use the karaoke program though because of the singer function. VDJ is so so so much better and between Scratch (which stinks), KJ, and FX cost me over $800.00 and it doesn't even work right. I have been checking for updates and still nothing there of their new engine. I got taken. If you don't own VDJ yet and are thinking of PCDJ don't even think about it! GO WITH Virtual DJ! I think VDJ had maybe 12 updates since the last update from PCDJ and the support is second to none. Thank you as always VDJ!!! Killabee, you made the right move! Enjoy!

Posted Sat 06 Nov 04 @ 2:50 am
DJ CyderPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2003
Just think if Vdj supported .zip kj files they would have the corner on the market. Pcdj know's they are in trouble their users are realising that they were lied to, and are loosing faith in the product. Its only a matter of time.

Long Live VDJ!

Posted Sat 06 Nov 04 @ 7:24 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Somehow I managed to get a full refund from them.
That might be worth trying Val, $800.00 sounds like a tremendous amount of money for what you got.

Despite some of the anger expressed towards them, I still have to credit them with hanging in there and being determined to make things right.

VDJ has become the one to follow, overnight it seems.

Posted Sat 06 Nov 04 @ 2:10 pm
mp3rick: Somehow I managed to get a full refund from them.

Your refund couldn’t have been anywhere near $800.

mp3rick: That might be worth trying Val, $800.00 sounds like a tremendous amount of money for what you got.

I doubt very seriously that he will see his money again. His only hope is that VISIO performs a miracle and resurrects F-atal X-perience from the dead. Consequently, I will not buy anymore PCDJ products—VDJ meets all my DJ needs.


b.t.w. Killabee44, you made a wise investment—VDJ will give you infinite DJ dividends.

Posted Mon 08 Nov 04 @ 2:40 am
I can’t believe I overlooked this comment by mp3rick:

“I still have to credit them [VISIO...also known as PCDJ] with hanging in there and being determined to make things right.”

As I stated in the original FX Forum, VISIO should have made “things right” with FX before releasing it. It has been almost two years and VISIO is still trying to “make things right.” That company has lost a lot of creditability with many DJ’s (including yours truly). I’m not trying to denigrate the company but to sell seriously F-lawed X-perimental software to loyal customers is totally unprofessional. I can tolerate some bugs, but that software was bug infested—to say that was a F-umigating X-perience is an under statement. Furthermore, VISIO had the audacity to release additional software before fixing FX. Once I realized that fixing FX was not a high priority, I subsequently sought replacement software. Thankfully, I found VDJ!

Cyderhouse: “Long Live VDJ!”

…and may F-atal X-perience rest in peace.



Posted Mon 08 Nov 04 @ 5:59 am
mp3jrickPRO InfinityHonorary MemberMember since 2003
Yup, no doubt they made same mistakes, i'm not defending what they have done in the past.
We all make mistakes, it's human nature.

My point was that they don't hide it or run away from it, they're dealing with it the best they know how.
I gave them credit for their determination, nothing else.
I am all through hating them, life is too short, there comes a time to move on and get over it. Which for me, has been done with the help of Virtual DJ.

Bashing software, although somewhat of a sport, is not cool. It's like booing the competition at a sporting event.
If they suck that bad, they will fail all by themselves without anybody leading a crusade against them.
I led the crusade once and the friendship damage from it can be permanent.
Lesson learned: Walk away, it ain't worth it.

Posted Mon 08 Nov 04 @ 11:19 am
mp3rick: “We all make mistakes, it's human nature.”

True; however, we don’t go around charging thousands of customers for our mistakes. Furthermore, if we are sincere, we don’t continue to make the same mistakes by charging others for a product that has yet to be fixed. Most companies stop releasing a product with known defects until these defects have been corrected, or they provide a solution in a timely manner—they don’t take years.

mp3rick: “My point was that they don't hide it or run away from it, they're dealing with it the best they know how.”

Although I respect your opinion, I have to disagree with you. As I’ve stated above, “VISIO had the audacity to release additional software before fixing FX. Once I realized that fixing FX was not a high priority, I subsequently sought replacement software.” Now imagine if all your customers got the same poor DJ service from you mp3rick, they would eventually look for another DJ. Furthermore, they would tell at least 10 other people (if not more) about the poor service you gave them—this is a common business theory. For you to jeopardize your business and reputation by continuing to offer poor DJ service to the public is not “dealing with it the best [you] know how.” Consequently, we should expect more from a company whose product we were depending on to perform a service for others—we were jeopardizing our DJ reputations using that product!

mp3rick:I gave them credit for their determination, nothing else.

As I stated above, “That company has lost a lot of creditability with many DJ’s (including yours truly).”

mp3rick: “I am all through hating them, life is too short, there comes a time to move on and get over it. Which for me, has been done with the help of Virtual DJ.”

I also stated above, “I’m not trying to denigrate the company but to sell seriously F-lawed
X-perimental software to loyal customers is totally unprofessional…Once I realized that fixing FX was not a high priority, I subsequently sought replacement software. Thankfully, I found VDJ!”

mp3rick: Bashing software, although somewhat of a sport, is not cool. It's like booing the competition at a sporting event.

I’m not bashing mp3rick; however, if I gave that impression to you or anyone else I apologize. I’m just using some humorous metaphors to express my displeasure with another company’s software.

mp3rick: “If they suck that bad, they will fail all by themselves without anybody leading a crusade against them.”

Remember what I told you: one person will tell at least 10 people (usually it’s more) about a bad business experience. When you consider the thousands of DJ’s that have purchased VISIO’s software, this translates into the possibility of thousands of DJ's informing tens of thousands of other DJ's about their bad experiences with their product. This thread is a perfect example. Furthermore, you did what most people would do and informed someone (Killabee44 ) of a better alternative, which I commend you for. Now if you did that for one former PCDJ user, imagine thousands of DJ’s informing at least one other DJ. My point mp3rick is that I’m not leading a crusade—I am only informing my fellow DJ’s out of concern to approach purchasing PCDJ software with caution.

mp3rick: I led the crusade once and the friendship damage from it can be permanent. Lesson learned: Walk away, it ain't worth it.

Many of the same descriptive terms I’m using here were used in VISIO’s original FX Forum—you should remember, you read some of them and responded with displeasure yourself. Nobody from VISIO ever disagreed with my descriptive terms when they had ever opportunity to do so.

In closing, I don’t hate the company. However, I don’t like how it conducts business. Hopefully this will improve someday—FX is a very good concept.



Posted Mon 08 Nov 04 @ 6:26 pm