I think this is probably one of my last hurdles before I start my purchasing for software/EQ. Has anyone tried any of these mixers with Windows 2000 ?
Behringer bcd 2000/3000
numark Total Control
Hecules MK2
Not am XP fan and I don't think I will be changing anytime soon, so I am curious if it I will have any support in Win2kPro. I know what the Man. pages
state for system reqs., but this is best to ask. Also, What are the real differences between VDJ home & pro?
Thanx =)
Behringer bcd 2000/3000
numark Total Control
Hecules MK2
Not am XP fan and I don't think I will be changing anytime soon, so I am curious if it I will have any support in Win2kPro. I know what the Man. pages
state for system reqs., but this is best to ask. Also, What are the real differences between VDJ home & pro?
Thanx =)
Posted Sun 19 Aug 07 @ 11:20 pm
windows xp is recomeded
there are no 2000 drivers for those hardwares
there are no 2000 drivers for those hardwares
Posted Sun 19 Aug 07 @ 11:37 pm
I understand there are no drivers for Win2kpro directly, which is why I was wondering if ANYONE had tried win2kpro. Hey it is worth a shot. Real differences with home & pro VDJ ?
Posted Mon 20 Aug 07 @ 12:42 am
to learn about the different versions look at the comparison
as there are no drivers for that os they simply wont work
aslo computers that need to use 2000
usualy dont have high enough spec to run vdj
as there are no drivers for that os they simply wont work
aslo computers that need to use 2000
usualy dont have high enough spec to run vdj
Posted Mon 20 Aug 07 @ 12:44 am
That is funny, because I just looked the system reqs. up for VDJ and my system FAR EXCEEDS the hardware system reqs. listed for the application. And considering I have absolutely no issues with VDJ @ this time, I can't see how I would in the future, if I was to purchase something more than the demo. If the software shouldn't work on Win2kPro, then why mislead potential consumers to believe your product will work properly after installing the demo when it won't? If it wasn't anything but XP compatible, then why even allow the demo to install? That is just redundant. Bad marketing or bad programming. However, that isn't the case because VDJ will install on 2K, I have done it. Considering that the entire world does not support XP, your
developers should consider support for 2K. And I quote directly from Microsoft " We will of course continue to keep our Windows 2000 SP4 customers secure with security updates through the life of Windows 2000 (through 2010) ". It is a supported O/S still, why treat it like it is dead?
developers should consider support for 2K. And I quote directly from Microsoft " We will of course continue to keep our Windows 2000 SP4 customers secure with security updates through the life of Windows 2000 (through 2010) ". It is a supported O/S still, why treat it like it is dead?
Posted Mon 20 Aug 07 @ 2:29 am
Cause it is dead!! It doesnt even have the proper direct X version to run video. Have you tried runnin video on your system??? And what are your system specs.
Posted Mon 20 Aug 07 @ 9:24 am
Yes, Win2000 is replaced by Server 2003 and now various new distribution of Vista, so you should consider XP at least to get full performance.
Posted Mon 20 Aug 07 @ 4:25 pm
2k is (or was) really geared toward business applications and large corporate networks. It was never meant for multimedia.
'nuf said ;)
'nuf said ;)
Posted Mon 20 Aug 07 @ 8:33 pm
Sorry I have been away, taking a small break and I have a small out dooring event I am preparing for. I see I have got a few nasty responsez from XP userz, how wonderful. A small article I read today, maybe you should check it out yourself - unless you have you heads stuck in the ground like ostriches:
This is about the truth of things - enjoy userz
This is about the truth of things - enjoy userz
Posted Sat 25 Aug 07 @ 12:16 am
" * discobrian24 whines * Cause it is dead!! It doesnt even have the proper direct X version to run video. Have you tried runnin video on your system??? And what are your system specs."
Sorry to say, I am not real interested in the video end of things, but I am sure if more people realized that Windows 2000 is a VERY capable o/s and would hold to the performance level of XP considering it is the base for XP, one might hope there could be support. don't be such an ostriche
Sorry to say, I am not real interested in the video end of things, but I am sure if more people realized that Windows 2000 is a VERY capable o/s and would hold to the performance level of XP considering it is the base for XP, one might hope there could be support. don't be such an ostriche
Posted Sat 25 Aug 07 @ 12:22 am