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Topic: Latency makes scratching impossible???

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really interested in the MP3 DJ Solution provided by Virtual DJ and timecoded vinyl I tested the demo version of VDJ 2.02.

using my aver travelmate 292 LMi (Centrino 1.5GHz, 512 MB DDR) and my Maya 44 USB I got really bad performance issues due to high latencys. My Asio configuration is set high performance (3ms input, 4ms output). It seems that fast scratching is nearly impossible. The signal seems to lack when performing scratches like a chirp or fast stab. The sound by far dosen't sound like real scratching should do. I'm using a normal Technics 1200 with a Shure M44 7 System. Also I tried using a phono pre-amp which impoved the signal strength but didn't fix the problam at all.

Is there any possible reason for this? Any idea how to fix this?
Or is this even a normal issue? Anyone who has equal problems?

Posted Thu 23 Sep 04 @ 10:48 pm
Please, don't force the asio latency too low.

If your computer can't handle it, it will result in a loss of data.

I have good results in scratching using the DJConsole input withOUT ASIO. The algorithm is strong enought to allow this.

- Try to set your ASIO latency to default in a first time, this should help.
- Then, try to improve this latency step by step and see when your computer (and of course VDJ) stop responding well.

I assume you have a good TimeCode Quality score of course.

I nearly got a constant 100% Timecode quality, because I use a Pre-Amp right now. It didn't solve the scratching probling, but at least neadle dropping works fine now.

I tried many different Asio configurations before, everyone resulting in the same behaviour of VDJ. While scratching remains neraly impossible, one clearly recognizes the changes made in the Asio settings. I found out, that the fastest setting works fine with my config and VDJ, but fast scratches still won't work. Other ideas?

No really other idea.

Maybe someone else?

I made a little comparism of latencys with VDJ and Cubase SX and found out that Cubase is able to handle the latencys of the Maya 44 correct. Using a live monitoring setup in Cubase allows to scratch a normal record with the desired 7ms of latency, which feels very realistic. So it seems that the problem is located within VDJ. Is it possible that the scratch algorithm of VDJ works too slow? Is there any possible reason for this? Something else I found out is that the signal strength and quality of the timecode badly inreases when scratching the TCV. The TC quality drops down to zero.

Is it possible that the scratch algorithm of VDJ works too slow? I would have to agree with MR. Power on this. I am evaluting another product right now which by the way allows you to use VDJ Time coded vinal and I'm getting good results especially with scratching. But I much rather VDJ I like the interface better. I to have a Maya USB44 and needle dropping seems to work great. I have also played around with changing latency settings.

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