I have an older program which allows me to create video associated to music and it saves in .MV3 format. Numark Cue says that it will display this type of video but when I drag it to the deck, I get nothing. Nothing. Please tell me how this can work. It would be a hot addition.
Posted Fri 18 May 07 @ 7:38 am
you require the codec
add .mv3 on the codec tab on options and choose this codec
should work a charm :)
add .mv3 on the codec tab on options and choose this codec
should work a charm :)
Posted Fri 18 May 07 @ 3:21 pm
Hi Iced beats,
just out of interest, what's the program you've got?
just out of interest, what's the program you've got?
Posted Sat 19 May 07 @ 1:29 am