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Forum: Old versions

Topic: losing faith in vdj

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hi i just bought a m-audio fast track pro sound card to connect up 2 my laptop. i ma using a trial version of vdj n i wanted 2 try the program before purchasing it. i am havin all sorts of trouble with it can some one help me please

Posted Fri 11 May 07 @ 11:05 am
What sort of problem . pls define:)

i think i should giv a lil brief preview on wats wrong... firstly only 1 of my cdjs are working all connected to the sound card properly checked. when i try 2 configure says my cables are not pluged in and something about ejecting the cds and playin them again.... please help i jus spent most of my money n now i cnt get it 2 work :(

ahhh im stressin if any1 wants to IM me 2 make it faster my email is:
latin_playboy@ that hot place with the mail.com

go to settings.. n do this first..

input : none (pick timecoded if u using TCCD)
outputs: external mixer
sound card : asio4 all (driver u can download)

go to performance tab

select fastest
latency :auto
untick safemode n overclock

and lastly abt ur ejecting cd.. maybe it due to dust at the lens.. do clean it n try again

hope this help n if u like the programe, pls purchase it later



ok i piked the asio driver n it says not enough channels :S i am really lost can u please add me on my instant messenger im really deseperate

what sound card did u use.? it need at least 2 sound card or a card that support dual stereo inputs.. btw sorri can IM u cos i at my office rite now:)

okay... i am using a m-audio fast track pro

that look ok.. hmmm.. sory mates. do u already look ard in these forum for asio not enough channel, maybe u can dig there n have the answer.. i really sori as i bz on my werks cant tell much maybe somebody out there will attend to u..

sori..mates.. and all the best.. :)


how does the waveform look big small?

no wave forms nothing..... just 0 percent quality on the right deck n silence on the other

I have never successfully setup a FTP for use with TimeCode and 2 decks. 1 yes. I recommend a different sound card like the Maya44USB not the M-Audio FTP

ok im gettin a high pitched sound from the timecoded cd..... there are waves and the track on the left deck is stutterin but wen i take it off timecoded it works perfectly so i think im gettin sumwhere...so sum1 plz help me get the whole way....thank you 4 every1 s far who has helped me

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