when using vdj with mk2 , i get continuous crackles. i have the vista update for mk2 , i have the latest direct x , and 4.3 vdj. and im running a 120g drive with 1g of ram and 64 bit amd duo core.
Posted Fri 27 Apr 07 @ 12:28 am
If anyone has any input/ideas etc , about this your help would be appreciated.
Posted Fri 27 Apr 07 @ 6:50 pm
go to performances n select latency to "auto"
Or u could use this asio4all for ur hdj mk2 card
good lucks
Or u could use this asio4all for ur hdj mk2 card
good lucks
Posted Fri 27 Apr 07 @ 7:04 pm
have you grounded your cables? and tried a different plug socket? for your amp
if its the headphone preview
on performances choose
"latency - auto"
untick safe mode and overclock
and set the slider to fastest.
if its the headphone preview
on performances choose
"latency - auto"
untick safe mode and overclock
and set the slider to fastest.
Posted Sat 28 Apr 07 @ 12:11 am
Yes , I have tried going to the performance tab. I set it to fastest unclicked safe and overclock , and also set it to auto latency. But , it continues to do the same thing. On and off, It seems like it comes and goes by moments. Sometimes it works fine , and sometimes it starts to act up again. Im going to try the other suggestion , of getting ASIO for all. Let's see what happens , I'll keep you posted thanks.
Posted Sun 29 Apr 07 @ 8:03 pm
I had that problem once as well. Mine ran best with safe mode off but overclock on, at 512ms latency. I messed with the latency a couple of times until it was right. 256 wouldn't even play and 1024? was nasty. 512 seemed to be the best, but when I got rid of safe mode everything was crystal clear. Computers.
Posted Tue 01 May 07 @ 12:47 am
Ok , I have few new things to tell. I downloaded Asio for all, this seems to have solved my problem. Also the weird thing about this, is that it's also improved my performance??? Before when loading my music on one deck , the other deck would slightly slow down, visually only. And whatever song I was loading on the deck would pause a few seconds before loading????? This is all prior to installing Asio 4 All. Now this has all improved, much quicker and less freezing, maybe this will help you guys at VDJ to cure this bug later on. My question now is why is this happening and is there any other things this could help to improve? And , or are there any other ideas why this is happening? And how could I resolve those issues? Not that it bothered me too much before ,but I would like to make it perform better.
Posted Fri 04 May 07 @ 7:30 pm
asio for all does have a lower latency with the console
i wrote about this previously in my blog if ud like some more infos
its not a bug with vdj its the average asio drivers from herc
that have a notorously high latency at times
i wrote about this previously in my blog if ud like some more infos
its not a bug with vdj its the average asio drivers from herc
that have a notorously high latency at times
Posted Fri 04 May 07 @ 10:33 pm